"Li Shiqi" Section 1: One plan to control the situation failed, but another plan was made. Let's see how Li Shiqi, a drunkard from Gaoyang, outsmarts Chen Liu! Earlier, we told you that the most important hero who helped Liu Bang win the world was Zhang Liang. Besides Zhang Liang

2024/07/0211:30:33 history 1922

" Li Shiqi " Section 1: Field Control

One plan fails, but another one comes up. Let's see how Li Shiqi, a drunkard from Gaoyang, outsmarts Chen Liu!

Earlier, we told everyone that the main contributor who helped Liu Bang win the world was Zhang Liang. Besides Zhang Liang, there was another person who also played a very important role around Liu Bang. This person He was called Li Shiqi.

Previous Su Qin made peace with the six countries with one mouth, and Li Shiqi also relied on one mouth to persuade many vassal states to submit to the Han Dynasty, thus allowing Liu Bang to conquer the Han Dynasty without spending a single soldier. Won many countries. Li Shiqi was not as stable as Xiao He and did not have the vision of Zhang Liang. However, he was the one who most liked Liu Bang's temper. After Liu Bang established the Han Dynasty, he also made him the Marquis of Gaoliang.

As for today, we still spend three days telling you about Li Shiqi’s life story and see what there is in him that we can learn from.

Li Shiqi is from Qixian County, Henan. His biggest hobby is reading. Unfortunately, his family is poor, and even the most basic survival has become a problem. He has no choice but to lower his body and run away. I went to show the gate to a wealthy family.

However, although Li Shiqi became a janitor, no one in the village dared to look down on him because of his eloquence. Even those rich families respected him very much. The locals also nicknamed him "Kangsheng".

Just like that, Li Shiqi showed the door to others while continuing to study. This kind of life lasted for six years.

In 209 BC, the world was in chaos, and rebel armies from various places stood up to oppose the Qin Dynasty . There were several armies passing by Li Shiqi's house every day. Li Shiqi rubbed his hands and thought to himself, after waiting for so long, my opportunity has finally come.

He wants to be a counselor in these armies to help them fight for world hegemony. Because there were so many troops coming, Li Shiqi slowed down. He began to slowly select the troops one by one, thinking about getting into an army with kind leadership, good welfare, and bright military prospects.

Li Shiqi waited and waited, and finally arrived at Liu Bang. At that time, Liu Bang had tens of thousands of troops under his command, and he also had military wizards like Zhang Liang. Moreover, Liu Bang was a kind-hearted man and easy to talk to. Li Shiqi saw that, Isn't this the army he has always dreamed of?

After Li Shiqi inspected Liu Bang's army, he set off for an interview with Liu Bang.

Liu Bang was proficient in eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling. He was very good at drinking and dining, he was good at talking, and had a good temper. Zhang Liang was fooled into it by him in the first place. However, we have always said that none of these people are perfect. What Liu Bang dislikes the most is scholars. Every time he meets Confucian bachelors to visit him, Liu Bang will take off the hats on their heads and then look at them. Peeing in a hat to humiliate these scholars, hey, this is perverted enough.

What a coincidence, what Li Shiqi likes most is to wear Confucian clothes and a Confucian hat to wander around the village every day. In this way, the meeting between Li Shiqi and Liu Bang is a real deal. The tip of a needle hits the awning, and the sparks hit the earth.

When Li Shiqi ran to see Liu Bang, Liu Bang was washing his feet under the service of two beauties. Liu Bang tilted his head and glanced at Li Shiqi. He found that this man was extremely ugly, thin and had a long hair on his forehead. A piece of high and protruding bone looked like the tentacles of a mantis when viewed from a distance. Liu Bang was not happy in his heart. I asked him who it was. It turned out to be such a bird-man, plus what Li Shiqi wore Liu Bang looked down upon him even more because of his Confucian bachelor's attire.

Li Shiqi was very good at observing people's emotions. He knew that Liu Bang's first impression of him was not very good, and further explanations would be useless, so he named his intention and said straight to the point: "Your Majesty, you are now going to help the Qin Dynasty attack What about the other princes, should they attack the Qin Kingdom together with the other princes? "When Liu Bang heard this, he became even more angry. Is this guy blind and unable to see my intention of forming an army? Liu Bang was very angry and scolded Li Shiqi in front of him: "You idiot nerd, you must have lost your mind in reading. In today's world, everyone in the Qin Dynasty will kill them. I must be on the side of attacking Qin. How can this be done?" Do you want to ask?"

Li Shiqi was also angry. He simply stood up straight and started scolding Liu Bang. He said, "I didn't expect you to lead the army to attack Qin. But look, you can achieve great things. "The way you treat guests shows that you are really not a good person." Upon hearing this, Liu Bang felt that the person who dared to talk to him like this must not be an ordinary person, so he immediately stopped washing his feet and waved away. After getting the servants, he walked up to Li Shiqi in person and said to him respectfully: "Sir, please forgive me for my rudeness before. Sir, please take a seat."

Li Shiqi did not refuse and sat down in a swaggering manner. on the seat. At the beginning, the two of them were not familiar with each other, so Li Shiqi basically did the talking alone, but Li Shiqi was good at talking. Li Shiqi talked about all the counselors in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. What Guan Zhong assisted Qi Huangong in the struggle for hegemony, Su Qin persuaded the six countries to unite, etc. Liu Bang was fascinated by what he heard, and he immediately felt that this scholar who didn't look like much and whose name was difficult to pronounce was still in his stomach. Something.

After the two chatted for a long time, Liu Bang placed a table full of dishes, and he and Li Shiqi started eating and drinking there. When they were happy, Liu Bang personally gave Li Shiqi a glass of wine and served it respectfully. When he came to Li Shiqi, he asked: "Sir, in your opinion, given my current situation, what should I do next?"

Li Shiqi took the wine glass from Liu Bang's hand and took a sip. Then he said to Liu Bang: "Although your Majesty has tens of thousands of troops, to put it bluntly, they are all a mob. There are not many who can really fight a tough battle. Therefore, what you have to do at this time is to strengthen yourself." team, instead of following those princes to join in the fun. Now, there is a place called Chenliu. This place is good, with plenty of food and grass. It is a good place, and it is also an important transportation road. If anyone captures Chenliu, there will be many opportunities in the future. Huge room for development."

Liu Bang's eyes lit up when he heard this. Such a good place is exactly what he wants now. Liu Bang simply stood up from the table and walked to Li Shiqi's side, like a student being scolded. Standing next to Li Shiqi, he said respectfully: "Sir, please clarify."

Li Shiqi was very satisfied with Liu Bang's performance, so he stopped hiding his secrets. He said straight to the point: "Actually, I have a pretty good relationship with County Magistrate Chenliu. I can be your lobbyist and help you get the Chenliu land. If that doesn’t work, you can send troops to attack. I will cooperate inside and outside, and we will We can definitely capture this place."

In this way, after Li Shiqi volunteered, Liu Bang sent him to Chenliu.

When Li Shiqi arrived in Chenliu, he found the county magistrate of Chenliu and explained his purpose to him. However, the county magistrate of Chenliu was a fool. No matter what Li Shiqi said, he just refused to agree. Li Shiqi took a look and said, There was no hope of convincing him to surrender to Liu Bang, so he used his alternative plan.

Li Shiqi saw that it was useless to persuade County Magistrate Chen Liu, so he stopped persuading him and started drinking with him. Li Shiqi had a nickname, Gaoyang Drunkard. This Drunkard naturally refers to Qianbei. They didn't mean to get drunk, so the two of them drank all afternoon. Magistrate Chen Liu was drunk, but Li Shiqi was fine.

In the middle of the night, County Magistrate Chen Liu was still drunk, but Li Shiqi came to the street early. Outside the city, Liu Bang led his army and was waiting there. Li Shiqi didn't know where he came from. He found a flammable and explosive place and threw the torch down. The city soon caught fire. Taking advantage of the fire and chaos, he quietly opened the city gate and let Liu Bang and his party in.

After Liu Bang entered the city, under Zhang Liang's suggestion, he did not disturb or alarm the people. When the people saw it, they did not object. Liu Bang came to Chenliu Mansion, killed the county magistrate Chenliu with a knife, and subdued his men. The soldiers successfully occupied the place Chenliu.

Let’s look back now. What kind of characteristics of Li Shiqi’s work are reflected in his outsmarting Chen Liu?

First of all, the most intuitive reflection is that he is very rigorous and thoughtful in his work. Before setting off for Chenliu, Li Shiqi had thought of an escape route for himself. If he could successfully persuade the county magistrate of Chenliu to surrender to Liu Bang, then we Everything was easy to discuss, and Li Shiqi believed in his eloquence, so he regarded persuading County Magistrate Chenliu as his first plan. But at the same time, he also prepared another plan, which was to cooperate with Liu Bangli and use force to quickly Take Chen Liu.

Secondly, it can be seen from Li Shiqi's actions in Chen Liu that he can always quietly rebel against the guests. This refers to controlling the situation and taking control of the situation by himself. Control the final direction of things, so as to achieve the goal of changing from passive to active. Li Shiqi first tried to persuade him to surrender, but when he failed to do so, he immediately turned to drinking. Drinking was his advantage. Li Shiqi could drink without getting drunk after a thousand cups. In this way, the wine shop became his home court. He took the initiative, and then while the county magistrate was drunk, Li Shiqi set a fire and opened the city gate, thus helping Liu Bang capture Chenliu.

Generally speaking, if you want to have the wisdom of Li Shiqi, you must have a careful mind and the ability to turn passivity into initiative.

After capturing Chen Liu, Liu Bang was very happy. Not only did he reward Li Shiqi greatly, but he also named him Guangye Lord. From then on, Li Shiqi successfully won Chen Liu's certificate of submission. He became one of the core figures of the Liu Group. Among all Liu Bang's counselors, Li Shiqi's job is the most special. He mainly works as a lobbyist. When it is difficult to solve the problem by force, or the cost of solving it by force is too high, Li Shiqi comes into play. It's time. When he was busy, he often went to various small city-states to persuade them to join Liu Bang's banner. When he was free, he would drink and play with Liu Bang. People like Li Shiqi are not only capable, but they are also naturally popular with leaders. If Liu Bang is convinced of Zhang Liang, admires Xiao He, and appreciates Han Xin, then he admires Li Shiqi. , I really like it.

In 207 BC, Liu Bang led his army to a place called Aoguan. The terrain of Aoguan was dangerous, and there were a large number of Qin soldiers guarding the pass. If they attacked by force, the casualties would definitely be huge. Otherwise, the entire army would be destroyed. Having fallen here, even Zhang Liang, who claims to be victorious thousands of miles away, is not sure of defeating him.

At this time, Li Shiqi took action. He wanted to rely on his own words to persuade the Qin army generals and win the Pass. So, would he succeed?

Tomorrow, we will share with you Li Shiqi’s speaking skills.

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