Carrying out party history education has important practical and far-reaching historical significance for strengthening the education of revolutionary traditions, enhancing the patriotic sentiments of the people, especially young people, and carrying forward and cultivating the n

2024/07/0209:45:33 history 1511

Every day has her mark

Every day also has her future

The history of the Communist Party of China is magnificent, and there is a long way to go to learn and publicize the party's history. The 100-year journey has been full of hardships and ups and downs. The sufferings of the past are hard to forget, but today’s great achievements make people proud. Carrying out party history education has important practical and far-reaching historical significance for strengthening the education of revolutionary traditions, enhancing the patriotic sentiments of the people, especially young people, and carrying forward and cultivating the national spirit. Carrying out party history education is not only a way to sharpen the original mission. Historical education is also a political education that strengthens ideals and beliefs. We will update party history content every week and pursue that red memory with everyone.

Carrying out party history education has important practical and far-reaching historical significance for strengthening the education of revolutionary traditions, enhancing the patriotic sentiments of the people, especially young people, and carrying forward and cultivating the n - DayDayNews

July 11th

Deng Yingchao passed away on July 11, 1992

The great proletarian revolutionist, politician, famous social activist, staunch Marxist, outstanding leader of the party and country, and the pioneer of the Chinese women's movement, Deng Yingchao is in Beijing due to illness. Died at the age of eighty-eight.

On July 11, 2007, the State Council issued the "Notice on Establishing a Rural Minimum Living Security System in the Country"

On July 12,

On July 12, 1949, the Ministry of Finance and Economics of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and North China Financial and Economic Commission merged to form the Central Financial and Economic Commission

1986 On July 12, the State Council issued four regulations including the " Interim Provisions on the Implementation of the Labor Contract System in State-Owned Enterprises" . On July 12, 1986, the State Council promulgated the "Interim Provisions on the Implementation of the Labor Contract System in State-Owned Enterprises" and " Interim Provisions on the Recruitment of Workers by State-Owned Enterprises". ", " Interim Provisions on Dismissal of Discipline-violating Employees of State-owned Enterprises " and "Interim Provisions on Unemployment Insurance for State-owned Enterprise Employees" will come into effect on October 1. This is a major reform of the labor system since the founding of New China.

On July 12, 2016, China issued the "Statement of the Government of the People's Republic of China on Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights and Interests in the South China Sea"

July 13th

From July 13 to August 27, 1946, Central China Field Army was conducted in Suzhong Self-defense counterattack, Seven battles and seven victories

July 13, 1956 Changchun No. 1 Automobile Manufacturing Plant successfully trial-produced the first batch of domestic "Liberation" brand trucks

July 13, 2001 Beijing's bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games was successful

html July 15

On July 15, 1979, the central government decided to pilot the Shenzhen and Zhuhai Export Special Zones. The main program is: to eliminate civil strife, overthrow the warlords, and build domestic peace; to overthrow the oppression of international imperialism and achieve complete independence of the Chinese nation; to unify China into a true democratic republic.

July 17

July 17-18, 2010 The Asian Political Parties Poverty Alleviation Special Conference was held in Kunming, Yunnan

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