She was the last princess of the Qing Dynasty and the most beautiful princess. She was born in 1913 AD and died on February 28, 2013 AD at the age of 90. What is more worth mentioning is that although she lived to be 90 years old, she It's not a good death. Although he lived for

2024/07/0214:49:33 history 1345

She was the most beautiful princess in the Qing Dynasty . She was obsessed with her cousin-in-law Puyi her whole life, but was rejected by Puyi many times. She was frustrated and never married. Unfortunately, she choked to death while eating a dumpling when she was 90 years old!

She was the last princess of the Qing Dynasty and the most beautiful one. She was born in 1913 AD (at this time, the Qing Dynasty had been destroyed for a year, but the last emperor Puyi continued to live in the palace and received the same treatment as before) and died in 2013 AD. On February 28, she died at the age of 90.

What’s more worth mentioning is that although she lived to be 90 years old, her death was not a good one. Although she lived for such a long time, she choked to death while eating dumplings. This legend Gege is Wanyan Tongji !

She was the last princess of the Qing Dynasty and the most beautiful princess. She was born in 1913 AD and died on February 28, 2013 AD at the age of 90. What is more worth mentioning is that although she lived to be 90 years old, she It's not a good death. Although he lived for  - DayDayNews

The most beautiful princess in the Qing Dynasty: Wanyan Tongji, Han nationality The name is Wang Mintong

Wanyan Tongji, Manchuria with Yellow Banner , the cousin of the last imperial concubine Wanrong, also known as " Li Tongji ", her Her mother was the fifth direct granddaughter of Qianlong, Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty. Wanyan Tongji, who was born into a noble family, was pretty and beautiful. When she grew up, she became a beauty. Among the few beauties in the Qing palace, she stood out even more. There were many suitors for such beauties. But she was deeply passionate about the abdicated Xuantong Emperor Puyi.

What's even more terrible is that Puyi is the husband of her cousin Wanrong. It is not uncommon in the old society for her sister-in-law to like her brother-in-law. But it is a pity that although Wanyan Tongji is very good-looking, Puyi is "not cold" to her. , just like the left hand touching the right hand, which makes Wanyan Tongji, who has always been proud of her appearance, very sad, but she still has fantasies about Puyi and hopes that one day Puyi will marry her, but she has never been able to do so!

Due to the turmoil of the current situation, Wanyan Tongji, her mother and sister (Wang Han) traveled back and forth between Beijing and Tianjin, and suffered all the hardships of life!

At the age of 17, Wanyan Tongji, who was at the peak of her appearance, decided to get engaged to Aisin Gioro Luo, a member of the Qing Dynasty royal family, by her mother. However, Wanyan Tongji seemed not to call this Qing Dynasty royal family member, and he also cheated on the actor. , Wanyan Tongji quickly broke off the relationship with him and continued to have a crush on her cousin-in-law Puyi!

After Wanyan Tongji broke off her engagement, she and her mother returned to their old house in Beijing at No. 27 Dongsisantiao. As a result, she became neighbors with Mr. Mei Lanfang and Mr. Meng Xiaodong, and the two families only Across a wall (Meng Xiaodong lived at No. 26), Meng Xiaodong also taught Wanyan Tongji how to sing. She was so beautiful and talented that Mr. Mei Lanfang called her "Little Big Princess"!

She was the last princess of the Qing Dynasty and the most beautiful princess. She was born in 1913 AD and died on February 28, 2013 AD at the age of 90. What is more worth mentioning is that although she lived to be 90 years old, she It's not a good death. Although he lived for  - DayDayNews

The later Han name of Wanyan Tongji was Wang Mintong, also known as "Miss Wang" (she was the eldest among the two sisters)!

After the Japanese invaded China, they planned to install Puyi, who had long since abdicated, as the puppet emperor of Manchukuo. However, Puyi was sterile. In order to control Puyi and achieve the purpose of occupying China, the Japanese "implanted flowers and trees" and targeted Puyi's relatives. Younger brother Pujie,

At this time, Pujie's wife Sagahao was pregnant with Rokko. The Japanese waited for Sagahao to give birth to a boy and then established him as the "Prince". In this way, the first step of their plan was completed!

She was the last princess of the Qing Dynasty and the most beautiful princess. She was born in 1913 AD and died on February 28, 2013 AD at the age of 90. What is more worth mentioning is that although she lived to be 90 years old, she It's not a good death. Although he lived for  - DayDayNews

Puyi and Wanrong

Pujie is well aware of the wolfish ambitions of the Japanese. He hopes that his wife will give birth to a daughter, which can not only ease the tense relationship with his brother Puyi, but also make the Japanese plan go through. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone. Sure enough, Sagahao Sure enough, a daughter was born.

Pujie was very happy and regarded his daughter as "his savior", and Puyi also regarded this niece as his own, because this child made the Japanese devil's plan in vain, and the "prince" of the puppet empire was gone. Puyi Of course the brothers are happy!

Soon, Mrs. Wang (Wang Mintong's mother), who wanted to have a good relationship with a dragon and a phoenix, planned to let her eldest daughter Wang Mintong marry Pujie. Unfortunately, it was disturbed by the Japanese devils: in order to control the Manchu royal family, the Japanese only allowed the fertile Pujie to marry the Japanese. Women, the children born in this way will have Japanese genes. Mrs. Wang’s dream came to nothing, but their family still has fantasies about Aixinjueluo family !

She was the last princess of the Qing Dynasty and the most beautiful princess. She was born in 1913 AD and died on February 28, 2013 AD at the age of 90. What is more worth mentioning is that although she lived to be 90 years old, she It's not a good death. Although he lived for  - DayDayNews

The Wanyan Tongji in his later years

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War , Puyi became a war criminal and was pardoned after serving ten years in prison. Even so, Wang Mintong still had a deep love for this cousin-in-law and vowed not to marry anyone but him in this life, and let Puyi Jin Ruixiu, the third sister of Puyi, came forward and invited Puyi to her home for dinner and took the opportunity to express her love.

As a result, Puyi was talking and laughing when he was drunk. This made Wang Mintong elated and thought that Puyi had a crush on her, so he struck while the iron was hot. After Puyi knew Wang Mintong's purpose, he was very angry and firmly disagreed with the marriage. After years of transformation, he His thoughts have long since changed. He does not accept women from old Manchuria, and he does not want to find a woman without a job!

But Wang Mintong still refused to give up, and asked Puyi's third brother-in-law Runqi to be a lobbyist in an attempt to get Puyi to accept her, but was rejected. Wang Mintong stalked and hired people to be lobbyists many times, using "wheel tactics." Puyi was unwavering in his indiscriminate bombardment of his cousin-in-law. After that, Puyi resolutely refused to go to Wang's house for dinner!

In 1962 AD, Puyi married divorced nurse Li Shuxian . When Wang Mintong heard about it, she burst into tears. She was already 49 years old, but she still refused to give up on Puyi. In order to prove her infatuation with Puyi, she had Wang Mintong, who was about to find out that she was destined to be a virgin, went to the hospital to get a certificate proving that she was still a virgin. She hoped that her perfect body would impress her cousin-in-law, but Puyi was not moved at all!

In 1965 AD, 61-year-old Puyi fell ill and was hospitalized. Wang Mintong felt it was time to perform her real stunts. She went to the hospital to visit Puyi, but Puyi cursed her when he saw her, and Wang Mintong ran out of the ward crying!

In 1967 AD, Puyi died of illness. Wang Mintong was disillusioned and had no hope anymore. She lived in her old house. After her mother passed away, she was alone. Later, after being persuaded by others, she moved to a nursing home.

In 2013 AD, 90-year-old Wang Mintong unfortunately choked to death while eating dumplings.

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