And if a person has a profound historical foundation, it is also an important manifestation of rich knowledge. Hanhailangshan once serialized an article called "The Mystery of the Nine Sons Seizing the Heir", but it was not completed and will be completed in the future.

2024/07/0122:14:32 history 1984

And if a person has a profound historical foundation, it is also an important manifestation of rich knowledge. Hanhailangshan once serialized an article called

Historical dramas are often very attractive and have a large number of viewers and fans. And if a person has a profound historical foundation, it is also an important manifestation of rich knowledge. Hanhai Langshan (Xiongnu Langshan) once serialized an article called "The Mystery of the Nine Sons Seizing Their Directed Sons", but it was not completed and will be completed in the future. Regarding the nine sons seizing the legitimate sons, , Langshan’s personal final judgment is that Kangxi in his later years had plans to establish legitimate sons again after the two deposed princes, but he had not made the final decision on who to establish, and was still investigating the princes. Which is quite satisfactory. Both Lao 4 and Lao 14 are the subjects of focused inspection. Although the scope has been basically defined, no final decision has been made. This naturally involves Kangxi's own selfishness and imperial control skills of wanting to remain in power for a long time. I'm afraid Kangxi himself didn't expect that he would suddenly die before he reached the age of 70. Kangxi's sudden personal incapacitation gave different forces room to fully exert themselves. In the end, Lao 4 colluded with Longkodo to succeed in a surprise attack. This successful process was very unexpected and even looked down upon by most other princes and nobles. After all, the fourth child publicly announced early that he was not enthusiastic and would not take the initiative to participate in the fight for heirship; this is like a person who publicly declared abstaining from voting early and then launched a surprise attack to seize power. Naturally, everyone inside and outside looked down upon him. But it's one thing to look down upon, and it's another thing after the throne is changed. This has led to hundreds of years of discussions and speculations about whether Yongzheng is legal. Judging from Kangxi's personal wishes in his later years, it was Yongzheng who eventually came to power, which was neither legal nor illegal; after all, if Kangxi ultimately had 2 to 3 candidates for his successor or key candidates for inspection, then the fourth It's definitely in there. But if Kangxi had a real edict or will that put Lao 4 on the throne, then there is a 99% probability that it was "man-made" by Yongzheng himself later. In other words, it was precisely because of Yongzheng's own series of operations that later generations had to suspect that his path to power was abnormal. So,

And if a person has a profound historical foundation, it is also an important manifestation of rich knowledge. Hanhailangshan once serialized an article called

becomes a paradox. That is to say, Yongzheng tried every means to prove that his rise to power was reasonable and legal, so outsiders became more suspicious of it, which is a typical example of the darker the picture. Therefore, to be realistic, it can be said that Yongzheng's ascension to the throne was an accidental phenomenon, but Yongzheng's political achievements and actions after he came to power can basically be in line with Kangxi's best choice of candidates for the throne. Because if the nine sons are replaced to win any of the other eight legitimate sons, there is a great probability that their final political achievements will be difficult to surpass Yongzheng. This can be regarded as a relatively correct and inevitable choice for a large empire while it is still in its overall upward stage. If you only read novels or TV series, then before and after Yongzheng came to power, Fengtai Daying and Xishan Ruijianying were very frequently used words. Regardless of whether he wanted to stabilize the situation when Yongzheng came to power, or whether he had to deal with the pressure from all parties after he came to power, and ultimately retain the throne, the first thing he had to do was to send his absolute confidants to control Fengtai Camp and Xishan Ruijian Camp. Generally, this role of absolute confidant is played by Lao13 Yinxiang.

And if a person has a profound historical foundation, it is also an important manifestation of rich knowledge. Hanhailangshan once serialized an article called

This is also the high-energy part of the plot and character conflicts in historical dramas. But who would have thought that Fengtai Camp and Xishan Ruijian Camp, which appear frequently, actually did not exist at all in history. This is because in the late Ming Dynasty, Dorgon led 60,000 Eight Banners into Shanhaiguan, surrendered Wu Sangui, and expelled Li Zicheng. These 60,000 Eight Banners soldiers were the absolute main field force of the Qing Dynasty; and since then, the main force of the Eight Banners Army of the Qing Dynasty has never exceeded 60,000. Although there are also Han Eight Banners, Mongolian Eight Banners and green camp soldiers after entering the customs. But they are all auxiliary rather than absolutely trustworthy military forces. Therefore, in the early stages of entry, even if all the 60,000 Eight Banner family members were included, the total population of the Eight Banners entering the capital was less than 200,000. All of these 200,000 people were resettled in the north of the capital. And all the officials and people in the northern part of the capital rushed to live in Nancheng. The capital of the Ming and Qing Dynasties was within the current Second Ring Road. The North City of Beijing alone has a total area of ​​more than 50 square kilometers, which is enough to accommodate 200,000 people.

And if a person has a profound historical foundation, it is also an important manifestation of rich knowledge. Hanhailangshan once serialized an article called

Because each person can be allocated 200 square meters (excluding government offices and roads); if there are a family of 5, it is enough for each family to allocate a large courtyard. Xishan is still outside the Fifth Ring Road. Although most of Fengtai is now an urban area within the Fifth Ring Road, even in the 1950s, it was still a suburb outside the city. In ancient times, even using fast horses to communicate with the Forbidden City or the Old Summer Palace where the emperor was stationed, a round trip would take most of a day. It cannot be said that there were no barracks in the suburbs of Beijing in the Qing Dynasty. There were indeed some, but they were mainly in the Old Summer Palace and Xiangshan area. They were part of the defense force of the imperial garden, with a total number of only a few thousand people at most. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, when the political situation inside the capital changed, the small number of military forces on the periphery had no way to intervene, even if they wanted to; because the main force was actually stationed within the city walls. Therefore, what really supported Yongzheng's successful rise to power was Longkodo, the commander of the nine-door infantry patrol and the fifth battalion (referred to as the nine-door admiral or infantry commander) and his armed forces in the city.

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