At this time, a message came from the court in his hometown of Florence: please invite the great Galileo to return to his hometown and bring honor to his hometown. The Florentine court promised to give Galileo generous treatment: he was not only a professor of mathematics at the

2024/07/0206:54:33 history 1009

Written by Yang Jianye

When Galileo used the telescope he built to discover the secrets of the moon's surface and the four satellites of Jupiter, his reputation has shocked the entire Europe.

At this time, a message came from the court in his hometown of Florence: please invite the great Galileo to return to his hometown and bring honor to his hometown. The Florentine court promised to give Galileo generous treatment: he was not only a professor of mathematics at the  - DayDayNews

Galileo introduced VeniceGovernor how to use the telescope

At this time, a message came from the court of his hometown Florence: Please ask the great Galileo to return to his hometown to bring glory to his hometown. The Florentine court promised Galileo generous treatment: he was not only a professor of mathematics at the University of Pisa, but also a consultant on philosophy and mathematics to the court. Both positions pleased Galileo. His position at the University of Pisa allowed him to avenge what he had done 19 years ago: 19 years ago, he was almost unkindly "expelled" from the University of Pisa, which made him miserable and almost unable to live; now he can be prosperous. Wouldn’t it be nice to have the earth return!

A senior official of the Florentine court wrote to Galileo: "Your main job is to continue scientific research to promote the glory and interests of the court and the country."

After receiving this letter, Galileo happily told his friend Salvador Galileo Gulleto said: "My annual salary is enough to support my family, and I no longer have to worry about it all year round. Moreover, both jobs will not damage my health. I don't need to live in Pisa , It was not even necessary to schedule fixed courses at the University of Pisa. In this way, I could devote a lot of time to my laboratory."

Before dawn on September 7, 11610, he made his last astronomical observation in Padua. , the object of observation is still Jupiter.

htmlOn September 12, he reported to the Florence court. When he saw the towers of Florence in the distance, he crossed himself devoutly and whispered: "I have finally returned to my hometown! I think my father's spirit in heaven should be relieved and satisfied. Thank you Lord for giving me wisdom. and power, so that Galileo can share your glory."

Galileo was very ambitious and prepared to continue studying the sky with telescopes in Florence and write several books dedicated to the Grand Duke of Florence. However, Galileo made a huge mistake in this step. An astronomer named Rogers (E. M. Rogers, 1931-2004) wrote in the book "The Development of Astronomical Theory":

Galileo's acceptance of the new position in Florence... provided him with more favorable opportunities. Galileo also lost some friends by taking this step. Although he now enjoyed the leisure that his work required, it proved unwise, for he returned not to friends but to enemies.

It should be said that Galileo acted very cautiously throughout his life, but it was not a wise move to return to Florence this time. First of all, he accepted the new position in Florence before his employment term at University of Padua had expired, which forced him to resign from the University of Padua. This resignation caused him to lose some friends, because these friends thought that his action was a bit unfair and made everyone surprised and unhappy. Secondly, although Galileo was secretly proud of his "honorable" return to the University of Pisa, he forgot that he had made too many enemies when he was at the University of Pisa. At that time, he was young and vigorous, and he had ruthlessly attacked those whom he called "paper warriors." philosophers", so people called him a "fierce polemicist". Now that he has returned to the University of Pisa with greater fame, will he be welcomed by these people? He also forgot that in places where the church is powerful, those professors of the Aristotle school, hypocrites who follow suit, and opponents in the religious and scientific circles will inevitably form an alliance to oppose Any scholar who might pose a threat to them.

When his friend Sagreto learned that Galileo had decided to accept the position in Florence, he immediately firmly opposed his unwise move. He said to Galileo seriously:

Friend, I see that you have embarked on a terrible road.You have seen the truth and still trust human reason, but you don’t know that you are heading towards destruction! Don't you understand how it is possible for powerful people to allow a person who knows the truth to move around freely? Even if this truth is just the truth of an extremely distant star! Do you think you said the Pope was wrong and he wouldn’t know? Do you think he will believe your truth? Do you think he would write in his diary: "On January 10, 1610, heaven was abolished"? You leave Venice Republic and fall into the trap yourself! You are so scientifically skeptical, but you are so credulous about the Florentine court; you doubt Aristotle, but you have no doubts about the Grand Duke of Florence!

Galileo, when you looked at the sky with a telescope just now, I seemed to see you standing on a blazing pyre; when you said that you believed that the truth was invincible, I seemed to have smelled the smell of burnt human flesh! I love science, but I love you even more. Galileo, my friend, please think twice before you go to Florence!

But Galileo was only in love with the mystery of the sky and seemed to have lost the wisdom to judge the situation. His answer to his friend's advice was still stubborn: "If Florence accepts me, I still decide to go back."

Another friend knew that Galileo planned to leave the Republic of Venice and return to Florence, and made a special trip to his house to persuade him: "Why do you think of returning to Florence? "

"I will have more time to work in the laboratory and not be busy with teaching. "

"You mean that your main purpose is to continue observing the sky and writing books in Florence, right?"

"That's right? "Yes."

After staring at Galileo with puzzled eyes for a while, the friend shook his head and said, "Friend, many of us admit that you are the greatest wise man of our time. But in many ways, you are. As innocent as a child, don't you know that some powerful people in the church are already attacking your findings in "The Interstellar Messenger", saying that you are using magic to deceive people, and that you are against "The Interstellar Messenger". Bible 》Disrespect... You have enjoyed 18 years of freedom in Padua. This is because the rulers of the Republic of Venice are not afraid of the power of the Roman Pope, and can stand up and resist for you when necessary. Religious trial for 'offending God'."

Galli was slightly shocked. Alas, why do you want to do something to explore the mysteries of the universe, but there are so many artificial difficulties? Exploration itself is full of hardships and dangers, but you must always be on guard against more terrifying conspiracies and persecutions brought by the church and the palace! Galileo was not without his scruples about returning to Florence. He suppressed his homesickness several times, but whenever he thought of his father's curse on Leonardo da Vinci (Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519) died in a foreign country, He had a determination to return to his hometown at all costs, which made him unwilling to consider various possible outcomes in the future. What's more, Archduke Cosimo was so kind and trustful to him, and so eagerly hoped that he would return to Florence to bring glory to his hometown; he was deeply moved by his respect for the virtuous .

No! He should go back. So he turned to his friend and said: "In Florence I can study the sky under the protection of Archduke Cosimo. He is eager for my return."

"But as far as I know, Florence is directly controlled by the Holy See "

"I think I will go to Rome to explain my new findings when necessary. I have many friends there. I don't think there is any need to think that the church is hostile to judging me, right?" Friend

asked from another angle. : "Don't you enjoy the 18 years you spent in Padua?"

"No, no, the 18 years I spent in Padua were the happiest 18 years of my life. Here I enjoy real freedom, no With this kind of free exploration, I would not be as successful as I am today, but I can’t forget my father’s disgust when he mentioned that Leonardo da Vinci died in a foreign country.Friends, who doesn’t love his hometown? No matter it is a remote and impoverished mountain village, or the Adriatic Sea paradise Venice. For me, Florence is the place where I was born, my dearest place, and I should return to its embrace.

The friend thought for a long time, and then said to Galileo: "There is nothing more to say now. Many friends and I have warned you, but you are unmoved." Well, let me wish you continued success and happiness when you return to Florence! In any case, the University of Padua should be proud and satisfied to have had a great scholar like you. "

After Galileo sent his friend away, he couldn't help but feel sad and shed a few tears. Yes, will he have such a loyal friend in Florence in the future?

Galileo finally left Padua, where he had lived for 18 years, in the golden autumn of 1610. ;The divorced wife Gamba stayed in Venice, and her son Vincenzo was temporarily raised by Gamba.

Farewell to the free Padua!

Farewell to Venice that brought him love and success! Yes, my faithful friends!

However, this distinction eventually turned out to be a big mistake. When Galileo's research results later conflicted with the content of the Bible, Pope Urban VIII (1568-1644). ) was outraged by the instigation and instigation of Galileo's enemies. On September 30, 1632, the Inquisition issued an order:

His Majesty the Pope instructed the Florentine Inquisitor to notify Galileo in the name of the Holy See. He must notify Galileo in October. He quickly rushed to Rome to await the interrogation of the chief special agent of the Holy See.

At this time, a message came from the court in his hometown of Florence: please invite the great Galileo to return to his hometown and bring honor to his hometown. The Florentine court promised to give Galileo generous treatment: he was not only a professor of mathematics at the  - DayDayNews

Pope Urban VIII (Pope Urban VIII, 1568-1644)

Unfortunately, the predictions of Galileo’s friends were finally fulfilled! The Florentine court has always been relatively docile to Rome! The papal rule did not dare to disobey the papal instructions like Venice, so a terrible drama of religious persecution of science was staged! This persecution and anti-persecution almost continues to this day and has never stopped.

1633 June 22, Under the power of the Holy See, Galileo had to lower his noble head. He was alone in the gloomy courtroom, tremblingly reading a pre-written "confession":

I, Galileo Galilei, have given up. I have made my own claims, and have sworn, promised and bound myself, as mentioned above; I have no basis for my words, and I personally sign this letter of repentance...

At this time, a message came from the court in his hometown of Florence: please invite the great Galileo to return to his hometown and bring honor to his hometown. The Florentine court promised to give Galileo generous treatment: he was not only a professor of mathematics at the  - DayDayNews

Galileo faces the trial of the Holy See (painted by Cristiano Banti in 1857)

It is not difficult for us Imagine how much pain Galileo suffered in this huge insult! As one biographer of Galileo said: "If humiliation could kill, Galileo would have died that night. "

He not only falsely swore to renounce Copernicus 's doctrine, but also swore to be the Pope's "secret agent" and "traitor", reporting "any heresy and suspected heresy"! He cried out in pain: Not only did I violate Conscience, giving up the truth, is still helping the evil forces to eradicate those who love the truth! What a terrible dream! ...The terrible thing is that all this is true! The torment cruelly tortured the aging Galileo, and he never stopped questioning his soul: I am a coward, afraid of terrible instruments of torture, afraid of taking away my property and making my son poor, and afraid that my son will be forever poor because of me. I have no future, and I am afraid that I will die with the reputation of a heretic...

"Oh, it would be better to die!" ”

At this time, a message came from the court in his hometown of Florence: please invite the great Galileo to return to his hometown and bring honor to his hometown. The Florentine court promised to give Galileo generous treatment: he was not only a professor of mathematics at the  - DayDayNews

Galileo’s tomb in the Church of Santa Croce in Florence

If Galileo had listened to the advice of his friends and stayed in Venice instead of returning to Florence in 1610, this tragedy could have been avoided, and Galileo’s contribution to science would have definitely been greater, and humankind’s The benefits will be greater.It's a pity...

At this time, a message came from the court in his hometown of Florence: please invite the great Galileo to return to his hometown and bring honor to his hometown. The Florentine court promised to give Galileo generous treatment: he was not only a professor of mathematics at the  - DayDayNews

This article is reprinted with permission from the WeChat public account "Science Yuandian", and is excerpted from "The Mistakes of Masters of Science", written by Yang Jianye and published by Peking University Press in 2020.

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