Behind every successful boss there is a bag-carrying man. This is the real master. He Shen is the bag-carrying man behind Qianlong. Look at Jack Ma, a world-class successful entrepreneur. The person behind him has the characteristics of a bag-carrying man, trust and reliability.

2024/07/0223:22:33 history 1919

Behind every successful boss there is a bag-carrying man. This is a real master. and Shen are the bag-carrying men behind Qianlong.

Look at Jack Ma , a world-class successful entrepreneur. The person behind him has the characteristics of a bag carrier, trust and reliability.

Behind every successful boss there is a bag-carrying man. This is the real master. He Shen is the bag-carrying man behind Qianlong. Look at Jack Ma, a world-class successful entrepreneur. The person behind him has the characteristics of a bag-carrying man, trust and reliability. - DayDayNews

Jack Ma

What He Shen has done throughout his life is an outright politician.

The definition of a politician is a person who takes political activities as a profession and engages in political speculation and political maneuvering for the sake of certain political needs of the group or individual.

Heshen's career as a politician

Heshen was born into a family of officials, but his parents died when he was young and his family fell into decline. Heshen, who was in his teens, lived in poverty and relied on relatives to support him. However, Heshen was mature in nature and soaked in his bones. The ambition was completely different from the dandyism of the Eight Banners disciples at that time.

Under the background that the children of the Eight Banners disdained reading, He Shen and his younger brother He Lin knew the importance of reading and realized that reading was the only way out of their current situation. In the children's entrance examination where corruption is prevalent, the young but The two helpless brothers relied on their true talents and knowledge to enter the Xian'an Palace Official School, the official school run by the Royal Palace at that time, and soon became the best among the students of the official school, and were appreciated by teachers and some officials.

Heshen's ambition and maturity are written in his bones. While studying at the Xian'an Palace Official School, he became familiar with Emperor Qianlong's poems. Through the style of his poems, Heshen tried to figure out the emperor's views, personality and hobbies. Whenever he had the opportunity to see the palace The poems, calligraphy and paintings in the poem are all memorized in his heart. Don't forget, he was only a teenager at the time.

Behind every successful boss there is a bag-carrying man. This is the real master. He Shen is the bag-carrying man behind Qianlong. Look at Jack Ma, a world-class successful entrepreneur. The person behind him has the characteristics of a bag-carrying man, trust and reliability. - DayDayNews



The hard work paid off. When the opportunity came, Heshen immediately gained the emperor's attention and quickly fell in love with him. In just one year, he was promoted like a rocket. The speed was so fast. He Shen himself couldn't figure it out. This is called relying on the right person and choosing the right industry.

He Shen was tall, burly and handsome, while Qianlong was just a beauty-obsessed person. From the appearance alone, it is Qianlong’s favorite dish.

Heshen was proficient in the four languages ​​of Han, Manchu, Mongolia and Tibetan. This kind of preparation and foresight was extremely rare among the ministers of the court. He arrived at Jehol Palace in advance before Qianlong's sixtieth birthday. At that time, a piece of paper submitted by the Tibetan Panchen Lama No one could understand the official document in Tibetan, which aroused Qianlong's anger. He personally summoned He Shen from the capital to translate the official document. He later praised He Shen as a rare and capable minister.

He Shen always showed the word "loyalty" in front of Qianlong, and he was loyal to everything. He is articulate, active in thinking, good at figuring out the holy will, and calm in situations. Even if he encounters an incident that is not good for him, he can distinguish the priorities and speak eloquently. Coupled with Qianlong's heartfelt partiality, he can turn danger into danger and turn defeat into victory. .

Behind every successful boss there is a bag-carrying man. This is the real master. He Shen is the bag-carrying man behind Qianlong. Look at Jack Ma, a world-class successful entrepreneur. The person behind him has the characteristics of a bag-carrying man, trust and reliability. - DayDayNews



Emperor Qianlong was very happy with his achievements, liked ostentation, wanted face, was willing to get compliments, and was greedy for fun and enjoyment. He did not forget to be frugal in words, but in his heart he could not tolerate any disgrace. He Shen thoroughly understood Qianlong's mind, and he catered to and arranged everything. Qianlong's inspection tour to the south of the Yangtze River, the emperor's longevity banquet, and the thousand-year-old banquet all made Qianlong happy in every possible way.

Heshen flourished in the late Qianlong period. At that time, Qianlong had been in power for forty years and had entered his sixtieth year. In the later period, all the old ministers in the court died or retired to hermitage. The young ministers all feared the emperor and lived in fear every day. Qianlong could not agree with him. They had exchanges of ideas outside of official business, and as their children had grown up, Qianlong felt lonely and lonely. At this time, He Shen's spiritual enlightenment made him stand out from the crowd.

Qianlong's life was romantic and lustful. During the Qianlong period, most of the ministers in the court were handsome and suave. Heshen was also a famous handsome man at that time, which was one of the reasons why he was favored by the emperor. The spread of Liu Yong Liu Luoguo is purely literary and artistic and has no historical roots.

In Qianlong's later years, Heshen cared for Qianlong even more than his servants, children, and palace concubines. He was considerate and attentive to his mind and body. Qianlong could no longer live without Heshen.The old Qianlong had an eccentric personality, and neither the ministers nor the prince were sure. Even before his death, they could not understand his verbal expressions. Only He Shen could deeply understand the emperor's holy will. At this time, He Shen completely became a Qianlong's spokesperson, He Shen's power status also reached its highest peak.

It is no exaggeration to say that Heshen was Qianlong's bag-carrier. Let Heshen hold the bag, and you will feel absolutely at ease. It can be seen that He Shen is a man of great talent.

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