As we all know, the Meng Wanzhou incident was an international incident concocted by the United States to oppose China. In order to suppress China's Huawei and hinder China's technological development, the United States went to great lengths to plan this incident.

2024/07/0209:18:32 history 1644

As we all know, the Meng Wanzhou incident was an international incident concocted by the United States to oppose China. In order to suppress China's Huawei and block China's technological development, the United States went to great lengths to plan this incident.

As we all know, the Meng Wanzhou incident was an international incident concocted by the United States to oppose China. In order to suppress China's Huawei and hinder China's technological development, the United States went to great lengths to plan this incident. - DayDayNews

However, the declining United States did not take any advantage at all, and it ended in failure. As Meng Wanzhou said at the airport when she returned to China: If faith has a color, it must be China red! China's rise is unstoppable.

So, do you know who is the main planner of this incident? Everyone must have thought of , Trump, and Pompeo, but behind them, there is active a person who is called the super traitor of contemporary China. His name is Yu Maochun.

Let’s first take a look at his title: White House think tank, Pompeo ’s chief adviser on policy and planning. Judging from this title, everyone basically knows who he is working for. So, why is he said to be the greatest traitor of our time? Because he is an out-and-out Chinese, and he is also a descendant of Red.

As we all know, the Meng Wanzhou incident was an international incident concocted by the United States to oppose China. In order to suppress China's Huawei and hinder China's technological development, the United States went to great lengths to plan this incident. - DayDayNews

Yu Maochun

Yu Maochun was born in a red family in Chongqing in 1962. His father Yu Yijin was an old revolutionary who made great contributions especially during the War of Liberation.

Yu Maochun received a good education since he was a child. It has to be said that he has always been a top student. After the college entrance examination was reinstated in 1979, Yu Maochun caught up with the good times and was admitted to Nankai University, a prestigious university at the time, as the top scholar in liberal arts.

According to common sense, Yu Maochun was born in a red family and received a good education. He will definitely take solid steps to contribute to the country in the future. However, after entering college, Yu Maochun took a different path.

Because China and the United States established diplomatic relations at that time, many fields relaxed their control over ideology in order to show friendship, and some bad cultures in the United States began to invade our country. In particular, professors and scholars at some universities who had studied in the United States began to brag about how great the United States is and began to work hard to promote the United States.

As we all know, the Meng Wanzhou incident was an international incident concocted by the United States to oppose China. In order to suppress China's Huawei and hinder China's technological development, the United States went to great lengths to plan this incident. - DayDayNews

Yu Maochun has excellent academic performance in university. A professor with a background in studying in the United States named Feng Chengbai particularly admired him. He often invited him to chat with him and began to instill in him how good American society was. Yu Maochun strongly agreed with and longed for life in the United States. Therefore, he worked very hard in school and finally got the opportunity to study abroad at public expense. He first entered Mosmore College of Pennsylvania, and later entered the University of Berkeley for further study, and obtained a Ph.D. .

At this time, our country's economy is developing rapidly and requires a large number of talents. It stands to reason that talents like Yu Maochun who studied abroad at public expense should return to their motherland to contribute to national construction. But after Yu Maochun arrived in the United States, he completely forgot his identity. After all, the treatment and material living conditions in the United States at this time were unmatched in China. Therefore, he worked hard to please the United States and finally obtained American citizenship.

However, this is only the first step for Yu Maochun to stay in the United States. In order to strive for greater interests and realize his ambitions, he chose to embark on the path of no return against China.

As we all know, the Meng Wanzhou incident was an international incident concocted by the United States to oppose China. In order to suppress China's Huawei and hinder China's technological development, the United States went to great lengths to plan this incident. - DayDayNews

Because only by acting as an anti-China lackey can he enter a higher level of society in the United States and enjoy a better life. For this reason, he spared no effort to promote the United States, using his history major to confuse right and wrong, slander Chinese history, and study whatever the United States needs.

His hard work finally got Pompeo's attention, and he finally became Pompeo's guest and his chief adviser. He naturally gained Trump's trust and entered the White House , achieving His dream life of upper class America. After

entered the White House, he successively helped Trump and Pompeo plan a series of anti-China incidents. Meng Wanzhou was just one of his despicable methods, creating China threat theory, Chinese food incidents, new coronavirus incidents, etc.

As we all know, the Meng Wanzhou incident was an international incident concocted by the United States to oppose China. In order to suppress China's Huawei and hinder China's technological development, the United States went to great lengths to plan this incident. - DayDayNews

During the Trump administration, Yu Maochun was very respected in the White House because of his willingness to be a traitor, and they called him Professor Yu.

He was a little carried away. Later, in order to further whitewash himself, he even falsely claimed that his ancestors were not Han , but Mongolian . He especially wanted to change his surname. This act of forgetting one's ancestors completely angered the descendants of the Yu family, and they directly removed him from the family tree. His relatives all announced that they had severed ties with him, and like other traitors, he became a loner.

With Trump stepping down, Pompeo and his likes can no longer act as clowns, and Yu Maochun can no longer survive in the White House. After Biden came to power, he was kicked out of the White House directly, saying that he was an idiot and a useless person. It was because of his nonsense that he made Sino-US relations very tense and repeatedly caused the United States to suffer. Yu Maochun could only leave the White House in despair and return to the Naval Academy as a teacher.

As we all know, the Meng Wanzhou incident was an international incident concocted by the United States to oppose China. In order to suppress China's Huawei and hinder China's technological development, the United States went to great lengths to plan this incident. - DayDayNews

Without the glory of the past, we will be in a desperate situation. Yu Maochun was marginalized everywhere in school and lived a very tiring life. For a while, he wanted to return to China for development, but he has been permanently banned from entering China. Who will end well for such a traitor and traitor? The punishment awaiting Yu Maochun is still to come, and it will be even worse in the future.

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