The serialized novel has a total of 194 chapters. Previous chapter: My father-in-law helped me fight for my father’s property. "The Legend of Qinglan" 190 past events review: He Yang sneered after hearing this: "At first I thought you were really Xu Chaoqi Princess, the Liu famil

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The serialized novel has a total of 194 chapters

Previous chapter: The serialized novel has a total of 194 chapters. Previous chapter: My father-in-law helped me fight for my father’s property.

Just when He Yang questioned Qinglan's identity, Qinglan began to panic.

never thought that Yu Xiuyuan said, "She has the final say."

In fact, He Yang already knew that Yu Xiuyuan was not the third prince.

Because the witch doctor Xiya can sense the aura of the royal family, she mentioned it to He Yang after meeting Yu Xiuyuan.

It doesn’t matter whether Yu Xiuyuan is the third prince, as long as Qinglan is the seventh princess.

originally tricked Qinglan into coming here in order to exchange his mother-in-law Atuduo with Ling Zhiwan.

Ling Zhiwan never questioned Qinglan, and He Yang had fulfilled Ling Zhiwan's request.

never thought that during the sacrificial ceremony that day, Si Nan recognized Qinglan and said that she was not the seventh princess.

Fortunately, at that time, He Yang's plan had been mostly completed, and Qinglan's identity was no longer important to him.

But if we want to negotiate terms with him at this moment, the third prince is fake, and Qinglan’s identity is definitely not qualified.

But no one expected that Yu Xiuyuan actually said such a sentence categorically.

Qinglan looked at Yu Xiuyuan in disbelief, wondering what he was going to do.

Yu Xiuyuan walked up to Qinglan, and then took off the red jade fish tail from her neck.

Qinglan stared at Yu Xiuyuan closely, trying to guess what he was thinking.

But Yu Xiuyuan seemed to be afraid of something and did not look at Qinglan the whole time.

He took out the red jade fish tail and showed it to He Yang: "This is the token of the Liu family. There are two in total. One is in the hands of the real third prince. He is very aware of the trends in Xizhou and has returned to Kyoto now. If An accident happened to his biological sister in Luoshi City. I think a war between the two countries is inevitable, and this one naturally belongs to Concubine Liu’s daughter, the Seventh Princess.”

Yu Xiuyuan did not hesitate. He pointed at Qinglan and looked at He Yang with an attitude that did not allow anyone to question.

He confessed that his identity was false because he knew that this action would be exposed and there was no need to continue to hide it.

He Yang sneered and smiled: "But what did Sinan say that day that she was Mrs. Shao Xianqing's sister? Many people have heard this."

Yu Xiuyuan affirmed word by word: " She is the fifth girl of the Bai family, but she is also the seventh princess of the Ling family. The overt and secret fighting in the palace is not unique to you in Xizhou. There are two folk princesses who are raised outside. Your Highness He Yang has two in Qingzhou City. Sister? So as long as she is Concubine Liu's biological daughter, her words will certainly count."

As soon as Yu Xiuyuan finished speaking, Qinglan took a step back subconsciously and looked at Yu Xiuyuan in disbelief.

At this moment, she couldn't tell whether Yu Xiuyuan was fooling He Yang, or... it was really happening.

Because both Su Changzun and Su Guanshan mistakenly recognized her in Green Forest Village, although they did not directly say who it was, Qinglan and Liu Mohan guessed that it was Concubine Liu.

Returning to the Gyeongju Marquis’ Mansion, the Liu family’s stunned expressions when they saw her for the first time were those of old friends meeting again. If you think about it carefully, it is very likely that she is Concubine Liu.

Returning to Luoshi Palace, Ling Zhiwan said what he said and the painting.

Is it possible that she really has a face that is very similar to Concubine Liu, or is it true that what Yu Xiuyuan said is true.

For a moment, Qinglan's heart went blank, and she looked at Yu Xiuyuan helplessly and in disbelief.

The serialized novel has a total of 194 chapters. Previous chapter: My father-in-law helped me fight for my father’s property.

Similarly, He Yang speculated more than once about whether Qinglan was the seventh princess.

First is Ling Zhiwan. The reason why He Yang is sure that Qinglan is the seventh princess is the portrait hanging in Ling Zhiwan's Changle Palace.

The woman in the painting was very similar to Qinglan, which made He Yang remember Qinglan when he saw Qinglan for the first time in Gyeongju City, and what happened next.

Then there is Xia.

Xia went to see Qinglan many times, but never mentioned to He Yang that Qinglan didn't have a royal aura.

Only Yu Xiuyuan, Xiya was very sure that he could not be a member of the royal family.

And just before He Yang's mutiny, he had paid attention to Qinglan.

Although she is not highly skilled in martial arts, her movements are quite like a general's, and she is worthy of the reputation of Concubine Liu's daughter.

So He Yang also has his own guess about Qinglan's identity.

It’s just that at this moment he wants to put forward more conditions.

Hearing what Yu Xiuyuan said, He Yang seemed to smell the shocking secret of the Ling family royal family.

He Yang smiled slightly: "Folk princess? This is quite interesting."

Yu Xiuyuan naturally knew that He Yang was treacherous and would never give up.

Yu Xiuyuan took a step forward, took out the token of the master of Beihong Pavilion, and said bluntly: "His Royal Highness He Yang, maybe I should address you as your king. Now the truce between the two countries is the most important thing. Xizhou It has entered the cold winter, and you should know the situation of the people in Xizhou best. Although the seventh princess has been raised outside the palace since she was a child, being able to hold the Liu family's token is enough to prove her weight in the heart of Concubine Liu, so I advise you. Don't be dissatisfied, the Liu family worked hard to help you get on the throne, and you should have heard of Beihong Pavilion. We are sworn to be loyal to the Liu family. If you go back on your words, you will become enemies of the Liu family, including the princess among the people. Mother, I will not let you secure this throne. We are trapped in an enemy country, but we still have the power to help you. You should also know our strength, so I advise the king to think carefully about what to do. "

He Yang looked at Yu Xiuyuan and remained silent. Smart people all agreed with what Yu Xiuyuan said that going against the Liu family was indeed not a wise choice.

For a moment, the room fell into silence, with only the "hissing" sound of the candlelight, as if to tell everyone that time was still passing and had not stopped.

"He Yang, stop it."

At this moment, Qing Lan, who had been in shock, suddenly spoke. She looked at He Yang with sincerity in her eyes.

then slowly moved to He Yang.

The serialized novel has a total of 194 chapters. Previous chapter: My father-in-law helped me fight for my father’s property.

At this moment, Qinglan did not have the same vigor as when he was fighting with the soldiers. Instead, he spoke sincerely and gently like an old friend: "He Yang, actually I prefer to call you Heyang. Although you have deceived me more than once, I still I want to believe that you will be a good king. The eldest princess colluded with Su De. It is their fault that they want to stir up trouble. Su De is dead, and the eldest princess has not been seen until now. I am afraid something has happened, so I said They have paid a corresponding price, so what do you want?"

He Yang looked at Qinglan coldly: "Ling Zhiwan has made my father's princes thin and has caused chaos in the Xizhou royal family. "

What do you want? "But my sister can no longer give birth to children. She is the eldest princess of a country. She has never been loved by her parents, so she married here. You have been watching. Don't you know how she has been treated here? Her parents don't love her. "If your husband doesn't love you, if you have no children, and a woman has nothing, isn't that the most severe punishment?"

The words "my sister" were not meant by Qinglan, she really was in the Luoshi Palace these days. She already regards Ling Zhiwan as her sister.

She said she hated Concubine Liu and the Ling family, but she had never done anything to hurt her or Yu Xiuyuan.

Moreover, on that day of the sacrificial ceremony, Ling Zhiwan used her own miscarriage to save Yu Xiuyuan.

Although Yu Xiuyuan was pretending to be the third prince, Ling Zhiwan really wanted to save his younger brother.

So although Ling Zhiwan was at fault, Qinglan still didn't want to keep her in this cold place.

He Yang looked at Qinglan and remembered that there were rumors in the palace that Ling Zhiwan was unable to conceive, which was all caused by the queen. Ling Zhiwan was damaged and infertile, and Siya had also diagnosed it.

It’s just that every time He Yang thinks of the suffering his mother-in-law has suffered over the years, he doesn’t want to let Ling Zhiwan go easily.

Qinglan continued: "You let us go, and we will return your two sisters to you. Regardless of whether I am the seventh princess or not, I will use my life to convince the Liu family that I have merit in assassinating Su De, and they will listen to me. In a word, Xizhou and Xu Chao will not fight again from now on. You can manage Xizhou well and let’s call it a truce.”

He Yang could naturally feel Qinglan’s sincerity at this moment, and he also knew that Xizhou was in the best condition right now. Recuperate and rejuvenate.

At this moment, a burst of mourning sounded outside Mu Yang's palace, which was the sound of salvation for the souls of Haliu.

At this time, He Yang remembered the cause of Haliu's death. It was Ling Zhiwan who killed Haliu with her own body.

She could have chosen other better methods, but there was only one reason for using her own body to poison her.

Ling Zhiwan knew that she wanted to die.

Parents do not love you, your husband does not love you, and you have no children.

If a woman lives like this, she really has no hope.

In the long night, there are countless sadness and tears, and only in the long night can the human heart temporarily hide and return to itself.

He Yang took a long breath, stretched out his right hand, and lowered it to his left shoulder.

This is the wolf clan's swearing gesture, and Qinglan had done it to him before.

"You are willing to believe that I am a good king, and I am also willing to believe that you will fulfill your promise. You have helped me take care of my sisters. I know that you are a good person, so if you are really a princess, you will too She is a good princess. I will let you go, but... I hope the Liu family will no longer be our enemy. The people of Xizhou really can't stand the war anymore. "

Hearing what He Yang said, Qinglan walked up to him. Next to him, he pulled out the wolf-head scimitar from He Yang's waist, and then made a cut in his palm.

He Yang was stunned for a moment, but he immediately understood.

also took the machete and cut a line in his palm, and high-fived Qinglan as an oath.

"I once deceived you, I'm sorry."

"But you also saved me from Su De, and besides, he is still your brother."

"I said, I helped you kill my brother, then Your sister, I hope you can give me an explanation."

Qinglan nodded: "What about the eldest princess?"

He Yang frowned, looked at Qinglan and Yu Xiuyuan: "Ling Zhiwanzhong? Gu poison , I left her and Su Li in the palace, just hoping that they could find their own way out. Now you have also seen that the two of them are missing..."

(At the same time tomorrow, we will see you there. ~)

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Next chapter preview: My fiancé told me: "You are not your mother's biological child!"

Xia went to see Qinglan many times, but never mentioned to He Yang that Qinglan didn't have a royal aura.

Only Yu Xiuyuan, Xiya was very sure that he could not be a member of the royal family.

And just before He Yang's mutiny, he had paid attention to Qinglan.

Although she is not highly skilled in martial arts, her movements are quite like a general's, and she is worthy of the reputation of Concubine Liu's daughter.

So He Yang also has his own guess about Qinglan's identity.

It’s just that at this moment he wants to put forward more conditions.

Hearing what Yu Xiuyuan said, He Yang seemed to smell the shocking secret of the Ling family royal family.

He Yang smiled slightly: "Folk princess? This is quite interesting."

Yu Xiuyuan naturally knew that He Yang was treacherous and would never give up.

Yu Xiuyuan took a step forward, took out the token of the master of Beihong Pavilion, and said bluntly: "His Royal Highness He Yang, maybe I should address you as your king. Now the truce between the two countries is the most important thing. Xizhou It has entered the cold winter, and you should know the situation of the people in Xizhou best. Although the seventh princess has been raised outside the palace since she was a child, being able to hold the Liu family's token is enough to prove her weight in the heart of Concubine Liu, so I advise you. Don't be dissatisfied, the Liu family worked hard to help you get on the throne, and you should have heard of Beihong Pavilion. We are sworn to be loyal to the Liu family. If you go back on your words, you will become enemies of the Liu family, including the princess among the people. Mother, I will not let you secure this throne. We are trapped in an enemy country, but we still have the power to help you. You should also know our strength, so I advise the king to think carefully about what to do. "

He Yang looked at Yu Xiuyuan and remained silent. Smart people all agreed with what Yu Xiuyuan said that going against the Liu family was indeed not a wise choice.

For a moment, the room fell into silence, with only the "hissing" sound of the candlelight, as if to tell everyone that time was still passing and had not stopped.

"He Yang, stop it."

At this moment, Qing Lan, who had been in shock, suddenly spoke. She looked at He Yang with sincerity in her eyes.

then slowly moved to He Yang.

The serialized novel has a total of 194 chapters. Previous chapter: My father-in-law helped me fight for my father’s property.

At this moment, Qinglan did not have the same vigor as when he was fighting with the soldiers. Instead, he spoke sincerely and gently like an old friend: "He Yang, actually I prefer to call you Heyang. Although you have deceived me more than once, I still I want to believe that you will be a good king. The eldest princess colluded with Su De. It is their fault that they want to stir up trouble. Su De is dead, and the eldest princess has not been seen until now. I am afraid something has happened, so I said They have paid a corresponding price, so what do you want?"

He Yang looked at Qinglan coldly: "Ling Zhiwan has made my father's princes thin and has caused chaos in the Xizhou royal family. "

What do you want? "But my sister can no longer give birth to children. She is the eldest princess of a country. She has never been loved by her parents, so she married here. You have been watching. Don't you know how she has been treated here? Her parents don't love her. "If your husband doesn't love you, if you have no children, and a woman has nothing, isn't that the most severe punishment?"

The words "my sister" were not meant by Qinglan, she really was in the Luoshi Palace these days. She already regards Ling Zhiwan as her sister.

She said she hated Concubine Liu and the Ling family, but she had never done anything to hurt her or Yu Xiuyuan.

Moreover, on that day of the sacrificial ceremony, Ling Zhiwan used her own miscarriage to save Yu Xiuyuan.

Although Yu Xiuyuan was pretending to be the third prince, Ling Zhiwan really wanted to save his younger brother.

So although Ling Zhiwan was at fault, Qinglan still didn't want to keep her in this cold place.

He Yang looked at Qinglan and remembered that there were rumors in the palace that Ling Zhiwan was unable to conceive, which was all caused by the queen. Ling Zhiwan was damaged and infertile, and Siya had also diagnosed it.

It’s just that every time He Yang thinks of the suffering his mother-in-law has suffered over the years, he doesn’t want to let Ling Zhiwan go easily.

Qinglan continued: "You let us go, and we will return your two sisters to you. Regardless of whether I am the seventh princess or not, I will use my life to convince the Liu family that I have merit in assassinating Su De, and they will listen to me. In a word, Xizhou and Xu Chao will not fight again from now on. You can manage Xizhou well and let’s call it a truce.”

He Yang could naturally feel Qinglan’s sincerity at this moment, and he also knew that Xizhou was in the best condition right now. Recuperate and rejuvenate.

At this moment, a burst of mourning sounded outside Mu Yang's palace, which was the sound of salvation for the souls of Haliu.

At this time, He Yang remembered the cause of Haliu's death. It was Ling Zhiwan who killed Haliu with her own body.

She could have chosen other better methods, but there was only one reason for using her own body to poison her.

Ling Zhiwan knew that she wanted to die.

Parents do not love you, your husband does not love you, and you have no children.

If a woman lives like this, she really has no hope.

In the long night, there are countless sadness and tears, and only in the long night can the human heart temporarily hide and return to itself.

He Yang took a long breath, stretched out his right hand, and lowered it to his left shoulder.

This is the wolf clan's swearing gesture, and Qinglan had done it to him before.

"You are willing to believe that I am a good king, and I am also willing to believe that you will fulfill your promise. You have helped me take care of my sisters. I know that you are a good person, so if you are really a princess, you will too She is a good princess. I will let you go, but... I hope the Liu family will no longer be our enemy. The people of Xizhou really can't stand the war anymore. "

Hearing what He Yang said, Qinglan walked up to him. Next to him, he pulled out the wolf-head scimitar from He Yang's waist, and then made a cut in his palm.

He Yang was stunned for a moment, but he immediately understood.

also took the machete and cut a line in his palm, and high-fived Qinglan as an oath.

"I once deceived you, I'm sorry."

"But you also saved me from Su De, and besides, he is still your brother."

"I said, I helped you kill my brother, then Your sister, I hope you can give me an explanation."

Qinglan nodded: "What about the eldest princess?"

He Yang frowned, looked at Qinglan and Yu Xiuyuan: "Ling Zhiwanzhong? Gu poison , I left her and Su Li in the palace, just hoping that they could find their own way out. Now you have also seen that the two of them are missing..."

(At the same time tomorrow, we will see you there. ~)

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Next chapter preview: My fiancé told me: "You are not your mother's biological child!"

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