Not long after the "Poisonous Textbook" incident occurred, a person named Luo Chongmin from Yunnan once again became a hot search topic. This person was the director of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Education. The reason why this director became a hot search topic was becau

2024/07/0100:01:33 history 1739

Some time ago, the issue of "poisonous teaching materials" became a hot topic on the Internet, but it was diluted by the Tangshan beating incident. The "poisonous teaching materials" involve the fundamentals of the country, and the matter cannot be left unchecked, otherwise the country will be in danger.

Not long after the "Poisonous Textbook" incident occurred, a person named Luo Chongmin from Yunnan became a hot search again. This person was originally the director of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Education. The reason why this director was on the hot search was because in June , Luo Chongmin posted an article online called "Dragon Boat Festival: A Day to Encourage Suicide", which was suspected of insulting the heroes of the Republic and violating the "Law on the Protection of Heroes." The matter has attracted the attention of netizens. Later, netizens discovered that Luo Chongmin insulted heroes more than once. He even slandered Liu Hulan and Wang Erxiao, insulted the martyrs of the Chinese Volunteer Army, and attacked the founding leaders of the People's Republic of China. They actually cleared the ground for the Japanese invaders and even ignored the crimes committed by the Japanese invaders in China and the serious disasters they caused to the Chinese people, calling them "teachers of benevolence, righteousness and civilization."

Not long after the

Through some of Luo Chongmin’s remarks found on the Internet, this person’s views throughout the article are actually a person who hates the Chinese system and likes the Western system. He believes that everything in China is wrong. I really don’t know who gave this department official who is a party member the courage to betray the country and trample on the country’s laws like this? How did such a person who no longer meet the standards of a party member and have no political qualifications be promoted to the position of a department official?

But the results finally came out recently. News was received from the media: " The working group of the Provincial Department of Education, together with relevant departments, investigated the incident of "Internet rumors of Luo Chongmin making relevant remarks" and found that Luo Chongmin was suspected of illegal crimes. Recently, he has been arrested in accordance with relevant regulations. The clues about his crimes were handed over to relevant functional departments for handling according to law. "

1. The signal released

Luo Chongmin retired 6 years ago, and was expelled from the party for violating discipline the second year after his retirement, and was demoted to the status of a non-leading cadre at the deputy director level. . Despite this punishment, he did not restrain himself and continued to engage in traitorous and illegal activities. This was directly related to the serious oversight of the party organization.

If Luo Chongmin’s case hadn’t spread online, it is estimated that this traitor and “two-faced man” would still be active on the Internet. A senior cadre who has been trained by the party for many years, enjoys the dividends within the system, is actually hostile to his own country's system, and even hates his own motherland. They even worship everything in Western countries and deny the Chinese system.

Now that a double-dealing person like Luo Chongmin is being investigated again, the outside world is not surprised, but what is strange is why he was not discovered for so long? Luo Chongmin was arrested for illegal activities, and also revealed a message to the outside world: the country will take action to punish those two-faced people who "make mistakes while eating". They enjoy the dividends within the system, but engage in traitorous behavior. Such insiders will not be punished or eliminated. , is a huge hidden danger and will pose a serious threat to national security and stability.

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People like Luo Chongmin, who once held great power and were dissatisfied with the country, are the most dangerous and must be eliminated.

Nowadays, some people are smearing leaders and heroes and engaging in historical nihilism, which they do very covertly. Especially those who hold important positions, they "speak of doctrine but advocate the Western system behind their backs." Such "two-faced people" are not just one or two people, they have formed a force.

Nowadays, people who are hostile to the country and vilify their own motherland have become a rule in some industries. For example, some people envy American law and think that American lawyers can make money and be engaged in politics. There are also people who envy U.S. financial policies and even advocate imitating them.

Why is a high-ranking official like Luo Chongmin still dissatisfied with the state system and opposing the state system despite being paid a high salary?

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The reason why such high-ranking officials oppose the national system is most likely to protect their illegal gains. Not only is Luo Chongmin opposed to the national system, there are also many people who envy the American system? These people are just trying to legitimize illegal profits. Why do so many corrupt people come to the United States? They want to turn the proceeds of corruption into their own legitimate gains.

There are also some well-known big businessmen who have made enough money at home. In order to avoid taxes, they court the United States, invest in the United States, and even donate money to the United States, hoping to exchange for American green cards and live a "paradise" life in the United States. However, the serious epidemic in the United States has made some people who went abroad regret it, but they can only knock out their teeth and swallow it.

The actor who recently became a believer posted a message on Weibo to wish "America's birthday". Such people are also two-faced. They gain a lot of wealth by acting in red movies and TV dramas, and then immigrate to the United States and start to criticize China.

There are all kinds of "two-faced people" and "insiders" in all walks of life, including politics and business. We have a long way to go to eliminate "two-faced people" and "insiders", and there are many things that need to be done. Some people are so hidden that it is difficult to dig them out. But the investigation of Luo Chongmin was just the beginning.

2. Lessons from the past

Some people may ask, if "two-faced people" and "ghosts" like Luo Chongmin can be eliminated, why do they still hold on to them?

This is a very serious issue, because it involves the survival of the country. This is not alarmist. The Soviet Union once perished because of "two-faced people" and "ghosts".

When the Soviet red flag fell, some vested interests believed that the Soviet system could not allow them to obtain more wealth and legalize illegal gains. Therefore, they advocated overthrowing the Soviet system and eventually promoted the collapse of the Soviet Union. Some vested interests retained their wealth. Some took the opportunity to grab wealth.

After Russia became independent, some people who took advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune quickly monopolized the industry and became oligarchs . They even wanted to enter the Russian political arena, control Russia, and further dismember Russia. If it weren't for Putin 's determination to crack down on the oligarchs, I'm afraid Russia would be dismembered again. Ukraine is now a stateless country. In fact, it is caused by the oligarchs.

If a "two-faced person" like Luo Chongmin exists for a long time, it will cause endless harm. As the director of the education department of a province, he should be in charge of education work, but he has incorrect views, opposes the national system, and slanders leaders and heroes. One can imagine how much damage will be done to the education system.

Why are so many people concerned about issues in the education field after the "poisonous textbooks" incident? Because the issue of education is a serious issue, if the educational position is lost, the country will be in danger! The Soviet Union is a lesson learned from the past.

When the Soviet Union collapsed, especially the last "August 19 Incident", it was supposed to save the Soviet Union, but it was boycotted by the people. And the Soviet people accepted the collapse of the Soviet Union very calmly. Even though the Soviet system was beneficial to the people, they also developed resentment against the Soviet Union through constant smear campaigns.

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After Gorbachev appointed Yakovlev as the Minister of Propaganda of the Soviet Union, the Soviet media had problems. It was replaced by a large number of people who advocated the Western system, and was even controlled by Western capital. Yakovlev was originally not only a "two-faced man", but also a person bribed by the United States. Such a person's destructive power is unimaginable.

Among the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union, problems appeared in Soviet education very early. Since the death of Stalin, Soviet education has undergone reforms by four generations of leaders. Soviet textbooks have affected not only the thinking of the Soviet people, but also the ideological positions of lost.

Generally speaking, when Lenin and Stalin were in power, the direction of Soviet education was correct. Although we faced certain difficulties, we overcame them. The reason why the Soviet Union was able to quickly rebuild after the war and become a superpower competing with the United States was because Soviet education played an important role. After that, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, and Gorbachev came to power. Both husband and wife enjoyed the development dividends of the Stalin period. But these people are short-sighted and want to smash the system established by Stalin. What they will eventually smash is a country.

Starting from Khrushchev, Soviet textbooks began to vilify Stalin, and even magnified some of Stalin’s mistakes, causing some young people to doubt the Soviet system. Gorbachev was a group of people who grew up at that time. , their determination to overthrow this system has been planted in their hearts.

Brezhnev was even worse. He actually advocated "humanism" in Soviet textbooks. This was all influenced by Western "universalism". At this time, the Soviet Union had been penetrated by Western values.

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Gorbachev was even bolder. He himself was dissatisfied with the Soviet system. When he came to power, he engaged in "new thinking", engaged in "glasnost" and "democratization", and even entered the Soviet textbooks, believing that "humane socialism" was Communism made peace with the United States. Under the deception of the United States, the Soviet Union dismantled its nuclear bombs, but the United States only scrapped a few missiles and that was it. In the end, it fell into the trap of the Americans, lost vigilance, and was continuously infiltrated and disintegrated by the United States.

During the Gorbachev period, Stalin was vilified to the extreme. All kinds of historical nihilism were flying everywhere, and Soviet heroes were vilified. Some questionable textbooks were published, many Soviet people were brainwashed, and the people became dissatisfied with the Soviet system.

The United States wanted to use the methods of subverting the Soviet Union in China, but it failed. So they began to use dirty tricks on textbooks. It cannot be ruled out that the United States is behind the "poisonous textbooks".

3. High vigilance

Why is a person who has served as the Minister of Education attracted the attention of netizens across the country?

Again, education is a big problem, and problems with the people in charge of education are even bigger problems. Why has no one discovered the "poisonous textbook" for so many years, and it was only this year that it was revealed? This has to make us highly vigilant.

After the "Poisonous Textbook" incident occurred, it was covered up by many hot topics, but we should not lose vigilance because of this. The lesson of the Soviet Union is a lesson for the past. We should face up to the existing problems, face up to this major hidden danger, and make great efforts to correct and rectify it.

We need to find out those who have adulterated teaching materials and bring them to justice. We also need to carry out a bone-scratching inspection and correction work in the field of education to thoroughly clean up the "two-faced people" and "insiders".

Some people may say that it is too cruel and seems to have gone online. Because the seriousness of this problem cannot be seen at the time, and the results will appear years or even decades later, so if we are not ruthless, we will face major risks.

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Because once there is a problem with the teaching materials, it will affect many people's values. Once values ​​are formed, it is difficult to change. Just like Gorbachev's values ​​changed after Stalin's death, they can no longer be reversed.

After some articles introducing Western celebrities appear in textbooks, young people will have the impression of worshiping this country, and they will also hate their own system, which will lead to major problems over time.

No matter how our economy develops and science and technology develop, if we lose our position in the ideological field, we will become a country without a country, so we must be vigilant and resist!

The education department, teaching materials, and those in charge of education must all work together, and we must not slack off at all and regard it as insignificant. This is a matter of the bottom line. If the bottom line is exceeded, there will be countless breakthroughs, and national danger will come.

Don’t think that the United States is democratic, The U.S. Department of Education A website quoted a quotation from Chairman Mao, which attracted the attention of Americans, so U.S. congressmen requested an investigation. But we have put articles beautifying and Washington in textbooks for many years, and no one paid attention to it. It is enough to show that our awareness of prevention in the field of education is too weak. Even someone like Luo Chongmin can still be the director of the Department of Education. Is it because he lacks vigilance or is he just the same person?

The rectification of the education field cannot be just a temporary one, but must be a long-term one. The slightest laxity will cause serious losses to the country, or even endanger the state power. The

picture comes from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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