In Chinese history, the Xiongnu invaded the borders of the Central Plains Dynasty for 800 years. In the Han Dynasty, the struggle between the Central Plains regime and the Xiongnu regime almost reached a fevered stage. The contradiction at this time was the most acute; once One d

2024/07/0212:06:33 history 1465

In Chinese history, the Xiongnu invaded the borders of the Central Plains dynasty for 800 years. In the Han Dynasty , the struggle between the Central Plains regime and the Xiongnu regime almost reached a stage of intensification. The contradiction at this time was the most intense. Sharp; once, the Huns sent envoys to write a letter of war to the Han Dynasty. The content was written in four big characters: "天心取米". Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and the ministers didn't know what it meant. In the end, he was a small official in the Han Dynasty. He Tang cracked the game.

In Chinese history, the Xiongnu invaded the borders of the Central Plains Dynasty for 800 years. In the Han Dynasty, the struggle between the Central Plains regime and the Xiongnu regime almost reached a fevered stage. The contradiction at this time was the most acute; once One d - DayDayNews

▲The Xiongnu invaded the borders of the Central Plains Dynasty for 800 years. (Illustration/reproduced from the encyclopedia entry)

What does the four big characters "Tian Xin Take Rice" on the war letter mean? No one in the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty knew. Helpless, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had no choice but to summon the wise men from all over the world to crack this tactic. Later, there was an official in the capital named He Tang. He stood in front of these four characters, thought for a moment, then took the imperial list and went straight to the main hall.

In Chinese history, the Xiongnu invaded the borders of the Central Plains Dynasty for 800 years. In the Han Dynasty, the struggle between the Central Plains regime and the Xiongnu regime almost reached a fevered stage. The contradiction at this time was the most acute; once One d - DayDayNews

▲The Xiongnu issued a letter of war to the Han Dynasty: "Tianxin takes rice." The ministers were confused and talked about it. (Illustration / taken from the encyclopedia entry)

After He Tang came to the main hall, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty asked He Tang what "Tianxin takes rice" meant. He calmly replied: "In my opinion, Tianxin refers to the Celestial Dynasty. , which means our court; heart, heart, which means the capital; take means to capture; rice means your majesty, which together means that the Huns want to seize your majesty's country and go straight to the Central Plains "

In Chinese history, the Xiongnu invaded the borders of the Central Plains Dynasty for 800 years. In the Han Dynasty, the struggle between the Central Plains regime and the Xiongnu regime almost reached a fevered stage. The contradiction at this time was the most acute; once One d - DayDayNews

▲Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. He took great pains to defeat the Huns. (Illustration/taken from the encyclopedia entry)

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was furious when he heard this. When he was worried about how to reply to this letter of war, He Tang stood up again and offered advice. He said to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty: "Your Majesty, there is no need to be angry. I have a way to solve it." After He Tang finished saying this, he walked towards the letter of war, then picked up the ink pen and added a stroke on each of the four words Tian Xin Qu Mi. Everyone came forward to see the original one. "Tianxin takes rice" has become "may not dare to come".

In Chinese history, the Xiongnu invaded the borders of the Central Plains Dynasty for 800 years. In the Han Dynasty, the struggle between the Central Plains regime and the Xiongnu regime almost reached a fevered stage. The contradiction at this time was the most acute; once One d - DayDayNews

▲Add a word to Tianxin Quimi, the original "Tianxin Quimi" has become "I may not dare to come". (Picture/data photo)

All civil and military officials in the court were full of praise for this reform. The letter of war is still the same, but the meaning is completely different from the original meaning. They returned the letter of war to the Huns intact.

In fact, the Xiongnu sent this letter of war to dampen the spirit of the Han Dynasty, because after reading it, they did not dare to attack the Xiongnu rashly again. But unexpectedly, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was not only not afraid, but also demonstrated. When the Huns received the letter of war and saw these four words, they quickly withdrew the soldiers guarding the border.

In Chinese history, the Xiongnu invaded the borders of the Central Plains Dynasty for 800 years. In the Han Dynasty, the struggle between the Central Plains regime and the Xiongnu regime almost reached a fevered stage. The contradiction at this time was the most acute; once One d - DayDayNews

▲ Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty made great achievements in conquering the Xiongnu. (film and television diagram/reproduced from the encyclopedia entry)

However, later historians judged that this story should be a fabrication by later generations, rather than a real historical situation. Because in the Han Dynasty, Chinese characters were definitely not the font we use now, but Xiaozhuan . According to the writing method of Xiaozhuan, the four characters Tianxinqumi, even if two strokes are added to each character, cannot become the future. But we can know that the conflict between the Han Dynasty and the Xiongnu was very serious at that time, and the two parties were competing with each other, so many related stories were spread among the people.

and above are used in ancient and modern times. How can adding a horizontal line at the top of the character "米" turn it into the traditional Chinese character "来"? And the right side of "take" is "you", and the right side of "dare" is not "you". This crossword puzzle was also quoted in "Young Bao Qingtian" (Part 1) when the Five Rats caused trouble in Prime Minister's School.

In Chinese history, the Xiongnu invaded the borders of the Central Plains Dynasty for 800 years. In the Han Dynasty, the struggle between the Central Plains regime and the Xiongnu regime almost reached a fevered stage. The contradiction at this time was the most acute; once One d - DayDayNews

Reference: "Hanshu"

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