As more women enter higher education, more women enter politics. In recent years, the proportion of women among dismissed officials has gradually increased, which is enough to illustrate this point.

2024/07/0223:23:32 history 1322

As more women receive higher education, more and more women are entering politics. In recent years, the proportion of women among dismissed officials has gradually increased, which is enough to illustrate this point.

On October 27, 2011, Li Qihong, deputy secretary of the Zhongshan Municipal Party Committee and mayor, was sentenced to to 11 years in prison.

As more women enter higher education, more women enter politics. In recent years, the proportion of women among dismissed officials has gradually increased, which is enough to illustrate this point. - DayDayNews

During his tenure, Li Qihong earned 19.83 million yuan from stocks. Now he actually says that he doesn’t understand the Fa, which is very strange. In addition, she was also exposed to have had affairs with several men.

How did Li Qihong fall? How did she make money?

As more women enter higher education, more women enter politics. In recent years, the proportion of women among dismissed officials has gradually increased, which is enough to illustrate this point. - DayDayNews

Li Qihong comes from Shiqi Town, Zhongshan County, Guangdong Province. Li Qihong was born in April 1954 into a poor family. At that time, the idea of ​​favoring boys over girls was deeply ingrained, and Li Qihong was not taken seriously in the country. The family also makes a living by farming, and the family's economic situation is relatively poor.

So Li Qihong dropped out of school at the age of 14.

When Li Qihong was 14 years old, she went to work in a rattan art club in a local town, where she was a straw hat weaver. It stands to reason that Li Qihong is young and has low academic qualifications, so it is difficult for him to have any promotion opportunities.

As more women enter higher education, more women enter politics. In recent years, the proportion of women among dismissed officials has gradually increased, which is enough to illustrate this point. - DayDayNews

But fate is so magical. One day in 1970, Li Qihong was working in the factory. Suddenly a cadre came towards her. He turned his head and said to the factory leader: "This little girl is good and works hard." The leader echoed, "Yes, she is really good. Her name is Li Qihong."

This cadre is a high-level cadre in the province. On this day, she happened to come to Li Qihong for an inspection at the factory. It can be said that Li Qihong was particularly lucky because he was promoted by this cadre.

As more women enter higher education, more women enter politics. In recent years, the proportion of women among dismissed officials has gradually increased, which is enough to illustrate this point. - DayDayNews

Li Qihong filled out the form and became the director of Chaoyang Neighborhood Committee in Zhong District, Shiqi Town. She went from being a straw hat weaver to a grassroots cadre. Only two years have passed, and I have to lament that fate has been really good to her.

Since then, Li Qihong's career has been smooth sailing. Li Qihong's rapid promotion has a lot to do with her popularity. Although Li Qihong has a low level of education, her communication skills are particularly strong. She can get along well with strangers in a short period of time.

As more women enter higher education, more women enter politics. In recent years, the proportion of women among dismissed officials has gradually increased, which is enough to illustrate this point. - DayDayNews

html In 2007, Li Qihong reached the peak of his official career. She served as deputy secretary of the Zhongshan Municipal Party Committee and mayor. When Li Qihong was a cadre at the grassroots level, she sometimes didn't even know how to write materials, thinking that she couldn't read many books. After decades of experience in officialdom, her abilities have been greatly improved, from a novice to an "old Jianghu" who is proficient in officialdom. He was awarded the title of "Top Ten Star Mayors" for his outstanding performance during his tenure. It can be said that at that time, the entire Zhongshan City regarded her as the sun and revolved around her.

Now that she has reached the "center of the world", Li Qihong naturally does not want to miss the "opportunity" in her hands. Gradually, more and more people gave her gifts.

As more women enter higher education, more women enter politics. In recent years, the proportion of women among dismissed officials has gradually increased, which is enough to illustrate this point. - DayDayNews

She didn't refuse because she thought it was just "small money", but then she discovered that she could make much more money than she did now, so she began to lose herself.

During her years as mayor, Li Qihong did not "do anything" for the masses, but she did not do it in vain either.

had a child at that time. A certain deputy minister of the Zhongshan Municipal Party Committee wanted to go to school because the school he wanted to go to needed Li Qihong's "arrangement", so he wired 400,000 Hong Kong dollars to Li Qihong, and Li Qihong immediately solved the problem.

Doing something is just child's play, and this money cannot get into Li Qihong's eyes. It can only be used as "pocket money".

As more women enter higher education, more women enter politics. In recent years, the proportion of women among dismissed officials has gradually increased, which is enough to illustrate this point. - DayDayNews

At the end of 2006, Guangzhou Zhongshan Public Technology Co., Ltd. was preparing to go public as a whole. However, according to regulations, they need to report their plans to local governments and obtain approval before listing.

The municipal party committee secretary discovered Li Qihong. All expenses during your stay in Beijing. In order to "thank" the leaders who accompanied him to Beijing, Tan suggested to Li Qihong to buy some shares of their company's public technology. Because generally after asset reorganization, stocks will rise accordingly.

After hearing this suggestion, Li Qihong was silent for a long time, and then said to Manager Tan, "Manager Tan, you know I don't care about this. Please contact my husband for this kind of thing." After hearing this, Tan, a "smart guy in the mall," naturally understood Which meant, he smiled and agreed.

After finishing his trip to Beijing, Li Qihong immediately contacted his brother Li and his sister-in-law after returning home."How much money do you have now? Use it all to buy shares of public technology. I have inside information, and I will definitely make a fortune."

As more women enter higher education, more women enter politics. In recent years, the proportion of women among dismissed officials has gradually increased, which is enough to illustrate this point. - DayDayNews

first transferred 2.365 million yuan from the deposit account of Li Qihong's husband Lin Yongan, and then withdrew the money for himself and Li money, totaling 6.77 million yuan. Then, she borrowed the names of her brother Lin Weicheng and her colleague Liu Zanxiong to open an account, and then invested the 6.77 million yuan in two parts into the stock market to buy shares of Popular Technology.

As more women enter higher education, more women enter politics. In recent years, the proportion of women among dismissed officials has gradually increased, which is enough to illustrate this point. - DayDayNews

This was done once and for all. When the company was restructured and listed, Li Qihong A's company directly made a profit of more than 19.83 million yuan on its books. After that, Li Qihong seemed to have started the "second line of appointment and governor", relying on his position in public office and using inside information to make crazy money in the stock market.

Not only that, Li Qihong also allowed their relatives to enter the local real estate industry.

In 2006, 52-year-old Li Qihong became the acting mayor of Zhongshan City. I have to admit that she is indeed outstanding.

As more women enter higher education, more women enter politics. In recent years, the proportion of women among dismissed officials has gradually increased, which is enough to illustrate this point. - DayDayNews

People over 40 years old in milfs, people over 50 years old. They also dress themselves up beautifully, go out for inspections, and sprinkle high-end perfume on themselves. Their LV bags never leave their bodies, and they spend up to six figures every year on breast enlargement and body beauty.

As more women enter higher education, more women enter politics. In recent years, the proportion of women among dismissed officials has gradually increased, which is enough to illustrate this point. - DayDayNews

As for brand-name clothing and luxury goods, there are countless.

According to the staff around her, there are many men around Li Qihong who have close contacts with her. One of them is her son-in-law, and the family relationship is chaotic. There are even rumors that the price is 50,000 overnight.

As more women enter higher education, more women enter politics. In recent years, the proportion of women among dismissed officials has gradually increased, which is enough to illustrate this point. - DayDayNews

It is unknown whether this son-in-law developed into a son-in-law after Li Qihong's "investigation" or whether he became a son-in-law through a special relationship.

The problem is here. Li Qihong has a low face value. It costs a lot of money to do this. Where does the money come from? That's a big thing about power and money.

As more women enter higher education, more women enter politics. In recent years, the proportion of women among dismissed officials has gradually increased, which is enough to illustrate this point. - DayDayNews

After being imprisoned, he argued in court that he did not understand the law,

"I did not know that it was illegal to use this information to speculate in stocks. No, I did not understand securities laws either. If I had known at the time that this behavior was illegal, I will never do that."

As more women enter higher education, more women enter politics. In recent years, the proportion of women among dismissed officials has gradually increased, which is enough to illustrate this point. - DayDayNews

Li Qihong actually argued that he didn't understand. Since he doesn't understand the law, why not check the relevant laws before doing it? It was obvious that her purpose in saying these words was to shirk responsibility for herself.

As more women enter higher education, more women enter politics. In recent years, the proportion of women among dismissed officials has gradually increased, which is enough to illustrate this point. - DayDayNews

Some netizens commented on this:

"As a mayor and a leader for many years, Li Qihong's reasons for defending himself are indeed too far-fetched. Ignorance of securities laws is not a reason for committing a crime."

It's true that he and his family were sent to prison. Very embarrassing.

She had long forgotten her poor family background, abandoned her original intention, and embarked on the path of crime.

There is an old saying: Don't reach out, you will be caught!

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