The person who said this is none other than Yang Xiuzhu, the No. 1 suspect in the "Hundred Red Notice Personnel" and the former deputy mayor of Wenzhou City. On November 16, 2016, a flight from Dallas, USA, successfully landed at Beijing Capital Airport.

2024/06/2916:17:33 history 1134

"I will die in the United States!"

Who would have thought that these were the words of a corrupt official who had done all kinds of evil and fled abroad. The person who said this is none other than Yang Xiuzhu, the former deputy mayor of Wenzhou City.

On November 16, 2016, a flight from Dallas, USA, successfully landed at Beijing Capital Airport. Yang Xiuzhu, wearing a cotton-padded jacket and black-rimmed glasses, walked out of the hatch with the assistance of the police.

The person who said this is none other than Yang Xiuzhu, the No. 1 suspect in the

She stood at the exit of the plane, breathed a sigh of relief, and muttered: " I'm finally back! " Thirteen years and seven months have passed since she embezzled 250 million yuan and fled abroad.

So, what kind of life has Yang Xiuzhu lived during the 13 years she has been absconding overseas? What kind of person is she?

Yang Xiuzhu is a native of Wenzhou and was born in The person who said this is none other than Yang Xiuzhu, the No. 1 suspect in the 946. Her family's economic conditions are very difficult and there are many brothers and sisters. As the eldest, Yang Xiuzhu dropped out of school to work at the age of 15 in order to maintain the family's livelihood.

Yang Xiuzhu has been able to observe people's emotions since she was a child, is eloquent, and is very good at telling things. She is very good at " and " outside. In her first job, Yang Xiuzhu sold buns and steamed buns at a local grain store. The job was easy, but she was not satisfied. soon switched from a salesperson to an invoice teller.

Yang Xiuzhu's character is fearless, she acts boldly and straightforwardly, and she talks sweetly and is very good at pleasing people. In 1976, she seized the opportunity and successfully entered the political arena. In this year, Yang Xiuzhu was just thirty years old, which was undoubtedly the "golden period" for her career development.

The person who said this is none other than Yang Xiuzhu, the No. 1 suspect in the

So, how did this woman selling steamed buns get into office? Once, when Yang Xiuzhu went to Hangzhou for a meeting, she deliberately put her daughter at the door of the leader and hid nearby. When the leader came, she used a cruel trick and tried her best to finally make the leader's wife relent and take in the child.

Through this method, Yang Xiuzhu really successfully entered the vision of the top leaders of the provincial party committee. After some time, Yang Xiuzhu, who had found her child, gained attention with her ability to "have a bright tongue and a lotus flower", and soon became the deputy director of the Wenzhou Women's Federation.

Yang Xiuzhu is very ambitious. After many years of working outside, she has already developed her own way of doing things. In order to get promoted, she "does everything does everything ", like a piece of brown sugar, as long as she thinks of the benefits, she will stick to it. It is precisely because of this ability to stick to people that Yang Xiuzhu's career has also ushered in earth-shaking changes.

During that time, Yang Xiuzhu relied on her flexible mind to get promoted all the way, and finally became director of the Wenzhou Municipal Planning Bureau.

Yang Xiuzhu’s fortune also originated from her role in the renovation of old houses in Wenzhou. In the late 1980s, Yang Xiuzhu served as the planning director and also served as the head of the Wenzhou Old Housing Renovation Headquarters.

At that time, due to lack of government investment, all public construction in Wenzhou for many years was funded by private funds. In this way, whether or not to demolish the old house during the renovation leaves a lot of room for profit for Yang Xiuzhu.

The person who said this is none other than Yang Xiuzhu, the No. 1 suspect in the

Yang Xiuzhu is extremely fierce. With power, she "does whatever she wants". She has successfully opened up the situation. Land in the old city is constantly being demolished and sold.

Faced with some " tough " residents of Wenzhou, Yang Xiuzhu will be even tougher. Wearing an undershirt and no bra, she climbed onto the roof to demolish the houses, often yelling and swearing. The residents were frightened by such a leader.

During the demolition process, Yang Xiuzhu never shied away from her rights and was even very high-profile. She used to work as a waiter in a restaurant on the street in front of the county. She once scolded the leader who "bullied" her: " I have the right to bully you now! "

At that time, the most direct reason for the demolition was Wenzhou The land is tight. On the one hand, this situation will cause a substantial appreciation of land value; on the other hand, there will be no free place to accommodate the relocated residents.However, Yang Xiuzhu did not consider the consequences at all. She insisted on going her own way. As a result, she owed 600 to 700 million in relocation expenses, causing endless trouble to Wenzhou..

However, Yang Xiuzhu's " brutal and brutal " received different evaluations in another system. At that time, the main leaders of the Wenzhou Municipal Party Committee admired her very much and thought that this was a manifestation of " courage ". Relevant leaders even directly expressed their stance on the controversy about her, saying, "We just need such female cadres." With the "inspiration" from the leader, Yang Xiuzhu acted in her own way, and no one looked down upon her.

The person who said this is none other than Yang Xiuzhu, the No. 1 suspect in the

With the change of position and environment, Yang Xiuzhu's greedy " dark side " was gradually exposed. She began to abuse her power and embarked on the road of corruption.

Corruption and bribery, power spreading

Unlike ordinary people who are cautious in officialdom, many of Yang Xiuzhu's behaviors can even be said to be "official taboos". Even reporters from Wenzhou TV remember that Yang Xiuzhu loves to be pushy , after seeing the camera pointed at her, she would push away the municipal party secretary next to her and get in front of everyone.

Yang Xiuzhu has always maintained her "lower-level characteristics", that is, she does not take officialdom seriously. The reason why she did this was, on the one hand, due to her personality; on the other hand, Yang Xiuzhu knew that the rules of the officialdom were not just superficial, but more about internal skills.. In Yang Xiuzhu's view, " profit " is the supreme existence. Having " money " will make things easier.

From the time she served as the director of the Planning Bureau to 1998 when she left Wenzhou and was transferred to the provincial department, she had full control of Wenzhou's planning, urban construction, and land for 14 years. Her famous saying is: "Planning is money, land approval is money, and volume Rate is money! "

In Yang Xiuzhu's heart, Wenzhou's planning and urban construction are her " world ".

The person who said this is none other than Yang Xiuzhu, the No. 1 suspect in the

At that time, Yang Xiuzhu had the absolute say on land issues in Wenzhou. Not only in terms of land transfer, she alone had the final say on whether a construction team could enter Wenzhou. The land in Wenzhou is like her own "wealth". She can give it to whomever she wants, as much as she wants.

During Yang Xiuzhu's tenure as deputy mayor of Wenzhou City, he carried out many demolition projects and sold the demolished land to some real estate developers with overseas backgrounds without any financial strength at prices lower than the market price. business.

"Why did Yang Xiuzhu 'collude' with foreign businessmen?" Firstly, it was relatively hidden and not easy to be discovered; secondly, the real estate businessmen in Wenzhou at that time were all "small business" and did not have that much money, so in Yang Xiuzhu's view Come on, they are not the "prey" she is targeting.

In addition, Wenzhou Station Avenue was regarded as the "No. 1 Road in Wenzhou" at the time and was originally planned to be built with 8 or 11 lanes. No one expected that Yang Xiuzhu would turn this prime location about 1 kilometer long into more than 100 housing development projects. It is reported that she accepted "1 million" in bribes for each project at that time. So, she took at least 100 million in this way alone.

In addition to corruption and bribery, Yang Xiuzhu has not been "idle" in the power network.

The person who said this is none other than Yang Xiuzhu, the No. 1 suspect in the

As the saying goes, " One person achieves enlightenment, and chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.. After Yang Xiuzhu became a powerful person, in addition to amassing money, her relatives and friends all " benefited from ".

Yang Xiuzhu's eldest brother Yang Guangrong also became the deputy general manager of the Wenzhou Railway Real Estate Development Company. Someone reported very early on that Yang Xiuzhu engaged in malpractice and accepted bribes for personal gains in the land developed by "Wenzhou Railway", and company profited. More than 200 million yuan was spent, but not a penny was spent on railway construction.

The driver who drives Yang Xiuzhu every day is named Yang Shenghua, and he can read a few characters. But even so, through Yang Xiuzhu's "activities", he became a legal person of two state-owned enterprises in Wenzhou. In addition to cooperating with Yang Xiuzhu in corruption, Yang Shenghua personally embezzled 27 million yuan.

Not only that, she can help solve all the housing, employment, schooling and other problems of relatives and friends. Things that others think are difficult to achieve, for Yang Xiuzhu, is just a matter of " raising your hand ".

For subordinates who are more "obedient", Yang Xiuzhu will actively recommend them for promotion to pave the way for her future. However, it is said that the people she brings out are generally not of high quality. This is mainly due to two reasons. On the one hand, Yang Xiuzhu is stubborn and strong; The first day.

Super power creates super obedience from subordinates, and absolute obedience will inevitably lead to crime.

The person who said this is none other than Yang Xiuzhu, the No. 1 suspect in the

Party members were imprisoned and fled overseas

At the end of 2001, the Wenzhou City Procuratorate arrested the then Wenzhou branch president Ye Zheng. In the end, he was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of 12 years for accepting bribes and other crimes.

After Ye Zheng was arrested, he confessed the criminal fact that French Wenzhou businessman Chen Qiyue bribed him. Soon, Chen Qiyue was arrested and brought to justice. Chen Qiyue's imprisonment detonated the public's hatred of official corruption, and also made Yang Xiuzhu the target of public criticism.

In the second half of 2002, when Xia Aihua's bribery case was tried by the Wenzhou Municipal Procuratorate, it was discovered that electrical appliances businessman Zhou Daoting was also involved in the case. In the process of following the clues, it was also discovered that Yang Xiuzhu's younger brother Yang Guangrong, deputy general manager of Wenzhou Railway Real Estate Development Company, had accepted bribes and was suspected of major economic crimes.

On April 10, 2003, Yang Xiuzhu was listening to a report at a meeting when her cell phone suddenly rang.

She answered the call expressionlessly, and the other party deliberately lowered his voice and said: " Yang Guangrong was taken away by the Provincial Procuratorate this morning!"

Yang Xiuzhu was shocked when she heard this, and her back was covered She was sweating coldly, but she still pretended to remain calm as if nothing had happened. After the

meeting, Yang Xiuzhu immediately asked the driver to take her home, and told not to call her if nothing happened in the past few days.

The person who said this is none other than Yang Xiuzhu, the No. 1 suspect in the

After her brother was arrested, her sister Yang Xiuzhu had become a "frightened bird". She had a premonition that danger was approaching her. Asked for leave. After that, Yang Xiuzhu took her family to Shanghai Airport by renting a car. After transferring in Hong Kong, flew to Singapore .

After investigation, the amount involved in Yang Xiuzhu's case was as high as .2532 billion , which was designated as a major corruption and bribery case. In July of the same year, through Interpol , an international red notice was issued for Yang Xiuzhu.

During the days when she fled her motherland, Yang Xiuzhu did not live the life she wanted, and even lived a very "sad" life.

When Yang Xiuzhu first arrived in Singapore, she was greeted by an old friend. But who knows, this old friend wants to extort money from Yang Xiuzhu on the grounds of "blackmail".

Yang Xiuzhu, who was once arrogant, finally gave in and paid a large sum of money obediently. In desperation, Yang Xiuzhu fled to the United States with her family. Due to incomplete documents, they were always disturbed by the immigration bureau in the United States.

Under such circumstances, Yang Xiuzhu had no choice but to flee to the Netherlands with her family, living in a dark basement. Although she has money, she dare not make it public because she is afraid that if she is not careful, it will attract the attention of the police. She does not even dare to approach the local Chinese.

In order to alleviate the loneliness and frustration in life, Yang Xiuzhu started working as a waiter, serving tea and water to guests every day , hoping to reduce her inner fear through lively scenes.

The person who said this is none other than Yang Xiuzhu, the No. 1 suspect in the

Once, Yang Xiuzhu fell unexpectedly and endured the pain to go to the hospital. As a result, Yang Xiuzhu, who did not understand foreign languages, could not describe her symptoms at all. The doctor just prescribed some painkillers perfunctorily and sent her home.

A month later, Yang Xiuzhu's pain became more and more severe. She had no choice but to seek medical treatment again, only to unexpectedly find that one of her ribs had been fractured, and the newly grown bone had been adhered to the fracture site . There is a sharp contrast between the "arrogance and domineering" of

and the "nodding of the head and lowering the eyebrows" today. The days of impunity are not "free".

Tianwang is magnificent and sparse.

" Poor people must be hateful ". During the days when Yang Xiuzhu was on the run, the Chinese police did not give up the pursuit of her. When they discovered that Yang Xiuzhu had been hiding in the Netherlands, , our country’s police immediately applied for an arrest operation.

In May 2005, the Dutch police detained Yang Xiuzhu, but who knew that Yang Xiuzhu did not give up at this time and even filed an appeal and applied for asylum.

Although the country had been providing evidence of Yang Xiuzhu's crime to the Dutch police at that time, due to differences in the legal system, in the end, Yang Xiuzhu was only restricted from leaving the country, and stayed in the Netherlands for 11 years..

It was not until 2014 that Yang Xiuzhu was arrested by the police again and detained in an immigration shelter. With many years of political acumen, Yang Xiuzhu realized that she would probably be deported back to the country this time.

Therefore, just before the deportation order was issued, Yang Xiuzhu took the risk and actually escaped from the shelter. She arrived in France, Italy, Canada, and finally settled in the United States.

The person who said this is none other than Yang Xiuzhu, the No. 1 suspect in the

The reason why Yang Xiuzhu returned to the United States again was because she had already paved the way in the United States in her early years, and she believed that there were differences in Chinese and American laws and cultures, so the possibility of being deported was relatively small.

However, Yang Xiuzhu's wishful thinking turned out to be nothing more than " trying to fetch water from a bamboo basket but in vain ". Yang Xiuzhu was arrested again by the US police in Long Island.

In July 2014, when Yang Xiuzhu heard the news that she was about to be deported to China, she made a crazy move. She was so excited that she broke away from the guards, banged her head against the wall, and roared loudly: " I will die in the United States! "

This kind of action shocked everyone present, and deportation was only possible. Can be temporarily suspended. At this time, Yang Xiuzhu once again came up with the " trump card " and applied for " political protection ".

However, the United States did not approve her application and instead imprisoned her. Yang Xiuzhu’s illusion that the United States would become a “haven” was finally shattered.

While being imprisoned, Yang Xiuzhu has been negotiating with the country. On the one hand, she does not give up the lawsuit and hopes to get political asylum. On the other hand, she is demanding high prices from the country and even hopes that she will not be sentenced. She feels that she is innocent.

However, after living abroad for a long time and the United States refusing to provide asylum, Yang Xiuzhu had no choice but to apply for surrender in China.

On November 16, 2016, Yang Xiuzhu, who had been absconding abroad for 13 years, finally surrendered!

On July 28, 2017, Yang Xiuzhu’s corruption and bribery case officially opened for trial. During the trial, due to Yang Xiuzhu’s positive attitude, she took the initiative to hand over all stolen money at home and abroad and confess her crimes. In the end, Yang Xiuzhu was fined 800,000 yuan and sentenced to 8 years in prison.

The person who said this is none other than Yang Xiuzhu, the No. 1 suspect in the

Yang Xiuzhu’s arrest has once again revealed a truth to the world: The sky is vast, sparse and not leaking!

Evil will be rewarded with evil, and good will be rewarded with good. No matter how cunning your methods are, no matter how hidden your retreat, no matter how many traps you use, you will never escape the law! The Yang Xiuzhu case once again demonstrates my country's determination to hunt down corrupt officials who have fled abroad: If the bandits can go, so can I!

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