Readers who still don’t know: Liu He was deposed, the editor of Fun History will give you a detailed introduction below, and then read on~ No matter how strong Huo Guang is, he is still a minister, and no matter how bad Liu He is, he is still an emperor. Why was he so easily depo

2024/07/0201:10:33 history 1777

Readers who still don’t know: Liu He was deposed, the editor of Fun History will give you a detailed introduction below, and then read on ~ Huo Guang No matter how strong he is, he is still a minister, no matter how bad Liu He is, he is still an emperor, why is it so easy Was he deposed by Huo Guang?

In the history of feudalism, imperial power was supreme and unique. There had always been only "the emperor wanted his ministers to die, and the ministers had to die." However, few ministers were so powerful that they dared to look down upon the emperor. Huo Guang of the Han Dynasty is one of the few examples. Not only was he not afraid of the emperor, he also dared to depose the emperor with his own hands.

Readers who still don’t know: Liu He was deposed, the editor of Fun History will give you a detailed introduction below, and then read on~ No matter how strong Huo Guang is, he is still a minister, and no matter how bad Liu He is, he is still an emperor. Why was he so easily depo - DayDayNews

Coincidentally, the emperor deposed by Huo Guang only lasted 27 days. He is Liu He. After learning from Liu He that he had the opportunity to become emperor, he happily packed his bags and came to Chang'an . Before he could sit on the throne, he was deposed by Huo Guang, together with the empress dowager Shangguan, on the grounds that he was "acting in confusion and fearing to endanger the country."

This move shocked the civil and military officials of the entire court. He was the one who supported Liu He, and he was also the one who destroyed him. The emperor's destruction was like child's play in Huo Guang's eyes. So, in the Han Dynasty where imperial power was supreme, why was Liu He, the emperor, easily deposed by Huo Guang?

 01 Emperor Wu Tuogu led to the power of powerful ministers

The reason why Huo Guang became a powerful minister is also explained by Emperor Wu of Han Tuogu rise.

In his later years, due to Prince Wei's witchcraft disaster, Queen Wei's family gradually declined. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty chose his left and right, and finally selected his youngest son, Liu Fuling, to be the next successor of the Han Dynasty. At the same time, in order to avoid the previous tragedy of "sons young and mothers strong", Emperor Wu cruelly sentenced Liu Fuling's biological mother, Mrs. Gou Yi, to death, and selected several reliable ministers for him, namely Huo Guang, Shangguan Jie and Sang Hongyang .

When the young emperor was growing up, almost all matters in the court were assisted by several Tuogu ministers, among whom Huo Guang was the head of the Tuogu ministers. On the surface, they appear to be in harmony and work together to assist the little emperor, but in fact they are fighting among themselves.

For example, Huo Guang and Shangguan Jie both wanted to marry their daughter to Emperor Zhao of Han Liu Fuling as their queen, but neither family would give in. In the end, in order to compromise, they married the daughter of Huo Guang's daughter and Shangguan Jie's son. Shangguan's , this fight will end; for another example, in order to consolidate the alliance, Huo Guang married his daughter to Shangguan Jie's son. When Shangguan Jie was convicted, Huo Guang married Shangguan's family in addition to his daughter and granddaughter. Killed them all.

In countless visible and invisible struggles, Huo Guang became the final winner and the only powerful relative. Huo Guang's honor and power were at their peak, and everyone called him "the Great Sima General". This title carries a decisive weight. The last person to be called this was and Wei Qing . According to historical records, the word "general" was very important in the Han Dynasty, including general, hussar general, guard general, chariot general, etc. Among them, the general ranked first and was also the highest general title. It also means that the military power in his hands cannot be underestimated.

Readers who still don’t know: Liu He was deposed, the editor of Fun History will give you a detailed introduction below, and then read on~ No matter how strong Huo Guang is, he is still a minister, and no matter how bad Liu He is, he is still an emperor. Why was he so easily depo - DayDayNews

In addition, since Shangguan became the empress of Emperor Zhao, Huo Guang also suddenly jumped from a powerful minister to a relative. He had a tight grasp of the "resources" of the former dynasty and the harem.

In this way, Huo Guang had the final say in the entire court, and he also controlled the military power. Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty passed away, and his granddaughter Shangguan became the empress dowager. As the grandfather of empress dowager Shangguan, Huo Guang was extremely powerful. With such intricate connections, it is really difficult for a new emperor who has only been in office for less than a month to shake.

 02 Liu He's performance is indeed difficult to hold a high position.

In addition to Huo Guang's excessive power, as an "emperor candidate", Liu He's performance is indeed not that satisfactory. In other words, he does not satisfy Huo Guang.

After the death of Han Zhao Emperor Liu Fuling, Huo Guang had to find an easy-to-control puppet emperor in order to continue to hold power, so he set his sights on Liu He. At that time, Liu He was in Changyi State, leisurely working as a small vassal king. When he saw the envoy sent by Huo Guang to convey Yi's decree, Liu He was so happy that the "throne" fell on his head. He quickly packed up his things and took people to Chang'an.

I don’t know what the purpose was. As soon as Liu He took office, he acted very "ambitious" and unruly. Before he set off from the Changyi Kingdom, ministers repeatedly warned him that he must obey Huo Guang and be careful and keep a low profile. But as soon as he received the emperor's jade seal and put on the dragon robe, his head became hot. In the court, he began to exclude Huo Guang's cronies, installed old members of the Changyi Kingdom, and even intended to put someone in place to control the Changle Palace where the Empress Dowager Shangguan lived.

This angered Huo Guang. Even though Liu He was now the emperor, Huo Guang was increasingly dissatisfied with him, which was noticed by other courtiers, such as his old minister and now Dasi Farming Yannian. Tian Yannian suggested Huo Guang to abolish Liu He and establish a new emperor. They coincidentally found the cavalry general Zhang Anshi and the prime minister Yang Chang, and learned that they supported it, so they took action.

Readers who still don’t know: Liu He was deposed, the editor of Fun History will give you a detailed introduction below, and then read on~ No matter how strong Huo Guang is, he is still a minister, and no matter how bad Liu He is, he is still an emperor. Why was he so easily depo - DayDayNews

Furthermore, Liu He’s behavior did leave a lot of “handicaps” and did many ridiculous things. For example, during the period of the emperor's new mourning, according to the ancestral tradition, he was required to take a bath and observe mourning, but Liu He didn't take it seriously at all, and ate big fish and meat without any pretense. According to " Hanshu ": Liu He "On the twenty-seventh day since he received the seal, the envoy was at noon, and he held a festival edict to all the government offices to collect and collect, and there were a thousand and one hundred and twenty-seven things." Although this record contains Huo Guang's "want to impose crimes" ", but there is no smoke without fire. If Liu He had been cautious in everything, he would not have left so many "handles", leaving Huo Guang with an excuse to be deposed as "dirty and rude, unworthy of being emperor".

Huo Guang and his party joined forces with the Empress Dowager Shangguan to ask for the Queen Mother's decree. With the cooperation of all the officials, the Empress Dowager Shangguan read the edict to abolish the emperor that she had prepared before. Then Huo Guang tied up all Liu He's old troops in the Changyi Kingdom. He was sent to Tingwei's prison, and troops were sent to guard Liu He tightly, keeping Liu He under tight control. After that, Liu He became known as the "Deposed Emperor".

Readers who still don’t know: Liu He was deposed, the editor of Fun History will give you a detailed introduction below, and then read on~ No matter how strong Huo Guang is, he is still a minister, and no matter how bad Liu He is, he is still an emperor. Why was he so easily depo - DayDayNews

At this point, Liu He’s dream of becoming an emperor is over. In just 27 days, he experienced being established and deposed. Liu He may have wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of the powerful minister Huo Guang, but he underestimated Huo Guang's strength and acted too early. At the same time, he did not smell the danger at the critical moment. One wrong move and the whole game is lost.

Reference materials: "Hanshu", Zhang Jinlong's "A Brief Introduction to the General System of the Western Han Dynasty", Liu Rong's "The Prosperity and Deposition of Liu He and the Political Situation of Zhaoxuan", Xu Weimin's "New Theory on the Deposition of Emperor Liu He of the Han Dynasty"

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