But for some reasons, these three children did not experience much even the most ordinary father's love. After all, their father Stalin's identity was too special, and he shouldered the responsibilities entrusted to him by thousands of people. There are very few of them!

2024/06/2915:05:32 history 1873

Stalin, everyone must be familiar with it. His life experience is full of legend, and it cannot be finished in a book. He was the supreme leader of the Soviet Union and the longest-serving leader. During World War II , he commanded the army to defeat the German Nazi Party, bringing unlimited hope to the Soviet people at that time and also to the world. Making a positive impact, his contribution is beyond reproach.

But for some reasons, these three children did not experience much even the most ordinary father's love. After all, their father Stalin's identity was too special, and he shouldered the responsibilities entrusted to him by thousands of people. There are very few of them! - DayDayNews

Picture | Stalin

But for some reasons, these three children did not experience much even the most ordinary father's love. After all, their father Stalin's identity was too special, and he shouldered the responsibilities bestowed by thousands of people on his shoulders. There are very few responsibilities that can be assigned to them!

Stalin's eldest son was named Yakov. When Yakov was very young, his mother Ekaterina died of a serious illness. In 1907, when Stalin, who was traveling abroad, rushed back to attend the funeral , just met my eldest son who had just turned one year old. In the following ten years, Yakov, who had been fostered at his aunt's house, never saw his father Stalin once. Until many years later in the summer, on a sunny noon, the 15-year-old Yakov was sitting at the door of the house, lowering his head and teasing his big yellow dog. When he suddenly raised his head, a pair of heroic eyes suddenly appeared with him. Eyes facing each other. Upon closer inspection, he saw that this man was tall and burly, with an aura of majesty all over his body. He was so shocked that he dared not speak. This man was his father, Stalin, who was already the head of the Soviet Union at that time. Later, he followed his father to his new home and lived with his stepmother Nadezhda, his half-brother Vasily, and his sister Svetlana .

But for some reasons, these three children did not experience much even the most ordinary father's love. After all, their father Stalin's identity was too special, and he shouldered the responsibilities entrusted to him by thousands of people. There are very few of them! - DayDayNews

Picture | Yakov

After that, Yakov went to school in Moscow. He successively entered the Railway Engineering and Transportation Academy and the Artillery Academy for further studies. During this period, he also had two romantic experiences. Until June 1941, Germany invaded the Soviet Union, and the ambitious Yakov signed up to join the front line. Due to his bravery in combat, he was promoted from an ordinary artilleryman to the battalion commander of the Artillery Regiment. Unfortunately, he was captured by the enemy during a mission and put in a German prison.

Soon after, this young life passed away.

But for some reasons, these three children did not experience much even the most ordinary father's love. After all, their father Stalin's identity was too special, and he shouldered the responsibilities entrusted to him by thousands of people. There are very few of them! - DayDayNews

Picture | Yakov in the prisoner of war camp

The second son, who is more than ten years younger than Yakov, is called Vasily. He was born on March 21, 1921 in Kremlin . As a son who grew up with Stalin, Vasily did not receive much company from his father. As Stalin himself said: "I must care about 150 million citizens." Therefore, the task of educating children fell entirely on mother Nadezhda. Throughout Vasily's childhood, his mother took care of him in every detail, so Vasily relied very much on his mother emotionally. Under his mother's care, his life was peaceful. However, when he was 12 years old, Without any warning, mother Nadezhda committed suicide!

But for some reasons, these three children did not experience much even the most ordinary father's love. After all, their father Stalin's identity was too special, and he shouldered the responsibilities entrusted to him by thousands of people. There are very few of them! - DayDayNews

Picture | Vasily and his father Stalin

After his mother passed away, Vasily was depressed for a long time and could not concentrate on his studies, resulting in a lot of decline in his academic performance. It was also at this time that he became addicted to alcohol and often drank to numb himself. As a result, he did many ridiculous things, which also laid the foundation for his subsequent situation.

In 1938, after graduating from ninth grade, Vasily directly applied for the Kacha Military Flying School and became a pilot. Later he went to an Air Force Engineering College to study military command. After graduation, he was assigned to Air Force Command. During this period, he had achieved academic success and had ideals. He wanted to participate in actual combat as soon as possible to realize his ambitions. At this time, the Soviet Union's Patriotic War broke out, and he flew a fighter jet to fight the Germans in the sky many times. In 1943, Vasily, who was already the commander of the Aviation Corps, was eager to win in an air battle and pursued an enemy plane. Unfortunately, he was surrounded by the enemy. Fortunately, his comrades arrived in time to support him and helped him escape. But his reckless behavior also became evidence of his impulsive behavior.

But for some reasons, these three children did not experience much even the most ordinary father's love. After all, their father Stalin's identity was too special, and he shouldered the responsibilities entrusted to him by thousands of people. There are very few of them! - DayDayNews

Picture | Vasily

Later, at the May Day Red Square military parade in 1952, due to bad weather conditions, the Air Force Command strictly prohibited aircraft from flying over Red Square , but Vasily, who was already drunk at the time, forced the command. The plane took off, causing serious consequences when the two planes landed, resulting in a crash and fatalities. This serious incident made Stalin furious, and he immediately dismissed Vasily from his position as commander of the Air Force. From then on, Vasily became depressed and depressed. He often drank to drown his sorrows and lived in confusion.

Until Stalin's death, Vasily was accused of being drunk, causing trouble and abusing his power and was forced to retire. Later, he was imprisoned for some reasons. In March 1962, news of Vasily's death came out in prison. Vasily, who was 41 years old at the time, just disappeared! But how did Vasily die? According to online rumors: one said he died of alcoholism, another said he died of escaping from prison, and some said he died of suicide in shame and anger. There are even anecdotes saying that he did not die at all, but was killed by his followers. After the rescue, he fled to China... What is the truth of the matter? It is unknown to future generations.

Finally, let’s talk about Stalin’s daughter Svetlana. Svetlana was born in Moscow in 1926. Since Stalin had a daughter in his old age, she had been favored by her father since she was a child. The year her mother passed away, Svetlana was only 6 years old. At that time, she was ignorant and naive, and she gradually forgot about it after being sad for a while. After that, her father became even more protective of her, often playing games with her and not having a serious image towards the outside world at all. As Svetlana grew up, when she was 16 years old, some rifts arose between father and daughter because Svetlana fell in love with a middle-aged man in his 40s. Stalin couldn't bear this, so he slapped his daughter twice in anger and punished the man in private. Svetlana was disgusted with her father's arbitrary interference in her feelings, and seeds of dissatisfaction sprouted in her heart.

But for some reasons, these three children did not experience much even the most ordinary father's love. After all, their father Stalin's identity was too special, and he shouldered the responsibilities entrusted to him by thousands of people. There are very few of them! - DayDayNews

Picture | Stevlana and her father Stalin

Since then, due to a series of reasons, Stalin was completely disappointed with Svetlana, and the relationship between father and daughter completely broke down. Svetlana left the Soviet Union and went abroad.

But for some reasons, these three children did not experience much even the most ordinary father's love. After all, their father Stalin's identity was too special, and he shouldered the responsibilities entrusted to him by thousands of people. There are very few of them! - DayDayNews

Picture | Stevlana

Stalin was a loving father. For his three children, Yakov, Vasily, and Svetlana, his original intention was to love and take care of them responsibly. Unexpectedly, fate plays tricks on people, making them have a bad fate, and their lives are unsatisfactory.

is sad and deplorable!

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