The Zhaoyang District People's Procuratorate organized all the police officers to visit and study at the Baxianying CCP Party History Education Base in Zhaotong City. In order to further promote the study and education of party history in depth and concreteness, on the morning of

2024/06/3006:47:32 history 1435

Zhaoyang District People’s Procuratorate organized all police officers

to visit and study at the Baxianying CCP Party History Education Base in Zhaotong City

In order to further promote the study and education of party history in depth and concreteness, on the morning of July 15, the Zhaoyang District People’s Procuratorate, together with Zhaotong City The Civilization Office visited the Baxianying CCP Party History Education Base in Zhaotong City to review the party’s history and carry forward the revolutionary tradition.

The Zhaoyang District People's Procuratorate organized all the police officers to visit and study at the Baxianying CCP Party History Education Base in Zhaotong City. In order to further promote the study and education of party history in depth and concreteness, on the morning of - DayDayNews

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's charter, and fulfill the obligations of a party member...". Under the bright red party flag, all party members and police officers raised their right fists, faced the party flag, and solemnly swore an oath again. The sonorous and powerful oath of joining the Party resounded at the CCP History Education Base in Baxianying.

The Zhaoyang District People's Procuratorate organized all the police officers to visit and study at the Baxianying CCP Party History Education Base in Zhaotong City. In order to further promote the study and education of party history in depth and concreteness, on the morning of - DayDayNews

The Zhaoyang District People's Procuratorate organized all the police officers to visit and study at the Baxianying CCP Party History Education Base in Zhaotong City. In order to further promote the study and education of party history in depth and concreteness, on the morning of - DayDayNews

Afterwards, under the guidance of the commentator, all the personnel visited the former site of the 43rd Division of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, learned about the history of the liberation of Zhaotong, and conducted a situational party class on party history. The police officers intuitively understood the glorious deeds of the revolutionary ancestors from all aspects and angles, reviewed the glorious history of the party leading the people in the great revolution, and received a profound tempering of party spirit and ideological baptism.

After the visit, the police officers expressed that they should remember the glorious history, inherit the red gene, pass on the fine style of the revolutionary martyrs who are not afraid of sacrifice and hard work, and transform the indomitable fighting spirit of the revolutionary martyrs into justice for the people and unlimited motivation to act. , do not forget the original intention, keep the mission in mind, and do a good job in Zhaoyang procuratorial work in the new era with an energetic and high-spirited attitude.

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