During the Qing Dynasty, there was a young rich man named Dong Wen'en in Nanyang. He owned thousands of acres of fertile land and a fortune. He was one of the richest men in the area. People in several nearby villages were all tenant farmers of his family. But who would have thou

2024/07/0211:31:32 history 1449

During the Qing Dynasty, Nanyang had a young rich man named Dong Wen'en. He owned thousands of acres of fertile land and a fortune. He was one of the richest men in the local area. People in several nearby villages were all tenant farmers of his family. But who would have thought that such a rich man was a poor scholar who couldn't even afford to eat a few years ago. What happened?

The story begins three years ago. Although Dong Wen'en was born into a poor family, he had great ambitions and wanted to gain fame. However, he had no money and power and could not achieve his ambition. Over time, the blood in his chest was drained away, and he had to start running for life.

But Dong Wenen has a high vision but a low ability, and always wants to reach the sky in one step, so his life becomes increasingly difficult. Until that day, when he was wandering by the river, he suddenly heard a cry for help. When he turned around, he saw that a girl had fallen into the water, and several of her maids were looking for help everywhere with anxious faces.

During the Qing Dynasty, there was a young rich man named Dong Wen'en in Nanyang. He owned thousands of acres of fertile land and a fortune. He was one of the richest men in the area. People in several nearby villages were all tenant farmers of his family. But who would have thou - DayDayNews

Dong Wen'en didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but then he thought about it. If he had a maid to follow him, he must be a rich lady. If he saved someone, it wouldn't be bad to get a sum of money as a reward. Thinking of this, he immediately jumped into the river and tried his best to rescue the drowning girl.

Fortunately, he didn't guess that the girl's name was Yueru, and her father, Mr. Liu, was one of the richest men in the area. After this incident, Dong Wenen not only received a large amount of money, but also captured Yueru's heart. Relying on his sharp tongue, Dong Wen'en coaxed Yueru around, and soon after, he married into the Liu family and lived a life without worries about food and clothing.

Dong Wen'en's father-in-law, Mr. Liu, was also a romantic man. After his first wife died, he always wanted to renew their relationship. Not long after Yueru and Dong Wen'en got married, Mr. Liu brought home a woman. The woman's name is Xiao Su, she is similar in age to Yue Ru, but even more enchanting and charming. Everyone said that Rich Man Liu was an old man who ate young grass, but he didn't care and immediately married Xiao Su back home.

During the Qing Dynasty, there was a young rich man named Dong Wen'en in Nanyang. He owned thousands of acres of fertile land and a fortune. He was one of the richest men in the area. People in several nearby villages were all tenant farmers of his family. But who would have thou - DayDayNews

At first, the relationship between Mr. Liu and Xiao Su was very harmonious, but as time went by, Mr. Liu got tired of it and began to hang out in romantic places. It was not until two years later that Mr. Liu accidentally contracted the disease and died of depression. After his death, the property naturally fell into the hands of Xiao Su and Dong Wen'en.

At first, the three of them struggled with the distribution issue, but it didn’t take long before accidents happened one after another. First, when Yueru and Dong Wen'en went out for an outing, they accidentally encountered bandits and their carriage fell into a cliff. Although Dong Wen'en saved his life, he was also seriously injured. His wife Yueru's whereabouts are unknown, and her life and death are uncertain.

After the incident happened, many people suspected that it was Xiao Su who did it, and she couldn't defend herself. Not long after, she was found to have hanged herself. After all the dust settled, all the assets of the Liu family fell into the hands of Dong Wen'en, and the Liu family completely became the Dong family. Since then, he has become the youngest rich man in the local area. However, Dong Wenen has never remarried and is looking for Yueru's whereabouts. Everyone is very moved when they see this and praise Dong Wenen for his infatuation.

During the Qing Dynasty, there was a young rich man named Dong Wen'en in Nanyang. He owned thousands of acres of fertile land and a fortune. He was one of the richest men in the area. People in several nearby villages were all tenant farmers of his family. But who would have thou - DayDayNews

That night, Dong Wenen had just fallen asleep when he suddenly heard someone calling his name. When he opened his eyes, he found himself lying on an empty wasteland, surrounded by clouds and mist, which was very strange. At the same time, a figure appeared in front of him. After getting closer, he found that it was the missing Yueru.

At this moment, Yueru's face was pale and her eyes were dull. After seeing her, Dong Wen'en was not too happy, but looked frightened. Yueru slowly stepped forward and said that she was dead, but Dong Wenen had been looking for her all these years, which moved her very much, and she came back this time to save him.

It turns out that Yueru saw Dong Wenen's name in the book of life and death not long ago, and his life span was about to end. However, she had bribed Yincha, and they could now go to the Judge's Hall to modify the book of life and death.

During the Qing Dynasty, there was a young rich man named Dong Wen'en in Nanyang. He owned thousands of acres of fertile land and a fortune. He was one of the richest men in the area. People in several nearby villages were all tenant farmers of his family. But who would have thou - DayDayNews

Dong Wen'en was so startled that he broke into a cold sweat. He was relieved when he learned that Yue Ru was here to help him, and immediately followed him towards the Judge's Hall.Soon, the two came to a mansion. The mansion looked like a county government office. There was a plaque hanging above it, and the three characters "Judge's Hall" came into view.

There was no one in the hall, and it was eerily quiet. Dong Wenen and Yue Ru crept in. Soon, the two came to a very thick book, which was the Book of Life and Death. Yueru flipped through it for a long time and finally found Dong Wenen's name. Dong Wen'en took a closer look and found that, as his late wife said, he only had three days left to live.

Dong Wen'en was very worried, so he immediately picked up the brush and added a ten after the three places, changing the remaining Yangshou to thirty years. After revising the book of life and death, Dong Wenen was still frightened and wanted to leave immediately. But as soon as the two of them reached the door, they were blocked by two black shadows. Dong Wenen looked up and met a horse face. The person who blocked them was none other than the famous bull-headed horse face in the underworld.

During the Qing Dynasty, there was a young rich man named Dong Wen'en in Nanyang. He owned thousands of acres of fertile land and a fortune. He was one of the richest men in the area. People in several nearby villages were all tenant farmers of his family. But who would have thou - DayDayNews

Dong Wenen was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, apologizing and begging for mercy. At the same time, a burst of thick smoke rose in the hall, and a tall figure appeared out of thin air. It was the judge wearing official uniform with an angry look. The judge walked to the front of the hall, slapped the case, and angrily shouted: "Bold Dong Wen'en, do you know your guilt!"

Dong Wen'en knelt on the ground, trembling all over, but he still pointed at Yueru beside him and pushed all the blame on her, She said that she instigated him to modify the book of life and death. Seeing this, Yue Ru showed a sneer. She and the judge looked at each other. The judge immediately understood and scolded again: "Bold, is this what I'm talking about? Is there any secret behind the affairs of Rich Master Liu and his family? Please tell me quickly." , otherwise I will send him to the eighteen levels of hell today!"

After saying this, the bull-headed horse face standing behind Dong Wen'en came up. Faced with such oppression, Dong Wen'en's psychological defense completely collapsed and he admitted everything.

During the Qing Dynasty, there was a young rich man named Dong Wen'en in Nanyang. He owned thousands of acres of fertile land and a fortune. He was one of the richest men in the area. People in several nearby villages were all tenant farmers of his family. But who would have thou - DayDayNews

It turns out that Rich Man Liu did not die from the disease, but was poisoned by him and Xiao Su. Back then, Rich Man Liu neglected Xiao Su, which gave Dong Wenen an opportunity to hook up with Xiao Su behind Yueru's back. Both of them wanted to make money, so they joined forces and poisoned Mr. Liu to death.

Afterwards, due to the uneven distribution of property, the two had differences, and Yueru also began to doubt his relationship with Xiao Su. In order to protect himself and conceal the truth, Dong Wen'en decided to do anything and everything. The carriage falling off the cliff was a play he directed and acted in order to harm Yueru and frame Xiao Su. After that, she secretly killed Xiao Su and pretended to hang herself, so that outsiders thought she committed suicide out of fear of crime. In this way, after clearing all obstacles, Dong Wenen finally obtained all the Liu family's property.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yueru on the side rushed towards him like crazy, but fortunately, the bull-headed horse face on the side stopped him in time. At this time, a group of officers and soldiers rushed in and lit torches. The surroundings lit up, and the cow-headed and horse-faced faces took off their disguises. Only then did Dong Wenen discover that he was in the county government, and the judge was also pretending to be a county magistrate, and he had personally confessed to all the crimes.

During the Qing Dynasty, there was a young rich man named Dong Wen'en in Nanyang. He owned thousands of acres of fertile land and a fortune. He was one of the richest men in the area. People in several nearby villages were all tenant farmers of his family. But who would have thou - DayDayNews

It turns out that after Yue Ru fell off the cliff, she did not die. Instead, she was rescued by a woodcutter and carried down the mountain. After recovering from her injuries, she concealed her name in order to investigate the truth, and finally discovered a clue three years later. In order to find out everything, she teamed up with the local magistrate and acted out such a drama together, which led to such a romantic tragedy.

After this incident, Dong Wenen was thrown into death row and received the punishment he deserved, while Yueru also got back his family property.

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