An officer and soldier came out of Sun Chang's house with a bag of jewelry in his arms. "This is the dowry given by my mother-in-law, you can't take it!" Chen Mazi heard the sound and came over, snatched the jewelry from the officer's arms, and slapped him on the head, "This is t

2024/07/0211:58:33 history 1552

An officer and soldier came out of Sun Chang's house with a bag of jewelry in his arms.

Sun Chang’s daughter-in-law, Sun Wang, chased him out of the house and held him back.

"This is the dowry given by my mother-in-law, you can't take it!"

Chen Mazi heard the sound and came over, snatched the jewelry from the officer's arms, and slapped him on the head, "My little wife Can you take your dowry? Go away!"

said, smiling and handing the jewelry to Sun Wang's chest.

An officer and soldier came out of Sun Chang's house with a bag of jewelry in his arms.

Sun Wang looked at Chen Mazi’s pockmarked face with trepidation and did not dare to answer.

Chen Mazi stuffed the jewelry into Sun Wang's arms, then pulled her into his arms and dragged her into the house.

"What are you doing? Let me go! Second child! Second child!"

Hearing the sound, Sun Chang got up from the ground and rushed over. Chen Mazi turned around and kicked him to the ground. He closed the door and locked it from the inside. .

Even if Sun Chang used his thin body to hit the door, the door would not open.

Mrs. Sun Wang was crying in the house...

Mrs. Sun Zhao, Sun Heng's daughter-in-law, also ran over to help Sun Chang break the door. Three officers and soldiers rushed over and dragged her to the side room.

"Sun Heng, Sun Heng!"

Sun Heng stepped forward to stop him, but was pushed away by the officers and soldiers.

Sun Heng turned around and rushed towards Han Gui, and fell to his knees: "I beg you, Chief Han, please let them let my wife and my second daughter-in-law go. They are innocent! Please don't hurt them, brothers!"

Sun Chang crawled over on his knees and kept kowtowing to Han Gui.

Sun Heng hugged Han Gui's leg: "Sir Han, as long as you let them go, I will give you all the money from selling the land at home, and I will also sell this old house to you!"

Han Gui said disdainfully: "Your house and property have all been confiscated. Where did you get the money?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Han Gui was suddenly kicked hard in the back, and a dog ate shit and fell to the ground!

was kicked by Sun Ye.

Sun Ye was about to step on Han Gui and hit him again, but suddenly heard the cries of the women in the two rooms, turned around and ran towards one of the rooms.

"How dare you beat me!" Han Gui got up from the ground and touched the gun to hit Sun Ye.

Upon seeing this, Sun Heng stepped forward and pushed Han Gui. Han Gui's bullet hit the door frame above Sun Ye's head.

"Sir Han, please let our family go!" Sun Heng hugged Han Gui again and knelt down.

Sun Ye kicked in the door, and three soldiers inside were violently abusing his sister-in-law, Sun Zhao.

Sun Ye pulled them and started punching and kicking them fiercely.

The three of them were no match for him. Sun Ye knocked them to the ground with three punches and two kicks, howling.

Sun Ye turned around and left the house to save his second sister-in-law, but one of the soldiers suddenly hugged his waist from behind. Sun Ye casually picked up the "Tou Tou" (stone mortar) placed in the "Tai Wo Zi" (i.e. stone mortar , Lunan dialect) beside the door and threw it at him!

’s brains suddenly splattered!

Sun Ye rushed into the house again and hit the other two officers and soldiers with his head...

Chen Mazi was violently attacking Sun Chang's daughter-in-law, Sun Wang. Sun Wang bit Chen Mazi's ear hard, and Chen Mazi was miserable. Shouting and covering his ears, he jumped to the side.

Sun Wang got up from the bed, opened the door latch and ran out, but was shot in the back and fell at the door of the house.

"Grandma, you dare to bite my ear!" Chen Mazi cursed while holding the gun and covering his bloody ears.

"Lan Lan!" Sun Chang screamed and picked up his dead wife, and rushed towards Chen Mazi fiercely, "I will fight with you!"

Chen Mazi kicked Sun Chang several meters away.

"Batalion Commander, a group of horses are coming from the west. There are hundreds of people. They are almost at the entrance of the village!"

An officer and soldier came in a hurry to report.

"Brothers, withdraw!"

Han Gui gave the order, and the officers and soldiers hurriedly left dragging the things they copied from the Sun family...

"You can't leave!" Sun Chang hugged Chen Mazi's ankles.

"Fuck your grandma!" Chen Mazi fired two shots at Sun Chang in the back.

"Second brother!" Sun Ye, who had just hammered three officers and soldiers to death, rushed over with a bloody "head". Chen Mazi hurriedly fired, but missed the first shot, and then fired the second shot. But there was no bullet, so he used the gun as a stone and hit Sun Ye, then retreated and ran away.

"Xiao Wu, come back Xiao Wu!" Sun Chang vomited blood and screamed Sun Ye's nickname.

Sun Ye just took two steps to catch up. Seeing his second brother's behavior, he quickly came back and hugged him.

"Xiao Wu... listen to our brother..." He lowered his head before he finished speaking.

"Second brother, second brother!"

"Second brother!"

Sun Ye burst into tears, and Sun Chang was heartbroken.

The floor of Sun Zhao's house was covered with blood, and three corpses with bloody heads were lying on the ground.

As for Sun Zhao, she hung herself on the beam with a scarf...

With tears in Sun Ye's eyes, he stared blankly at the three family members who died in front of him, the eldest sister-in-law, the second sister-in-law, and the second brother... ...He angrily wiped away his tears and rushed out the door with his "Tou" in hand.

"Wait for me!"

Zhou Tiancheng and Zhang Yimin arrived...

"Old Ye, now is not the time to be impulsive. Revenge will be avenged sooner or later. Let's take a long-term view!" Zhang Yimin stopped Sun Ye while panting.

Zhou Tiancheng hugged Sun Ye tightly:

"Master, come with us to Baodugu. In the future, the brothers will help you avenge you. We will kill thousands of their soldiers!"

Sun Heng said quickly: " No! Xiao Wu, we can’t go to Qingdao! Let’s go to Qingdao to marry Zitong! "

" My father is gone, my family is gone, I don’t want to be married anymore! No more, I just want to avenge my father, my second brother and my sister-in-law! "

"Listen to Brother Xiaowu, we will find Xiaotong immediately when we get to Qingdao! Okay, Xiaowu, listen to Brother!" Sun Heng almost begged.

Sun Quan and Pigtail Liu arrived with more than a hundred horses. They had just chased Han Gui and the others and killed several officers and soldiers.

Braid Liu angrily cursed: "Those turtles and grandsons are running so fast! We can't catch up at all!"

Sun Quan saw the dead family members in the courtyard, and suddenly staggered to his knees on the ground and howled bitterly: " Second young master, eldest grandma, second grandma! Oh my God, you are blind!"

"Tiancheng said with an expressionless face.

"Young Master."

"Put my brother up to hold the baby!"

"Xiao Wu!" Sun Heng panicked.

"I have offended the eldest young master."

Zhou Tiancheng waved his hand, and four horses picked up Sun Heng and walked out, letting him howl at the top of his lungs. Until he was carried out of the courtyard, Sun Ye remained in place, like a statue. The ice sculpture didn't move at all...

A strong wind suddenly blew up, whistling over the Sun family compound.


An officer and soldier came out of Sun Chang's house with a bag of jewelry in his arms.

Baodugu under the moonlight.

In the brothers' hall, Sun Heng sat on a chair dejectedly, and Sun Ye stood with his back to him, with a look of loneliness and hatred on his face.

"Stop talking, I'm determined to do this." Sun Ye said coldly in a non-committal tone.

"Xiao Wu, you are a scholar, different from Tiancheng and others!"

"I want to be like them sooner, my father's revenge will be avenged long ago! My second brother and my sister-in-law will not die either! It's all you , you are the one who killed them all!"

Sun Heng cried with his head in annoyance...

Sun Ye left angrily.

(to be continued)

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