Foreword: In 1953, a woman from Guangzhou came to Zhongnanhai, claiming to be Zhou Enlai's "wife" and hoping to meet Zhou Enlai. If this woman is said to be another relative of Zhou Enlai, there may be some credibility, and it is well known that Zhou Enlai only had Deng Yingchao

2024/06/2918:46:33 history 1901


In 1953, a woman from Guangzhou came to Zhongnanhai , claiming that she was Zhou Enlai's "wife" and hoped to meet Zhou Enlai.

If this woman is said to be another relative of Zhou Enlai, there may be some credibility, and it is well known that Zhou Enlai only had Deng Yingchao as his wife. Therefore, the receptionist concluded that the woman was probably lying, but out of caution, she told Premier Zhou's secretary Liang Airan about the matter.

But what is unexpected is that this woman was not only entertained by Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao, but Zhou Enlai also bought her a ticket before leaving. Even after Zhou Enlai's death, she maintained contact with Deng Yingchao.

What is the identity of this woman? Is she really Zhou Enlai's "wife"?

Foreword: In 1953, a woman from Guangzhou came to Zhongnanhai, claiming to be Zhou Enlai's

1. Fan Guixia and Premier Zhou and his wife

"I am Fan Guixia, Premier Zhou's wife. I know that he is busy with official work. Just give me a minute to see him."

These words soon reached the ears of secretary Liang Airan. .

At first Liang Airan thought she was an unreasonable old woman, but after seeing her clean clothes and decent language, she quickly reported the matter to Premier Zhou.

Foreword: In 1953, a woman from Guangzhou came to Zhongnanhai, claiming to be Zhou Enlai's

To everyone's surprise, Premier Zhou not only summoned Fan Guixia, but also treated her to a meal with his wife Deng Yingchao.

"I really didn't expect that the little girl in her twenties back then is now so big."

"Did your boyfriend come back to find you later?"

After hearing what Premier Zhou said, Fan Guixia replied happily : "He came back to me later, and he is my current husband."

Foreword: In 1953, a woman from Guangzhou came to Zhongnanhai, claiming to be Zhou Enlai's

"How are your children doing now?"

"My son has graduated from college and is working, and my daughter has joined the army."

Chat privately, Zhou Enlai He and Deng Yingchao have been picking up food for Fan Guixia, and they are even more afraid that she won't be able to let go of him.

"The current situation was turbulent and I lost contact with the organization. I could only return to my hometown to teach with my husband until I retired."

After hearing Fan Guixia's words, Zhou Enlai sighed regretfully: "The situation was too complicated at that time. Many revolutionary comrades have lost contact."

Foreword: In 1953, a woman from Guangzhou came to Zhongnanhai, claiming to be Zhou Enlai's

After the greetings, Premier Zhou suddenly asked: "Have you bought the ticket for the return trip? If not, I will arrange for someone to buy it. "

"I haven't bought it yet. I can just buy it myself. No need. Excuse me."

In the end, Premier Zhou bought a ticket for Fan Guixia to go back.

Later, Fan Guixia also visited Premier Zhou in Beijing. However, the Prime Minister was already recuperating in the hospital, so Fan Guixia did not bother him.

Foreword: In 1953, a woman from Guangzhou came to Zhongnanhai, claiming to be Zhou Enlai's

After Premier Zhou passed away, Fan Guixia visited Deng Yingchao in Beijing and the two took a group photo together.

Judging from the relationship between Fan Guixia and Premier Zhou and his wife, perhaps they formed a friendship during the Great Revolution. As for who Fan Guixia is to Zhou Enlai, we have to start from Hong Kong.

2. The Great Revolution failed, taking care of "Old Zhou"

In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek was arresting communists everywhere. Fan Guixia also left her hometown and came to Hong Kong to find an organization.

Foreword: In 1953, a woman from Guangzhou came to Zhongnanhai, claiming to be Zhou Enlai's

While working in Hong Kong, Fan Guixia was mainly responsible for receiving comrades from the party who came to Hong Kong, sorting out telegrams and other documents, and coming forward to protect comrades within the party when necessary.

Especially at that time, Hong Kong had a strange rule that people renting a house must be husband and wife.

Most of the people who can participate in the revolution are single. If they want to rent a house in Hong Kong, Fan Guixia can only do it.

As time went by, Fan Guixia, a young woman who was not yet married, would inevitably complain.

Foreword: In 1953, a woman from Guangzhou came to Zhongnanhai, claiming to be Zhou Enlai's

Just when Fan Guixia made a "protest" to the organization, she was assigned an important task: as the eldest mistress, she took care of the eldest master "Lao Zhou".

Fan Guixia did not know Lao Zhou's true identity, but from the words of her superiors, Fan Guixia realized that he must be a big shot.

Not long after, Fan Guixia came to the "villa" arranged by the organization. While decorating the room, she waited for "Old Zhou" to arrive.

Foreword: In 1953, a woman from Guangzhou came to Zhongnanhai, claiming to be Zhou Enlai's

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Dongjiang Special Committee Yang Shihun carried an unconscious patient in.This person is Fan Guixia's husband for some time in the future - Lao Zhou.

Put Lao Zhouping on the bed and put him into comfortable clothes. The doctor began to conduct a comprehensive examination on him.

"Record the body temperature once every half hour and take care of it with care."

Foreword: In 1953, a woman from Guangzhou came to Zhongnanhai, claiming to be Zhou Enlai's

In order to cover up others' eyes, the task of taking care of Lao Zhou naturally fell on Fan Guixia.

But when she carefully observed Lao Zhou's face, Fan Guixia discovered that this man turned out to be her idol, the former director of the Political Department of Huangpu Military Academy - Zhou Enlai.

3. The revolutionary friendship with Zhou Enlai

At this time, Zhou Enlai had just experienced the failure of the Nanchang Uprising and contracted a serious illness while joining the army, so he came to Hong Kong to recuperate.

After taking care of Fan Guixia for three days and three nights, Zhou Enlai finally woke up.

"Where are you? Who are you?"

"This is Hong Kong. I was sent by the organization to take care of you. My name is Fan Guixia. Yang Shihun is also here."

Foreword: In 1953, a woman from Guangzhou came to Zhongnanhai, claiming to be Zhou Enlai's

Seeing that Zhou Enlai had woken up, Fan Guixia hurried there. The kitchen prepared a bowl of chicken soup, intending to replenish Zhou Enlai's health.

Unexpectedly, as soon as this bowl of chicken soup was brought to Zhou Enlai, his brows wrinkled:

"The current revolutionary situation is so pessimistic, and organizations need money everywhere, how can you spend so much money on me?"

"This is an organization. I told you to replenish your body, but I won't do it again when you get better."

saw Zhou Enlai still frowning, Fan Guixia could only promise not to stew chicken soup next time, and Zhou Enlai drank the chicken soup one mouthful at a time. .

Foreword: In 1953, a woman from Guangzhou came to Zhongnanhai, claiming to be Zhou Enlai's

While taking care of Zhou Enlai's meal, Fan Guixia introduced the current situation to Zhou Enlai. When he heard that the organization asked the two to pretend to be husband and wife, Zhou Enlai immediately asked:

"Do you know Deng Yingchao?"

"Yes, we have known each other for a long time. He is a very good person."

"Do you know that she is here?" Where? "

" It should be in Shanghai. "

Foreword: In 1953, a woman from Guangzhou came to Zhongnanhai, claiming to be Zhou Enlai's

Hearing that Deng Yingchao was in Shanghai, Zhou Enlai felt a little more at ease, and then asked nervously: "Who did you hear this news? Is it true? "

"They all said so. There should be no lies."

In the next few days, Fan Guixia has been conscientiously serving as Zhou Enlai's "wife" and introduced the major events and the current revolutionary situation to Zhou Enlai.

After the injury was slightly better, Zhou Enlai said: "How old are you and are you married?"

"You are 22 years old and you have a boyfriend. He is still your student."

Foreword: In 1953, a woman from Guangzhou came to Zhongnanhai, claiming to be Zhou Enlai's

I heard that he is his student. Zhou Enlai has Interested: "What's his name? Let's see if I recognize him."

"His name is Pan Yaofang. He is a student in the fourth period of Huangpu . He is also a member of the Communist Party and participated in the Northern Expedition. . But now we have lost contact. I don't know where he is. "

"He should follow the team north, you don't have to worry. If he really likes you, he will come back to you. "

Foreword: In 1953, a woman from Guangzhou came to Zhongnanhai, claiming to be Zhou Enlai's

During this time, Fan Guixia has been taking good care of Zhou Enlai. , Zhou Enlai also continued to teach Fan Guixia revolutionary concepts. In particular, Zhou Enlai continued to work despite his illness, and his frugal and selfless spirit greatly shocked Fan Guixia.

In November 1927, Zhou Enlai's body had almost recovered, and it was time for the two to part ways.

"Little girl, thank you for taking care of me during this time. We will definitely meet again."

Soon after, Fan Guixia personally put Zhou Enlai on the ship, and they did not meet again until 26 years later.

Just as Premier Zhou said, Fan Guixia's boyfriend Pan Yaofang found her and the two officially became husband and wife. However, the two still lost contact with the organization and could only return to their hometown to work.

Foreword: In 1953, a woman from Guangzhou came to Zhongnanhai, claiming to be Zhou Enlai's

For Fan Guixia, being able to meet Zhou Enlai on the revolutionary road and follow him to listen to his teachings was the most proud experience in her life.

But at the age of 22, she risked her life and successfully completed the task of taking care of Zhou Enlai under the search of the Kuomintang reactionaries. She is also worthy of everyone's respect.

is an old friend with Deng Yingchao, and pretended to be a couple with Zhou Enlai. In addition, she performed outstandingly in her firm belief. Even after more than 20 years, Zhou Enlai still entertained Fan Guixia with the greatest sincerity.

In 1994, Zhou Enlai's "wife" also passed away, but her story will be passed down forever.

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