Compared with modern external maritime threats, Taicang is not very safe, as the Anti-Japanese War illustrates. In addition, the mainstream mode of transportation in the inland has also changed. Shipping is no longer the main mode. The pursuit of speed is much higher than in anci

2024/07/0114:28:34 history 1083

3.7.20 Yangshan Deep Water Port---Nanjing Grand Porcelain Tower

Xiao Wu nodded and said: "I completely agree---the Taicang plan is an excellent solution for maintaining the supply chain stability for Ming Dynasty . But now, why don’t we use this solution?”

Hakkasuru said with a smile: “It’s easy to understand. Taicang is not very safe. The Anti-Japanese War This illustrates this point. Furthermore, the mainstream mode of transportation in the inland has also changed. It is no longer dominated by shipping, and the pursuit of speed is much higher than in ancient times. Therefore, the national supply chain plan must keep pace with the times.”

Xiao Wu again. He nodded and said suddenly: "Okay. However, as far as the shipping business is concerned, historically speaking, only a few centers such as Guangzhou, Quanzhou , Ningbo , and Taicang have operated well."

"Now The strongest shipping hub in China should be Shanghai, right? This is almost the same as Taicang during the Zhenghe period. Do you think it has returned to the best mode? "

Bajia smiled and said: "China's second major channel, That is the Maritime Silk Road, and its seaports are of course very important. Several important seaport cities on the southeast coast, such as Guangzhou, Quanzhou, Ningbo, etc., have historically served as China's main seaports. However, a comprehensive analysis of today's maritime hubs. In other words, Shanghai is indeed the most efficient. "

" During the Qing Dynasty, China once blocked all seaports. Later, foreign guns opened the country from the sea. Among them, the first Opium War opened the door to Guangzhou. The Second Opium War opened the door to Shanghai, resulting in the prosperity of China's maritime import and export trade. "

" In the end, Shanghai's maritime hub function, and the corresponding import and export trade volume, showed the highest efficiency. This is a choice made by history, and it is also a choice made by foreigners. It is not subjectively favored by domestic people. It can be seen that there must be good reasons for it. As for the in-depth analysis, it is basically the same as Zheng He's view of Taicang. "

Xiao Wu again. He nodded and said with a smile: "This shows Zheng He's foresight. But in my opinion, the international competition in East Asia shipping is becoming more and more intense today, and it is not limited to the competition among these domestic ports in China, right?"

Bajiao smiled slightly and said: " Yes. To be the largest maritime hub in East Asia, there are obviously more competitions and the opponents are obviously stronger. In addition, modern sea-going ships are getting larger and cost considerations are becoming more complicated, so the advantages and disadvantages are not clear at a glance. After Shanghai developed the Yangshan deep-water port, coupled with the inland industrial development, its late-mover advantage as a maritime hub began to take the lead. "

As he spoke, Bajiao waved his sleeve, and a piece of white paper flew out. Xiaowu quickly took it and took a look. It turned out to be a map, with several major East Asian seaports marked on the line.

Compared with modern external maritime threats, Taicang is not very safe, as the Anti-Japanese War illustrates. In addition, the mainstream mode of transportation in the inland has also changed. Shipping is no longer the main mode. The pursuit of speed is much higher than in anci - DayDayNews

Chart 73 Shanghai Yangshan Transshipment hub of deep-water port

Chart 73 Transshipment hub of Shanghai Yangshan Deep-water Port

Xiao Wu nodded casually: “Oh? Guangzhou, Quanzhou, Shanghai, Tianjin, Busan, and Yokohama are marked on the map. These six cities are now seaport hubs..."

Bajiao stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Nowadays, there are often twenty or thirty ships in the sea. The transport volume of 10,000 tons is unimaginable in ancient times. Such economies of scale, coupled with the widespread use of containers, have greatly reduced freight costs after amortization. However, the technical requirements for cargo splitting and transshipment are much higher than in ancient times. Because there are so many cargos on sea ships, the demand cannot happen to come from the same place. "

" chose Shanghai Port not only because it is adjacent to the Yangtze River and Grand Canal and is convenient for transshipment, but also because it has established a deep-water port in Yangshan nearby - which can not only berth super large ships, but also facilitate transportation on the other side. It can also berth a large number of "10,000-ton" small sea-going ships. In this way, the terminal operations can directly transfer containers from large ships to small ships using cranes, and the entire process is automated. In this way, the process of "landing" of goods is eliminated, and "unloading" and "reloading" are completed, resulting in excellent transshipment efficiency."

Xiao Wu suddenly realized it and said with a smile: "This unprecedented 'no landing' transshipment method is really efficient and saves money! But the transshipment from a large ship to a small sea ship or river ship does not necessarily have to be done in Shanghai, right? How about building a deep-water port similar to Yangshan elsewhere? "

Bajiao smiled and said, "That's a good question. From a technical point of view, this kind of transshipment does require the construction of a deep-water port, not only Tianjin Port, Guangzhou Port, Quanzhou Port, but also Busan Port in South Korea and Yokohama Port in Japan. But there are more economic considerations, including enjoying the low freight costs of super large sea ships while taking into account the higher freight costs of small sea ships. Taken together, only Shanghai has the lowest sea transshipment cost. "

" Large-scale ships in East Asia usually come from south to north. Each ship carries countless containers, and the final destination of these goods may be anywhere in East Asia. It is both convenient and cost-effective to arrive in Shanghai first and then ship by ship to other seaports such as Tianjin, Busan, and Yokohama, or to inland ports on the Yangtze River and the Grand Canal. "

Xiao Wu looked at the map again and said suddenly: "I understand. Ports such as Tianjin, Busan, and Yokohama are all in the north, with higher latitudes. If the goods are transported there and then transferred by ship, then not only will the voyage of the large sea ship be lengthened, but the subsequent voyage of the small sea ship is likely to be the " turn back to " of the large sea ship! This is really not cost-effective!

Bajiao Nianxu said with a smile: "That's right, 'return runs' should be minimized as much as possible." In addition, the risk of northern ports freezing in winter must be considered. The value of ports in Tianjin, Busan, and Yokohama is much worse than that in Shanghai. Not to mention that Japanese and Korean ports are also affected by other political factors. "

" In addition, although Guangzhou Port (including Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Huizhou ) can cover transshipment in South China, there are no rivers in South China that cross the Five Ridges, reach Ganjiang or the Xiangjiang River and then turn to the Yangtze River, so its functions are limited. "

" If you use Quanzhou Port, you still need to transfer to the north by land, and then relay northward through Hangzhou ( Song Dynasty ) or Nanjing (Qing Dynasty). There is no canal in the section from Quanzhou to Nanjing or Hangzhou, so this plan is not superior. However, if Guangzhou or Quanzhou are only used as maritime hubs (similar to the function of Singapore), the profits will be reduced because large-scale ships are allowed to distribute cargo too early. "

Xiao Wu nodded and smiled, and said: "I completely understand. Today's China shipping hub's Shanghai plan is similar to the Taicang plan during Zheng He's time. Both are the largest ports in East Asia and even the world. They are almost the same in terms of taking into account the transshipment radiation on the sea, the Yangtze River and the canal. "

" The only difference is that the berthed ships have become larger, so the transshipment terminal must be moved from Yangtze River Estuary Taicang Liuhe to Hangzhou Bay Yangshan --- only deeper water can dock more ships. Big sea ship! "

Bajiao Nianxu smiled and said: "You have learned enough today, and you have a relatively in-depth understanding of Zheng He's voyages to the West.. That’s it for today’s lesson, you can study the rest on your own. "

was about to leave when he saw Bajiao, Xiaowu hurriedly shouted: "Wait, there is one last question! Please tell me too! "

" It is said that there was another great achievement in Zheng He's later years, which was the large glazed pagoda of Dabaoen Temple in Nanjing! He claimed that this tower was a prestigious project of the Ming Dynasty. Is it really so powerful? Why have I never seen a few words or poems written by Chinese literati about this tower? Could it be that I am ignorant? "

" It is said that a project of this level is being built in Nanjing, an important place between the north and the south. There should be many literati and poets who have seen it? Why doesn't anyone say a word? Most Chinese people today don’t know this. It’s so weird and strange---This is also the last question I studied today. "

Bajiao chuckled and said: "As for the descriptions of literati, there are actually quite a few, but they are mainly written by foreigners.For example, in 1839, Andersen wrote in the fairy tale "The Garden of Heaven": A boy named Dongfeng wore a set of Chinese clothes and just flew back from China. He told his mother: 'I just came from China---I Danced around the big porcelain tower for a while, making all the tower bells jingle! "

Xiao Wu was surprised and said: "There is actually this story in Andersen's fairy tales? He calls it the ‘Big Porcelain Tower’? Is this his impression of China? "

Bajiao nodded and said: "The whole body of the Porcelain Tower is made of colorful colored glaze. It is crystal clear under the sun and looks like ice and jade, so it is called 'The Porcelain Tower of Nanjing' by Westerners. , or 'China's Great Porcelain Pagoda'. This tower, together with the Colosseum and the Great Wall of China, is known as the Seven Wonders of the Medieval World. It has been one of the two major symbols of China for more than 400 years. "

" During the Wanli years, Portuguese missionary Zeng Dezhao came to China to study and compiled a Chinese-Portuguese dictionary and a general history of China in Portuguese. The Portuguese recorded in his travel notes "Nanjing among the Nine Southern Provinces": (Nanjing) There is also a seven-story pagoda with an exquisite structure (9 stories was mistakenly written as 7 stories), which is covered with idols and seems to be made of porcelain. This building can be included in the most famous buildings in ancient Rome ..."

Xiao Wu was even more surprised and said: "It turns out that the Nanjing Great Porcelain Tower is one of the seven wonders of the world! Can it still serve as a symbol of China? Is this also a work by Zheng He? It's unbelievable! "

Bajia chuckled and stroked his beard and said: "Earlier, there was "Niehof's Travels" published in 1665. Its full name is "The Ambassador of the Dutch East India Company Visits the Emperor of China---The Great Khan of Tatar", which has the greatest influence in Europe. . "

" As a representative of the East India Company, Niehov even praised the large glazed pagoda of the Great Baoen Temple that left a deep impression on him: "The buildings in and around the temple are amazing." Embodying Chinese architectural style... In my opinion, no Chinese architecture can compare with them. In the center of the temple stands the tall glazed tower. Its beauty and complexity of decoration surpass all Chinese art buildings...'"

"After such exaggeration and enthusiastic praise, coupled with Niehov's personal After creating exquisite engravings, the Great Glazed Pagoda suddenly became a fashion star sought after by everyone in Europe. The only problem is that he painted an extra layer of the large porcelain tower (9 layers into 10 layers) on the engraving prints , thereby misleading generations of Europeans. "

Xiao Wu's mouth turned into an "O" shape and he said: "It turns out that Europeans in the Middle Ages regarded the large porcelain tower as a symbol of Chinese civilization! At that time, they were very fascinated by China. "

Bajiao nodded and smiled: "Not bad. Europeans at that time were very willing to learn from China, especially the Nanjing Porcelain Tower. In the 19th century, both Britain and France built imitations of it locally, namely the French Trianon de Porcelaine and the British porcelain tower. Great Pagoda Kew. "

" This is enough to show that the Great Glazed Pagoda is deeply rooted in the hearts of people in Europe, but the Qiu Garden Pagoda built an extra floor because it was misled by the pictures. "

Xiao Wu was so shocked that he couldn't help but say after a while: "Europeans are so obsessed with this tower! I'm afraid Britain and France will have to compete to see who builds one more like the original, right? "

Compared with modern external maritime threats, Taicang is not very safe, as the Anti-Japanese War illustrates. In addition, the mainstream mode of transportation in the inland has also changed. Shipping is no longer the main mode. The pursuit of speed is much higher than in anci - DayDayNews

Chart 74 The legendary Nanjing Great Porcelain Pagoda (Jinling Pagoda)

Chart 74 The legendary Nanjing Great Porcelain Pagoda (Jinling Pagoda)

Pictures from the Internet

Octagon stroked his beard and nodded: "The Nanjing Great Porcelain Pagoda is not a simple one. The architecture is also a work of art and antiques. But has anyone in the world seen an antique treasure that is 78 meters high, equivalent to the height of a 26-story building? "

" The top of the large glazed pagoda is an orb made of pure gold, with a diameter of about 4 meters and is said to weigh more than 2,000 taels. There are copper wind chimes hanging under the eaves of each floor, a total of 152 from top to bottom. , the breeze blows gently, and the ringing of the bells can be heard for miles. "

" Although it is so high, except for a "tube wood" on the top of the tower, "not an inch of wood" is used in the entire building. The inner and outer surfaces are all made of glazed components with different shapes and colors."

" And in accordance with Zheng He's requirement of sparing no expense, three sets of each component were fired at that time. One was used to build the tower, and the remaining two numbers were buried underground in case there were any defects, which could be reported to the Ministry of Works and copied. Accessory repair. These spare parts are still unearthed from time to time. "

Xiao Wu raised his thumbs up and said: "Now I understand that this project is really amazing! As the country of origin of porcelain, the masterpiece of Chinese porcelain craftsmanship is the Nanjing Porcelain Tower! Yes, it was really enough to serve as a symbol of China in ancient times! Zheng He compared this with his seven voyages to the West. Sure enough, he was not exaggerating! "

Bajiao nodded slowly and said: "Half of Nanjing can see this pagoda. A total of 144 oil lamps are lit on the pagoda, and the fragrance floats ten miles away and stays on all night. Since the completion of the Daglai Pagoda in the third year of Xuande , Dabaoen Temple has arranged for 100 monks to be on duty in turns. The total amount of lamp oil consumed every month is 1,530 kilograms, which is paid by the government. As a disciple of the Three Jewels, Zheng He's cemetery is not far from here. He hopes that he will be able to bathe in the light of the Buddha forever after his death. "

" Unfortunately, this grand scene only lasted for 428 years, until the entire Da Baoen Temple was destroyed by the artillery fire of the Taiping Army in the late Qing Dynasty, and the Da Liuli Pagoda was not spared. Since then, this glorious miracle created by the Chinese working people has disappeared from the world, and Zheng He's classic works have ceased to exist in the world. "

Compared with modern external maritime threats, Taicang is not very safe, as the Anti-Japanese War illustrates. In addition, the mainstream mode of transportation in the inland has also changed. Shipping is no longer the main mode. The pursuit of speed is much higher than in anci - DayDayNews

Chart 75 The ruins of the Great Baoen Temple and the monks

Chart 75 The ruins of the Great Baoen Temple and the monks

[Destroyed by artillery fire in the sixth year of Xianfeng (1856)]

The picture comes from the Internet

Xiao Wu sighed longly: "What a pity! Chinese people can no longer appreciate the giant artworks of their ancestors! The collaborative achievements of many folk porcelain masters were lost in this way! "

Bajiao said with a smile: "However, the Ming Dynasty civil servant group believes that no matter how well-built the Great Glazed Pagoda is, it is still the work of the ' Eunuch ' and his subordinates, and is one of the examples of 'extremely happy with achievements and a waste of money', so it should not be dealt with. Its praise. "

" This is the reason why not many Chinese literati have left writing treasures for this, you should understand. Only "Journey to the West" implicitly asked Tang Monk to scan the pagoda once, and said that the Buddha's light in the pagoda was blinded by dirty blood. "

" However, after 2010, Nanjing City rebuilt the Great Baoen Temple and the Great Glazed Pagoda. Although the value is completely incomparable with the previous ones, it can still give people a slight appreciation of the grace of the Great Porcelain Pagoda. "

Xiao Wu was stunned for a while and said: "I should understand, but I still find it incredible. "

Compared with modern external maritime threats, Taicang is not very safe, as the Anti-Japanese War illustrates. In addition, the mainstream mode of transportation in the inland has also changed. Shipping is no longer the main mode. The pursuit of speed is much higher than in anci - DayDayNews

Chart 76 Reconstruction of the Nanjing Great Porcelain Pagoda (Jinling Tower)

Chart 76 Reconstruction of the Nanjing Great Porcelain Pagoda (Jinling Pagoda)

[The words Nanjing in the air are formed by LED drones]

The picture comes from the Internet

Bajiao smiled slightly and said: “But having said that, the scholar-bureaucrats were unwilling to waste ink on the Nanjing Porcelain Tower, but the working people will never forget this work of art because it is their brainchild. "

" When the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom swept across the south of the Yangtze River, many folk artists fled to Shanghai. Later, after learning that the pagoda was completely destroyed, they left an eternal song in " Shanghai Rap " (one of the dialect rap arts) to commemorate it. "

Xiao Wu couldn't help but straighten his waist, opened his eyes wide and said: "What eternal music? Can you share it? "

Bajia smiled and said: "The name of the song is called "Jinling Tower". It is said that those who can sing it in one breath are outstanding musical talents. "

" is also the longest tongue twister in China. It can be applied for intangible cultural heritage . I also like this song very much because it reflects the complexity and difficulty of the tower construction. If you want to hear it, there's no harm in singing it to you before leaving. "

After finishing speaking, Bajiao cleared her throat, adjusted her clothes, and then sang a song "Jinling Pagoda". As expected, the content was very long, but Xiao Wu had been listening carefully without saying a word.

"Jinling Pagoda" , Pagoda Jinling"

Shanghai rap

peach blossom buttons are red,

willow branches are green,

do not sing about the past dynasty and comment on ancient events.

sings only the layers of Jinling Pagoda.

The first floor of Jinling Pagoda,

The first floor of the pagoda has four horns,

There are golden bells on the four corners,

The golden bells ring loudly when the wind blows,

The golden bells chirp again and again when the rain hits.

This pagoda is really great.

It is all the product of the sweat and blood of ancient working people.

places of interest and historical sites have been passed down to this day.

Suzhou There are four scholars in the city,

One is named Guo and the other is Lu,

One is named Bu and the other is Su,

Guo Bu Su Lu, Lu Bu Guo Su,

Bu Lu Su Guo, Guo Bu Su Lu,

The four scholars eat water chestnuts and peel off their shells,

The diamond shell is used to sitting in the corner,

the alley boy comes to sweep the road,

the golden bell chirps again and again when the rain hits.

Jinling Pagoda Jinli Green,

Jinling Pagoda third floor,

Three-story pagoda has twelve horns,

There are golden bells on the twelve horns,

The wind blows the golden bells, and

the rain hits the golden bells. Groaning and chirping.

This pagoda is really great.

It is all the product of the sweat and blood of ancient working people.

places of interest and historical sites have been passed down to this day.

There is a bowl of green flowers, a bowl of green flowers, a bowl of green flowers, a bowl of green flowers, a bowl of green flowers.

Piggybackbag, piggybackba, piggybackba, piggybackba, piggybackba.

Black kicks and touches the loose piggyback. The black and naked Gegeba,

The black and kicking Pogoba, the black and kicking Pogoba,

colorful, green and colorful, green and green, green and green flowers

There is a black ground in the green flower bowl Touch many corners, touch many corners, touch many dark places, touch many corners, touch many dark places, touch many places

Living green land, Pigba

Rain hits the golden bell, chirping again and again

Jinling Pagoda, Jinli Green,

The fifth floor of Jinling Pagoda ,

The five-story pagoda has twenty horns,

There are golden bells on the twenty horns,

The golden bells ring vigorously when the wind blows, and the golden bells chirp again and again when the rain hits.

This pagoda is really great.

It is all the product of the sweat and blood of ancient working people.

places of interest and historical sites have been passed down to this day.

Seven stars in the sky,

Seven eagles on the tree,

Seven nails on the wall,

Seven lamps on the table,

Seven pieces of ice in the river

Oh, the dark clouds in the sky cover the seven stars in the sky,

Oh, shush away Seven eagles on the tree

jingle pull out seven nails on the wall

flutter and blow off seven lamps on the table

machine bones crush seven pieces of ice in the river

ice lamp nail eagle star eagle nail lamp ice lamp star eagle ice nail star Eagle nail lantern, ice nail, ice lantern, star eagle, ice star, lantern, eagle

The rain hits the golden bell, chirping again and again

Jinling Pagoda, Jinli Green,

Jinling Pagoda, the seventh floor,

The seven-story pagoda has twenty-eight horns,

There are golden bells on the twenty-eight horns. The golden bells ring loudly when the wind blows, and they chirp again and again when the rain hits.

This pagoda is really great.

It is all the product of the sweat and blood of ancient working people.

places of interest and historical sites have been passed down to this day.

There is a vine on the wall

A copper bell hangs on the vine A copper bell

The wind blows and the vine moves and the copper bell moves

The wind stops and the vine stops and the copper bell stops

The rain hits the golden bell and it chirps again and again.

Jinling Pagoda Jinli Green,

Jinling Pagoda ninth floor,

Nine-story pagoda has thirty-six horns,

There are golden bells on the thirty-six horns,

The wind blows and the golden bells ring loudly,

Rain strikes gold. The bell chirped and chirped.

This pagoda is really great.

It is all the product of the sweat and blood of ancient working people.

places of interest and historical sites have been passed down to this day.

comes from a hunchback

carries a load of screws on the shoulders

comes from a beard

rides on a mule .

The camel picks the screws, the beard rides the mule

The beard rides the mule, the camel picks the screws

The camel picks the screws, the camel rides the mule, the beard

The beard rides the mule and accidentally knocks over the camel's load of screws

The hunchback wants to shout under the beard, the mule picks up the camel's load of screws

beard Riding a mule, putting on airs, building airs, tightening airs, erecting eyebrows, flicking eyes, raising eyebrows, raising beards

Reluctant to lower one's face, unwilling to get off the mule, unwilling to pick up the camel's load of screws

The camel will definitely return, and the mule is not allowed to have a beard and put on airs

If you have to shout, the mule will pick it up under the beard. The camel has a load of screws

The beard cannot be worn while riding a mule. It is not easy to put on airs. It is not easy to put on airs. It is difficult to raise eyebrows and flick the eyes. The black man has a raised beard.

I have to get off the mule and have to pick it up. The hunchback has a load of screws.

The hunchback picks screws. The beard rides a mule.

The beard rides a mule. The hunchback picks screws and rides a mule.

The rain hits the golden bells chirping again and again

Jinling Pagoda Jinli Green,

The eleventh floor of the Jinling Pagoda,

The eleventh floor of the pagoda has forty-four horns,

There are golden bells on the forty-four horns,

The golden bells ring loudly when the wind blows, and the golden bells chirp again and again when the rain hits.

This pagoda is really great.

It is all the product of the sweat and blood of ancient working people.

places of interest and historical sites have been passed down to this day.

one two three four five six seven

seven six five four three two one

six five four three two one

five four three two one

four three two one

three two one

two one


there is still one one

one 2345678









there is still one one

one two three four five six seven eight nine

nine eight seven six five four three two one

eight seven six five four three two one

seven six five four three two one

six five four three two one

five four three two one

four three two one

three two one

two one


there is still one one

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

nineteen eight seven six five four three two one

nine eight 7654321









There is still one

one two three four five six seven eight ninety

nineteen eight seven six five four three two one

The rain hits the golden bell chirping again and again

Jinling Pagoda Jinli Green,

Jinling Pagoda No. Thirteen floors,

The thirteen-story pagoda has fifty-two horns,

There are golden bells on the fifty-two horns,

The golden bells ring vigorously when the wind blows, and the golden bells chirp again and again when the rain hits.

This pagoda is really great.

It is all the product of the sweat and blood of ancient working people.

places of interest and historical sites have been passed down to this day.

Xuanmiao Temple in Suzhou City

East and West Two Judges

The East Judge’s surname is Pan Pan Judge

The West Judge’s surname is Guan Guan Judge

The East Judge, that Judge Pan has a dried radish in his hand Dried radish

The West Judge, that Guan Guan judge has a dried tofu in his hand

East Judge Pan

I have to ask Judge West about the dried radish

I want to adjust the dried radish to the judge

Judge Pan in the west wants to adjust the dried tofu

Judge Pan in the east wants to adjust the dried tofu

Judge Pan in the east has the radish After Qiandinggui, ask the judge in the west to adjust the dried radish

The judge in the west should adjust the dried tofu

The judge in the west should adjust the dried tofu but not the judge in the east Judge Pan

The dried tofu should be adjusted in the dried radish

Judge in the east Judge Pan in the west should adjust the judge

Dried radish and tofu

Dried tofu will not be mixed with dried radish. Dried radish will definitely be mixed with dried tofu.

Judge, everyone refuses to control the judge.

After that, no one cares about judge

Judge East and Judge West.

Rain hits the golden bell, chirping again and again.

Don’t sing the comment of the previous dynasty. Ancient events.

sings only the layers of Jinling Pagoda.

history Category Latest News