Original text: "Chen Huacheng, who has many "wins"" talks about Chen Huacheng. In addition to respecting his immortal achievements in fighting against foreign aggression in Wusongkou, Shanghai, according to "Biography of Qing History·Chen Huacheng", "Chronicle of General Chen Hua

2024/06/3003:12:32 history 1880

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The 180th anniversary of the death of Chen Huacheng

In the Wu Song Battle in 1842, Jiangnan Admiral Chen Huacheng died heroically. Scholars and people in Shanghai built temples to worship him. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the fleeing people carried statues of Chen Hua into Shanghai City God Temple for worship, and even formed the pattern of "one temple, three City Gods" in Shanghai City God Temple. For more than a hundred years, Chen Huacheng has been closely linked to Shanghai's urban history and culture and has become a collective memory.

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Original text: "Chen Huacheng, who has many "wins""

Author | Cang Jiwu, Shanghai Baoshan District Party School

Pictures | Network

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People often refer to Lin (Zexu) and Deng (Tingzhen) Juxtaposed, Guan (Tianpei) and Chen (Huacheng) are mentioned together. Regarding Chen Huacheng, in addition to respecting his immortal achievements in fighting against foreign aggression at Wusongkou in Shanghai, according to records such as "Biography of Qing History·Chen Huacheng", "Chronicle of General Chen Huacheng", "General Jianwei of the Qing Dynasty Jiangnan Admiral Zhongmin Chen Gong's Shinto Stele", etc. The numerous "wins" are also worth talking about.

He became an official in troubled times, and was known as "a strange man" and "a talented general"

Chen Huacheng (1776-1842), whose courtesy name was Yezhang and whose name was Lianfeng. , determined to make great achievements. He was born in the 41st year of Qianlong's reign. In this year, the British invented the steam engine, starting the first industrial revolution; the United States issued the "Declaration of Independence" and became an independent country. On the other hand, the Qing Dynasty was immersed in the so-called "Kangxi and Qian Dynasties" and "the Kingdom of Heaven" without knowing it. The people at the bottom are living in dire straits, and many poor people live on the sea, gradually becoming "pirates" who loot, burn, kill, and even smuggle opium and harm the people.

In the second year of Jiaqing (1797), 22-year-old Chen Huacheng enlisted in the Fujian and Zhejiang Navy to fight against "sea pirates" and opium smuggling. He is known as the "wonderful man" in the water because of his "good swimming skills, ability to swim upstream in armor, and can survive for three days" in diving. In the sixth year of Jiaqing (1801), Li Changgeng, the admiral of the Zhejiang Navy, met with Chen Huacheng. He was deeply impressed by Chen Huacheng's "wonder" and praised him as "a talented general" and "ordered his subordinates to regard him well". "Since then, he has studied military affairs from Chang Geng", made many military exploits, and became a famous "famous general".

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Chen Huacheng was known for his bravery and good fighting skills, and was nicknamed "Tiger Chen". In the second year of Jiaqing (1797), "he killed several people at sea, captured thirty-five people alive, and beheaded five, which was the most successful"... In the first year of Daoguang (1821), before he was promoted to deputy general, "in the ocean of Fujian and Guangdong, he captured by hand There are more than 480 bandits." Because of his "experience in war", the Governor of Fujian and Zhejiang Dong Jiaozeng and the Admiral Wang Delu recommended him as "diligence in arrests" and "strong and reliable". The Governor of Fujian and Zhejiang Yanjian recommended him again as "repeatedly injured". It’s really courageous.”

In the third year of Daoguang (1823), the Qing government promulgated the "Regulations on Inspection of Opium Cigarettes", and Chen Huacheng launched an anti-opium smuggling campaign. In the twelfth year of Daoguang (1832), "English ships sailed into the oceans of Fujian and Zhejiang." He supervised the navy and headed the sea, "strictly intercepting them and not letting them sail northward." "Three British ships were anchored on the Merlin Ocean." He personally supervised the ships to drive them away. The enemy relied on the strength of the ships and their powerful guns. "They remained anchored" and deliberately provoked them. "Even if the ships prepared their artillery fire, the combined ships sailed in and launched a series of bombardments." "The British ship "put up sails and fired cannons at the enemy, but refused to leave and fled overseas in a panic." In the 20th year of Daoguang (1840), in the face of repeated harassment by the enemy, although he had been transferred to Even though he was ordered to do so, he still "supervised and led the ships at the war posts", fired artillery bombardments, and "the British ships escaped one after another." To fight a hundred battles and fight against ten thousand people, one should shoulder important responsibilities."

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He governed the army strictly and was nicknamed "Integrity General" and "Old Buddha"

Youdao said: "Three years of clearing the prefecture, one hundred thousand snowflake silver" "Civilian officials love money and cherish death, military generals cherish death and love wealth." After Jiaqing, bribery became common, armaments were depleted, and national power gradually declined. On the other hand, Chen Huacheng was strict in running the army and was strict in self-discipline. The song "All officers and soldiers sucked the essence of the people, but Chen Gong drank Wusong water" was widely sung in the Wusong area.

In the third year of Daoguang's reign (1823), he served as deputy general of the Taiwan Navy. He was "disciplined in controlling the army and especially strict with himself" and was known as the "Integrity General". In the 16th year of Daoguang (1836), Chen Huacheng, who had been promoted to the admiral of Fujian Navy, visited Taiwan. As usual, officials "provided gifts and gifts", but "received nothing", and the fleet commander passed by, and Qiu did not commit any crimes. It's like there are no soldiers." In the 20th year of Daoguang's reign (1840), the Opium War broke out. He was appointed as the admiral of the south of the Yangtze River and was stationed at Wusongkou. He "sit in a curtain, eat indica rice, and eat dried fish." He was no different from an ordinary soldier. Niu Jian, the governor of Liangjiang, "suspicious of his tight pockets" and "ordered the Bureau of Military Supplies to give 250 taels of platinum every ten days", but he "resolutely refused".

Chen Huacheng "loved the people when he was an official, and was especially courteous to virtuous corporals. His wife and concubines were like family members, and they were called Lao Buddha in the army." After taking office, he "did not join the government office, but was stationed in Haikou, Wusong". He declined the administrative residence arranged by Jiangsu governor Liang Zhangju , and spent "three years with the same salary as the soldiers" in a dilapidated camp. The admiral's tent was "like a neighbor to the people of haitang". A farmer passed by carrying dung, and the smell overflowed. "Soldiers scolded him" in front of the tent. Chen Huacheng heard this and reprimanded the soldiers: "Irrigation is the top priority for agriculture and industry. We are eating naan safely, and they are dripping with sweat and blood. How can we still scold him?" In Wusong in July, "heavy rain poured down and the tide overflowed the pond." The general advised When he moved his tent, he was sternly rejected: "When the big tent is moved, the three armies will raid and harass me, and I will feel at ease while the soldiers are overflowing. How can I feel at ease?" "However, the winds of the Huaihe River are coming soon." Wusongkou's defense was greatly improved.

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died heroically for his country, and was named "Loyalty"

In May 1841, the Sino-British armistice ended, and the Qing government dismissed its troops with the end of the war. However, Chen Huacheng objected: "Do dogs and sheep have faith?" As expected, the British leader Pu Ding Cha believed that "the victory in the coastal areas was not enough to shock the Qing court" and "the only option was to go up the river" to Nanjing and "occupy the old capital if necessary." Engels also pointed out in "The New British Invasion of China": "Seizing this important waterway will put Beijing to death and force the Qing emperor to make peace immediately." Invaders who attack the north along the coast must pass through Wusongkou, which strangles the river and sea. .

There are two forts in the east and west of Wusongkou, which are the horns of each other. Chen Huacheng personally garrisoned the West Fort, General Cui Jirui garrisoned the East Fort , and General Soldier Wang Zhiyuan of Xuzhou Town garrisoned Xiaoshabei (northwest of Baoshan). On June 13, 1842, British Fleet Commander Buckle rushed to the rescue, and his military strength surpassed that of Wusong's defenders. Niu Jian, the governor of Liangjiang, was extremely panicked when he saw the British ships "moving forward with guns and guns", while Chen Huacheng believed that he had "no fear" and was "quite confident". On the morning of the 16th, the British flagship HMS "Gao Huali" led a fierce attack. 67-year-old Chen Huacheng "waved the flag and fired artillery". He bombarded for nearly three hours, hitting the "Bailongte" 14 times, killing Navy Major Hai Huide; hitting the "Brondy" 14 times, killing the Navy Lieutenant. Xiweite hit the "Gaowali" in the rear quarter 3 times; hit the "Sisostis" 11 times... while the East Fort "just stood on the wall and watched without firing its guns". Seeing that he had won the first battle, Niu Jian patrolled with the governor's ceremonial guard and led to artillery fire by the British army. There was great chaos. He "urgently abandoned his crown and boots and left the military academy" and ordered Wang Zhiyuan to come and protect him immediately. Wang Zhiyuan immediately abandoned Xiao Shabei. Chen Huacheng was attacked from both sides, but he still fired the cannon. "The cannon shocked his hand and the blood flowed to his shin." Niu Jian sent people twice to persuade him to retreat, but "he never moved." The British troops who landed from the East Fort and Xiaoshabei rushed in. Chen Huacheng was shot seven times, and his "blood dripped down his robes" and he died heroically. Pu Dingcha sighed: “Since arriving in China, I have been invincible.But Wu Song fought hard day and night, and was seriously injured! If the coast is like General Chen, even though the ships are strong and powerful, there is nothing they can do! "After Wusong's defeat, Shanghai fell and Zhenjiang fell. The Qing government was forced to sign the Nanjing Treaty on the British ship "Gao Huali", which was humiliating and humiliating the country.

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After Chen Huacheng died for his country, the people "went on strike to mourn." Emperor Daoguang was filled with anger and gave him the posthumous title of "Zhongmin". His body was buried in his hometown and temples were built in many places to show his respect and commemoration of this national hero. Original product of "Fang" Rong Media, originally published on Page 8 of Issue 1812 of Social Science Journal. Reprinting without permission is prohibited. The content in the article only represents the author's opinion and does not represent the position of this newspaper.

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Wei Yuan: Awakening from a dusty dream | Society Science Journal

Literature and History | Old IDs, Old Photos and Feelings of Home and Country

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