Earlier, photos of the residence of Chairman Mao's daughter Li Na were leaked. Her simple and unpretentious life style is worth learning from. Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940. She was married to Chairman Mao when he was 47 years old. She loved her very much and couldn't bear to

2024/06/3021:47:34 history 1819

When we think of powerful people, perhaps our first reaction is that they live a privileged life that is different from ordinary people.

Earlier, photos of the residence of Chairman Mao’s daughter Li Na were leaked. Her simple and unpretentious life style is worth learning from.

Earlier, photos of the residence of Chairman Mao's daughter Li Na were leaked. Her simple and unpretentious life style is worth learning from. Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940. She was married to Chairman Mao when he was 47 years old. She loved her very much and couldn't bear to  - DayDayNews

A hard and simple life

Although Li Ne was the child of the great leader Chairman Mao, her life was indeed full of misfortunes. From middle age to her later years, she lived a hard and simple life.

Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940. She was married to Chairman Mao when he was 47 years old. She loved her so much that he couldn't bear to send her to a nursery. She became the only child in the family who spent her childhood, adolescence and youth by her father's mother's side.

She graduated from the History Department of Peking University and worked in the Beijing Municipal Party Committee before retiring.

After Chairman Mao passed away, Li Ne had an extremely lonely and difficult time.

Earlier, photos of the residence of Chairman Mao's daughter Li Na were leaked. Her simple and unpretentious life style is worth learning from. Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940. She was married to Chairman Mao when he was 47 years old. She loved her very much and couldn't bear to  - DayDayNews

After breaking up with her ex-husband, she lived alone with her son.

Due to political reasons at that time, Li Na could not become the secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee.

The General Office of the Central Committee arranged for her to live in a small courtyard in a small alley in , Xicheng District, , and live with her son and nanny.

In that difficult situation, Li Ne's spirit was very depressed, and her smart, lively, and considerate son added a lot of joy to her.

Li Ne, who has a child, lives like any other ordinary single woman. She rides a tricycle in the cold wind and bitter rain to haul cabbage, buy rice, wash clothes and bedding, and take her children to and from school... she does everything with her own hands inside and out.

The salary income plus the remaining balance of 8,000 yuan allocated by his father to buy wedding furniture helped him get through those difficult days.

In 1984, with the help of Mao Zedong's chief guard Li Yinqiao and his wife, Li Ne and Wang Jingqing remarried and lived a peaceful and free life as ordinary people.

There is really no valuable furniture in their home, but they have a lot of books and a dedicated study room.

Earlier, photos of the residence of Chairman Mao's daughter Li Na were leaked. Her simple and unpretentious life style is worth learning from. Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940. She was married to Chairman Mao when he was 47 years old. She loved her very much and couldn't bear to  - DayDayNews

Li Ne’s lover Wang Jingqing said that most of them are books left by his mother. They are very precious, with more than 20,000 copies.

Judging from the photos in recent years, Li Ne's home has not changed much.

Compared with the 1980s and 1990s, Li Ne's home is no different. It's still not big, but there are more things.

But the things in the house are not expensive antiques, porcelain, or high-end furniture.

In the living room, there is a row of simple dark wood and glass bookcases filled with various books.

Li Na graduated from Peking University , and Chairman Mao taught her carefully. Chairman Mao loved reading the most, and he still kept reading until he was seriously ill in his later years.

Li Na was influenced by his father and has a special liking for books.

The most valuable thing in Li Ne's house is probably those precious complete sets of Chairman Mao's works.

Earlier, photos of the residence of Chairman Mao's daughter Li Na were leaked. Her simple and unpretentious life style is worth learning from. Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940. She was married to Chairman Mao when he was 47 years old. She loved her very much and couldn't bear to  - DayDayNews

Li Ne's bookcases are full of books, neatly and meticulously coded. For her, this is the most precious spiritual "legacy" left to her by her father.

In the photo, Li Ne is sitting on a solo sofa, wearing a pair of glasses, and her hair is cut short and half tied up.

was wearing a dark blue suit. It was made of the simplest and most comfortable material, not a luxury brand.

Li Ne and her husband don't own many clothes, only a few sets. They often attend important events and have special clothes that they wear for decades.

She smiled kindly, and behind her were photos taken by Li Ne at the beach in her early years.

Next to Li Ne's sofa, there is a small coffee table with an old landline phone on it. In addition, there are Chinese and foreign news newspapers.

It is precisely because the home is not big and there are too many things piled up that it seems very crowded.

In Li Ne's house, there are many books and some souvenirs stacked on the floor.

The homes of some dignitaries often display valuable antiques, but Li Ne's home actually also has "precious" ornaments, which are Chairman Mao's statues.

Earlier, photos of the residence of Chairman Mao's daughter Li Na were leaked. Her simple and unpretentious life style is worth learning from. Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940. She was married to Chairman Mao when he was 47 years old. She loved her very much and couldn't bear to  - DayDayNews

In the living room, there are multiple statues of Chairman Mao, including a golden bust of Chairman Mao wearing a uniform and a coat, and a standing statue of Mao Breathing standing looking ahead, wearing Chinese tunic suit .

Just like any ordinary retired couple, Li Ne's home is also full of traces of time.

The furnishings, ornaments, tables and chairs all look very old, and there is almost no new furniture in the house.

In the kitchen, there is a refrigerator that attracts attention because it is somewhat incompatible with the style of this home.

The refrigerator is not big and should have been added in the past two years. The children are afraid that the weather will be hot and the food will spoil if left for a long time. In order to make the life of the two elders more comfortable, they added furniture.

Otherwise, Li Ne would not want it. Even the TV in her home was still of an old style. Li Ne always believed that there was no need to waste the money to replace it if it could still be used. At that time, her father taught her since she was a child. The truth is, you must live a simple life.

Earlier, photos of the residence of Chairman Mao's daughter Li Na were leaked. Her simple and unpretentious life style is worth learning from. Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940. She was married to Chairman Mao when he was 47 years old. She loved her very much and couldn't bear to  - DayDayNews

But there are some things that look very new, because Li Ne often wipes them, that is, his father's oil paintings and photos.

Someone once wrote a poem titled "Recent Photos of Li Min and Li Na": "The ladies are laughing and talking about mulberry and hemp, and the remains of the fairy table are covered with green gauze. There are rumors on the Internet about the sunset of the elm, and who can believe the two flowers in Fengyuan." I can't bear to read and think about current affairs, for fear of worrying about my future children. Pampered children will become sinful, and debauchery will lead to luxury. "

That is an earlier photo. Li Ne's home is still equipped with rattan chairs, wooden sofas, and the Eight Immortals table. It is a decoration from around the 1970s; there is also a green veil on the Eight Immortals table.

Judging from the description of that photo, there is no difference from the one in the past two years.

Below this poem, the author wrote: "(Li Ne's home) is not much better than the tens of millions of people in our country who have not yet been lifted out of poverty. I can't believe that they are Mao Zedong's daughters."

Earlier, photos of the residence of Chairman Mao's daughter Li Na were leaked. Her simple and unpretentious life style is worth learning from. Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940. She was married to Chairman Mao when he was 47 years old. She loved her very much and couldn't bear to  - DayDayNews

Li Ne educates his son , also following Chairman Mao’s teachings.

When Li Na's only son Wang Xiaozhi graduated from junior high school, Li Na had a tough attitude and asked his son to apply for the Foreign Service Vocational High School.

Li Na believes that "social practice is more important than studying." Wang Xiaozhi's first job was as a doorman at Changfu Palace .

However, even under such circumstances, Li Ne often felt grateful for her father's teachings to her. If he had not been so strict, "I would have had a hard time raising the child by myself later on."

The reason why Li Ne has been living such a hard and simple life is because of Chairman Mao’s education from an early age. One of Chairman Mao’s principles for educating children is not to be special.

Earlier, photos of the residence of Chairman Mao's daughter Li Na were leaked. Her simple and unpretentious life style is worth learning from. Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940. She was married to Chairman Mao when he was 47 years old. She loved her very much and couldn't bear to  - DayDayNews

Do everything by yourself

Chairman Mao was simple and simple in life and always had strict demands on himself.

As Chairman Mao's daughter, Li Ne has never enjoyed any special treatment because of her father.

Chairman Mao asked Li Ne to eat Dazao like the guards and soldiers. After school, he ate in the school cafeteria with his classmates.

After Li Ne was admitted to the History Department of Peking University, like all children from ordinary families, she lived in a dormitory with eight people to one room, slept in bunk beds, ate the same food, went to class like everyone else, went to work in the countryside like everyone else, and squeezed into public spaces like everyone else. car.

According to Li Yinqiao's recollection: When he was studying at Peking University , Li Na went home to see Chairman Mao once every Saturday. Peking University is located on the outskirts of Beijing, and it took more than an hour to get home.

Earlier, photos of the residence of Chairman Mao's daughter Li Na were leaked. Her simple and unpretentious life style is worth learning from. Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940. She was married to Chairman Mao when he was 47 years old. She loved her very much and couldn't bear to  - DayDayNews

Sometimes, it’s dark when I get home.

So once, Li Yinqiao sent a car to pick her up without telling Chairman Mao.

Unexpectedly, Chairman Mao found out about this matter soon. Chairman Mao severely reprimanded him and said: "You are not allowed to accept it. If you say it, you will do it."

During the three-year difficult period, Li Ne was like the people of the whole country. Responding to the party's call to cherish food, never waste it, and not eat too much when eating, she thought, the more she saves, the more poor people will get.

But when he got home on Saturday, Li Ne looked at the food and couldn't help but keep eating. He was usually too hungry at school.

Chairman Mao saw Li Ne's behavior and felt pain in his heart, but even so, he never said a word to comfort his beloved daughter.

Earlier, photos of the residence of Chairman Mao's daughter Li Na were leaked. Her simple and unpretentious life style is worth learning from. Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940. She was married to Chairman Mao when he was 47 years old. She loved her very much and couldn't bear to  - DayDayNews

Once, the guards saw that Li Na was so hungry, so they secretly bought a box of biscuits and gave it to her.

After Chairman Mao found out about this, he severely criticized the guard chief: "How many thousands of college students are there in the country? Can you afford to give each person a box?"

On a Saturday, guard Yin Jingshan took the opportunity of pouring tea to remind Chairman Mao: "Chairman, Li Ne has gone home. We haven't seen each other for two or three weeks. Do you want to have a meal together?"

Chairman Mao stopped reviewing documents and looked at him with a smile: "Well, okay."

The cook was very busy that day I made four dishes and one soup , as well as four small plates including spicy food and moldy tofu .

Li Na is not too restrained in front of her parents and does not need to maintain an "image".

When the food was placed on the table, she immediately grabbed the chopsticks and shoveled the food into her mouth.

Chairman Mao saw this and felt very sad.

Earlier, photos of the residence of Chairman Mao's daughter Li Na were leaked. Her simple and unpretentious life style is worth learning from. Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940. She was married to Chairman Mao when he was 47 years old. She loved her very much and couldn't bear to  - DayDayNews

His eyes briefly touched his daughter's face, and he couldn't bear to look at her any longer. He just told Li Ne that the three-guang policy must be implemented and not a grain of rice was wasted. Li Ne looked at his father and nodded hurriedly.

Later, when the school reported rations, Li Na said that he was a member of the Communist Youth League and should share the country's difficulties, so he only reported 17 kilograms.

Chairman Mao was very happy after hearing this and said that this should be done.

There was not enough food to eat, and Chairman Mao would not let her bring anything from home to school.

The staff around Mao Zedong tried to "intercede" for Li Ne, hoping that Chairman Mao could give his daughter special care.

In this regard, Chairman Mao said: "I am a state cadre, and the state will give me certain treatment according to regulations. She is a student, and she cannot enjoy it if she is not entitled to it according to regulations."

Chairman Mao sighed deeply and said sadly. : "It's still the same sentence, who calls her Mao Zedong's daughter! It's better for everyone to abide by their duties. Neither my children nor I can be special, and the current situation must be especially strict."

Earlier, photos of the residence of Chairman Mao's daughter Li Na were leaked. Her simple and unpretentious life style is worth learning from. Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940. She was married to Chairman Mao when he was 47 years old. She loved her very much and couldn't bear to  - DayDayNews

Under Chairman Mao's strict requirements Next, Li Na always maintained a simple life style.

She has short, ear-length hair, wears a blue cloth uniform, and black cloth shoes on her feet.

After graduating from college, Li Ne started to work and lived alone outside.

The house is not specially decorated, it is just very ordinary furnishings, bookshelves, wooden beds and small furniture, simple.

Faced with Chairman Mao's strict requirements and faced with the fact that Chairman Mao would not let her do anything special and had to rely on herself in everything, Li Na understood very well.

In her later years, Li Ne looked back on the past and was extremely grateful to her father. She said:

"He was so strict with me back then, just for my own good. ...His strict requirements were not excessive at all, but very practical and realistic. He did not ask me to do it casually according to what kind of test I would pass. He loved me, really."

Earlier, photos of the residence of Chairman Mao's daughter Li Na were leaked. Her simple and unpretentious life style is worth learning from. Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940. She was married to Chairman Mao when he was 47 years old. She loved her very much and couldn't bear to  - DayDayNews

Li Ne once recalled that her father's tutoring really touched her thoughts. It was after she went to college that she felt that she needed to change herself, that is, her worldview needed to fundamentally change.

At the beginning of the New Year in 1963, Li Na wrote a letter to his father, analyzing in detail some of his shortcomings and changes in his thoughts.

In the letter, she also talked about her thoughts after learning " Zhuangzi·Qiu Shui" in the university course.

After Li Na finished studying this text, he was shocked to realize that he was short-sighted and always so narrow-minded and arrogant when looking at the world and problems.

So she wrote to her father to ask for advice.

After Chairman Mao received Li Ne's letter, he felt very pleased because he saw Li Ne's progress, so he immediately wrote back to Li Ne, praising her, feeling the pain and sadness, indicating that she would have hope in the future.

Earlier, photos of the residence of Chairman Mao's daughter Li Na were leaked. Her simple and unpretentious life style is worth learning from. Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940. She was married to Chairman Mao when he was 47 years old. She loved her very much and couldn't bear to  - DayDayNews

Because you feel pain and sadness, you will start to think seriously and reverse all your narrow-mindedness, ignorance, and shallowness. In this way, life is in your own hands.

Chairman Mao's teachings to Li Ne can be said to have benefited Li Ne throughout her life. Until her later years, she and her husband lived a simple, ordinary and plain life.

On the morning of May 22, 2016, the "Launching Ceremony of the Korean Culture and Art China Tour Exhibition" was held grandly at the Linyi Cultural Center.

At the invitation of relevant parties, Chairman Mao's daughter Ji Ne and her husband Mr. Wang Jingqing were invited to attend the launch ceremony.

At noon, while dining at the restaurant of the Staff Home of the Municipal Cultural Center and preparing to serve wine, someone noticed that Jine gave her husband a look. Mr. Wang said knowingly, now that the central government requires frugality in receptions, let's not drink!

Earlier, photos of the residence of Chairman Mao's daughter Li Na were leaked. Her simple and unpretentious life style is worth learning from. Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940. She was married to Chairman Mao when he was 47 years old. She loved her very much and couldn't bear to  - DayDayNews

After hearing this, everyone looked at the two old people with respect.

's entourage Gong Maoxiang told the staff that Li Ne was in a particularly good mood today, which is rare in other places.

Li Ne told her personally: "The people in Yimeng are warm and kind, and have made significant contributions to the liberation cause of the Chinese people. I like Linyi."

When asked about Li Ne's living conditions in Beijing, her secretary Director Gao Zonghui said that Mr. Li now lives in a four-bedroom unit on Wanshou Road in Beijing, with a dedicated study room.

She likes calligraphy and reading books on literature and history.

She has been in poor health over the years. The central leaders are very concerned about her life and have arranged good medical conditions for her, and her life has improved somewhat.

Earlier, photos of the residence of Chairman Mao's daughter Li Na were leaked. Her simple and unpretentious life style is worth learning from. Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940. She was married to Chairman Mao when he was 47 years old. She loved her very much and couldn't bear to  - DayDayNews

The secretary said that she had been working as a secretary with Li Ne for more than ten years, and she still understood Li Ne's situation very well.

"The right path in the world is the vicissitudes of life." The accompanying staff also said that Li Ne and her husband now live a peaceful life and generally do not go out.

However, as the president of the China Red Culture International Exchange Promotion Association, she and her husband also organized and participated in some social welfare activities as long as their physical conditions allowed, commemorating the great achievements of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries, and attended some major events across the country to commemorate Mao Zedong. Continue to do what we can to realize the dream of a powerful country.

Li Ne's old age was dull and happy, thanks to her caring wife - Wang Jingqing.

Earlier, photos of the residence of Chairman Mao's daughter Li Na were leaked. Her simple and unpretentious life style is worth learning from. Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940. She was married to Chairman Mao when he was 47 years old. She loved her very much and couldn't bear to  - DayDayNews

After getting married, Li Ne and Wang Jingqing treated each other as if they were guests, and they got along very harmoniously.

Wang Jingqing also retired at that time, and after completing the retirement procedures, he and Li Na moved to Beijing.

As soon as Wang Jingqing came, Li Ne didn't have to do almost any work. Wang Jingqing did all the work, ranging from repairing doors and windows, going out to buy coal, buying vegetables and cooking, and even took the time to make a small bench for Li Ne.

In the summer, he cooked porridge for Li Ne to relieve the heat. In the winter, he would pull a cart like any ordinary citizen and go to the market to buy hundreds of kilograms of cabbage for the winter.

After the arrival of Wang Jingqing, the changes brought to Li Na's life were obvious to all the neighbors.

Once, Wang Jingqing went to a state-owned store to buy pork. The butcher said to Wang Jingqing that thanks to his coming, Li Ne's life had become better.

Earlier, photos of the residence of Chairman Mao's daughter Li Na were leaked. Her simple and unpretentious life style is worth learning from. Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940. She was married to Chairman Mao when he was 47 years old. She loved her very much and couldn't bear to  - DayDayNews

In the past, my mother-in-law had a hard time, and she was reluctant to buy more meat or eat it.

Wang Jingqing was good to Li Na, and Li Na knew it in his heart.

Although he is younger than Wang Jingqing, his health is not as good as Wang Jingqing's, but even so, he can't help but worry about Wang Jingqing.

When Wang Jingqing was in his seventies, he began to write scripts. Li Ne would always remind Wang Jingqing to pay more attention to his creation and not to work too hard to make himself sick.

was already old. He had suffered injuries to his eyes, shoulders and cervical spine during the Revolutionary War.

Wang Jingqing wrote the book "Shenfu Red Army Guerrillas". In order to write the book, Wang Jingqing visited old revolutionaries everywhere and collected historical materials. Li Na graduated from the History Department of Peking University. She and Wang Jingqing have many differences in literature and history. common topics.

In addition, both of them also like calligraphy. They often practice together, compare calligraphy, and cultivate themselves.

Earlier, photos of the residence of Chairman Mao's daughter Li Na were leaked. Her simple and unpretentious life style is worth learning from. Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940. She was married to Chairman Mao when he was 47 years old. She loved her very much and couldn't bear to  - DayDayNews

Every morning, Wang Jingqing and Li Na would hold hands and go out to exercise and take a walk.

But as he got older, Li Ne's leg disease became more serious, and his walking activities could only be stopped.

Li Ne's health has not been very good since she was a child, and she only had a relatively stable life before graduating from college, and her life experience was very complicated.

Later, his most beloved father, Chairman Mao, also left him, and his spirit was even more severely affected.

So in his later years, kidney diseases often plagued Li Na, causing insomnia and weakness in her limbs. Therefore, Wang Jingqing accompanied Li Na to seek medical advice and took care of her at all times.

Before, if you went to the bus stop bound for the 305 Hospital of the People's Liberation Army, you would often see a pair of old people supporting each other. They supported each other and protected each other from the wind and rain.

Earlier, photos of the residence of Chairman Mao's daughter Li Na were leaked. Her simple and unpretentious life style is worth learning from. Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940. She was married to Chairman Mao when he was 47 years old. She loved her very much and couldn't bear to  - DayDayNews

This pair of old people are Li Na and Wang Jingqing.

Later, Wang Jingqing bought a tricycle and took his wife to the hospital for medical treatment.

Seeing the simple lifestyle of the two, no one could have imagined that this old lady was actually the daughter of the great leader Chairman Mao.

Earlier, photos of the residence of Chairman Mao's daughter Li Na were leaked. Her simple and unpretentious life style is worth learning from. Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940. She was married to Chairman Mao when he was 47 years old. She loved her very much and couldn't bear to  - DayDayNews

The family tradition of hardship and simplicity

Hard work is a fine tradition brought over by Chairman Mao from the revolutionary era.

When educating his children, Chairman Mao did not relax at all, asking them to pass on the family tradition of hardship and simplicity.

Chairman Mao and his family are all worthy of our admiration.

Earlier, photos of the residence of Chairman Mao's daughter Li Na were leaked. Her simple and unpretentious life style is worth learning from. Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940. She was married to Chairman Mao when he was 47 years old. She loved her very much and couldn't bear to  - DayDayNews


"Mao Zedong's interactions with relatives and friends"

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