I have walked the same path you have walked, but I have never met each other because we are thousands of years apart. Throughout the ages, there have been countless talented people and beautiful women, but you are the most eye-catching one! You are an outstanding representative o

2024/07/0211:16:32 history 1365

I have walked the same path you have walked, but I have never met each other because we are thousands of years apart.

Throughout the ages, there have been countless talented people and beautiful women, but you are the most eye-catching one! You are an outstanding representative of Chinese women and a truly talented woman.

You are a beautiful woman, but your life is full of misfortunes. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Three Kingdoms were divided. Although Cai Wenji 's life was short, it went up and down with the times and experienced great changes of the times that few people could experience. And precisely because of this, her life is inextricably linked to the times.

Cai Wenji, (about 174-about 239 years) was named Yan, whose original name was Zhaoji. In the Jin Dynasty, the taboo of Sima Zhao was avoided and the name was changed to Wenji. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, she was born in Chenliuyu County (now Qixian County, Kaifeng, Henan Province). She was the daughter of Cai Yong, a great writer of the Eastern Han Dynasty. She was the most dazzling talented writer in the history of our country. She was good at astronomy, mathematics and science. He is good at poetry and poetry, as well as eloquence and music.

Cai Yong, the father of Cai Wenji, was a world-famous writer during the Eastern Han Dynasty in my country. Cai Wenji is also Cai Yong's only child and the apple of her parents' eye. Cai Yong did not neglect to educate Cai Wenji because she was a girl, but carefully cultivated her. Speaking of which, I have to tell a little story. It is said that when Cai Wenji was six years old, her father Cai Yong was playing the piano at night and one string suddenly broke. Cai Wenji said: "It's the second string that broke." Cai Yong said: "You were just right by chance." So he deliberately did it. When he asked her about it, Cai Yan said it was the fourth one. Only then did Cai Yong realize his daughter's amazing talent, and from then on he taught Cai Wenji more carefully. The story of Cai Wenji's identification of the piano also appears in Three Character Classic .

Cai Wenji lived in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, when the world was in chaos. In the troubled times, Cai Wenji could not escape a rough fate, and was even more miserable than ordinary people.

Through the corridor of history, we can see Cai Wenji’s extraordinary life.

一Marry Wei Zhongdao . When Cai Wenji was sixteen years old, she married a man named Wei Zhongdao in Hedong. However, Wei Zhongdao passed away soon after. Because there were no children between the two, Cai Wenji returned to her home. In the same year, Cai Wenji's father was killed by Situ Wang Yun because of a sigh. She lost the two most important men in her life one after another, which was a huge blow to her.

However, living in troubled times, what is even more terrifying is still waiting for Cai Wenji, who is supposed to be a young girl. In the second year of Xingping, Dong Zhuo and Li Jue in the Central Plains region successively rebelled Guanzhong . At that time, the Southern Xiongnu, a vassal state of the Eastern Han Dynasty, also took the opportunity to rebel, and the world was in chaos. Cai Wenji was also unfortunately captured by the Xiongnu King Zuo Xian. After leaving, Cai Wenji lived in the north for twelve years. During this period, she was forced to give birth to two sons. This is why Cai Wenji had no choice but to marry a Xiongnu for the second time.

If you are an ordinary person, you may spend your whole life in the Xiongnu and never be able to return to the Central Plains. But she is Cai Wenji, a talented woman who is famous all over the world. She wants to live a mediocre life, but the times do not allow it. Cao Cao was grateful that his friend's only descendant had been kidnapped, so he spent a lot of money to redeem Cai Wenji. After Cai Wenji returned to the Central Plains, Cao Cao married her to Dong Si. This is Cai Wenji's third marriage.

Cai Wenji married Dong Si, and their married life was not very harmonious at first. Cai Wenji suffered from turmoil and sorrow, and was often in a trance. However, Dong Si was in the prime of his life and was a talented person. He was familiar with history and music, and had a high self-esteem. Naturally, he felt inadequate towards Cai Wenji. However, due to the instructions of the prime minister, he had no choice but to accept her. In the second year after their marriage, Dong Si committed a crime and deserved death. She ignored the resentment and came to Cao Cao's prime minister's house to plead for mercy. Cao Cao thought of his old friendship with Cai Yong, and also thought of Cai Wenji's tragic life experience. If Dong Si was executed, Wenji would be unable to survive, so he forgave Dong Si.

From then on, Dong Si was grateful for Wenji's kindness and re-evaluated Cai Wenji. The couple also saw through the world and went up Luoshui to live in the foothills of the mountains with beautiful scenery and lush forests. Several years later, Cao Cao passed by here while hunting and even went to visit.Cai Wenji and Dong Si had a son and a daughter, and their daughter married Sima Yi's son Sima Shi.

From then on, there was no record of Cai Wenji in history. Throughout Cai Wenji's life, although the first half of her life was chaotic, her ending was good.

I have walked the same path you have walked, but I have never met each other because we are thousands of years apart. Throughout the ages, there have been countless talented people and beautiful women, but you are the most eye-catching one! You are an outstanding representative o - DayDayNews

Now we can only look for traces of Cai Wenji's existence from sporadic historical materials and admire the style of the talented woman. "Hujia18pai" is the most precious literary treasure she left to us. Even now, when reading it, one can still feel her reluctance to let go of her children and her longing for her hometown. Her fate was always out of her control. During the war, she was forced to leave her hometown to survive in the bitter cold of the north. Then he returned to his homeland with his flesh and blood separated. Her talent has given her a different life and more situations than ordinary people.

As a fellow countryman of Cai Wenji, my heart is filled with admiration and admiration for her. I admire her for persisting in her original intention and adapting to the circumstances despite the hardships in life; I admire her for being a truly great writer. She is well-read and has the ability to memorize 400 ancient books. She has made great contributions to the inheritance of traditional Chinese culture and has completed a great achievement. His father Cai Yong's lifelong wish was "The Book of the Later Han Dynasty".

Now I also live in the place where Cai Wenji lived, but I can no longer find any trace of her existence. Only the statue carved by later generations stands in the middle of the street...

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