In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development.

2024/06/2910:54:34 history 1433

editor | Feng Ming's history

article | Feng Ming's history

- Introduction -

As Chinese people, we must all know that , the imaginary enemy of the United States, , has always been China .

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has used all its strength and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of ways to hinder our development and hinder our development .

Especially after Biden came to power in 2020, their methods of suppressing China have become more blatant. It may be because China has a good temper . Any moves that make China unhappy will be tried by the United States. Try .

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

It's one thing to have a good temper, but it's another thing to touch the red line of national development . China is in the period of prosperity, but is not so easy to be suppressed by the United States.

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

When all the big and small tricks of the old and the United States are exhausted, and if you look back at China, you will find that the development of our country has changed drastically. This is not an exaggeration.

After all, according to the current actual situation, this is indeed the case. Even the US media boldly predicted that China may usher in three key turning points in the second half of the year.

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

After these three major turning points, the international influence of our country's will not only increase again, but may also directly surpass in the United States. So what are the three major turning points in China mentioned by the US media? ?

As Western media why do they say so?

China's development has attracted the envy of old Americans.

Throughout the development history of the United States in modern times, Americans have never given up their desire to dominate the world. On the way to consolidating their hegemony, , in order to resolve all potential threats.

As long as a country in the world has signs of and that surpass them, the United States will immediately adopt corresponding sanctions to stifle the threat in the long river of history.

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

At this time, we can recall the fate of the Soviet Union in the last century. In order to completely defeat the Soviet Union in its military capabilities, the United States successively used multiple deadly methods such as the arms race and economic blockade .

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

In the end, was as the United States wanted . Under their strong opposition, the Soviet Union disintegrated and divided into multiple countries.

Then the United States turned its attention to China. Since discovering China's overwhelming development trend, it has become a routine operation of the U.S. government to make troubles with China at every turn.

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

Just a few months ago, the United States submitted a National Defense Strategy Report to Congress. This report is to clearly list the defense priorities of the United States in 2022. The first item is to deal with China's growing multi-domain threats .

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

Looking at our modern development history, the United States has taken great pains to deal with China. However, those originally used all-round suppression methods have become ineffective when it comes to China.

After all, China in the last century had many shortcomings. According to common sense, China in this period should have been relatively easy for the old and American schemes to succeed. Naturally, the old and American also had this kind of calculation, taking advantage of various domestic thinking is still in the chaotic period of .

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

deliberately engages in Western cultural invasion, vigorously advocating the superiority of its own culture , and by the way trampling China's national culture. It can be said that the United States at that time wanted to use various underhanded tactics to make China end up in the same situation as the Soviet Union. ending.

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

However, the United States miscalculated after all. Relying on 's steady scientific development strategy and people's united will , China has gradually grown from a country lagging behind in international rankings to a world-famous power..

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

It can also be seen from here that the United States was unable to successfully suppress China's in the last century, let alone seek sweetness in front of China in the 21st century. They can only use to pay lip service to , and then go to China. The South China Sea gives us and .

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

So just as the US media expected, our country may be about to usher in three major new turning points.

The first thing to bear the brunt is the development in the field of science and technology

especially in terms of chips . You must know that in recent years, my country's domestic technology companies can be said to be all the way.

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

These domestic technology companies are increasingly united with , which also means that breakthroughs and innovations will be greatly enhanced. At the same time, Made in China has also gained a reputation throughout the world. Therefore, the United States, as a party where is jealous of when it sees China, immediately We launched the technology war .

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

The core restriction order issued before is ironclad evidence that they are directly targeting us. However, relevant Chinese companies have already started independent research and development plans. Even in the context of the US technology war, Chinese chips have gradually broken through There are many obstacles to .

such as Huawei has been developing the domestic chip . I believe that as time passes, Huawei's domestic chips will open a new door for China. After the United States discovered that the situation was not good, it used all methods to contain and block it. my country's high-tech enterprise.

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

Then the Meng Wanzhou incident appeared that shocked the world not long ago. However, how can China, which has been suppressed, compromise on this, and our country's technology companies will not give up easily, adhering to this Chinese energy that will never be defeated.

Many companies have turned their sense of crisis into motivation and invested more human and financial resources in the research and development of domestic chips. They have even started a research and development battle in China to overcome the problem of chips .

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

In the future, as my country makes breakthroughs in this area, the import volume of some foreign chips will gradually decrease. On the contrary, the utilization rate of our own-produced chips will increase year by year. , and more importantly, as long as my country's technology companies It has maintained such a steady development trend.

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

It won't take long for our country to overcome all problems and achieve absolute freedom in the field of high technology. Of course, it has to be said that the Americans have underestimated our country's scientific research capabilities this time and also underestimated the enterprising spirit of Chinese domestic enterprises.

The second major event is the development of the aerospace field

According to the analysis of relevant experts, China's aerospace industry will enter a critical high-launch period in the next two years, and as early as early last year , my country's aerospace technology The group released the blue book of China's aerospace safety science and technology activities.

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

which shows that in 2022, our country will continue to launch the space super mode . At the same time, it plans to complete more than 150 space launch missions and launch more than 1,140 spacecraft .

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

As we all know, in 2021, my country has successively reported good news about the successful launch of various satellites . Although we did not have strong funds when we founded the country, in terms of aerospace, started later than , which is far behind the United States's landing on the moon for many years. speed.

But this completely does not affect China's implementation of overtaking in corners. Our country's current aerospace technology and development in the aerospace field have long been very different from the past, and it can also maintain 's extremely high launch frequency and success rate .

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

On these two points, not even the Americans who dream of dominating space can achieve , but we Chinese have successfully accomplished it, such as the recent Long March 2F Yuanxian 14 carrier that carried the Shenzhou 14th manned spacecraft. Rocket was successfully launched into space.

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

This successful launch is of great significance. It marks that China has officially built its space station , and China is the only country running its own space station . Many countries in the world have sent to China to celebrate .

A scholar from Saudi Arabia even took the initiative to congratulate China and said that China is now not only the engine of global economic development, but also making progress in the field of space exploration in an unprecedented way. This is a move that benefits the whole world. .

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

It is worth mentioning that the launch of the Shenzhou 14th mission is already the 23rd mission of my country's manned space program, whether it is the moon, Mars , or the space station.

my country's aerospace strategy is being implemented step by step, and entering the space station era is just around the corner. So watching us Chinese create one miracle after another, aren't old Americans jealous ? The answer is of course is definitely .

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

What makes the United States even more uneasy is that with the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict the situation is getting worse day by day, and Western countries, led by the United States, continue to provide support to Ukraine, and at the same time implement sanctions against Russia .

The Russian government has stated that it will counterattack, stopping cooperation with the United States on the International Space Station is one of the measures.

In this way, if the International Space Station is completely closed under this situation, the Chinese space station will become the only space station in the world in the future.

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

So the United States, realizing the seriousness of the problem, quickly discussed with its own soldiers and generals, and began to suppress our country economically . Little did they know that this measure turned out to be a mistake of , and our country ushered in the third Big turnaround.

The third major event - the spring of China's economy

We must know that it is not easy to achieve economic growth in the context of the global epidemic.

As the world's second largest economy, China has not only quickly controlled the frequent epidemics in various places, but has also restored the national economy damaged by the epidemic in the shortest possible time.

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

Let’s look at the United States, which has been severely tortured by the epidemic. According to relevant data calculations, more than one million people in the United States will die from COVID-19 in 2021. Such a high mortality rate has shocked countries around the world.

And among the more than 20 countries with the worst epidemic, only Brazil has a higher death rate than the United States.

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

Coupled with the high inflation rate and the impact of the unemployment wave, the public satisfaction survey index of the United States this year dropped to the lowest level since 1972. . But even when it has reached the point where it has no time to take care of itself, the United States still does not forget to impose economic sanctions on China.

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

But we are going to disappoint the United States again. China, which has long restored its domestic economic ecology, while achieving its own economic development, has also extended a helping hand to some countries that have been hit hard by .

After all, China is still the largest trading partner of many countries around the world.

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that in order to get rid of the epidemic predicament and reorganize the country's strength in all aspects, especially the stagnant economy, cooperation with China is an excellent choice.

Foreign media even said that in the future development of the world economy, it is very likely that will need China to take the lead. Therefore, countries that know how to assess the situation will take the initiative to seek more cooperation with our country in the future, and this will also become our country's is a major opportunity to enhance its international status .

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

In summary, these are the three major changes in that our country is about to usher in .

Regardless of whether it is the United States, which has always regarded us as a thorn in the side of , or the Western countries that follow the United States, cannot hinder the development of in China today, because the rise of in China and have become the inevitable trend of . .

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

In the future, China will become stronger and stronger, bringing all kinds of friendly assistance to more countries in deep trouble. On the other hand, the United States, which has always had ulterior motives, has been retreating in all aspects of economic development in recent times. signs of .

This is the painful price the United States has paid for its indiscriminate actions. Since ancient times, no matter which country it is, first loses the hearts of the people and then loses its territory, and the various measures taken by the United States are undoubtedly reducing itself step by step. pushed into the abyss .

In order to curb China's soaring speed, the United States has exhausted its energy and racked its brains to come up with hundreds of harmful tricks to hinder our development. - DayDayNews

If the United States continues to provoke China in the future, our country will not always swallow its anger and will definitely give the other side a beautiful counterattack.

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