In 1675 of Kangxi's reign, there was another imperial concubine in the inner palace of Kangxi named Wuyamayan. This year, Kangxi was 21 years old and Wuyamayan was 15 years old. Wuyamayan's father was Wei Wu, a military officer of the third rank in the army, and his grandfather w

2024/06/3011:50:32 history 1997

In 1675 of Kangxi's reign, there was another imperial concubine in the inner palace of Kangxi named Wuyamayan. This year, Kangxi was 21 years old and Wuyamayan was 15 years old. Wuyamayan's father was Wei Wu, a military officer of the third rank in the army, and his grandfather w - DayDayNews


In 1675, there was another imperial concubine in the inner palace of Kangxi, named Wuyamayan. This year, Kangxi was 21 years old and Wuyamayan was 15 years old.

Wuyamayan's father was the third-grade coat guard military officer Wei Wu , and his grandfather was Esen, the manager of the kitchen.

Wuyamayan gave birth to six children for Kangxi.

In 1678, the fourth son of the emperor, Yinzhen, was born, who was later the emperor Yongzheng. In 1679, she was named a virtuous concubine.

1680, the sixth son of the emperor Yinzuo was born. In 1681, she was canonized as the virtuous concubine.

In 1682, the emperor's seventh daughter was born, in 1683 the emperor's ninth daughter was born, in 1686 the emperor's twelfth daughter was born, and in 1688 the emperor's fourteenth son was born. Yinqi.

Kangxi's concubines had a total of 65 people, including 4 queens, 4 imperial concubines, and the rest included 11 concubines, 10 concubines, 14 nobles, concubines 4, 9 of them were regular, and 9 were promised.

These concubines gave birth to a total of 55 children for Kangxi, including 35 sons and 20 daughters. Only 24 sons and 8 daughters survived to adulthood.

Concubine De was able to give birth to three sons and three daughters for Kangxi, which shows that Kangxi loved her, so she must have something special about her.

In 1675 of Kangxi's reign, there was another imperial concubine in the inner palace of Kangxi named Wuyamayan. This year, Kangxi was 21 years old and Wuyamayan was 15 years old. Wuyamayan's father was Wei Wu, a military officer of the third rank in the army, and his grandfather w - DayDayNews

De Fei

Among the three sons she gave birth to, the sixth son of the emperor, Yinzuo, died at the age of 6. Although the fourth son of the emperor and the fourteenth son of the emperor Yinzhen were from the same mother, their relationship was not close.

In the struggle to win the direct descendants, the fourth elder brother Yinzhen, the thirteenth elder brotherYinxiang, the sixteenth elder brotherYinlu, and the seventeenth elder brother Yinli were of the same party. The eighth prince Yinhu , The ninth prince Yinzhen , the tenth prince Duke Dunwang Yinzhen, and the fourteenth prince Yinzhen are of the same party.

Why are brothers not close to each other? Because Yinzhen was not raised by his mother, Concubine De.

When Yinzhen was born, his mother, Concubine De, had a low status, and the harem in the early Qing Dynasty did not allow the biological mother to raise her own son. After Yinzhen was one month old, he was handed over to Empress Xiao Yiren Tong Jia's to raise, so Yinzhen and Tong Jia She is very close to her, but she is estranged from her biological mother.

And the fourteenth elder brother Yinzhen was born to Concubine De when she was 29 years old. At that time, she had already become a concubine, so she could personally raise the fourteenth elder brother Yinzhen. Therefore, Concubine De loved her fourteenth elder brother Yinzhen even more, and Kangxi also loved Yinzhen very much. Since his boyhood, Yinzhen had frequently followed Kangxi on patrols, and was often given some special treatment in his daily life.

Later, when the nine sons of Kangxi took over the throne, Concubine De came up with the idea of ​​​​making 's fourteenth prince Yinqi the heir. But in the end the throne fell into the hands of Si Age Yinzhen.

Before gaining the throne, Yinzhen was very low-key. He respected Buddhism and Taoism, and called himself "the best idler in the world." He maintained harmony with his brothers, was sincere and filial to his father Kangxi, and finally won his father's trust. Victory was achieved.

On December 20, 1722, Kangxi died. Seven days later, Yinzhen succeeded to the throne, namely Emperor Yongzheng.

In 1675 of Kangxi's reign, there was another imperial concubine in the inner palace of Kangxi named Wuyamayan. This year, Kangxi was 21 years old and Wuyamayan was 15 years old. Wuyamayan's father was Wei Wu, a military officer of the third rank in the army, and his grandfather w - DayDayNews


But De Fei was very disappointed, and even directly said that her son Yongzheng's accession to the throne was "not what we dreamed of".

When Kangxi passed away, Concubine De threatened Yongzheng and promised to die. Yongzheng was forced to say helplessly: "If you die, I will die, otherwise I will suffer the reputation of being unfilial in the future. How can I face the people of the world?" "You deserve to be congratulated, what's the point of saluting me?" He refused to accept Yong Zheng's salute to him.

After Yongzheng succeeded to the throne, he honored his biological mother as the Queen Mother of the Holy Mother, and her emblem was The Queen Mother of Renshou. During her lifetime, Concubine De refused to accept the title of Empress Dowager Renshou, and she refused to move from Yonghe Palace, where she originally lived, to Ningshou Palace, where the Queen Mother should live.

The biological mother and son were worse than strangers, but in order to avoid being accused of being unfilial, Yong Zheng could only go to "say hello" before his mother got up, so as not to have a bad conversation with his mother.

Half a year after Kangxi's death, on June 25, 1723, he died in Yonghe Palace at the age of 64.

How did Concubine De die? After Kangxi's death, she was "deeply grieved" and "sorrowed for a long time." According to folklore, the Queen Mother wanted to see her son Yinqi, but Yongzheng did not allow it. Concubine De hit a pillar in front of Yongzheng and died.

How did Yongzheng treat his brother, his fourteenth elder brotherYinqi's ?

After Emperor Yongzheng succeeded to the throne, he changed the name of Yinqi to " Yunqi". He was immediately placed under house arrest in Tangquan near Jingling to study, and was not allowed to return to the capital. He also ordered MalanyuCommander Fan Shiyi to monitor him. action.

Not long after the death of De Fei, Yongzheng and Jin Dynasty granted Yunqi the title of county king, but did not grant the title or salary. In 1725, Yunqi was deposed as a king and conferred the title of Gushanbeizi. In 1726, Yongzheng deposed Yunqi Gushanbeizi again and ordered him to be escorted back to Beijing and imprisoned in Jingshan Shouhuang Palace.

This level lasted ten years, until Yongzheng died in August 1735. Not long after Qianlong ascended the throne, he ordered the release of his fourteenth uncle Yunqi. In 1748, Qianlong promoted Yunqi to the title of Prince of Duoluoxun County. Yunqi was 61 years old this year.

In 1675 of Kangxi's reign, there was another imperial concubine in the inner palace of Kangxi named Wuyamayan. This year, Kangxi was 21 years old and Wuyamayan was 15 years old. Wuyamayan's father was Wei Wu, a military officer of the third rank in the army, and his grandfather w - DayDayNews

Fourteenth Prince Yunqi

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