In the last century, near Xidan Shopping Mall, a woman wearing a Transportation Bureau uniform shyly approached a model wearing a red sweater and took a group photo. At that time, the salary of state civil servants was not very high, but models relied on their own good conditions

2024/06/3014:24:33 history 1067

In the last century, near Xidan Shopping Mall, a woman wearing a Transportation Bureau uniform shyly approached a model wearing a red sweater and took a group photo. At that time, the salary of state civil servants was not very high, but models relied on their own good conditions - DayDayNews

1. 1991, Beijing. In the last century, near Xidan Shopping Mall, a woman wearing a Transportation Bureau uniform shyly approached a model wearing a red sweater and took a group photo. At that time, the salary of state civil servants was not very high, but models relied on their own good conditions to become the first people to go to sea, and they were the darlings of the times. But today, when the country becomes rich and powerful, the salary offered by the system will kill the models instantly.

In the last century, near Xidan Shopping Mall, a woman wearing a Transportation Bureau uniform shyly approached a model wearing a red sweater and took a group photo. At that time, the salary of state civil servants was not very high, but models relied on their own good conditions - DayDayNews

2. 1991, Yunnan. In the last century, Xuanwei a farmer brother carried his wife back home in a bamboo basket after she had just undergone a sterilization operation. Big time, little people. This old photo taken by Mr. Wu Jialin looks particularly shocking. This scene is much more real and touching than the so-called eternal love among the urban bourgeoisie. In the 1990s, this photo won many awards at national photography exhibitions, and the title was "After Vasectomy".

In the last century, near Xidan Shopping Mall, a woman wearing a Transportation Bureau uniform shyly approached a model wearing a red sweater and took a group photo. At that time, the salary of state civil servants was not very high, but models relied on their own good conditions - DayDayNews

3. 1991, Beijing. A couple from Zhuhai, Guangdong visited the Great Wall. They stood on the beacon filled with "fairy spirit" and left this old photo. This photo with its own "fairy" effect looks very fun and funny. In all walks of life in our country, many small businessmen with only junior high school education were forced by the market to become physicists and chemists.

In the last century, near Xidan Shopping Mall, a woman wearing a Transportation Bureau uniform shyly approached a model wearing a red sweater and took a group photo. At that time, the salary of state civil servants was not very high, but models relied on their own good conditions - DayDayNews

4. 1991, Hong Kong. In the 1990s, action actor Mr. Cao Rong took a group photo with director Xu Xiaoming and The Kung Fu Kid Jet Li . Time flies and youth is gone. Jet Li was so handsome at that time, and Cao Rong often played Japanese characters, so he always played a supporting role. In the end, he became famous after playing Goku. In Jet Li's "Heaven Slaying the Dragon", he also played the great monk who can " Shaolin Dragon Claw Hands ".

In the last century, near Xidan Shopping Mall, a woman wearing a Transportation Bureau uniform shyly approached a model wearing a red sweater and took a group photo. At that time, the salary of state civil servants was not very high, but models relied on their own good conditions - DayDayNews

5. 1991, Shenzhen. Song Shanmu, a 27-year-old college student from Shandong, ran to Shenzhen by train and started his business by teaching people to type in an alley in Luohu with four bulk computers. In less than 20 years, a “ education and training kingdom” with nearly 300 branch campuses was created, writing a miracle of private education in China. In 2011, he raped a female practitioner who helped him clean the house in a villa and was imprisoned for four years. After he was released from prison, he changed his appearance.

In the last century, near Xidan Shopping Mall, a woman wearing a Transportation Bureau uniform shyly approached a model wearing a red sweater and took a group photo. At that time, the salary of state civil servants was not very high, but models relied on their own good conditions - DayDayNews

6. 1991, Beijing. A fashionable young man on the streets of the capital, riding a blue Suzuki motorcycle. The young man was wearing a pair of white-framed sunglasses that were very trendy at the time, holding a cigarette in his hand in a majestic manner, and he definitely had a big G temperament. At that time, it was enviable to own a Suzuki Haojue 100 motorcycle. There are only a few motorcycles in rural areas. Those who have such motorcycles are those who got rich first.

In the last century, near Xidan Shopping Mall, a woman wearing a Transportation Bureau uniform shyly approached a model wearing a red sweater and took a group photo. At that time, the salary of state civil servants was not very high, but models relied on their own good conditions - DayDayNews

7. 1991, Beijing. In the last century, children from a primary school in Fangshan County visited Beijing on an autumn trip led by their teacher. The children were neatly dressed and chattering outside the museum. It can be seen that the children are full of expectations for the museum they are about to enter, and they cannot hide their excitement. I also had an autumn outing when I was in elementary school. I stuffed pomegranates and a bag of biscuits in my schoolbag, and my mother gave me five yuan. Later, the money was returned to Zhao intact.

In the last century, near Xidan Shopping Mall, a woman wearing a Transportation Bureau uniform shyly approached a model wearing a red sweater and took a group photo. At that time, the salary of state civil servants was not very high, but models relied on their own good conditions - DayDayNews

8. The execution ground in 1998. Death row inmate Ma Yanhong looked remorseful.

In the last century, near Xidan Shopping Mall, a woman wearing a Transportation Bureau uniform shyly approached a model wearing a red sweater and took a group photo. At that time, the salary of state civil servants was not very high, but models relied on their own good conditions - DayDayNews

9. 1991, Shenzhen. On a hot afternoon, several female workers were resting in the alley in Shuiwei Village of Futian . Seeing someone pointing a camera at them, the girls lowered their heads shyly. It was a shy, simple time. Due to the reform and opening up, a large number of girls from the mainland came to this hot land in the south to work for the future.

In the last century, near Xidan Shopping Mall, a woman wearing a Transportation Bureau uniform shyly approached a model wearing a red sweater and took a group photo. At that time, the salary of state civil servants was not very high, but models relied on their own good conditions - DayDayNews

10.1991, Beijing. In the last century, in the square in front of the Great Hall of the People, several official car drivers waiting for their leaders spent their free time playing cards. The driver in charge now probably doesn't know how to play cards openly, nor dare he, right? In fact, this is the power of supervision.

In the last century, near Xidan Shopping Mall, a woman wearing a Transportation Bureau uniform shyly approached a model wearing a red sweater and took a group photo. At that time, the salary of state civil servants was not very high, but models relied on their own good conditions - DayDayNews

11. 1991, Shanghai. In the last century, there are photos of girls from the Broadcasting Department of Fudan University reading in their dormitories. At that time, under the strong impact of the wave of reform and opening up, the "Pearl of the Orient" Shanghai, as the bridgehead, was the first to feel the spring surge of the "Spring River Water Warm Duck Prophet" move.Even on the simple campus, big waves, high heels, floral dresses, and stockings are everywhere. Today, they should all be extraordinary people.

In the last century, near Xidan Shopping Mall, a woman wearing a Transportation Bureau uniform shyly approached a model wearing a red sweater and took a group photo. At that time, the salary of state civil servants was not very high, but models relied on their own good conditions - DayDayNews

12. In 1996, a death row prisoner was sentenced to death for murder. Before execution, he bit off his mother's left ear.

In the last century, near Xidan Shopping Mall, a woman wearing a Transportation Bureau uniform shyly approached a model wearing a red sweater and took a group photo. At that time, the salary of state civil servants was not very high, but models relied on their own good conditions - DayDayNews

13.1991, Guangdong. In the last century, a group of children were playing on a walking tractor in a natural village in Jiulong Town, Yingde County. It was a tractor, an important asset in a family, and a machine that made money to support the family. It can transport bricks, sand, etc., and can also earn "living money", which is many times higher than the income of farmers. Children who have tractors at home generally have more toys than other children...

In the last century, near Xidan Shopping Mall, a woman wearing a Transportation Bureau uniform shyly approached a model wearing a red sweater and took a group photo. At that time, the salary of state civil servants was not very high, but models relied on their own good conditions - DayDayNews

14. 1991, Sichuan. On the streets of Chengdu, a grand "China International Television Festival" was held in Chengdu this year. The streets were empty, and the people of Sichuan and Sichuan were helping each other and working together to make this TV festival a success. The picture shows the women of the "cheerleading team" walking by. The Sichuan girls are fashionably dressed, with handsome features and tall figures, showing their youthfulness in the team. Do you have any friends from Chengdu? Do you still remember this TV festival?

In the last century, near Xidan Shopping Mall, a woman wearing a Transportation Bureau uniform shyly approached a model wearing a red sweater and took a group photo. At that time, the salary of state civil servants was not very high, but models relied on their own good conditions - DayDayNews

15.1991, Beijing. Lu Yao An old photo of the scene where Lu Yao received the Mao Dun Literature Award. The prize was 30,000 yuan. Lu Yao smoked for 200 yuan every month for writing. In addition to the expenses for treating guests in Beijing and paying back relatives and friends, the bonus was not enough to cover his smoking expenses during those years. In order to give his wife and daughter a warm home, he also owed 40,000 yuan in renovation debt. Lu Yao writes all his life to fight against money...

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