The anti-Japanese team executed the traitors. The incident was thrilling, but the fighting was not fierce and the battlefield had fallen silent. A man cannot move without a head, a bird cannot fly without a head, and now there are still about a hundred or ten of them!

2024/06/3012:42:38 history 1888

The anti-Japanese team executed the traitor. The incident was thrilling, but the battle was not fierce and the battlefield fell silent. The female warrior Xu Li wanted to say that everyone who deserves to die will die, and everyone who doesn't deserve to die will die.

The anti-Japanese team executed the traitors. The incident was thrilling, but the fighting was not fierce and the battlefield had fallen silent. A man cannot move without a head, a bird cannot fly without a head, and now there are still about a hundred or ten of them! - DayDayNews

But the words turned into "Let's talk about what to do! And we have to hurry up, no one can guarantee that the little devil will not come."

Yes, what to do!

What should have been a nearly perfect anti-rape operation has ended up like this.

Zhang Jianyou, the second in charge, became a traitor, but Bei Fengbei, the first in charge, died unexpectedly.

People can't leave without a head, and birds can't fly without a head. Now there are still hundreds of them tadpole !

Where should these people go?

If Bei Feng Bei does not die, it means that Bei Feng Bei no longer wants to be the boss but "passes the position" to Xiao Bei Feng.

Even with Beifengbei's lingering power, these forest team members wouldn't say anything.

However, it is no longer possible now. Not everyone can be the boss.

"Let me tell you something." Someone in the crowd spoke.

The speaker’s name is Li Donglai, and he is also following the old man Bei Fengbei. Because

has always been mature and prudent, he still has a certain say in the mountain forest team members.

Li Dong saw that Xiao Beifeng and Xu Li had no objections, so he continued to talk.

"The boss is gone. If we follow the rules of our mountain forest team, everyone should choose a boss.

But the situation is urgent now, and there is no way to choose one for a while.

I would like to say this.

Xiao Beifeng is the adopted son of our leader. Although there is no such thing as the father-son tradition in our mountain forest team, you and your wife, Xiao Beifeng, came from Lei Kairan's team to fight against the Japanese. We all know what it is.

And we are really determined to fight the Japanese. You two, Xiao Beifeng, are guerrillas.

What if you, Xiao Beifeng, are made the boss? Our group will also have anti-Japanese guerrillas as our backers.

However, if you want to lead everyone to fight the Japanese, you must first prove that you have the ability.

I guess the Japanese will attack us soon.

I mean, little one. Beifeng, if you can lead everyone to win this battle, then I will definitely follow you if others dare not say it.

This is no different from when the boss was here.

Let’s see if my idea works. ?"

After finishing speaking, Li Donglai looked at Xiao Beifeng and Xu Li.

Originally, it was only when Xu Li came here that Li Donglai learned that Xiao Beifeng had a newly married daughter-in-law.

Logically speaking, he doesn't need to care what Xu Li thinks.

However, at the moment when Xu Li stuffed the box of cannons into Wu Fengwen, who was about to die, Li Donglai felt that Xiao Beifeng's daughter-in-law was really not simple.

After Li Dong finished speaking, the people from the Shanlin Team looked at me and I looked at you, but they still didn’t express their opinions.

They naturally understand Xiao Beifeng, and they are assured of Xiao Beifeng's character and conduct.

Let an eighteen-year-old little guy lead a hundred or so of them to fight the Japanese. Anyone else would be embarrassed by this.

is too young, can he do it?

"I think Dong Lai's idea is okay.

But it's okay, we can go one step further." At this time, someone spoke again, this time it was Shen Gui.

No need to ask, those who dared to speak at this time were all the old men who followed Bei Fengbei. As for the forest team members recruited from Zhan Jiushan, not a single one said a word.

They are self-aware, and it is not their turn to express their opinions on this matter.

"What's the next step?" Xiao Beifeng asked curiously.

Anyway, his godfather is gone now, so he has calmed down now.

Xiao Beifeng really wants to be the boss!

There are about a hundred people here. If they were to fight the Japanese, they would be a good team. It would be a pity if they were allowed to disperse.

Even though Xiao Beifeng is the person least close to the party in Lei Kairan's team, after all, as our party has been fighting the Japanese for a long time, some things have been subtly integrated into our bones.

"I guess the Japanese are coming soon.

If you are the boss now, we are in this situation now. What do you think we should do? Let everyone know whether you agree or not." Shen Gui said.

(Note: or in Northeast dialect means unreliable)

When Shen Gui said this, many people nodded.

This trick works!

Let’s first see if Xiao Beifeng can arrange the matter in front of us and understand it. If he can arrange it and understand it, then we will follow him.

Then if the things he arranges are not as reliable as the kid from the Forest Team thinks, then he should stop being the boss as soon as possible!

Xiao Beifeng understood that everyone was giving him test questions.

He is a veteran and naturally understands that, not to mention the more than a hundred people in the mountains and forests in front of him, even the dozen or so people in Lei Kairan's team were only able to achieve the prestige they have today because of Lei Kairan's good command.

So, you must take it seriously.

He has no intention of taking this team into his hands through the help of his godfather Bei Fengbei.

Even if it temporarily unites everyone, there will be times when it will bulge.

Xiao Beifeng thought for a while and was about to open his mouth to speak, but Xu Li held him back.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Xu Li whispered a few more words to him.

Then Xiao Beifeng spoke.

"First carry away our own people, we cannot bury them here.

We have many people anyway, and then carry away all the food and ammunition we can carry.

This cottage cannot be taken for the time being. Who knows how many troops the little devils have come? "

The forest team members felt that it was reliable when they heard what Xiao Beifeng said.

The Japanese and puppet troops are now powerful, and they have also heard that an anti-Japanese secret camp in Zhou Baoguo was captured by the Japanese army.

The anti-Japanese team executed the traitors. The incident was thrilling, but the fighting was not fierce and the battlefield had fallen silent. A man cannot move without a head, a bird cannot fly without a head, and now there are still about a hundred or ten of them! - DayDayNews

So it is right to avoid the limelight of the Japanese army now.

However, while everyone still wanted to continue listening, Xiao Beifeng had already shut up.

"No more?" Li Dong asked after a moment.

"It's gone." Xiao Beifeng replied.

"Then when the Japanese come, don't we ambush them? This is our territory." Li Donglai asked again.

Xiao Beifeng replied that although it is good, does he still need to say this? Even a kid randomly pulled out by the forest team can think of it. If the food and ammunition are not taken away, will the kid keep it?

"When the Japs come, we will not fight. My idea is that when the Japs come back, we will fight again on the way!

If we can meet with the Wanchang team and the Mingshan team, we can have a big battle." It's the best. If we can't meet him, let's fight him.

Anyway, we can't let the little devil think that we are easy to bully!" Xiao Beifeng said.

This is his trump card!

On one side, they were removing traitors, but on the other side, it was the Mingshan Team and Wanchang Team invited by Bei Fengbei who were helping to delay the Japanese army.

When the three of them join forces to fight the Japanese, it's not just once or twice.

So this time Beifengbei asked Zheng Wanchang and Liu Changming to help him get rid of the traitor, and the two bosses agreed without saying a word.

As for Zheng Wanchang and Liu Changming's decision to leave early after attending the wedding, it was their agreement.

"I think this idea is feasible!" Li Donglai expressed his stance.

As China and Japan fought, they got to know each other very well.

The Japanese army should have been able to think of the possibility of being ambushed, so they must be careful on the way here.

As soon as the Japanese army saw them escaping, they would be careless on the way back, but Xiao Beifeng's move was unexpected.

The mountain forest team members looked at each other again. They also felt that this move would work, so they nodded one after another.

"But, is this move what you want?" When everyone was moving, Li Donglai suddenly asked Xiao Beifeng.

What Li Donglai said was simply because Xu Li and Xiaobei whispered just now.

"Can you care?" Yi Beifeng curled his lips and said, "It's my wife's trick. Is it any different from what I came up with? Are you talking about my wife?"

But Xiao Beifeng said again Go and tell Xu Li with a shy face.

Xu Li ignored Xiao Beifeng and turned her gaze to Beifeng Bei's body, which was still lying on the ground.

Then, Xiao Beifeng's face started to cry again.

"My godfather, I will carry it, you don't need to." He said with a crying voice.

"Are you gaha?" Li Donglai asked Xiao Beifeng curiously.

"Be a spring." Xiao Beifeng said, "Hold this chopstick tightly, oh, use both hands to pinch one end!"

Li Donglai couldn't figure out what Xiao Beifeng wanted to do, so he had to obey.

As for the Japanese who might be coming soon, he was not worried because they had already been sent to monitor the road ahead.

All the food and ammunition that could be moved have been moved, and now there are only two of them left here.

Little Beifeng twisted the piece of filament in his hand around the chopsticks.

He had a hard time winding it because the thin wire in his hand was a steel wire!

The steel wire is very elastic and will naturally bounce back if you don't wrap it hard.

Little Beifeng kept winding and winding, and soon he finished winding the steel wire.

As soon as he let go, although the circle was a little thicker than chopsticks, a spring had already been made.

Xiao Beifeng tied a string connected to the root of a bush to one end of the steel wire.

The string is thin enough and strong enough, because the string is made of leather.

The so-called leather threads were pulled out from the tires of seized Japanese cars.

The material of all tires is naturally rubber, and people in the Northeast call rubber rubber.

The thread that comes out of the rubber is the leather thread.

Then, he tied the thick rope tied to the root of the small tree in front of the door to the other end of the spring, and then tightened the rope, so that the spring was also straightened.

But this piece of thick rope is thick enough. It was cut by Xiao Beifeng from the rope that tied the horse.

"Hey, Xiao Beifeng, what are you going to do?" Li Donglai asked again.

This is equivalent to Xiao Beifeng stretching out a rope with a spring in front of the house, even though the rope is close to the ground.

Li Donglai turned around and looked at the house behind him.

There was a dead body sitting next to the door of that room!

Yes, it is a dead body, or a dead body dressed in Japanese military uniforms and disguised as a Japanese army!

This dead body is naturally one of the traitors who were killed following Zhang Jianyou, but it was just smaller.

"Unscrew the caps of the grenade and be careful not to make any noise." Xiao Beifeng said.

Li Donglai had no choice but to help Xiao Beifeng work.

Between the two of them was a small pit less than a foot deep, and in that pit was a bundle of cluster grenades .

After Xiao Beifeng had unscrewed the cap of the grenade, he tied the leads to a thin string.

Then, he carefully stretched the string slowly and tied it to the spring!

"I figured it out, you are going to make a land mine!" Li Donglai suddenly realized.

The anti-Japanese team executed the traitors. The incident was thrilling, but the fighting was not fierce and the battlefield had fallen silent. A man cannot move without a head, a bird cannot fly without a head, and now there are still about a hundred or ten of them! - DayDayNews

Xiao Beifeng smiled and said nothing, but started to work again. This time, he didn't let Li Dong reach out.

He covered the small pit where the cluster grenades were placed with a wooden board and sprinkled soil on it.

As for the wooden board, it was a cutting board used by the forest team to cut vegetables.

Xiao Beifeng then covered the thin rope with soil, leaving only the thick rope tied to the root of the tree, which was only half a foot long.

The anti-Japanese team executed the traitor. The incident was thrilling, but the battle was not fierce and the battlefield fell silent. The female warrior Xu Li wanted to say that everyone who deserves to die will die, and everyone who doesn't deserve to die will die.

The anti-Japanese team executed the traitors. The incident was thrilling, but the fighting was not fierce and the battlefield had fallen silent. A man cannot move without a head, a bird cannot fly without a head, and now there are still about a hundred or ten of them! - DayDayNews

But the words turned into "Let's talk about what to do! And we have to hurry up, no one can guarantee that the little devil will not come."

Yes, what to do!

What should have been a nearly perfect anti-rape operation has ended up like this.

Zhang Jianyou, the second in charge, became a traitor, but Bei Fengbei, the first in charge, died unexpectedly.

People can't leave without a head, and birds can't fly without a head. Now there are still hundreds of them tadpole !

Where should these people go?

If Bei Feng Bei does not die, it means that Bei Feng Bei no longer wants to be the boss but "passes the position" to Xiao Bei Feng.

Even with Beifengbei's lingering power, these forest team members wouldn't say anything.

However, it is no longer possible now. Not everyone can be the boss.

"Let me tell you something." Someone in the crowd spoke.

The speaker’s name is Li Donglai, and he is also following the old man Bei Fengbei. Because

has always been mature and prudent, he still has a certain say in the mountain forest team members.

Li Dong saw that Xiao Beifeng and Xu Li had no objections, so he continued to talk.

"The boss is gone. If we follow the rules of our mountain forest team, everyone should choose a boss.

But the situation is urgent now, and there is no way to choose one for a while.

I would like to say this.

Xiao Beifeng is the adopted son of our leader. Although there is no such thing as the father-son tradition in our mountain forest team, you and your wife, Xiao Beifeng, came from Lei Kairan's team to fight against the Japanese. We all know what it is.

And we are really determined to fight the Japanese. You two, Xiao Beifeng, are guerrillas.

What if you, Xiao Beifeng, are made the boss? Our group will also have anti-Japanese guerrillas as our backers.

However, if you want to lead everyone to fight the Japanese, you must first prove that you have the ability.

I guess the Japanese will attack us soon.

I mean, little one. Beifeng, if you can lead everyone to win this battle, then I will definitely follow you if others dare not say it.

This is no different from when the boss was here.

Let’s see if my idea works. ?"

After finishing speaking, Li Donglai looked at Xiao Beifeng and Xu Li.

Originally, it was only when Xu Li came here that Li Donglai learned that Xiao Beifeng had a newly married daughter-in-law.

Logically speaking, he doesn't need to care what Xu Li thinks.

However, at the moment when Xu Li stuffed the box of cannons into Wu Fengwen, who was about to die, Li Donglai felt that Xiao Beifeng's daughter-in-law was really not simple.

After Li Dong finished speaking, the people from the Shanlin Team looked at me and I looked at you, but they still didn’t express their opinions.

They naturally understand Xiao Beifeng, and they are assured of Xiao Beifeng's character and conduct.

Let an eighteen-year-old little guy lead a hundred or so of them to fight the Japanese. Anyone else would be embarrassed by this.

is too young, can he do it?

"I think Dong Lai's idea is okay.

But it's okay, we can go one step further." At this time, someone spoke again, this time it was Shen Gui.

No need to ask, those who dared to speak at this time were all the old men who followed Bei Fengbei. As for the forest team members recruited from Zhan Jiushan, not a single one said a word.

They are self-aware, and it is not their turn to express their opinions on this matter.

"What's the next step?" Xiao Beifeng asked curiously.

Anyway, his godfather is gone now, so he has calmed down now.

Xiao Beifeng really wants to be the boss!

There are about a hundred people here. If they were to fight the Japanese, they would be a good team. It would be a pity if they were allowed to disperse.

Even though Xiao Beifeng is the person least close to the party in Lei Kairan's team, after all, as our party has been fighting the Japanese for a long time, some things have been subtly integrated into our bones.

"I guess the Japanese are coming soon.

If you are the boss now, we are in this situation now. What do you think we should do? Let everyone know whether you agree or not." Shen Gui said.

(Note: or in Northeast dialect means unreliable)

When Shen Gui said this, many people nodded.

This trick works!

Let’s first see if Xiao Beifeng can arrange the matter in front of us and understand it. If he can arrange it and understand it, then we will follow him.

Then if the things he arranges are not as reliable as the kid from the Forest Team thinks, then he should stop being the boss as soon as possible!

Xiao Beifeng understood that everyone was giving him test questions.

He is a veteran and naturally understands that, not to mention the more than a hundred people in the mountains and forests in front of him, even the dozen or so people in Lei Kairan's team were only able to achieve the prestige they have today because of Lei Kairan's good command.

So, you must take it seriously.

He has no intention of taking this team into his hands through the help of his godfather Bei Fengbei.

Even if it temporarily unites everyone, there will be times when it will bulge.

Xiao Beifeng thought for a while and was about to open his mouth to speak, but Xu Li held him back.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Xu Li whispered a few more words to him.

Then Xiao Beifeng spoke.

"First carry away our own people, we cannot bury them here.

We have many people anyway, and then carry away all the food and ammunition we can carry.

This cottage cannot be taken for the time being. Who knows how many troops the little devils have come? "

The forest team members felt that it was reliable when they heard what Xiao Beifeng said.

The Japanese and puppet troops are now powerful, and they have also heard that an anti-Japanese secret camp in Zhou Baoguo was captured by the Japanese army.

The anti-Japanese team executed the traitors. The incident was thrilling, but the fighting was not fierce and the battlefield had fallen silent. A man cannot move without a head, a bird cannot fly without a head, and now there are still about a hundred or ten of them! - DayDayNews

So it is right to avoid the limelight of the Japanese army now.

However, while everyone still wanted to continue listening, Xiao Beifeng had already shut up.

"No more?" Li Dong asked after a moment.

"It's gone." Xiao Beifeng replied.

"Then when the Japanese come, don't we ambush them? This is our territory." Li Donglai asked again.

Xiao Beifeng replied that although it is good, does he still need to say this? Even a kid randomly pulled out by the forest team can think of it. If the food and ammunition are not taken away, will the kid keep it?

"When the Japs come, we will not fight. My idea is that when the Japs come back, we will fight again on the way!

If we can meet with the Wanchang team and the Mingshan team, we can have a big battle." It's the best. If we can't meet him, let's fight him.

Anyway, we can't let the little devil think that we are easy to bully!" Xiao Beifeng said.

This is his trump card!

On one side, they were removing traitors, but on the other side, it was the Mingshan Team and Wanchang Team invited by Bei Fengbei who were helping to delay the Japanese army.

When the three of them join forces to fight the Japanese, it's not just once or twice.

So this time Beifengbei asked Zheng Wanchang and Liu Changming to help him get rid of the traitor, and the two bosses agreed without saying a word.

As for Zheng Wanchang and Liu Changming's decision to leave early after attending the wedding, it was their agreement.

"I think this idea is feasible!" Li Donglai expressed his stance.

As China and Japan fought, they got to know each other very well.

The Japanese army should have been able to think of the possibility of being ambushed, so they must be careful on the way here.

As soon as the Japanese army saw them escaping, they would be careless on the way back, but Xiao Beifeng's move was unexpected.

The mountain forest team members looked at each other again. They also felt that this move would work, so they nodded one after another.

"But, is this move what you want?" When everyone was moving, Li Donglai suddenly asked Xiao Beifeng.

What Li Donglai said was simply because Xu Li and Xiaobei whispered just now.

"Can you care?" Yi Beifeng curled his lips and said, "It's my wife's trick. Is it any different from what I came up with? Are you talking about my wife?"

But Xiao Beifeng said again Go and tell Xu Li with a shy face.

Xu Li ignored Xiao Beifeng and turned her gaze to Beifeng Bei's body, which was still lying on the ground.

Then, Xiao Beifeng's face started to cry again.

"My godfather, I will carry it, you don't need to." He said with a crying voice.

"Are you gaha?" Li Donglai asked Xiao Beifeng curiously.

"Be a spring." Xiao Beifeng said, "Hold this chopstick tightly, oh, use both hands to pinch one end!"

Li Donglai couldn't figure out what Xiao Beifeng wanted to do, so he had to obey.

As for the Japanese who might be coming soon, he was not worried because they had already been sent to monitor the road ahead.

All the food and ammunition that could be moved have been moved, and now there are only two of them left here.

Little Beifeng twisted the piece of filament in his hand around the chopsticks.

He had a hard time winding it because the thin wire in his hand was a steel wire!

The steel wire is very elastic and will naturally bounce back if you don't wrap it hard.

Little Beifeng kept winding and winding, and soon he finished winding the steel wire.

As soon as he let go, although the circle was a little thicker than chopsticks, a spring had already been made.

Xiao Beifeng tied a string connected to the root of a bush to one end of the steel wire.

The string is thin enough and strong enough, because the string is made of leather.

The so-called leather threads were pulled out from the tires of seized Japanese cars.

The material of all tires is naturally rubber, and people in the Northeast call rubber rubber.

The thread that comes out of the rubber is the leather thread.

Then, he tied the thick rope tied to the root of the small tree in front of the door to the other end of the spring, and then tightened the rope, so that the spring was also straightened.

But this piece of thick rope is thick enough. It was cut by Xiao Beifeng from the rope that tied the horse.

"Hey, Xiao Beifeng, what are you going to do?" Li Donglai asked again.

This is equivalent to Xiao Beifeng stretching out a rope with a spring in front of the house, even though the rope is close to the ground.

Li Donglai turned around and looked at the house behind him.

There was a dead body sitting next to the door of that room!

Yes, it is a dead body, or a dead body dressed in Japanese military uniforms and disguised as a Japanese army!

This dead body is naturally one of the traitors who were killed following Zhang Jianyou, but it was just smaller.

"Unscrew the caps of the grenade and be careful not to make any noise." Xiao Beifeng said.

Li Donglai had no choice but to help Xiao Beifeng work.

Between the two of them was a small pit less than a foot deep, and in that pit was a bundle of cluster grenades .

After Xiao Beifeng had unscrewed the cap of the grenade, he tied the leads to a thin string.

Then, he carefully stretched the string slowly and tied it to the spring!

"I figured it out, you are going to make a land mine!" Li Donglai suddenly realized.

The anti-Japanese team executed the traitors. The incident was thrilling, but the fighting was not fierce and the battlefield had fallen silent. A man cannot move without a head, a bird cannot fly without a head, and now there are still about a hundred or ten of them! - DayDayNews

Xiao Beifeng smiled and said nothing, but started to work again. This time, he didn't let Li Dong reach out.

He covered the small pit where the cluster grenades were placed with a wooden board and sprinkled soil on it.

As for the wooden board, it was a cutting board used by the forest team to cut vegetables.

Xiao Beifeng then covered the thin rope with soil, leaving only the thick rope tied to the root of the tree, which was only half a foot long.

"I didn't know my godfather was so rich!" Xiao Beifeng, who finally finished his work, took a long breath and said.

What he did was naturally a delicate job, and he was so nervous that he sweated while working.

What he meant by being wealthy was that Bei Fengbei, the kid, was really wealthy.

When moving, Xiao Beifeng dug out grenades, leather thread, steel wire, and even an sniper rifle from Beifengbei's inventory.

So, Xiao Beifeng, who was determined to show off his skills in front of the mountain forest team, came up with an idea.

"This is a good trick, but can you guarantee that the little devil will definitely get on this rope?

Besides, what's the use of adding a spring?" Li Donglai asked.

Although the place where they are laying mines is said to be very close to the house, it is not in front of the door after all. The Japanese army may not be able to get on that rope.

"I don't expect the little Japs to come, I will make the grenade go off myself." Xiao Beifeng said.

"Okay, let's go, there!" Xiao Beifeng pointed to the other side of the valley.

There is a hill diagonally facing the house, with shrubs and sagebrush on it.

"By the way, have our two horses been led over?" Xiao Beifeng asked as he walked.

"How dare I not listen to what the young master has to say." Li Dong answered as he walked.

"Don't mention this young master to me. He gets angry after hearing it.

You said that I was your godfather. At that time, I advised him not to abandon those three people, but he just didn't listen.

In the end, he got involved , Alas! " Xiao Beifeng said.

Li Donglai was speechless.

There is no love for no reason in the world, and there is no hate for no reason.

Even though you, Beifengbei Hero, are so awesome, you abandoned three sentries like that. Who can blame the sentry’s brother for fighting for your life?

Xiao Beifeng didn't understand what was going on, but Li Donglai, as a member of the mountain forest team, knew the reason.

Although the three sentries also resisted the Japanese, they never performed well in marching and fighting, especially Wu Fengwen's brother who always talked back to Beifengbei.

It was not easy for Bei Feng Bei to take care of these hundreds of people, but it was Wu Fengwen's brother who was "tainted" by "public revenge".

never thought that Wu Fengwen would see the flaw.

Alas, what can Li Donglai say about this? It’s not worth it for the boss to risk his own life because of one misstep!

Therefore, Li Donglai could only move forward silently with the little north wind.

The hillside where Xiao Beifeng and the two of them were hiding was about a hundred meters away from the house.

Once Xiao Beifeng set off the cluster grenade, the two of them had to run for their lives.

So Xiao Beifeng left two horses behind.

This mountain forest team in Beifengbei is a big guy, so it has both a carriage and a war horse.

That’s why Xiao Beifeng said that his godfather was living a prosperous life.

Soon, Xiao Beifeng and the two of them went up the hillside and crossed the ridge, and saw a forestry team member waiting at the foot of the mountain.

And there were two horses behind the forest team member.

"Tie the horse to the tree and go back!" Xiao Beifeng shouted and waved his hand, so the man followed the order.

"Are you Gaha again?" Xiao Beifeng began to collect hay with his hands behind the ridge.

"Are you a veteran? Why don't you understand anything? I have to disguise myself. Do you understand disguise?" Xiao Beifeng said angrily.

Li Dong came to see Xiao Beifeng and put the mugwort around his hat. Then he realized that Xiao Beifeng was disguising himself.

is only about a hundred meters away from that house, which is too close.

is too close? Li Donglai suddenly felt that he understood.

"You want to use a gun to break the rope?!" Li Donglai looked at Xiao Beifeng in surprise.

"Well, what's weird about this?" Little Beifeng didn't agree and was still putting straw into his hat.

"Are you okay?" Li Donglai suppressed his shock and asked with some uncertainty.

"What do you mean, can it? It must be possible!" Xiao Beifeng said, "Hurry up and put the grass in the grass. If the devil comes soon, he will definitely send people to our place."

"What are the devils sending people for?" ?" Li Donglai asked subconsciously.

At this time, he was still thinking about Xiao Beifeng using his gun to break the rope a hundred meters away, and he didn't pay attention at all.

"This is the commanding heights. Do you understand that the Japanese may occupy the commanding heights? You are already a veteran. Is that stuff in your head filled with glutinous rice paste or dung soup?" Xiao Beifeng said angrily.

"Ah!" Li Donglai just woke up from a dream.

"Are you sure you can hit that rope?" Li Donglai asked again because he was worried.

"Old Li , you haven't seen my marksmanship, haven't you? My marksmanship is the second best in our team."

Little Beifeng said proudly, he had already begun to wrap around the sniper rifle. Grass.

"Then who is number one? Your captain? Lei Xiaoliuzi?" Li Donglai asked again.

"Yeah, I don't know where Xiaoliuzi has gone?" Xiao Beifeng sighed, but then he reached out and slapped himself, "What am I talking about? You're such a bad mouth!"

"Are you sure? Is your captain, Lei Xiaoliuzi, okay?" Li Donglai asked again.

The anti-Japanese team executed the traitors. The incident was thrilling, but the fighting was not fierce and the battlefield had fallen silent. A man cannot move without a head, a bird cannot fly without a head, and now there are still about a hundred or ten of them! - DayDayNews

"Oh, Lao Li, are you bothered? Why do you have so many questions? That Lei Xiaoliuzi is so smart, he can have such trouble!" Xiao Beifeng became impatient.

He lay down and began to use the lens of his sniper rifle to find the thick rope he had tied to the root of the small tree.

He lost his sniper rifle since the last time the secret camp was captured by the Japanese army.

But this time, I unexpectedly got another one. Little Beifeng was really overjoyed!

Seeing that Xiao Beifeng was impatient, Li Donglai knew that he had too many questions, so he stopped asking and lay down.

"I dare not say that Xiao Liuzi will be fine.

But, I dare to say that if something happens to Xiao Liuzi, no one else in our team will survive."

Xiao Beifeng found the piece of rope Then he murmured.

An hour later, someone shouted into the valley, "The little devils are coming, two squadrons!"

Those were the spies sent out by Xiao Beifeng and the others.

Then, the spy did not go into the valley but ran away.

"How can such a coward still be a spy? He is bigger than a rabbit!" Xiao Beifeng sneered.

"As brave as you are, I feel that this move is still inappropriate." Li Donglai said to Xiao Beifeng.

"How can you pinch it with your hands? Just do it when you are 70% sure." Xiao Beifeng disagreed.

Li Donglai said nothing and just observed the mountain pass.

Xiao Beifeng certainly has his reason for saying this.

They, Lei Kairan's team, have always used less to defeat more, and they couldn't do it if they wanted to fight the Japanese in a strict manner.

Therefore, they have to be bold and careful, and make unexpected and dangerous moves. It is impossible to take advantage of the Japanese without taking any risks!

After about ten minutes, the Japanese army really came.

The twenty or so people in front were Japanese scouts.

At this moment, Li Donglai felt that his heartbeat began to accelerate.

It’s not that he has never been ambushed by the Japanese army, but he has never been like this with Xiao Beifeng. It’s just that the two of them ambush two squadrons of Japanese soldiers!

saw the Japanese scout, holding a gun and bending his waist, cautiously heading towards the houses on the hillside in front.

And next to the small tree in front of the front house is where Xiao Beifeng laid the mine.

The Japanese scouts walked naturally while observing the surrounding terrain.

As a scout, his observation was that his gun would be pointed wherever his eyes went.

Although Li Donglai and Xiao Beifeng's hat guns and even their bodies were camouflaged with withered grass, Li Donglai was still worried that the Japanese scouts would notice something was wrong.

Li Donglai was really nervous when the Japanese army pointed their guns at where he and Xiao Beifeng were hiding.

Even, he felt himself trembling a little.

"Those who are afraid of death will die first." Xiao Beifeng suddenly said in a very low voice.

Then, Li Donglai suddenly woke up.

Yes, those who are afraid of death will die first.

Although the Japanese soldiers didn’t shoot, they scared themselves to death first!


I am almost 30 years old. Why can't Xiao Beifeng, a little guy, be able to hold his own at this critical moment? !

With self-blame, Li Donglai felt better. After all, he was also a veteran, and he had also killed four Japanese with a gun!

"Don't be nervous, maybe the little devil will shoot to test it later!" Xiao Beifeng whispered again.

Xiao Beifeng’s reminder is so timely.

Just as Xiao Beifeng finished saying this, the Japanese scout actually opened fire!

However, the Japanese scouts obviously had no purpose in shooting.

The bullets hit the mountains on both sides and the house in front.

As for the bullet that hit the top of the hill where the two of them were, it was forty or fifty meters away from the two of them!

But this is the case, thanks to Xiao Beifeng’s reminder.

Otherwise, Li Donglai knew that without Xiao Beifeng's prescient words, he would not have been so frightened that he would have turned around and run away, but it would have been entirely possible for him to have fired a shot when he was nervous!

Xiao Beifeng has been following Lei Kairan's team for how long, and now he has developed such courage!

At this time, Li Donglai not only had sincere admiration for Xiao Beifeng, but also felt deeply ashamed of his unbearable performance!

After the gunfire, the Japanese scouts obviously relaxed, and they were already pointing their guns at those houses.

At this moment, a Japanese soldier waved a plaster flag on his bayonet towards the mountain pass.

After a while, a large group of Japanese troops appeared.

Although the Japanese soldiers were holding guns, they maintained a long snake formation.

Obviously, the Japanese army thought that the mountain forest team they were attacking had escaped.

Li Donglai didn't dare to move his head and glanced at Little Beifeng secretly, and saw Little Beifeng lying there like a sculpture.

Don’t talk about whether Xiao Beifeng can become the boss, even a veteran like himself can’t keep up with his composure!

At this time, Xiao Beifeng often fought with his team members on the edge of life and death, but he had long passed the stage of half-heartedness when facing the enemy.

The sniper rifle in his hand has long been aimed at the rope, and what he is observing now is only the movements of the Japanese army.

The Japanese scout had already arrived in front of the house, and was attracted by the corpse of the holiday soldier he had obtained.

Little Beifeng was considering whether to shoot.

If he fired now, he should be able to kill seven or eight Japs.

You must know that it is a cluster grenade!

That grenade is enough to blow up the little devil's armored vehicle .

However, Xiao Beifeng noticed that several Japanese officers were also rushing there.

Obviously, the Japanese officers were also confused by the "Japanese corpse" they placed in front of the door.

It would be best to blow up those Japanese officers, Xiao Beifeng thought.

The anti-Japanese team executed the traitors. The incident was thrilling, but the fighting was not fierce and the battlefield had fallen silent. A man cannot move without a head, a bird cannot fly without a head, and now there are still about a hundred or ten of them! - DayDayNews

However, at this moment, Xiao Beifeng suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Because he saw a Japanese soldier blocking his sight, he couldn't even see the rope!

Oops! not good! I am too greedy!

Xiao Beifeng almost shouted.

Xiao Beifeng's mood changed so much that his body trembled involuntarily.

Fortunately, the Japanese soldiers who had relaxed their vigilance at this time did not notice anything, but Xiao Beifeng's trembling frightened Li Donglai next to him.

But how could Xiao Beifeng care about Li Donglai?

At this time, dozens and dozens of "What to do?" popped up in his mind at the same time.

Don't be nervous, what would he do if Xiao Liuzi was here?

Xiao Beifeng began to think.

"Old Li, step back a few meters and shoot in the sky! Quick!" Xiao Beifeng suddenly said.

"Huh?" Li Donglai was stunned.

"Quick, step back and take a shot!" Xiao Beifeng urged again.

"Okay!" Li Donglai slowly retracted his head and did not ask why.

If you are a veteran, you will understand the importance of following orders!

Xiao Beifeng took two deep breaths in succession and aimed his eyes at the sight .

At this moment, gunfire rang out from behind him.

The two gunshots sounded so harsh in the valley!

As Xiao Beifeng expected, when they heard the gunshot, the Japanese officers and soldiers immediately fell down.

There is a huge area of ​​yellow in the entire valley!

This is of course because the Japanese army has a high level of combat literacy, but it is also because the Japanese military is really afraid of being ambushed and beaten by the anti-Japanese troops!

And in the moment after the gunshot, the Japanese soldier in Xiao Beifeng's sniper shot had already fallen down.

So as Little Beifeng wished, he saw the piece of rope again!

Due to the limitation of the observation range of the sniper lens, Xiao Beifeng did not know that a Japanese soldier had discovered the place where he buried the grenade .

It was just a board less than one foot long and wide. When the Japanese soldier lay down, his face lay on that board.

The bottom of the board is hollow and the top is just a thin layer of soil. How come the Japanese soldiers can't feel it?

is also reaching out to scratch the soil on the pull board at this time!

But then Xiao Beifeng’s gun went off!

At a distance of 100 meters, and with the sniper scope that magnified 2.5 times, Yu Xiaobeifeng’s shot was accurate!

So, the rope was broken by him with one shot.

The rope originally stretched the spring. When the external force disappears, the spring naturally contracts.

The contraction of the spring naturally pulled the string connected to the lead of the cluster grenade.

At this time, the Japanese soldier who happened to be lying next to the cluster grenade also opened the wooden board.

So, he just saw a large bundle of grenades that were blowing out white smoke!

However, he was really late, he had no time to shout, and then his world disappeared with a "boom" explosion.

Xiao Beifeng put away his gun and rolled back up the slope, and the Japanese bullets hit the hill.

Alas, I didn’t play well, I didn’t kill a few people!

Xiao Beifeng got up and ran towards the two horses down the hillside, but his heart was filled with regret.

The cluster grenades were fired, but there were still many Japanese soldiers lying down. After all, they couldn't kill a few of them!

"Hey, that little Beifeng gun is really accurate!

One shot broke the rope with a 'pop' of 100 meters, and then the bundle of grenades exploded!

Two little devils were killed. More than ten!"

Li Donglai preached happily.

"Wow!" The people watching suddenly let out a burst of exclamation.

"Then you can blow up the grenade by tying a rope? How about setting the grenade's fuse on fire?" Someone raised a question

"The fuse is tied to a spring, and the spring is straightened. Once the rope is broken, the spring will explode." When it bounced back, the grenade went off! How about

, you guys say Xiao Beifeng is a bitch!" Li Donglai continued.

(Note: Gui Dao, in Northeastern dialect, is equivalent to being smart.)

"This is a powerful move, hehe." The person who just expressed doubts scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"That's right, Lei Kairan's team came out, the regular army! It's still different from our mountain forest team!" Li Donglai began to praise Xiao Beifeng again.

The implication behind his words was as if Xiao Beifeng was not a kid from the forest team.

"There are more than twenty Japs. Don't listen to Old Li's nonsense." Xiao Beifeng blushed a little.

To be honest, Xiao Beifeng didn't know how many Japs were killed by that bundle of cluster grenades.

First, he blew up the grenade and ran away.

Secondly, at that time, the Japanese troops were mostly lying down and few were standing, so the number of people killed in the bombing would certainly not be too many.

But Li Dong came here to save face for him, and Xiao Beifeng couldn't say anything else.

If he said he didn't see it clearly, wouldn't he just pretend to be Li Donglai in Northeastern dialect?

Even Xiao Beifeng, the person involved in the shooting, did not see clearly how many Japanese were killed. Then Li Donglai fired his gun into the sky from behind the hill, and it was even less possible for him to see it!

However, Xiao Beifeng's slightly red-faced expression was considered modest in the eyes of everyone.

No real hero can brag about himself, right?

So, with Li Donglai's testimony at this time, Xiao Beifeng had become a bit taller in the eyes of everyone.

The anti-Japanese team executed the traitors. The incident was thrilling, but the fighting was not fierce and the battlefield had fallen silent. A man cannot move without a head, a bird cannot fly without a head, and now there are still about a hundred or ten of them! - DayDayNews

"After all, he is from Team Lei Kairan. After all, he is also the fourth leader of Team Lei Kairan, right?"

Someone interrupted at this time, but the person who interrupted the celebration was Zheng Wanchang, the captain of Team Wanchang.

At this time, Xiao Beifeng and Li Donglai had naturally joined the team led by Xu Li.

The meeting place is exactly where the Japanese army must pass to return to their stronghold.

What surprised Xiao Beifeng in particular was that the Mingshan team and the Wanchang team also arrived.

In this way, they can naturally wait for the Japanese army to return and then ambush the Japanese army again.

"Our little Beifeng is also a hero now, so why is he still the fourth leader in Lei Kairan's team?" someone asked in confusion.

"Hehe, you have to ask the people in Lei Kairan's team about this." Zheng Wanchang smiled but refused to say anything.

"Xiao Beifeng, please tell me, why are you the fourth leader in Lei Kairan's team?" Li Donglai was also curious.

Xiao Beifeng glanced at Xu Li, who was next to him, and saw that Xu Li's eyes were very calm, but he didn't notice anything.

Then he said: "The first head of the family is Xiao Liuzi, everyone knows this.

The second head of the family is -" Xiao Beifeng scratched his head, "Xiao Liuzi's wife Zhou Rang! Then, it's over, then I He's from the fourth master!" He started scratching his head again.

"Hey, what about the third child? Which rat hole did the third leader of your team, Lei Kairan, ask you to hide in?" someone asked.

Xiao Beifeng could not help but glance at Xu Li again and remained silent.

made a "coax" sound, and everyone laughed. Everyone understood this.

"Fuck, it turns out that the third leader of Lei Kairan's team is here." Someone swore directly, and the people next to him laughed again.

They are the mountain forest team.

The problem with some people is not that they often use foul language in their speech, but that they are speechless if they don’t use foul language! As long as you say a few words, that's a lot of nonsense!

Otherwise, how could Xiao Beifeng, who had been in the mountain forest team since he was a child, finally get rid of his bad habit of swearing?

"Then why do we choose you to be our boss?

Why is this girl the third boss in Lei Kairan's team, and she has to be under your control here?

How good is it that we choose this girl to be our boss?!" Again Someone suggested.

The person speaking is relatively old, almost forty, so people say that Xu Li is the daughter, which is definitely correct.

said "coaxing", and the crowd became more lively this time. Yes, your Xiao Beifeng is one level behind Xu Li in Lei Kairan's team!

"What do you call this girl? This is my wife, my wife? Isn't that right?!" Xiao Beifeng was not happy.

"Okay, shut your mouths! The Japanese will come back soon, why don't they ambush you?!" Xu Li quit and shouted.

Her voice can't be said to be very high-pitched.

However, it was a girl’s voice after all, so it seemed particularly clear amidst the noise of the crowd.

So, everyone shut their mouths in an instant.

"Everyone pay attention to concealment and go back to their positions!

If you envy the regular army's combat power and its ability to defeat the Japanese, then learn more about their discipline. How are these hundreds of people buzzing?" Xu Li said again .

For a while, the silence fell and no one said anything.

But after a while, a mature and prudent person said: "This girl is right, what is it like? There is a war, if the old boss is still alive, he will be anxious!"

So, he walked away.

Northeastern people have a characteristic, which is that they are afraid of respect and not fear of tyranny, but no matter how tyrannical people are, they are always reasonable as long as they don't lose their minds.

What Xu Li said makes sense.

So even though some people felt uncomfortable hearing Xu Li scold them, they tolerated it for the sake of "reason".

Everyone walked away one after another, and all lay down behind the ridge of the hill.

"Master Zheng, let me see if you also have that kind of gun with a scope?" Xu Li asked Zheng Wanchang when no one said anything.

"Yes, we have three, and Liu Da's house also has two." Zheng Wanchang replied.

When Lei Kairan's team was fighting the Japanese, there were four guys who had the best cooperation with them.

The four teams are: Beifengbei's team, Zhao Tiaoshui's team, Mingshan team and Wanchang team.

Lei Kairan rarely suffered losses when leading his troops in battle, so these four teams really gained a lot of loot from the Japanese army.

At first, everyone thought this standard sniper rifle of the Japanese army was rare, but later they discovered that each squadron of the Japanese army had three or four such rifles.

The reason why Lei Kairan's team only has three snipers, Lei Kairan, Xiao Beifeng, and Lu Chao, is because they have too few people and cannot carry so many weapons.

Therefore, many of the captured sniper rifles naturally fell into the hands of those four guys.

"Then you must have a sharpshooter?" Xu Li's eyes lit up when Zheng Wanchang said this.

"How can our sharpshooters compare with Captain Lei and Xiao Beifeng?" Zheng Wanchang said with a smile.

Actually, he is not modest. Although the rifle has a 2.5x magnification scope, the quality of their gunners is indeed not as good as Lei Kairan's.

One is that the training is not strict, and the other is that the bullets are definitely not as many as those of Lei Kairan and others.

"That doesn't matter. In short, he will be better than the average person.

I have an idea now. Mr. Zheng Da, do you think it will work?" Xu Li said.

"Tell me, you are the third leader of Lei Kairan's team." Zheng Wanchang still smiled.

It was actually a half-joking statement that Lei Kairan's team was ranked as the leader, but Zheng Wanchang also heard Ermanzi mention it before.

Xu Li can't help people saying that she is the third in charge of the family. This matter cannot be explained and it cannot be true.

So, she said: "Put these six guns on the other side of the river.

When we conduct an ambush later, the Japanese will definitely attack our attack position.

Let's use these six guns on the other side of the river to see With the advantage of being far away, we can give the Japanese a cold shot on the other side.

What do you think? "Hey, what a great idea!" Zheng Wanchang's eyes lit up when he heard Xu Li's idea.

He immediately turned around and started looking at the terrain.

Their current ambush position is on a high hill, opposite a river. The path the Japanese army wants to take is in the space between the river and the high hill.

If the Japanese army attacked this high hill, they would expose their back to the other side.

The anti-Japanese team executed the traitors. The incident was thrilling, but the fighting was not fierce and the battlefield had fallen silent. A man cannot move without a head, a bird cannot fly without a head, and now there are still about a hundred or ten of them! - DayDayNews

There are large rocks on the opposite shore, but this shore is full of pebbled tidal flats.

At this time, the frozen river had melted. Although there was ice on it, the Japanese army would never dare to step on it.

In this way, placing six sniper rifles on the other side of the river will be very useful!

"Okay, come here, hurry up and get Liu Changming's gun and people. Let's find a place with shallow water to cross over!"

Zheng Wanchang has a loud voice, and when he shouts like this, the people like Bei Fengbei start to shout again. Everyone turned their heads to look.

Although the people around Xu Li were "shooed" away, they were still listening with their ears pricked up.

Xu Li came up with this trick, but they understood it clearly.

At this time, they discovered that Xiao Beifeng’s daughter-in-law was so amazing. There was something wrong with her little head!

(hè, equivalent to "goods", having goods in one's head means having many ideas in one's head)

"I'm afraid it's no joke that this girl is the third in charge of Lei Kairan's team!" Someone was already muttering softly at this time.

The person next to him nodded.

The thing is obvious. If it was just a joke that Xiao Beifeng became the third boss in Lei Kairan's team because he was afraid of his wife, then why didn't Xiao Beifeng think of this idea? !

But then Xu Li said something else to support their verification.

"It turns out that Bei Fengbei, everyone, listen carefully. I have a few words to say!" Xu Li clapped her hands.

When Xu Li had something to say, the people in Beifengbei naturally listened. At this time, they felt that Xiao Beifeng's wife was no ordinary woman.

After all, he was also from Lei Kairan’s team.

"The boss is gone, and we have no idea who will be the boss now.

However, when the boss is still there, our group is the same as our Wanchang team and Mingshan team in the mountains and forests of Heilongjiang. They are also famous. No.

Those who have been fighting against the Japanese are all heroes.

Because they are all heroes, although the leader is gone, we cannot lose our reputation.

Let’s start fighting soon. Let me say two things to you.

First, be brave and don’t let anyone be a coward. Don’t let those two guys look down on us!

Second, be smart and retreat when it’s time to fight!

, I'm done!"

However, she turned around and said to a forest team member: "Bring over your grenade and the dozen or so grenades, I will use them in the battle later."

" Ah - OK!" The forest team member went to get it immediately.

The mountain forest team member said "Ah" because he was in a daze. It was because he didn't expect that Xu Li could actually use a grenade.

Naturally, there were grenade launchers among the trophies that the Japanese army divided among them, but no one among them really knew how to use them.

As for the reason, it is very simple. No one among them knows how to measure distance using that primitive method!

"If we win this battle, I will choose this girl to be the head of the family!" A mountain forest team member muttered.

"I don't choose her, I choose Xiao Beifeng, because she is Xiao Beifeng's wife." Youyou team member said in a low voice.

"Fuck, they're not all the same. Look at the two of them. One can shoot accurately, and the other can use a Japanese grenade. How did they practice?" a team member sighed.

They couldn't hear what the forest team members were mumbling about Xiao Beifeng.

One reason is that people speak softly, and the other reason is that they have to hurry up and cross the river.

Although we don’t know when the Japanese army will return, the sooner we cross the river, the better.

This reflects the difference between local operations and Japanese operations in foreign lands.

It is also a river that is about to melt away. The Japanese army will definitely not dare to cross it.

However, the local people in this hometown know where the water is shallow, and there will be no problem even if they fall.

Five minutes later, several snipers from the forest team stepped on the ice and fell into the river with a "click" sound.

But even though it was the deepest point in the center of the river, the water had not yet reached their thighs.

It's just that although people can't drown, they can't avoid freezing.

So the forest team members struggled to reach the other side in the icy water.

Now, Xiao Beifeng and Xu Li are facing the same situation.

Two people were lying on the ice. You looked at me, and I looked at you again.

Lying down on it is a must. Only by lying down or crawling can you avoid crushing the ice surface that is about to become civilized.

The people in front of them have stepped through holes in the ice. There is no point in lying down now.

So, Little Beifeng got up.

He only took two steps forward when he heard a "crack" sound and his thighs were submerged into the ice and water.

Xu Li also got up and said "stand firm" before stepping forward on the ice.

Then, the ice beneath her feet broke with a "crack" sound.

But she had successfully hung her arms around Xiao Beifeng's neck.

It was useless to say anything else at this time. Xiao Beifeng reached out and hugged Xu Li's butt, carrying Xu Li forward through the icy water like a child.

"Do you want to hear it?" Xu Li is not stupid. How could she not know whether Xiao Beifeng is good to her or not? This question must be asked.

(Ba Ting, Northeastern dialect, refers to the biting cold feeling when one enters the ice water, the so-called pulling out the cold)

"If you become my wife, I will accept it if I carry you like this for the rest of my life." Little Beifeng bit He said while holding back the biting ice water with his teeth.

Xu Li sighed, and finally put her little face on Xiao Beifeng's face.

She accepted her fate.

Little Beifeng never thought that Xu Li would express something to him at this time.

When Xu Li's small face stuck to his big face, he trembled and almost threw Xu Li into the water!

"You can't help but praise! I can't give you any benefits!" Xu Li said in Xiao Beifeng's ear.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Beifeng asked.

It was the first time for Xu Li to do this kind of cheek-to-cheek gesture with Xiao Beifeng, and of course with a man. She felt her face was getting hot.

Then, she turned her eyes and said something else.

"With your method of burying grenades, you are not afraid that the Japanese will step on the rope under their feet?

What's the point of shooting? You are so stupid!" Xu Li continued in Xiao Beifeng's ear.

Xu Lina is also a veteran.

When Li Donglai praised Xiao Beifeng in front of everyone, she heard that it was actually very risky for Xiao Beifeng to do this.

Obviously, Xiao Beifeng wanted to kill a few more Japanese soldiers. Of course, it would be best if he could kill Japanese soldiers and officials.

However, he did not expect that as more Japanese soldiers approached the house, it was very likely that some Japanese soldiers would step on the rope connected to the spring.

The anti-Japanese team executed the traitors. The incident was thrilling, but the fighting was not fierce and the battlefield had fallen silent. A man cannot move without a head, a bird cannot fly without a head, and now there are still about a hundred or ten of them! - DayDayNews

At this time, what's the use of breaking one end of the rope? The spring will still not shrink unless the Japanese soldier stepping on it lifts his leg.

There are too many unknowns in this kind of organization, and it is still too risky!

"What do you think we should do?" Xiao Beifeng asked as he walked.

"The rope must be covered with a bamboo tube or something." Xu Li replied.

"Where can I find my bamboo tube?" Xiao Beifeng curled his lips.

"You are not allowed to be stubborn! You are not allowed to be stubborn in the future!" Xu Li said angrily.

"That's what it is, eh? Then if I don't bite my tongue, you will marry me, right?" But Xiao Beifeng finally heard the subtext in Xu Li's words.

"It's a beautiful idea. Besides, it depends on your performance." Xu Li said calmly.

However, Xiao Beifeng was already happy.

Because, after Xu Li said this, her small face was even closer to her big face!

The Japanese troops have returned.

At the moment when the Japanese army showed up, Zheng Wanchang, who was in the Gaogang ambush position, couldn't help but let out a low-pitched sigh of admiration.

"What happened? The boss." One of his subordinates asked in a low voice.

"Don't say anything, you will know later." Zheng Wanchang replied.

So his subordinate could only shut his mouth in confusion.

Walking in front of the Japanese brigade was still the Japanese scout.

There were not many scouts, only twenty or thirty people. The Japanese army group was about 200 meters away from them.

"Give me my order, everyone put their heads and guns back! Don't leave any observation posts! Don't shoot without my order!" Zheng Wanchang said suddenly.

"Huh?" What is this command?

At this time, the mountain forest team noticed that the Japanese scouts were coming in their direction!

"Oh, what do you mean, little devil?" Some people from the forest team didn't understand.

Although their heads had already been retracted, before they retracted they saw the Japanese scouts coming towards their ambush position.

You little devil, just march, you damn, just walk straight ahead!

What do you mean by turning a corner and running towards us? Didn’t we notice?

"Here we come to the commanding heights. They are afraid of being ambushed and beaten by us!" Someone with a quick reaction said.

"Ah! That's not so quick-" Someone next to him was about to say the last word, but he choked it back.

The Mountain Forest Team is no longer a regular army, but a team fighting for life and death.

You have to obey the command in this matter. If you dare to say the word "run" without the boss saying anything, then the boss will cut you off later and you can't blame anyone.

If you dare to shake the morale of the army, that will never be allowed in any team!

"Don't say anything, don't move, just hold on tight, we have someone on the other side!" Sure enough, Zheng Wanchang spoke in a low voice.

He estimated that the Japanese scouts were only about 200 meters away from them, so he did not dare to speak loudly.

Therefore, he asked the forest team members to pass the message to several people, and just passed the order.

At this time, the two forest teams were doing the same thing, but they both retracted their guns and heads behind the hill.

That’s it for the Wanchang team and the Mingshan team. They both have big bosses.

At this time, the people in Bei Fengbei's team all shrank back under Li Donglai's low voice.

At this time, the importance of having a commander is really reflected.

Fortunately, Xu Li gave them a few instructions before leaving.

Therefore, they were conscious of it. Seeing the two teams retracting, they also retracted.

Just as Xu Li said, these people in Beifengbei are not bad at fighting.

Who can persist to this day without killing the Japanese? They really just lacked a person in charge.

"Don't be nervous, Xiao Beifeng is on the other side of the river and they won't ignore us!" Li Donglai also began to whisper.

Yes, Xiao Beifeng and the other snipers are on the other side of the river. Naturally, they will not let the Japanese scouts discover the ambush troops.

And this is why Zheng Wanchang sighed at the beginning.

What he lamented was that Xu Li's suggestion of going to the other side of the river for a cold shot was so prescient.

No one thought that the Japanese army would be so careful now, and their scouts actually came to the commanding heights.

The three teams now have about 300 people in total.

Of course they are not afraid of these twenty or thirty Japanese soldiers. They only need to say hello and use a platoon gun to destroy these Japanese soldiers.

However, this way they won't be able to hit the Japanese brigade behind!

There were about four hundred Japanese troops. If they couldn't give the Japanese troops a powerful blow in the first wave of attacks, then they would have no choice but to retreat from the battle.

These three guys often fight with Lei Kairan's team, and they have learned six or seven points of Lei Kairan's style of play.

But Lei Kairan's team didn't dare to challenge the Japanese army face to face, let alone them.

Xu Li's first thought was to use her sniper rifle and terrain advantages to attack the Japanese army from both sides.

She did not expect that the Japanese scouts would rush to the commanding heights first during the march, but her suggestion was wrong.

At this time, there were seven more of them on the other side of the river, and the battle really became different.

As expected on the other side of the river, Xiao Beifeng and his six men with sniper rifles had already aimed their rifles at the Japanese scout who was about to climb up the high hill.

"Have you memorized all the assigned goals?" Xiao Beifeng asked.

"Remember." The five snipers replied at the same time.

"Don't worry, we'll fight together when I say we'll shoot!" Xiao Beifeng said again.

In front of the Japanese brigade was an endless beach of pebbles. Xiao Beifeng was waiting for the Japanese brigade to enter the ambush circle on the opposite side.

Therefore, he would rather release the Japanese scouts on the hills.

The Japanese army did not know that at this time, the anti-Japanese troops began to plot against them again.

The big-toed shoes on the feet of the Japanese army stepped heavily on the spring ground, and everyone in the anti-Japanese team was already holding their breath.

The Anti-Japanese War has never been a matter of one person, but a matter of all Chinese people who live in the white mountains and black waters and are unwilling to be slaves to the subjugation of their country.

Marshal Zhang asked part of the Northeastern Army to withdraw into the pass, and the remaining Northeastern Army still had to fight.

The organized Northeastern Army was dispersed, but our party's people led the anti-Japanese guerrillas to gather the original team and continue to fight.

Perhaps one day, a considerable part of the anti-Japanese guerrillas will die in the battle with the Japanese army.

But the remaining ones will still step forward in the blood of martyrs and face the enemy's artillery fire, and they will still move forward!

The anti-Japanese team executed the traitors. The incident was thrilling, but the fighting was not fierce and the battlefield had fallen silent. A man cannot move without a head, a bird cannot fly without a head, and now there are still about a hundred or ten of them! - DayDayNews

"Hit!" Just when the Japanese scouts climbed up the high hill and were more than 20 meters away from the top of the mountain, Xiao Beifeng shouted and pulled the trigger first.

The first Japanese soldier who was climbing up the mountain was shot and fell down.

As the other Japanese soldiers were lying down and turning around, the rifles of the five sniper gunners also fired, and four more Japanese soldiers fell down.

Just as Zheng Wanchang said at the beginning, their snipers were indeed inferior compared to Lei Kairan and the others. In the end, one person shot the gun away.

The Japanese troops on the high mountain are now only about 300 meters away from where Xiao Beifeng and the others are hiding.

But no matter what, Xiao Beifeng's shooting immediately attracted the attention of all the Japanese soldiers.

The marching Japanese troops were naturally stunned and fell down on the beach, and the Japanese scouts who were about to climb the hill hurriedly turned around and ran down.

Of course they couldn't shoot at Xiao Beifeng and the others on the hillside, otherwise he would be completely exposed to Xiao Beifeng and the others' shooting range.

But the officer in this team of Japanese scouts reacted quickly. Instead, he called two soldiers to run up the hill!

As a scout captain, he is naturally sensitive to terrain.

The top of the hill is so close, only about twenty meters left.

In his mind, it would be great to run to the other side of the hill ridge. With the hill ridge as a cover, he could shoot at the group of people behind them who were shooting at them.

Just, how could Xiao Beifeng let them run up.

Xiao Beifeng quickly pulled the bolt of his gun and hit the Japanese soldiers. The two Japanese soldiers were all shot and fell before they rushed to the edge.

And the Japanese captain was very lucky and very unfortunate.

Fortunately, he finally reached the top of the hill. Unfortunately, Xiao Beifeng's bullets also caught up with him at this time!

A bullet shot directly through his chest.

However, for this Japanese captain who was shot and dying, the shot was no longer important.

In his pupils that began to expand, he saw a line of darkness just behind the ridgeline of the hill, full of Chinese people rising with guns drawn!

At this time, the Japanese brigade was completely attracted by the firepower from Xiao Beifeng and others.

Because what flew over from the other side of the river was not only the bullets shot by Xiao Beifeng and the others, but also the grenades shot by Xu Li with a grenade tube!

Xu Li just roughly measured the distance, then held the grenade with one hand and stuffed the grenade in with the other.

Anyway, there are many Japanese soldiers. As long as they hit the Japanese army's formation, they can blow up two or three of them.

When the Japanese army saw the other side, they fired all the grenades, which was naturally beyond their expectation.

The Japanese captain with a bandage on his head waved his command knife and ordered the Japanese troops to shoot across the river.

The reason why he had a bandage on his head was because Xiao Beifeng detonated the bundle of cluster grenades.

The bundle of cluster grenades killed five Japanese soldiers and injured six, and the Japanese captain was one of the sixth.

At this time, of course the Japanese captain knew that the river was almost civilized, and he did not dare to let his soldiers rush up.

In his opinion, the anti-Japanese team that attacked them relied on the fact that the Japanese army could not cross the river before shooting at them.

But at this time, he did not know that the three hundred or so forest team members on the front line of the hills behind were already aiming their guns at them!

It must be said that Zheng Wanchang is also determined.

Before Xiao Beifeng fired, he certainly knew that the Japanese scouts were almost on top of them.

However, he just didn’t give the order to shoot!

Because, just when he was about to give the shooting order, he suddenly realized a problem.

The gun on Xiao Beifeng's end fired first, and the Japanese army would shoot on Xiao Beifeng's end.

In this way, the Japanese army would show their backs to them.

If they directly attack the marching Japanese troops, it will be sudden.

But when the Japanese army turned around and lay on the ground, they fought again, which gave the Japanese army another time to turn around.

Don't underestimate the time to turn around, although this time may only be one second.

But in this second, only their mountain forest team aimed and shot at the Japanese army.

The Japanese army is a living target!

These three guys are also about 300 people.

It takes one second to hit the live target, but it is impossible to shoot at the same time. However, it is equivalent to dozens or even hundreds of more Japanese soldiers who were killed in the counterattack!

Fighting certainly requires bravery, but it also requires strategy, experience and determination.

These three mountain forest teams dared to ambush the 400 Japanese army with 300 people. This is bravery.

Xu Li transferred the snipers to the other side of the river. That was strategy and experience.

But Zheng Wanchang could hold his own and not let anyone shoot, yet not a single one of these three hundred people could lose his composure. This was his strength.

If the fate is converging, how can the result be any worse?

When Zheng Wanchang shouted "fight" loudly, the progress of the battle was really as he expected.

During the first row of shots, the Japanese soldiers who were lying on the ground and raging fire at Xiao Beifeng and the others were not even noticed!

The Japanese army has completely entered their ambush circle, less than 200 meters away from them.

The forest team only fired the first wave of volleys. More than 200 Japanese soldiers were shot. They lay on the ground and never got up again!

But the Japanese captain was directly hit by a short burst of machine gun fire.

Two bullets shot him down to the ground.

He can only blame himself for this. Who told him to keep gesticulating with his command knife!

Even the light machine gunners of the Mountain Forest Team are also veterans. If the veterans don't fight the officers first, who can they fight first?

And this one shot really beat the Japanese officers and soldiers to death!

All their attention was focused on Xiao Beifeng's snipers on the opposite side, but they never expected that the other side's real killer move would be from behind.

The Japanese soldiers turned around in a hurry, and in the process of turning around and shooting, just as Zheng Wanchang expected, nearly a hundred more Japanese soldiers dropped their guns and lowered their heads!

"We won't withdraw today! We can wipe out all these Japs!" Liu Changming shouted.

In terms of combat effectiveness, these forest teams are really not as good as the regular army.

However, in terms of their grasp of the battlefield situation, they are no weaker than the commanders of the regular army!


Because they are from the mountain forest team, one of the combat principles they uphold is to run away if they can't fight.

Originally, the Mountain Forest Team was at a disadvantage whether compared with the official army or the Japanese army. If you can't beat

, then don't you have to rely on the terrain to escape?

However, they know how to take advantage when they see it. If they can beat up a drowned dog, their attack will never be softer than that of regular troops!

They are extremely sensitive to the situation on the battlefield.

To put it bluntly, they have a bandit style of play at their core.

The anti-Japanese team executed the traitors. The incident was thrilling, but the fighting was not fierce and the battlefield had fallen silent. A man cannot move without a head, a bird cannot fly without a head, and now there are still about a hundred or ten of them! - DayDayNews

If I can't defeat the regular army, then I will pretend to be a grandson, and I will run when it's time to run.

However, if I can beat him, then I am not afraid of death, and I am still a bachelor!

For a moment, both the enemy and ourselves were shooting in the air, bullets were flying randomly, and people from both sides were constantly shot and fell to the ground.

The Japanese army won because of their accurate marksmanship, and the mountain forest team won because they now had an absolute advantage in strength and had the mountain ridges as bunkers.

The gun battle only lasted for another ten minutes, and the Japanese army could no longer hold on.

There is no hiding place on the tidal flat, that is, the pebbles.

Those pebbles cannot be used as a cover.

As the name suggests, cobblestones are stones as big as goose eggs.

If someone is that tall, it would not be called a cobblestone but a big stone.

The Japanese soldiers could only use the corpses of their dead soldiers as bunkers, but the shooting behind them kept coming!

The beach was less than 200 meters away from where Xiao Beifeng and the others were hiding.

At this distance, shooting with a sniper rifle is really a sure hit.

How can a veteran with a rifle shoot twelve or three shots in one minute?

These twelve or three shots are not the usual twelve or three shots. One shot can really mean a life!

Xu Li also fired the grenade indiscriminately with the grenade.

Now Xu Li has almost shot away the more than 20 grenades they brought over.

And now she was about to put a grenade into the grenade barrel.

Xu Li took a deep breath, and the hand holding the grenade went numb.

After all, the grenade has a reaction force, and it takes strength to hold the grenade with your hands.

But Xu Li also knew that this was the critical moment of the battle, and she had to fight even if she couldn't fight!

So she gritted her teeth and stuffed another grenade through the mouth of the grenade.

But her arm holding the grenade was really sore and numb, and her arm shook involuntarily.

With a "boom" sound, the grenade was shot out again.

After all, a girl is not as powerful as a man!

Xu Li sighed and looked towards the other side of the river.

At this moment, she saw that right where the grenade exploded, a Japanese machine gun was overturned!

The Japanese machine gun that Xu Li overturned is also the last machine gun still in the Japanese army's battle.

And the blowing up of this machine gun finally became the last straw that broke the Japanese army's psychological defense line.

At this time, as long as the Japanese officers dared to use the command knife to gesture, they all fell to the guns of the forest team.

The remaining Japanese soldiers no longer wanted to resist and shouted. The remaining dozens of Japanese soldiers got up and ran towards the mountains. 1

Their retreat was not completely unorganized. They still knew how to cover their retreat!

But Xiao Beifeng and the other snipers would attack whoever was covering.

Seeing that their companions were getting fewer and fewer, the surviving Japanese soldiers finally lost control and fled for their lives into the mountains like a swarm of swarms!

"We have won, go and replenish your guns!" Zheng Wanchang stood up and shouted.

Then the shouts of killing began from the front line of the hill, and more than 200 forestry team members rushed down with their guns in hand.

At this point in the fight, the bloody spirit of the mountain forest team members was also revealed, and each of them felt that they were no longer afraid of fighting the Japanese army with bayonets!

However, where would the Japanese army fight with them with bayonets?

All the arms and legs that could hold a bayonet were running for their lives.

Xiao Beifeng tried his best to speed up his shooting, but in the end some Japanese soldiers escaped into the mountains.

"I ran out of nine, alas!" Xu Li said regretfully.

She didn't bring a rifle, she ran out of grenades, and the box cannon didn't have enough range, so she had to watch the battle from the side.

"What do you mean, can it? It must be possible!" Xiao Beifeng said, "Hurry up and put the grass in the grass. If the devil comes soon, he will definitely send people to our place."

"What are the devils sending people for?" ?" Li Donglai asked subconsciously.

At this time, he was still thinking about Xiao Beifeng using his gun to break the rope a hundred meters away, and he didn't pay attention at all.

"This is the commanding heights. Do you understand that the Japanese may occupy the commanding heights? You are already a veteran. Is that stuff in your head filled with glutinous rice paste or dung soup?" Xiao Beifeng said angrily.

"Ah!" Li Donglai just woke up from a dream.

"Are you sure you can hit that rope?" Li Donglai asked again because he was worried.

"Old Li , you haven't seen my marksmanship, haven't you? My marksmanship is the second best in our team."

Little Beifeng said proudly, he had already begun to wrap around the sniper rifle. Grass.

"Then who is number one? Your captain? Lei Xiaoliuzi?" Li Donglai asked again.

"Yeah, I don't know where Xiaoliuzi has gone?" Xiao Beifeng sighed, but then he reached out and slapped himself, "What am I talking about? You're such a bad mouth!"

"Are you sure? Is your captain, Lei Xiaoliuzi, okay?" Li Donglai asked again.

The anti-Japanese team executed the traitors. The incident was thrilling, but the fighting was not fierce and the battlefield had fallen silent. A man cannot move without a head, a bird cannot fly without a head, and now there are still about a hundred or ten of them! - DayDayNews

"Oh, Lao Li, are you bothered? Why do you have so many questions? That Lei Xiaoliuzi is so smart, he can have such trouble!" Xiao Beifeng became impatient.

He lay down and began to use the lens of his sniper rifle to find the thick rope he had tied to the root of the small tree.

He lost his sniper rifle since the last time the secret camp was captured by the Japanese army.

But this time, I unexpectedly got another one. Little Beifeng was really overjoyed!

Seeing that Xiao Beifeng was impatient, Li Donglai knew that he had too many questions, so he stopped asking and lay down.

"I dare not say that Xiao Liuzi will be fine.

But, I dare to say that if something happens to Xiao Liuzi, no one else in our team will survive."

Xiao Beifeng found the piece of rope Then he murmured.

An hour later, someone shouted into the valley, "The little devils are coming, two squadrons!"

Those were the spies sent out by Xiao Beifeng and the others.

Then, the spy did not go into the valley but ran away.

"How can such a coward still be a spy? He is bigger than a rabbit!" Xiao Beifeng sneered.

"As brave as you are, I feel that this move is still inappropriate." Li Donglai said to Xiao Beifeng.

"How can you pinch it with your hands? Just do it when you are 70% sure." Xiao Beifeng disagreed.

Li Donglai said nothing and just observed the mountain pass.

Xiao Beifeng certainly has his reason for saying this.

They, Lei Kairan's team, have always used less to defeat more, and they couldn't do it if they wanted to fight the Japanese in a strict manner.

Therefore, they have to be bold and careful, and make unexpected and dangerous moves. It is impossible to take advantage of the Japanese without taking any risks!

After about ten minutes, the Japanese army really came.

The twenty or so people in front were Japanese scouts.

At this moment, Li Donglai felt that his heartbeat began to accelerate.

It’s not that he has never been ambushed by the Japanese army, but he has never been like this with Xiao Beifeng. It’s just that the two of them ambush two squadrons of Japanese soldiers!

saw the Japanese scout, holding a gun and bending his waist, cautiously heading towards the houses on the hillside in front.

And next to the small tree in front of the front house is where Xiao Beifeng laid the mine.

The Japanese scouts walked naturally while observing the surrounding terrain.

As a scout, his observation was that his gun would be pointed wherever his eyes went.

Although Li Donglai and Xiao Beifeng's hat guns and even their bodies were camouflaged with withered grass, Li Donglai was still worried that the Japanese scouts would notice something was wrong.

Li Donglai was really nervous when the Japanese army pointed their guns at where he and Xiao Beifeng were hiding.

Even, he felt himself trembling a little.

"Those who are afraid of death will die first." Xiao Beifeng suddenly said in a very low voice.

Then, Li Donglai suddenly woke up.

Yes, those who are afraid of death will die first.

Although the Japanese soldiers didn’t shoot, they scared themselves to death first!


I am almost 30 years old. Why can't Xiao Beifeng, a little guy, be able to hold his own at this critical moment? !

With self-blame, Li Donglai felt better. After all, he was also a veteran, and he had also killed four Japanese with a gun!

"Don't be nervous, maybe the little devil will shoot to test it later!" Xiao Beifeng whispered again.

Xiao Beifeng’s reminder is so timely.

Just as Xiao Beifeng finished saying this, the Japanese scout actually opened fire!

However, the Japanese scouts obviously had no purpose in shooting.

The bullets hit the mountains on both sides and the house in front.

As for the bullet that hit the top of the hill where the two of them were, it was forty or fifty meters away from the two of them!

But this is the case, thanks to Xiao Beifeng’s reminder.

Otherwise, Li Donglai knew that without Xiao Beifeng's prescient words, he would not have been so frightened that he would have turned around and run away, but it would have been entirely possible for him to have fired a shot when he was nervous!

Xiao Beifeng has been following Lei Kairan's team for how long, and now he has developed such courage!

At this time, Li Donglai not only had sincere admiration for Xiao Beifeng, but also felt deeply ashamed of his unbearable performance!

After the gunfire, the Japanese scouts obviously relaxed, and they were already pointing their guns at those houses.

At this moment, a Japanese soldier waved a plaster flag on his bayonet towards the mountain pass.

After a while, a large group of Japanese troops appeared.

Although the Japanese soldiers were holding guns, they maintained a long snake formation.

Obviously, the Japanese army thought that the mountain forest team they were attacking had escaped.

Li Donglai didn't dare to move his head and glanced at Little Beifeng secretly, and saw Little Beifeng lying there like a sculpture.

Don’t talk about whether Xiao Beifeng can become the boss, even a veteran like himself can’t keep up with his composure!

At this time, Xiao Beifeng often fought with his team members on the edge of life and death, but he had long passed the stage of half-heartedness when facing the enemy.

The sniper rifle in his hand has long been aimed at the rope, and what he is observing now is only the movements of the Japanese army.

The Japanese scout had already arrived in front of the house, and was attracted by the corpse of the holiday soldier he had obtained.

Little Beifeng was considering whether to shoot.

If he fired now, he should be able to kill seven or eight Japs.

You must know that it is a cluster grenade!

That grenade is enough to blow up the little devil's armored vehicle .

However, Xiao Beifeng noticed that several Japanese officers were also rushing there.

Obviously, the Japanese officers were also confused by the "Japanese corpse" they placed in front of the door.

It would be best to blow up those Japanese officers, Xiao Beifeng thought.

The anti-Japanese team executed the traitors. The incident was thrilling, but the fighting was not fierce and the battlefield had fallen silent. A man cannot move without a head, a bird cannot fly without a head, and now there are still about a hundred or ten of them! - DayDayNews

However, at this moment, Xiao Beifeng suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Because he saw a Japanese soldier blocking his sight, he couldn't even see the rope!

Oops! not good! I am too greedy!

Xiao Beifeng almost shouted.

Xiao Beifeng's mood changed so much that his body trembled involuntarily.

Fortunately, the Japanese soldiers who had relaxed their vigilance at this time did not notice anything, but Xiao Beifeng's trembling frightened Li Donglai next to him.

But how could Xiao Beifeng care about Li Donglai?

At this time, dozens and dozens of "What to do?" popped up in his mind at the same time.

Don't be nervous, what would he do if Xiao Liuzi was here?

Xiao Beifeng began to think.

"Old Li, step back a few meters and shoot in the sky! Quick!" Xiao Beifeng suddenly said.

"Huh?" Li Donglai was stunned.

"Quick, step back and take a shot!" Xiao Beifeng urged again.

"Okay!" Li Donglai slowly retracted his head and did not ask why.

If you are a veteran, you will understand the importance of following orders!

Xiao Beifeng took two deep breaths in succession and aimed his eyes at the sight .

At this moment, gunfire rang out from behind him.

The two gunshots sounded so harsh in the valley!

As Xiao Beifeng expected, when they heard the gunshot, the Japanese officers and soldiers immediately fell down.

There is a huge area of ​​yellow in the entire valley!

This is of course because the Japanese army has a high level of combat literacy, but it is also because the Japanese military is really afraid of being ambushed and beaten by the anti-Japanese troops!

And in the moment after the gunshot, the Japanese soldier in Xiao Beifeng's sniper shot had already fallen down.

So as Little Beifeng wished, he saw the piece of rope again!

Due to the limitation of the observation range of the sniper lens, Xiao Beifeng did not know that a Japanese soldier had discovered the place where he buried the grenade .

It was just a board less than one foot long and wide. When the Japanese soldier lay down, his face lay on that board.

The bottom of the board is hollow and the top is just a thin layer of soil. How come the Japanese soldiers can't feel it?

is also reaching out to scratch the soil on the pull board at this time!

But then Xiao Beifeng’s gun went off!

At a distance of 100 meters, and with the sniper scope that magnified 2.5 times, Yu Xiaobeifeng’s shot was accurate!

So, the rope was broken by him with one shot.

The rope originally stretched the spring. When the external force disappears, the spring naturally contracts.

The contraction of the spring naturally pulled the string connected to the lead of the cluster grenade.

At this time, the Japanese soldier who happened to be lying next to the cluster grenade also opened the wooden board.

So, he just saw a large bundle of grenades that were blowing out white smoke!

However, he was really late, he had no time to shout, and then his world disappeared with a "boom" explosion.

Xiao Beifeng put away his gun and rolled back up the slope, and the Japanese bullets hit the hill.

Alas, I didn’t play well, I didn’t kill a few people!

Xiao Beifeng got up and ran towards the two horses down the hillside, but his heart was filled with regret.

The cluster grenades were fired, but there were still many Japanese soldiers lying down. After all, they couldn't kill a few of them!

"Hey, that little Beifeng gun is really accurate!

One shot broke the rope with a 'pop' of 100 meters, and then the bundle of grenades exploded!

Two little devils were killed. More than ten!"

Li Donglai preached happily.

"Wow!" The people watching suddenly let out a burst of exclamation.

"Then you can blow up the grenade by tying a rope? How about setting the grenade's fuse on fire?" Someone raised a question

"The fuse is tied to a spring, and the spring is straightened. Once the rope is broken, the spring will explode." When it bounced back, the grenade went off! How about

, you guys say Xiao Beifeng is a bitch!" Li Donglai continued.

(Note: Gui Dao, in Northeastern dialect, is equivalent to being smart.)

"This is a powerful move, hehe." The person who just expressed doubts scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"That's right, Lei Kairan's team came out, the regular army! It's still different from our mountain forest team!" Li Donglai began to praise Xiao Beifeng again.

The implication behind his words was as if Xiao Beifeng was not a kid from the forest team.

"There are more than twenty Japs. Don't listen to Old Li's nonsense." Xiao Beifeng blushed a little.

To be honest, Xiao Beifeng didn't know how many Japs were killed by that bundle of cluster grenades.

First, he blew up the grenade and ran away.

Secondly, at that time, the Japanese troops were mostly lying down and few were standing, so the number of people killed in the bombing would certainly not be too many.

But Li Dong came here to save face for him, and Xiao Beifeng couldn't say anything else.

If he said he didn't see it clearly, wouldn't he just pretend to be Li Donglai in Northeastern dialect?

Even Xiao Beifeng, the person involved in the shooting, did not see clearly how many Japanese were killed. Then Li Donglai fired his gun into the sky from behind the hill, and it was even less possible for him to see it!

However, Xiao Beifeng's slightly red-faced expression was considered modest in the eyes of everyone.

No real hero can brag about himself, right?

So, with Li Donglai's testimony at this time, Xiao Beifeng had become a bit taller in the eyes of everyone.

The anti-Japanese team executed the traitors. The incident was thrilling, but the fighting was not fierce and the battlefield had fallen silent. A man cannot move without a head, a bird cannot fly without a head, and now there are still about a hundred or ten of them! - DayDayNews

"After all, he is from Team Lei Kairan. After all, he is also the fourth leader of Team Lei Kairan, right?"

Someone interrupted at this time, but the person who interrupted the celebration was Zheng Wanchang, the captain of Team Wanchang.

At this time, Xiao Beifeng and Li Donglai had naturally joined the team led by Xu Li.

The meeting place is exactly where the Japanese army must pass to return to their stronghold.

What surprised Xiao Beifeng in particular was that the Mingshan team and the Wanchang team also arrived.

In this way, they can naturally wait for the Japanese army to return and then ambush the Japanese army again.

"Our little Beifeng is also a hero now, so why is he still the fourth leader in Lei Kairan's team?" someone asked in confusion.

"Hehe, you have to ask the people in Lei Kairan's team about this." Zheng Wanchang smiled but refused to say anything.

"Xiao Beifeng, please tell me, why are you the fourth leader in Lei Kairan's team?" Li Donglai was also curious.

Xiao Beifeng glanced at Xu Li, who was next to him, and saw that Xu Li's eyes were very calm, but he didn't notice anything.

Then he said: "The first head of the family is Xiao Liuzi, everyone knows this.

The second head of the family is -" Xiao Beifeng scratched his head, "Xiao Liuzi's wife Zhou Rang! Then, it's over, then I He's from the fourth master!" He started scratching his head again.

"Hey, what about the third child? Which rat hole did the third leader of your team, Lei Kairan, ask you to hide in?" someone asked.

Xiao Beifeng could not help but glance at Xu Li again and remained silent.

made a "coax" sound, and everyone laughed. Everyone understood this.

"Fuck, it turns out that the third leader of Lei Kairan's team is here." Someone swore directly, and the people next to him laughed again.

They are the mountain forest team.

The problem with some people is not that they often use foul language in their speech, but that they are speechless if they don’t use foul language! As long as you say a few words, that's a lot of nonsense!

Otherwise, how could Xiao Beifeng, who had been in the mountain forest team since he was a child, finally get rid of his bad habit of swearing?

"Then why do we choose you to be our boss?

Why is this girl the third boss in Lei Kairan's team, and she has to be under your control here?

How good is it that we choose this girl to be our boss?!" Again Someone suggested.

The person speaking is relatively old, almost forty, so people say that Xu Li is the daughter, which is definitely correct.

said "coaxing", and the crowd became more lively this time. Yes, your Xiao Beifeng is one level behind Xu Li in Lei Kairan's team!

"What do you call this girl? This is my wife, my wife? Isn't that right?!" Xiao Beifeng was not happy.

"Okay, shut your mouths! The Japanese will come back soon, why don't they ambush you?!" Xu Li quit and shouted.

Her voice can't be said to be very high-pitched.

However, it was a girl’s voice after all, so it seemed particularly clear amidst the noise of the crowd.

So, everyone shut their mouths in an instant.

"Everyone pay attention to concealment and go back to their positions!

If you envy the regular army's combat power and its ability to defeat the Japanese, then learn more about their discipline. How are these hundreds of people buzzing?" Xu Li said again .

For a while, the silence fell and no one said anything.

But after a while, a mature and prudent person said: "This girl is right, what is it like? There is a war, if the old boss is still alive, he will be anxious!"

So, he walked away.

Northeastern people have a characteristic, which is that they are afraid of respect and not fear of tyranny, but no matter how tyrannical people are, they are always reasonable as long as they don't lose their minds.

What Xu Li said makes sense.

So even though some people felt uncomfortable hearing Xu Li scold them, they tolerated it for the sake of "reason".

Everyone walked away one after another, and all lay down behind the ridge of the hill.

"Master Zheng, let me see if you also have that kind of gun with a scope?" Xu Li asked Zheng Wanchang when no one said anything.

"Yes, we have three, and Liu Da's house also has two." Zheng Wanchang replied.

When Lei Kairan's team was fighting the Japanese, there were four guys who had the best cooperation with them.

The four teams are: Beifengbei's team, Zhao Tiaoshui's team, Mingshan team and Wanchang team.

Lei Kairan rarely suffered losses when leading his troops in battle, so these four teams really gained a lot of loot from the Japanese army.

At first, everyone thought this standard sniper rifle of the Japanese army was rare, but later they discovered that each squadron of the Japanese army had three or four such rifles.

The reason why Lei Kairan's team only has three snipers, Lei Kairan, Xiao Beifeng, and Lu Chao, is because they have too few people and cannot carry so many weapons.

Therefore, many of the captured sniper rifles naturally fell into the hands of those four guys.

"Then you must have a sharpshooter?" Xu Li's eyes lit up when Zheng Wanchang said this.

"How can our sharpshooters compare with Captain Lei and Xiao Beifeng?" Zheng Wanchang said with a smile.

Actually, he is not modest. Although the rifle has a 2.5x magnification scope, the quality of their gunners is indeed not as good as Lei Kairan's.

One is that the training is not strict, and the other is that the bullets are definitely not as many as those of Lei Kairan and others.

"That doesn't matter. In short, he will be better than the average person.

I have an idea now. Mr. Zheng Da, do you think it will work?" Xu Li said.

"Tell me, you are the third leader of Lei Kairan's team." Zheng Wanchang still smiled.

It was actually a half-joking statement that Lei Kairan's team was ranked as the leader, but Zheng Wanchang also heard Ermanzi mention it before.

Xu Li can't help people saying that she is the third in charge of the family. This matter cannot be explained and it cannot be true.

So, she said: "Put these six guns on the other side of the river.

When we conduct an ambush later, the Japanese will definitely attack our attack position.

Let's use these six guns on the other side of the river to see With the advantage of being far away, we can give the Japanese a cold shot on the other side.

What do you think? "Hey, what a great idea!" Zheng Wanchang's eyes lit up when he heard Xu Li's idea.

He immediately turned around and started looking at the terrain.

Their current ambush position is on a high hill, opposite a river. The path the Japanese army wants to take is in the space between the river and the high hill.

If the Japanese army attacked this high hill, they would expose their back to the other side.

The anti-Japanese team executed the traitors. The incident was thrilling, but the fighting was not fierce and the battlefield had fallen silent. A man cannot move without a head, a bird cannot fly without a head, and now there are still about a hundred or ten of them! - DayDayNews

There are large rocks on the opposite shore, but this shore is full of pebbled tidal flats.

At this time, the frozen river had melted. Although there was ice on it, the Japanese army would never dare to step on it.

In this way, placing six sniper rifles on the other side of the river will be very useful!

"Okay, come here, hurry up and get Liu Changming's gun and people. Let's find a place with shallow water to cross over!"

Zheng Wanchang has a loud voice, and when he shouts like this, the people like Bei Fengbei start to shout again. Everyone turned their heads to look.

Although the people around Xu Li were "shooed" away, they were still listening with their ears pricked up.

Xu Li came up with this trick, but they understood it clearly.

At this time, they discovered that Xiao Beifeng’s daughter-in-law was so amazing. There was something wrong with her little head!

(hè, equivalent to "goods", having goods in one's head means having many ideas in one's head)

"I'm afraid it's no joke that this girl is the third in charge of Lei Kairan's team!" Someone was already muttering softly at this time.

The person next to him nodded.

The thing is obvious. If it was just a joke that Xiao Beifeng became the third boss in Lei Kairan's team because he was afraid of his wife, then why didn't Xiao Beifeng think of this idea? !

But then Xu Li said something else to support their verification.

"It turns out that Bei Fengbei, everyone, listen carefully. I have a few words to say!" Xu Li clapped her hands.

When Xu Li had something to say, the people in Beifengbei naturally listened. At this time, they felt that Xiao Beifeng's wife was no ordinary woman.

After all, he was also from Lei Kairan’s team.

"The boss is gone, and we have no idea who will be the boss now.

However, when the boss is still there, our group is the same as our Wanchang team and Mingshan team in the mountains and forests of Heilongjiang. They are also famous. No.

Those who have been fighting against the Japanese are all heroes.

Because they are all heroes, although the leader is gone, we cannot lose our reputation.

Let’s start fighting soon. Let me say two things to you.

First, be brave and don’t let anyone be a coward. Don’t let those two guys look down on us!

Second, be smart and retreat when it’s time to fight!

, I'm done!"

However, she turned around and said to a forest team member: "Bring over your grenade and the dozen or so grenades, I will use them in the battle later."

" Ah - OK!" The forest team member went to get it immediately.

The mountain forest team member said "Ah" because he was in a daze. It was because he didn't expect that Xu Li could actually use a grenade.

Naturally, there were grenade launchers among the trophies that the Japanese army divided among them, but no one among them really knew how to use them.

As for the reason, it is very simple. No one among them knows how to measure distance using that primitive method!

"If we win this battle, I will choose this girl to be the head of the family!" A mountain forest team member muttered.

"I don't choose her, I choose Xiao Beifeng, because she is Xiao Beifeng's wife." Youyou team member said in a low voice.

"Fuck, they're not all the same. Look at the two of them. One can shoot accurately, and the other can use a Japanese grenade. How did they practice?" a team member sighed.

They couldn't hear what the forest team members were mumbling about Xiao Beifeng.

One reason is that people speak softly, and the other reason is that they have to hurry up and cross the river.

Although we don’t know when the Japanese army will return, the sooner we cross the river, the better.

This reflects the difference between local operations and Japanese operations in foreign lands.

It is also a river that is about to melt away. The Japanese army will definitely not dare to cross it.

However, the local people in this hometown know where the water is shallow, and there will be no problem even if they fall.

Five minutes later, several snipers from the forest team stepped on the ice and fell into the river with a "click" sound.

But even though it was the deepest point in the center of the river, the water had not yet reached their thighs.

It's just that although people can't drown, they can't avoid freezing.

So the forest team members struggled to reach the other side in the icy water.

Now, Xiao Beifeng and Xu Li are facing the same situation.

Two people were lying on the ice. You looked at me, and I looked at you again.

Lying down on it is a must. Only by lying down or crawling can you avoid crushing the ice surface that is about to become civilized.

The people in front of them have stepped through holes in the ice. There is no point in lying down now.

So, Little Beifeng got up.

He only took two steps forward when he heard a "crack" sound and his thighs were submerged into the ice and water.

Xu Li also got up and said "stand firm" before stepping forward on the ice.

Then, the ice beneath her feet broke with a "crack" sound.

But she had successfully hung her arms around Xiao Beifeng's neck.

It was useless to say anything else at this time. Xiao Beifeng reached out and hugged Xu Li's butt, carrying Xu Li forward through the icy water like a child.

"Do you want to hear it?" Xu Li is not stupid. How could she not know whether Xiao Beifeng is good to her or not? This question must be asked.

(Ba Ting, Northeastern dialect, refers to the biting cold feeling when one enters the ice water, the so-called pulling out the cold)

"If you become my wife, I will accept it if I carry you like this for the rest of my life." Little Beifeng bit He said while holding back the biting ice water with his teeth.

Xu Li sighed, and finally put her little face on Xiao Beifeng's face.

She accepted her fate.

Little Beifeng never thought that Xu Li would express something to him at this time.

When Xu Li's small face stuck to his big face, he trembled and almost threw Xu Li into the water!

"You can't help but praise! I can't give you any benefits!" Xu Li said in Xiao Beifeng's ear.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Beifeng asked.

It was the first time for Xu Li to do this kind of cheek-to-cheek gesture with Xiao Beifeng, and of course with a man. She felt her face was getting hot.

Then, she turned her eyes and said something else.

"With your method of burying grenades, you are not afraid that the Japanese will step on the rope under their feet?

What's the point of shooting? You are so stupid!" Xu Li continued in Xiao Beifeng's ear.

Xu Lina is also a veteran.

When Li Donglai praised Xiao Beifeng in front of everyone, she heard that it was actually very risky for Xiao Beifeng to do this.

Obviously, Xiao Beifeng wanted to kill a few more Japanese soldiers. Of course, it would be best if he could kill Japanese soldiers and officials.

However, he did not expect that as more Japanese soldiers approached the house, it was very likely that some Japanese soldiers would step on the rope connected to the spring.

The anti-Japanese team executed the traitors. The incident was thrilling, but the fighting was not fierce and the battlefield had fallen silent. A man cannot move without a head, a bird cannot fly without a head, and now there are still about a hundred or ten of them! - DayDayNews

At this time, what's the use of breaking one end of the rope? The spring will still not shrink unless the Japanese soldier stepping on it lifts his leg.

There are too many unknowns in this kind of organization, and it is still too risky!

"What do you think we should do?" Xiao Beifeng asked as he walked.

"The rope must be covered with a bamboo tube or something." Xu Li replied.

"Where can I find my bamboo tube?" Xiao Beifeng curled his lips.

"You are not allowed to be stubborn! You are not allowed to be stubborn in the future!" Xu Li said angrily.

"That's what it is, eh? Then if I don't bite my tongue, you will marry me, right?" But Xiao Beifeng finally heard the subtext in Xu Li's words.

"It's a beautiful idea. Besides, it depends on your performance." Xu Li said calmly.

However, Xiao Beifeng was already happy.

Because, after Xu Li said this, her small face was even closer to her big face!

The Japanese troops have returned.

At the moment when the Japanese army showed up, Zheng Wanchang, who was in the Gaogang ambush position, couldn't help but let out a low-pitched sigh of admiration.

"What happened? The boss." One of his subordinates asked in a low voice.

"Don't say anything, you will know later." Zheng Wanchang replied.

So his subordinate could only shut his mouth in confusion.

Walking in front of the Japanese brigade was still the Japanese scout.

There were not many scouts, only twenty or thirty people. The Japanese army group was about 200 meters away from them.

"Give me my order, everyone put their heads and guns back! Don't leave any observation posts! Don't shoot without my order!" Zheng Wanchang said suddenly.

"Huh?" What is this command?

At this time, the mountain forest team noticed that the Japanese scouts were coming in their direction!

"Oh, what do you mean, little devil?" Some people from the forest team didn't understand.

Although their heads had already been retracted, before they retracted they saw the Japanese scouts coming towards their ambush position.

You little devil, just march, you damn, just walk straight ahead!

What do you mean by turning a corner and running towards us? Didn’t we notice?

"Here we come to the commanding heights. They are afraid of being ambushed and beaten by us!" Someone with a quick reaction said.

"Ah! That's not so quick-" Someone next to him was about to say the last word, but he choked it back.

The Mountain Forest Team is no longer a regular army, but a team fighting for life and death.

You have to obey the command in this matter. If you dare to say the word "run" without the boss saying anything, then the boss will cut you off later and you can't blame anyone.

If you dare to shake the morale of the army, that will never be allowed in any team!

"Don't say anything, don't move, just hold on tight, we have someone on the other side!" Sure enough, Zheng Wanchang spoke in a low voice.

He estimated that the Japanese scouts were only about 200 meters away from them, so he did not dare to speak loudly.

Therefore, he asked the forest team members to pass the message to several people, and just passed the order.

At this time, the two forest teams were doing the same thing, but they both retracted their guns and heads behind the hill.

That’s it for the Wanchang team and the Mingshan team. They both have big bosses.

At this time, the people in Bei Fengbei's team all shrank back under Li Donglai's low voice.

At this time, the importance of having a commander is really reflected.

Fortunately, Xu Li gave them a few instructions before leaving.

Therefore, they were conscious of it. Seeing the two teams retracting, they also retracted.

Just as Xu Li said, these people in Beifengbei are not bad at fighting.

Who can persist to this day without killing the Japanese? They really just lacked a person in charge.

"Don't be nervous, Xiao Beifeng is on the other side of the river and they won't ignore us!" Li Donglai also began to whisper.

Yes, Xiao Beifeng and the other snipers are on the other side of the river. Naturally, they will not let the Japanese scouts discover the ambush troops.

And this is why Zheng Wanchang sighed at the beginning.

What he lamented was that Xu Li's suggestion of going to the other side of the river for a cold shot was so prescient.

No one thought that the Japanese army would be so careful now, and their scouts actually came to the commanding heights.

The three teams now have about 300 people in total.

Of course they are not afraid of these twenty or thirty Japanese soldiers. They only need to say hello and use a platoon gun to destroy these Japanese soldiers.

However, this way they won't be able to hit the Japanese brigade behind!

There were about four hundred Japanese troops. If they couldn't give the Japanese troops a powerful blow in the first wave of attacks, then they would have no choice but to retreat from the battle.

These three guys often fight with Lei Kairan's team, and they have learned six or seven points of Lei Kairan's style of play.

But Lei Kairan's team didn't dare to challenge the Japanese army face to face, let alone them.

Xu Li's first thought was to use her sniper rifle and terrain advantages to attack the Japanese army from both sides.

She did not expect that the Japanese scouts would rush to the commanding heights first during the march, but her suggestion was wrong.

At this time, there were seven more of them on the other side of the river, and the battle really became different.

As expected on the other side of the river, Xiao Beifeng and his six men with sniper rifles had already aimed their rifles at the Japanese scout who was about to climb up the high hill.

"Have you memorized all the assigned goals?" Xiao Beifeng asked.

"Remember." The five snipers replied at the same time.

"Don't worry, we'll fight together when I say we'll shoot!" Xiao Beifeng said again.

In front of the Japanese brigade was an endless beach of pebbles. Xiao Beifeng was waiting for the Japanese brigade to enter the ambush circle on the opposite side.

Therefore, he would rather release the Japanese scouts on the hills.

The Japanese army did not know that at this time, the anti-Japanese troops began to plot against them again.

The big-toed shoes on the feet of the Japanese army stepped heavily on the spring ground, and everyone in the anti-Japanese team was already holding their breath.

The Anti-Japanese War has never been a matter of one person, but a matter of all Chinese people who live in the white mountains and black waters and are unwilling to be slaves to the subjugation of their country.

Marshal Zhang asked part of the Northeastern Army to withdraw into the pass, and the remaining Northeastern Army still had to fight.

The organized Northeastern Army was dispersed, but our party's people led the anti-Japanese guerrillas to gather the original team and continue to fight.

Perhaps one day, a considerable part of the anti-Japanese guerrillas will die in the battle with the Japanese army.

But the remaining ones will still step forward in the blood of martyrs and face the enemy's artillery fire, and they will still move forward!

The anti-Japanese team executed the traitors. The incident was thrilling, but the fighting was not fierce and the battlefield had fallen silent. A man cannot move without a head, a bird cannot fly without a head, and now there are still about a hundred or ten of them! - DayDayNews

"Hit!" Just when the Japanese scouts climbed up the high hill and were more than 20 meters away from the top of the mountain, Xiao Beifeng shouted and pulled the trigger first.

The first Japanese soldier who was climbing up the mountain was shot and fell down.

As the other Japanese soldiers were lying down and turning around, the rifles of the five sniper gunners also fired, and four more Japanese soldiers fell down.

Just as Zheng Wanchang said at the beginning, their snipers were indeed inferior compared to Lei Kairan and the others. In the end, one person shot the gun away.

The Japanese troops on the high mountain are now only about 300 meters away from where Xiao Beifeng and the others are hiding.

But no matter what, Xiao Beifeng's shooting immediately attracted the attention of all the Japanese soldiers.

The marching Japanese troops were naturally stunned and fell down on the beach, and the Japanese scouts who were about to climb the hill hurriedly turned around and ran down.

Of course they couldn't shoot at Xiao Beifeng and the others on the hillside, otherwise he would be completely exposed to Xiao Beifeng and the others' shooting range.

But the officer in this team of Japanese scouts reacted quickly. Instead, he called two soldiers to run up the hill!

As a scout captain, he is naturally sensitive to terrain.

The top of the hill is so close, only about twenty meters left.

In his mind, it would be great to run to the other side of the hill ridge. With the hill ridge as a cover, he could shoot at the group of people behind them who were shooting at them.

Just, how could Xiao Beifeng let them run up.

Xiao Beifeng quickly pulled the bolt of his gun and hit the Japanese soldiers. The two Japanese soldiers were all shot and fell before they rushed to the edge.

And the Japanese captain was very lucky and very unfortunate.

Fortunately, he finally reached the top of the hill. Unfortunately, Xiao Beifeng's bullets also caught up with him at this time!

A bullet shot directly through his chest.

However, for this Japanese captain who was shot and dying, the shot was no longer important.

In his pupils that began to expand, he saw a line of darkness just behind the ridgeline of the hill, full of Chinese people rising with guns drawn!

At this time, the Japanese brigade was completely attracted by the firepower from Xiao Beifeng and others.

Because what flew over from the other side of the river was not only the bullets shot by Xiao Beifeng and the others, but also the grenades shot by Xu Li with a grenade tube!

Xu Li just roughly measured the distance, then held the grenade with one hand and stuffed the grenade in with the other.

Anyway, there are many Japanese soldiers. As long as they hit the Japanese army's formation, they can blow up two or three of them.

When the Japanese army saw the other side, they fired all the grenades, which was naturally beyond their expectation.

The Japanese captain with a bandage on his head waved his command knife and ordered the Japanese troops to shoot across the river.

The reason why he had a bandage on his head was because Xiao Beifeng detonated the bundle of cluster grenades.

The bundle of cluster grenades killed five Japanese soldiers and injured six, and the Japanese captain was one of the sixth.

At this time, of course the Japanese captain knew that the river was almost civilized, and he did not dare to let his soldiers rush up.

In his opinion, the anti-Japanese team that attacked them relied on the fact that the Japanese army could not cross the river before shooting at them.

But at this time, he did not know that the three hundred or so forest team members on the front line of the hills behind were already aiming their guns at them!

It must be said that Zheng Wanchang is also determined.

Before Xiao Beifeng fired, he certainly knew that the Japanese scouts were almost on top of them.

However, he just didn’t give the order to shoot!

Because, just when he was about to give the shooting order, he suddenly realized a problem.

The gun on Xiao Beifeng's end fired first, and the Japanese army would shoot on Xiao Beifeng's end.

In this way, the Japanese army would show their backs to them.

If they directly attack the marching Japanese troops, it will be sudden.

But when the Japanese army turned around and lay on the ground, they fought again, which gave the Japanese army another time to turn around.

Don't underestimate the time to turn around, although this time may only be one second.

But in this second, only their mountain forest team aimed and shot at the Japanese army.

The Japanese army is a living target!

These three guys are also about 300 people.

It takes one second to hit the live target, but it is impossible to shoot at the same time. However, it is equivalent to dozens or even hundreds of more Japanese soldiers who were killed in the counterattack!

Fighting certainly requires bravery, but it also requires strategy, experience and determination.

These three mountain forest teams dared to ambush the 400 Japanese army with 300 people. This is bravery.

Xu Li transferred the snipers to the other side of the river. That was strategy and experience.

But Zheng Wanchang could hold his own and not let anyone shoot, yet not a single one of these three hundred people could lose his composure. This was his strength.

If the fate is converging, how can the result be any worse?

When Zheng Wanchang shouted "fight" loudly, the progress of the battle was really as he expected.

During the first row of shots, the Japanese soldiers who were lying on the ground and raging fire at Xiao Beifeng and the others were not even noticed!

The Japanese army has completely entered their ambush circle, less than 200 meters away from them.

The forest team only fired the first wave of volleys. More than 200 Japanese soldiers were shot. They lay on the ground and never got up again!

But the Japanese captain was directly hit by a short burst of machine gun fire.

Two bullets shot him down to the ground.

He can only blame himself for this. Who told him to keep gesticulating with his command knife!

Even the light machine gunners of the Mountain Forest Team are also veterans. If the veterans don't fight the officers first, who can they fight first?

And this one shot really beat the Japanese officers and soldiers to death!

All their attention was focused on Xiao Beifeng's snipers on the opposite side, but they never expected that the other side's real killer move would be from behind.

The Japanese soldiers turned around in a hurry, and in the process of turning around and shooting, just as Zheng Wanchang expected, nearly a hundred more Japanese soldiers dropped their guns and lowered their heads!

"We won't withdraw today! We can wipe out all these Japs!" Liu Changming shouted.

In terms of combat effectiveness, these forest teams are really not as good as the regular army.

However, in terms of their grasp of the battlefield situation, they are no weaker than the commanders of the regular army!


Because they are from the mountain forest team, one of the combat principles they uphold is to run away if they can't fight.

Originally, the Mountain Forest Team was at a disadvantage whether compared with the official army or the Japanese army. If you can't beat

, then don't you have to rely on the terrain to escape?

However, they know how to take advantage when they see it. If they can beat up a drowned dog, their attack will never be softer than that of regular troops!

They are extremely sensitive to the situation on the battlefield.

To put it bluntly, they have a bandit style of play at their core.

The anti-Japanese team executed the traitors. The incident was thrilling, but the fighting was not fierce and the battlefield had fallen silent. A man cannot move without a head, a bird cannot fly without a head, and now there are still about a hundred or ten of them! - DayDayNews

If I can't defeat the regular army, then I will pretend to be a grandson, and I will run when it's time to run.

However, if I can beat him, then I am not afraid of death, and I am still a bachelor!

For a moment, both the enemy and ourselves were shooting in the air, bullets were flying randomly, and people from both sides were constantly shot and fell to the ground.

The Japanese army won because of their accurate marksmanship, and the mountain forest team won because they now had an absolute advantage in strength and had the mountain ridges as bunkers.

The gun battle only lasted for another ten minutes, and the Japanese army could no longer hold on.

There is no hiding place on the tidal flat, that is, the pebbles.

Those pebbles cannot be used as a cover.

As the name suggests, cobblestones are stones as big as goose eggs.

If someone is that tall, it would not be called a cobblestone but a big stone.

The Japanese soldiers could only use the corpses of their dead soldiers as bunkers, but the shooting behind them kept coming!

The beach was less than 200 meters away from where Xiao Beifeng and the others were hiding.

At this distance, shooting with a sniper rifle is really a sure hit.

How can a veteran with a rifle shoot twelve or three shots in one minute?

These twelve or three shots are not the usual twelve or three shots. One shot can really mean a life!

Xu Li also fired the grenade indiscriminately with the grenade.

Now Xu Li has almost shot away the more than 20 grenades they brought over.

And now she was about to put a grenade into the grenade barrel.

Xu Li took a deep breath, and the hand holding the grenade went numb.

After all, the grenade has a reaction force, and it takes strength to hold the grenade with your hands.

But Xu Li also knew that this was the critical moment of the battle, and she had to fight even if she couldn't fight!

So she gritted her teeth and stuffed another grenade through the mouth of the grenade.

But her arm holding the grenade was really sore and numb, and her arm shook involuntarily.

With a "boom" sound, the grenade was shot out again.

After all, a girl is not as powerful as a man!

Xu Li sighed and looked towards the other side of the river.

At this moment, she saw that right where the grenade exploded, a Japanese machine gun was overturned!

The Japanese machine gun that Xu Li overturned is also the last machine gun still in the Japanese army's battle.

And the blowing up of this machine gun finally became the last straw that broke the Japanese army's psychological defense line.

At this time, as long as the Japanese officers dared to use the command knife to gesture, they all fell to the guns of the forest team.

The remaining Japanese soldiers no longer wanted to resist and shouted. The remaining dozens of Japanese soldiers got up and ran towards the mountains. 1

Their retreat was not completely unorganized. They still knew how to cover their retreat!

But Xiao Beifeng and the other snipers would attack whoever was covering.

Seeing that their companions were getting fewer and fewer, the surviving Japanese soldiers finally lost control and fled for their lives into the mountains like a swarm of swarms!

"We have won, go and replenish your guns!" Zheng Wanchang stood up and shouted.

Then the shouts of killing began from the front line of the hill, and more than 200 forestry team members rushed down with their guns in hand.

At this point in the fight, the bloody spirit of the mountain forest team members was also revealed, and each of them felt that they were no longer afraid of fighting the Japanese army with bayonets!

However, where would the Japanese army fight with them with bayonets?

All the arms and legs that could hold a bayonet were running for their lives.

Xiao Beifeng tried his best to speed up his shooting, but in the end some Japanese soldiers escaped into the mountains.

"I ran out of nine, alas!" Xu Li said regretfully.

She didn't bring a rifle, she ran out of grenades, and the box cannon didn't have enough range, so she had to watch the battle from the side.

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