I don’t remember whether I watched “Step by Step” many years ago, but I recently became obsessed with Tong Hua and finished reading the original work. The middle-aged aunt shed countless tears, whether she was moved or sad. Tong Hua, born in 1980, is a famous romance novel writer

2024/06/3013:24:32 history 1583

I don’t remember whether I watched "Step by Step" many years ago. I recently fell in love with Tonghua and finished reading the original work.

The middle-aged aunt shed countless tears, whether she was moved or sad.

Tong Hua, born in 1980, is a famous romance novel writer in China. His representative works include "Bu Bu Jing Xin", " Ballad of the Desert ", " Songs in the Clouds ", " Those Young Times I Can't Go Back" wait.

likes her very much. Her romance novels are affectionate and touching, true and romantic.

I don’t remember whether I watched “Step by Step” many years ago, but I recently became obsessed with Tong Hua and finished reading the original work. The middle-aged aunt shed countless tears, whether she was moved or sad. Tong Hua, born in 1980, is a famous romance novel writer - DayDayNews

I have basically read all of her famous works. Later, I felt that they were not enough, so I bought them all, and read some of them several times.

I only watched "Bu Bu Jing Xin" recently. After watching it, I watched the TV series again. The ending was basically not very different from the book.

But I just cried a lot. I cried while reading books and watching TV series. I have to say that Liu Shishi and Wu Qilong are really consistent with the characters described in the original work, as if they were tailor-made.

Liu Shishi plays Maltai . Ruoxi is a tragic character who was born in modern times and traveled to the Kangxi period due to a car accident.

I don’t remember whether I watched “Step by Step” many years ago, but I recently became obsessed with Tong Hua and finished reading the original work. The middle-aged aunt shed countless tears, whether she was moved or sad. Tong Hua, born in 1980, is a famous romance novel writer - DayDayNews

became the eighth prince, Fujin Martel. Ruolan 's biological sister. At the age of thirteen, she grew up chasing and playing with her eighth elder brother, , ninth elder brother, tenth elder brother, thirteenth elder brother, , and fourteenth elder brother.

But because she comes from modern times, she remembers some the history of the Qing Dynasty , and wants to rely on her own ability to change the historical trend of nine sons seizing the direct .

also wants to protect the friendship between the brothers he grew up with.

Her depression and tragedy were all caused by herself. Her fate was actually doomed from the beginning.

I don’t remember whether I watched “Step by Step” many years ago, but I recently became obsessed with Tong Hua and finished reading the original work. The middle-aged aunt shed countless tears, whether she was moved or sad. Tong Hua, born in 1980, is a famous romance novel writer - DayDayNews


overestimated his own strength.

Kangxi was the first emperor of all time. He ascended the throne at the age of eight and took charge at the age of 14. He reigned for 61 years and created the prosperous age of Kangxi and Qianlong . No matter what kind of person he was, there was no way to stop himself. His sons fought for the throne.

What's more, it's a girl. Even if you know the ending of everything, what ability do you have to change the process.

could not change the emperor's love for the prince, nor could it change the eighth prince's determination to fight for the throne. On the contrary, it added fuel to the flames and made everything smoother.

No matter where we are or what we do, we must always clearly understand our status and our abilities. People need to challenge themselves and break through their limits, but they must not underestimate their own capabilities.

Who does the emperor want to punish? Who are you qualified to intercede for? Momentary regard does not mean that you can challenge his authority.

Ancient kings did not rub sand in their eyes. They valued the majesty of the emperor more than they liked anyone else. Born in an emperor's family, flesh and blood and family ties are all transactions and bloodshed, not to mention you are just a slave.

I knelt all night in the heavy rain, hurt my body, and found the root of the disease. It is you who ultimately pays the bill.

In life, sometimes we should strive hard and help each other, but we must be self-aware, and we can't do things like eggs against stones.

Just like some people who don't know how to swim try to save others, they not only fail to save others, but also drown themselves. This is really not worth the gain. Your courage is commendable and your character is noble, but you also hurt those who love you and make them feel uncomfortable.

Be yourself, work hard, and help others within your ability.

I don’t remember whether I watched “Step by Step” many years ago, but I recently became obsessed with Tong Hua and finished reading the original work. The middle-aged aunt shed countless tears, whether she was moved or sad. Tong Hua, born in 1980, is a famous romance novel writer - DayDayNews


Cleverness is mistaken for cleverness

Ruoxi is such a smart woman, she is smart and transparent. But just because he is too smart, he harms himself.

She has clearly seen the dangers of power and the greed of people, and she also understands that the road to high positions is stained with blood, but she is still worried about all this and cannot let go.

Whether it involves her sister, the eighth elder brother, the fourteenth elder brother, or the tenth elder brother, no matter whose matter it is, she will be worried, sad, and sad.

As a friend, it is inevitable to feel sad, but too much thinking is harmful to the body. Not only can you not help others, but you can also make others feel sad because of it.

The Forbidden City is a city and a prison, imprisoning countless women for their lives.She knew that she had no right to choose, so she still struggled to find a way out.

She is so smart that she is misled by her cleverness. If she is a dumber woman, she will not be able to be selected in the draft and marry a prince or aristocrat, which means she will have a stable life.

It is also good to choose a beautiful girl who behaves well enough to leave the palace and get married at an age. However, she is too outstanding, so it may not be a good thing to catch the emperor's eye.

Su Shi once said, I hope that my son will be foolish and ignorant, and will be able to serve as a minister without any disaster.

It can be seen that sometimes being too smart is not necessarily a good thing. If you use intelligence well, it will be an advantage, but if you use it poorly, it will become a little cleverness.

I don’t remember whether I watched “Step by Step” many years ago, but I recently became obsessed with Tong Hua and finished reading the original work. The middle-aged aunt shed countless tears, whether she was moved or sad. Tong Hua, born in 1980, is a famous romance novel writer - DayDayNews


refused to accept his fate

Marte. It can be said that Ruoxi was born with a good set of cards, even better than her sister's.

malte. Ruolan fell in love with a general but married the eighth prince who fell in love with her at first sight. From then on, she was trapped in the deep-walled compound and lived a life of green lanterns and ancient Buddhas.

She locked her heart and gave up her life directly because of that person's death.

Don't fight or grab, just live with the flow.

But Ruoxi is different. She refuses to accept her fate and stubbornly fights against fate and power.

She has a good relationship with all the elder brothers, and the emperor also attaches great importance to her. If she had promised the eighth prince earlier and married him before the battle for the throne had begun, then everything that happened later would have nothing to do with her.

Or if she agreed to Kangxi's marriage grant and married Lao Shi4, she would be very happy. Although the ending of Teacher Fourteen is not as good as that of Teacher Thirteen, it is still much better than other brothers who died in vain.

She wants to live and have love.

protects friendship with sincerity in the whirlpool of power, and defends love with true feelings.

I don’t remember whether I watched “Step by Step” many years ago, but I recently became obsessed with Tong Hua and finished reading the original work. The middle-aged aunt shed countless tears, whether she was moved or sad. Tong Hua, born in 1980, is a famous romance novel writer - DayDayNews

Or you can approach Si Age directly from the beginning and marry him, become a side blessing and a noble concubine, then all the worries will be gone.

But she didn't. She rejected the emperor and rejected Lao Ba for four years. In the end, there was no other way and Lao Si became a life-saving straw. Of course, she really liked him.

In fact, these are not the main reasons. The main reason is that she has always wanted to live alone until her death, and is unwilling to compete with anyone for favor. She is too proud to compete with others.

This may also be the deep-rooted modern concepts in her head.

So she missed Lao Ba in her struggle, and later left Yongzheng in her stubbornness. He also died with regret and remorse.

I don’t remember whether I watched “Step by Step” many years ago, but I recently became obsessed with Tong Hua and finished reading the original work. The middle-aged aunt shed countless tears, whether she was moved or sad. Tong Hua, born in 1980, is a famous romance novel writer - DayDayNews


Character determines destiny. All decisions in everyone's life come from his cognition and his nature.

Just like some people kill people without blinking an eye, but some people are scared to death even if they step on a bug.

Ruoxi values ​​​​love and justice too much. She cannot help but watch all this happen in front of her eyes. She cannot stand idly by.

But after all, she was just a palace maid. Compared to the prince and the emperor, she was too insignificant. She trapped herself in those emotional whirlpools and consumed her life bit by bit.

eventually led to exhaustion at a young age.

Those who are thoughtful are like this. They can't control the things they think about. You can't be calm and turn a blind eye. People like

are destined to live a very tired life. This is the editor's case. When children are sick, they are as anxious as ants on a hot pot every day, worrying about this and that. But our Lao He never cares, just take medicine for a cold, why bother thinking so much.

So people live a carefree life. It is the same now as it was ten years ago, and there is basically no change. I always see the vicissitudes of life on my face.

So those tears I saw were probably shed for myself, my own tears based on other people’s stories.

However, as I grow older, I read more and more books, and gradually understand many things, and I don’t think so much anymore.

travels lightly, so that the future can go further and be better.

I don’t remember whether I watched “Step by Step” many years ago, but I recently became obsessed with Tong Hua and finished reading the original work. The middle-aged aunt shed countless tears, whether she was moved or sad. Tong Hua, born in 1980, is a famous romance novel writer - DayDayNews

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