Women between 35 and 45 years of age are in the "being obese period". They develop 4 habits at night and quietly lose weight

2020/12/1123:20:23 health 1577

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I don’t know if you have discovered that once a woman is over 35 years old, it is easy to gain weight, especially the buttocks, waist and other parts unknowingly piled up with fat, which is very embarrassing. As the saying goes, "There are no ugly women, only lazy women". Women between 35 and 45 years old are in the "fat period". If you develop 4 habits at night, your weight will drop quietly.

Women between 35 and 45 years of age are in the

Therefore, female friends should pay special attention to their own body conditioning after they reach the age of 35, otherwise they will easily gain weight, especially now that the pace of life is accelerating, coupled with sleeping late, staying up late for a long time, and life chores Influence, leading to endocrine disorders and , which is very easy to cause female friends to get fat. If you keep the following 4 habits at night, maybe you will gradually lose weight.

First, you can only eat seventy percent full for dinner. Even if the food is delicious, you can’t hold on. Eat less and more meals. This is what many health experts often say. This is very important, especially some greasy things. Eat a light diet, because greasy things are easy to digest, and eventually accumulate into fat in the belly.

Women between 35 and 45 years of age are in the

Second, don’t eat after dinner. Some friends still eat supper at night because they can’t control their mouths. Don’t eat barbecue, hot and spicy. Don’t eat if you’re hungry. If you are hungry, you can drink a little boiled water, or eat some fruits. Research shows that eating more fruits can also help lose weight.

Third, you should exercise properly after meals. As the saying goes, "laugh and smile for less than ten years." This sentence also applies to "movement for ten years." Life lies in sports. You can look at sports. No sportsman is fat. , In addition to sumo and weightlifting, because they have an advantage when they are heavier. Of course, exercise must also be regular, it is best to exercise more than 30 minutes after a meal, so that it will not have a big impact on the stomach.

Women between 35 and 45 years of age are in the

Fourth, rub the abdomen before going to bed, so that you can consume abdominal fat, help gastrointestinal peristalsis, and promote digestion. The method is to fold your hands on your belly button and knead it clockwise and counterclockwise for three minutes. The main purpose is to increase the power of the stomach and burn the body fat. Persevere, there must be unexpected results, and obesity will quietly leave you.

Women between 35 and 45 years of age are in the

Finally remind all female friends, to drink plenty of water, water can participate in the physiological metabolism of the body, help lose weight, and then maintain adequate sleep. Sleep is the most natural and natural way to beautify the skin. Only enough sleep will the skin be radiant. Don't stay up late, otherwise even the best cosmetics will have no effect. After reading

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