Fruits suitable for eating in spring, take a look at these 10 rankings, how many kinds do you eat for your children

2020/03/2116:40:13 health 466

everything grows in spring, but the climate is dry, so you need to add more moisture.

Spring is a season with more changes in climate, with alternating cold and warm, and the temperature difference is also large. The climate is relatively dry, with more wind and less rain, and people’s respiratory tracts are most vulnerable to fire. Therefore, when eating fruits, eat less sour, astringent fruits with astringent flavor. You can choose some fruits with high water content, mild sex, nourishing lungs, nourishing yin, and clearing away heat. It is helpful for red eyes, chapped lips, dry stool and yellow urine caused by the dry weather in spring.

In addition, spring is the season of rising yang, which is most likely to cause hyperactivity of liver yang. This period is also a peak season for hypertension. For hypertensive patients and those with hyperactive liver yang, fruits rich in potassium can be used.

Secondly, spring is also a season of frequent diseases, so in addition to paying attention to diet and exercise, you can choose fruits rich in vitamins and strong antioxidant capacity in the choice of fruits.

Today, I will tell you about the fruits that you cannot miss in spring, and give you a full reason to let you not miss them again~

Fruits suitable for eating in spring, take a look at these 10 rankings, how many kinds do you eat for your children - DayDayNews

Can not miss these in spring Fruit

1, The best fruit for curing diseases-oranges

Strengthen resistance: Fresh oranges are rich in vitamin C, vitamin P and organic acids, which can protect cells and enhance White blood cell activity, resist free radicals, enhance resistance.

Cleans bowel and defecate: Oranges are rich in cellulose and pectin, which have a certain effect on accelerating intestinal peristalsis and can help the body clear bowel and defecate.

Anti-cancer: According to measurement, oranges contain the highest antioxidants in all fruits. Regular consumption of oranges has a certain effect on cancer prevention

It is not suitable to eat before meals or on an empty stomach, otherwise oranges The organic acid contained in it can stimulate the gastric mucosa, which is not good for the stomach.

Fruits suitable for eating in spring, take a look at these 10 rankings, how many kinds do you eat for your children - DayDayNews

2Prevention of fat deposition-pineapple

Rich vitamins: Pineapple contains almost all the vitamins needed by the human body, 16 kinds of natural minerals Substances, and can effectively help digestion and absorption.

Prevention of fat deposition: Pineapple contains "pineapple enzyme", which can break down protein and help digestion. After eating greasy food, eating pineapple can prevent fat deposition.

People who are allergic to pineapple, try to avoid eating pineapple!

Fruits suitable for eating in spring, take a look at these 10 rankings, how many kinds do you eat for your children - DayDayNews

Pineapple and sunglasses on the beach, close-up

3 Stomach and nausea-Mango

Mango is very nutritious and contains vitamin C and trace carotene , Vitamin B, calcium, phosphorus, iron, folic acid, etc.

Chinese medicine believes that mangoes are beneficial to the stomach to relieve vomiting, quench thirst, diuresis and stop dizziness.

Folk prescription: seasickness and vomiting, chewing mango or decocting mango to drink.

Mango should not be eaten too much at one time, and there are reports of nephritis caused by excessive consumption; it should not be eaten with garlic and other spicy foods, otherwise it will easily cause jaundice.

Fruits suitable for eating in spring, take a look at these 10 rankings, how many kinds do you eat for your children - DayDayNews

Mango It is sweet, sour, cool and non-toxic in nature, and has the effects of invigorating the stomach, quenching thirst and diuresis. Mango has good color, aroma and taste, high nutrients, rich vitamins and sugars, and simple export, which is very suitable for babies.

Note: Babies with allergies should eat less mangoes, and do not put mango juice on the skin when eating mangoes.

4, The first fruit of spring-strawberry

Strawberry is called "Queen of Fruits" in many European countries.

Strawberry is a seasonal fruit in spring, is rich in vitamin C: It itself contains very rich vitamin C, and it is a life-savingVitamin C can help digestion, promote metabolism, and prevent cancer. So in spring, buying some strawberries is a good choice.

Its content is 7-10 times higher than that of apples and grapes.

Anti-cancer: The anti-cancer substances contained in strawberries can inhibit and hinder the division of cancer cells, protect normal cells, and inhibit the growth of malignant tumors.

Improve appetite and aid digestion: The organic acids in strawberries help promote the function of the gastrointestinal tract. Eating a few strawberries before meals can increase appetite and aid digestion.

Fruits suitable for eating in spring, take a look at these 10 rankings, how many kinds do you eat for your children - DayDayNews

Strawberry varieties are very diverse, my favorite is "Dandong 99", it is ruddy in color, fruity, sweet and sour. The market price is about 90 a box. 50 a catty.

Fruits suitable for eating in spring, take a look at these 10 rankings, how many kinds do you eat for your children - DayDayNews

5,Anti-breast cancer——mulberries

Increase immunity: Mulberries have enhanced immune function, enhanced hematopoietic function and anti-leukocyte Reduce, prevent human arteriosclerosis, bone and joint hardening, and promote metabolism.

Anti-breast cancer: Mulberry anthocyanin extract can significantly inhibit the proliferation of breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo, and promote cancer cell apoptosis.

Excessive consumption of mulberries is prone to hemorrhagic enteritis, and symptoms such as nose bleeding, dizziness, and coma may also occur. Therefore, eating mulberries should not be greedy and should be eaten after meals.

Fruits suitable for eating in spring, take a look at these 10 rankings, how many kinds do you eat for your children - DayDayNews

6, cherries

Cherries have a particularly high iron content and are located at the top of various fruits. Rich in nutrients, it has the effects of regulating the middle and replenishing qi, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and dispelling rheumatism. Girls are suitable for regular eating cherries, which can supplement the body's demand for iron, promote hemoglobin regeneration, and prevent iron deficiency anemia.

Fruits suitable for eating in spring, take a look at these 10 rankings, how many kinds do you eat for your children - DayDayNews

7, apricot

is rich in vitamin B17, which has a certain effect on anti-cancer. At the same time, it is rich in protein, sugar, crude fat, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium, and has the effect of moistening the lungs and reducing phlegm.

Fruits suitable for eating in spring, take a look at these 10 rankings, how many kinds do you eat for your children - DayDayNews

8. Carambola and Yangtao are sweet, sour and smooth in nature, and can produce body fluid and quench thirst. According to ancient medical records: "Quench thirst, relieve trouble, and remove heat , Li is small, in addition to bad mouth in children. "In spring, babies are prone to wind-heat cough, throat swelling and sore throat, washing with star fruit can be cured.

9. Water chestnuts can be used as fruits when cooked. It has the effects of clearing away heat and generating body fluid, removing dampness and eliminating phlegm, cooling blood and detoxification. It can treat fever, dry mouth and dry throat, lung heat, cough, thick yellow sputum For other diseases, drinking with lotus root juice is better. It is the holy product of spring baby fruit.

10. Cherries Since ancient times, cherries have been hailed as the "first branch of the spring country". The pulp of cherries is special, delicious and juicy. Cherries are also very cute, bright in color and appetite. The iron content in cherries is particularly prominent, more than twenty times that of pears, apples and cherries! Cherries are especially suitable for helping your baby to invigorate the spleen and appetite. If your baby has a bad appetite and doesn't like to eat, then you can let your baby eat some cherries. Of course, if the baby is already on fire, it is better not to eat too many cherries! So as not to backfire.

During the epidemic, the prices of fruits and vegetables have risen, but don't forget to consume more dietary fiber such as fruits and vegetables to improve the body's immunity, have good physical fitness, and resist viruses.

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