Can't citrus and milk be eaten together? The nutritionist said

2019/12/1812:15:07 health 953

Can't citrus and milk be eaten together? The nutritionist said - DayDayNews

The winter season is also the season of citrus harvest. Various citrus fruits appear on the fruit stand, reflecting a golden harvest. If you eat citrus, your skin turns yellow. Can’t you eat citrus with milk? Today's food science will provide you with scientific answers.

Can't citrus and milk be eaten together? The nutritionist said - DayDayNews

Citrus is a general term, including several kinds of fruits with similar appearance but different classifications, such as tangerines, tangerines, sweet oranges, navel oranges, Tangerines, kumquats, citrus fruits, etc. Citrus is one of the most common and respected fruits with high nutritional value. Among them, the average content of β-carotene is as high as 890 micrograms/100g, and the content of vitamin C is 28 mg/100g.

citrus contains more organic acids, which masks the sweetness and makes citrus not very sweet to eat. Its sugar content is relatively high, about 12%.

Citrus contains a lot of carotene, which accumulates in the body when consumed in large quantities, which makes the skin yellow. Although it is generally harmless, it should be avoided. Moreover, from the perspective of a balanced diet, no fruit should be consumed in large quantities.

Can't citrus and milk be eaten together? The nutritionist said - DayDayNews

The saying that oranges and milk can’t be eaten with milk is widespread, but it’s actually unreasonable. Oranges contain more organic acids. Organic acids are added to milk. Because of the effect of pH, milk proteins can be denatured and coagulated, causing flocculent precipitation. This creates the illusion that oranges and milk cannot be eaten together. But in fact, even if milk is not eaten with oranges, under the action of gastric acid in the stomach, the protein will denature and solidify and become flocculent precipitates or clots. This is actually a normal digestion process.

There are many varieties and strains produced in China, such as Huangguo from the southwestern provinces, Shanglong orange and Guanyang orange from Guangxi, Huazhou orange, Xinhui orange, Liucheng and perfume from Guangdong. Oranges, snow oranges (snow oranges) and red light oranges, red flesh oranges from Fujian, Chenxi seedless oranges from Hunan, peach leaf oranges from Hubei, Jin oranges from Sichuan, etc.

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