What kind of headache is caused by high blood pressure? One-minute self-judgment and emergency treatment are very important

2021/06/0222:25:14 health 2974

Headaches are the main symptom of elevated blood pressure, but not all headaches are caused by high blood pressure! How to tell which headaches are caused by high blood pressure and what are their characteristics? Just a minute, you can judge according to the actual situation!

What kind of headache is caused by high blood pressure? One-minute self-judgment and emergency treatment are very important - DayDayNews

Characteristics of hypertensive headaches

1. The types of headache manifestations are related to age , caused by stimulation or shock.

Middle-aged and elderly hypertensive headaches are mostly posterior occipital pain, which can also spread to the forehead, eye sockets, and temples. Bowing your head or holding your breath can make the headache worse.

What kind of headache is caused by high blood pressure? One-minute self-judgment and emergency treatment are very important - DayDayNews

2. The nature of headaches is mostly heavy pressure pain, intermittent dull pain, distending pain and throbbing pain, sometimes persistent pain, but the degree of headache is not severe. Generally, the headache is heavier when you wake up in the morning, and is often relieved after getting up and moving.

3. Headache is accompanied by dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, insomnia, forgetfulness, irritability and other symptoms. When malignant hypertension is accompanied by hypertensive encephalopathy , the headache is a persistent and severe headache.

What kind of headache is caused by high blood pressure? One-minute self-judgment and emergency treatment are very important - DayDayNews

When you have high blood pressure and headache, there are several emergency treatment methods, you must learn it, maybe you will be able to use it one day.

Emergency treatment of hypertension headache

First of all, frequent measurement of changes in blood pressure in headache patients is extremely important for early detection and prevention of headaches.

Secondly, if high blood pressure is the cause of the headache, then the headache will be relieved quickly by taking the drug that lowers blood pressure in time.

What kind of headache is caused by high blood pressure? One-minute self-judgment and emergency treatment are very important - DayDayNews

Finally, a headache is sometimes a signal of a sudden cerebral apoplexy in hypertensive patients. When a patient's blood pressure suddenly rises, severe headache, dizziness, blurred vision, and other symptoms occur, they should stay in bed immediately. And take antihypertensive drugs, call an ambulance at the same time, and send to the nearest hospital for treatment as soon as possible. If not dealt with in time, the condition will further deteriorate, resulting in changes in consciousness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dyspnea, and heart palpitations. Severe cases will have serious consequences such as convulsions, coma, angina, heart failure, renal failure, and cerebral hemorrhage.

What kind of headache is caused by high blood pressure? One-minute self-judgment and emergency treatment are very important - DayDayNews

In addition to the above emergency treatment methods, if the headache is not severe, you do not need to go to the hospital. In addition to bed rest and paying attention to taking medicine, you should pay special attention to these in life, so that the blood pressure can be stabilized and the headache will disappear completely.

Daily care of hypertensive headaches

Be diligent in blood pressure self-measurement

Hypertensive patients should be diligent in blood pressure self-measurement, seek medical attention in time if abnormality is found, and do not adjust the dosage and types of drugs by themselves.

Pay attention to keeping warm

The temperature in summer is high, and the temperature of the air conditioner is around 27 degrees, so keep the room warm; listen to the weather forecast often, pay close attention to climate change, pay more attention when it rains and cool down, and change clothes immediately after the rain to prevent cold silting.

What kind of headache is caused by high blood pressure? One-minute self-judgment and emergency treatment are very important - DayDayNews

Pay attention to healthy eating

Eat more fish and less or no red meat. Red meat, such as pork, beef, and mutton, contains higher cholesterol and saturated fatty acids, while fish foods, especially deep-sea fish, contain more unsaturated fatty acids, which are not only good for controlling blood lipids There are also significant benefits on blood pressure.

Adhere to moderate exercise

Rational exercise is conducive to blood pressure control and reduce complications. Hypertensive patients can control the amount of exercise according to their physical condition and blood pressure, and take their own comfort as the degree. Walking is a relatively simple and easy exercise that can be used by all types of hypertensive patients.

What kind of headache is caused by high blood pressure? One-minute self-judgment and emergency treatment are very important - DayDayNews

Beware of mood swings

Patients with hypertension should maintain an optimistic and happy mood, avoid ecstasy, depression, sadness, fear and fright. Also beware of over-fatigue , because fatigue will increase the burden on the heart, leading to myocardial infarction and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events.

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