What fruits to eat for nephrotic syndrome These five fruits are indispensable

2021/03/2220:54:07 health 1719

nephrotic syndrome This disease can be divided into three categories: primary, secondary, and hereditary, which will cause a large amount of proteinuria and hypoproteinemia in the patient's body Symptoms such as high edema, hyperlipidemia, etc., can also endanger the life safety of patients when they are more serious. So what fruits can patients with nephrotic syndrome eat?

What fruits to eat for nephrotic syndrome These five fruits are indispensable - DayDayNews

The first kind of fruit is banana. Banana contains high potassium, which is beneficial to the function of the heart and muscles. At the same time, banana can also assist in the treatment of constipation, diarrhea in children, etc. It is suitable for patients to eat before meals.
   The second kind of fruit is pineapple. Fresh pineapple contains protease. If eaten on an empty stomach, the protein decomposing enzyme of pineapple will damage the stomach wall and cause allergic reactions, so it is best to eat it after meals.
   The third kind of fruit is hawthorn. Whether it is fresh fruit or its products, hawthorn has the functions of dispelling silt, reducing phlegm, detoxification, preventing heatstroke and cooling, and increasing appetite. However, it must not be eaten early in the morning or on an empty stomach.
   The fourth fruit is red dates. Red dates contain a lot of vitamin C. People with nephrotic syndrome can eat some before meals appropriately to meet the body's nutrient needs.
   The fifth fruit is mulberry. Mulberry is sweet, sour and cold in nature. It can nourish the liver and kidney, nourish blood and beauty, promote body fluid and quench thirst. It can alleviate the patient's liver and kidney yin deficiency, waist and knee weakness, dark eyes tinnitus, joints For unfavorable and uncomfortable symptoms, studies have shown that mulberries contain a variety of vitamins, especially rich in phosphorus and iron, which can nourish the kidneys and blood, make the complexion ruddy, and the hair dark and shiny.
   Nephrotic syndrome eats these fruits, so patients can consume some at ordinary times, which are of great health benefits. In addition, patients should also consume other vitamin-containing vegetables and avoid eating spicy foods.Pay more attention to rest. If there is any abnormality, report it to the doctor in time, and cooperate with the doctor for treatment, so that the body can recover faster.


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