Tofu is the most suitable dish for summer. It is refreshing and nutritious, light and delicious. You are welcome to try the mushroom, shrimp and tofu soup. The freshness of shrimp, the freshness of mushrooms and the freshness of tofu. The three kinds of fresh ingredients together

2024/05/2508:44:38 food 1843

Tofu is the most suitable dish for summer. It is refreshing and nutritious, light and delicious. Welcome to try

Mushroom, Shrimp and Tofu Soup

The freshness of shrimp, the freshness of mushrooms and the freshness of tofu are three kinds of fresh ingredients that are full of umami. A pot of soup that is full of flavor and refreshing. Are you still hesitating? Come and try it.


10 shrimps or shrimps 10, lactone tofu pieces, white jade mushrooms a little, crab flavored mushrooms a little, onion and ginger, appropriate amount of salt, a little chicken essence, white pepper, cooking wine, starch


1. Remove the roots of white jade mushrooms and crab-flavored mushrooms, wash them and put them in a bowl. Shred the ginger, wash and cut the green onions into sections.

2. Peel the shrimps, leaving the shrimps and shrimp heads. Put them in a bowl and set aside (serve the shrimps and shrimp heads separately).

3. Add a few drops of cooking wine to the shrimp, half a spoonful of starch, a little white pepper, a little for a very fresh taste, mix well and marinate for fifteen minutes.

4. Boil water in a pot. After the water boils, add a little salt, pour in the tofu cut into small pieces, and blanch the water (to remove the beany smell).

5. Add oil to the pot, pour in the shrimp heads and fry slowly over low heat until the red color comes out.

6. Use the red oil left by fried shrimp heads to add shrimps, fry until both sides are golden brown, then remove and put into a bowl for later use.

7. Do not wash the pot, add a little more oil to the oil where the shrimps were fried, add shredded ginger, green onions, crab mushrooms and white jade mushrooms, stir-fry for a while.

8. After the mushrooms are out of water, add an appropriate amount of water. After the water boils, add the blanched tofu and cook over medium-low heat for about 5 minutes.

9. Then add the shrimp and cook for 3-5 minutes to make the tofu, mushrooms and shrimp more umami-rich. Finally, add a small spoonful of fresh seasoning, appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence. Add a little extra fresh seasoning to make the soup richer in color and highlight the original taste of the ingredients.

10. Add water starch to make a thin gravy, and finally put it into a bowl and it is ready to serve.

Tofu is the most suitable dish for summer. It is refreshing and nutritious, light and delicious. You are welcome to try the mushroom, shrimp and tofu soup. The freshness of shrimp, the freshness of mushrooms and the freshness of tofu. The three kinds of fresh ingredients together - DayDayNews

Mushroom and shrimp soup

VegetablesEgg and tofu soup

Vegetable, egg and tofu soup, green and refreshing. Simple and delicious vegetable, egg and tofu soup, low in fat, delicious, refreshing and not greasy. Brothers and sisters who are in the weight loss period, come and try it.


A piece of soft tofu, an egg, half a tomato, a green vegetable, ginger, and an appropriate amount of salt


1: Wash and chop the vegetables, cut the tofu into sieve-sized pieces, cut the tomatoes into small dices, and shred the ginger. , beat the eggs.

2: Put oil in the pot and sauté the shredded ginger, add the tomatoes and stir-fry, stir-fry and then add a bowl of water, bring to a boil and add the tofu, then add the green vegetables and pour in the egg liquid. Add an appropriate amount of salt, bring to a boil and stir evenly, then remove from the pot and serve in a bowl.

Tofu is the most suitable dish for summer. It is refreshing and nutritious, light and delicious. You are welcome to try the mushroom, shrimp and tofu soup. The freshness of shrimp, the freshness of mushrooms and the freshness of tofu. The three kinds of fresh ingredients together - DayDayNews

Green vegetable, egg and tofu soup

Old razor clam and tofu soup

Ingredients: 500g fresh razor clam, 300g tofu, 15g green onion, 15g ginger, appropriate amount of salt, a little chicken essence.


1. Because razor clams are creatures that grow in tidal flats, you must take a basin of water after buying them, sprinkle a few drops of oil into them, and let the razor clams slowly spit out the sand in their bodies.

2. Wash the green vegetables and cut into long sections; cut the tofu into dice cubes and slice the ginger.

3. Add oil to the hot pot and bring to a boil with ginger slices. Add the tofu; when the tofu is half cooked, add the razor clams one by one into the soup. Cook until all the razor clams are opened. Add salt and chicken essence to taste. Sprinkle some white pepper when putting the pot into the pot. , chopped green onion and minced garlic can be used as .

Tofu is the most suitable dish for summer. It is refreshing and nutritious, light and delicious. You are welcome to try the mushroom, shrimp and tofu soup. The freshness of shrimp, the freshness of mushrooms and the freshness of tofu. The three kinds of fresh ingredients together - DayDayNews

Razor Clam Tofu Soup

Are you still hesitating? The recipe is simple, delicious, low-fat and nutritious. Come and try it. Welcome your corrections and comments.

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