Hello fellow readers, thank you for reading the food articles I shared, and sharing my experience with you. What I want to share with you today is: "Sales have been falling again and again, why are people not willing to drink beer?" These 5 reasons make drinking friends feel chil

2024/05/1906:52:32 food 1553

Dear readers and friends, thank you for reading the food articles I shared. I want to share my experience with you. What I want to share with you today is: "Sales are falling again and again. Why are people not willing to drink beer?" These 5 reasons make drinking friends feel chilled! 』

Summer is a good time to drink beer. After get off work, make an appointment with a group of drinking friends, choose a barbecue stall, order some kebabs and beer, forget all your worries, and drink happily. This is the most comfortable thing, even if you don’t drink. People definitely can’t feel it.

Hello fellow readers, thank you for reading the food articles I shared, and sharing my experience with you. What I want to share with you today is:

I used to love drinking beer, but I have stopped drinking it in recent years. Even if I go out to dinner with friends, they either don’t drink or drink liquor instead of beer. Have you noticed this? Why doesn’t everyone like drinking beer anymore? Why? Does anyone know the reason?

As a senior drinker, I have been drinking beer for more than ten years, and I am still qualified to talk about it. What impressed me the most are the following reasons, especially the first one, which is the most chilling.

Hello fellow readers, thank you for reading the food articles I shared, and sharing my experience with you. What I want to share with you today is:

The reason why beer cannot be sold

1. The price is rising every year

I remember ten years ago, when I was in college, I went to the night market with my classmates, and a bottle of beer only cost 2 yuan. At that time, we didn’t drink any good beer, so for us It is economical and economical, so you can drink whatever you want.

But now when I go to the night market, the cheapest beer costs 5 yuan a bottle. The taste is the same as ten years ago. It’s all water beer. Over the years, the price of beer has been increased but the quantity has not been increased, which has really made drinking enthusiasts stop drinking. Especially since the salary is not high in the first place, in order to save money, I can only choose not to drink beer. After all, it doesn’t matter if I don’t drink beer.

Hello fellow readers, thank you for reading the food articles I shared, and sharing my experience with you. What I want to share with you today is:

2. The taste of beer has deteriorated

Most of the beers on the Chinese market are water beers with a bland taste, just like drinking water. After entering the society, I came into contact with a lot of good beer, and then I realized that what I drank in the past was not beer.

Although craft beer is expensive, it is worth the price. It has a mellow taste, rich foam, and is very enjoyable to drink. However, the water beer on the market is fermented with rice, corn and other starch raw materials, which is far inferior to the craft beer brewed by malt . Even hops have been replaced. Beer of this quality, Who would want to drink it?

Hello fellow readers, thank you for reading the food articles I shared, and sharing my experience with you. What I want to share with you today is:

3. The main force of beer drinking is getting older.

Each product has a main consumer group, and people who drink beer are mainly concentrated in 20 to 60 years old. As they grow older, these people do not like beer. I drink beer and think that is something young people do. How unbecoming is it to drink crazily when you are older?

Hello fellow readers, thank you for reading the food articles I shared, and sharing my experience with you. What I want to share with you today is:

4, The competition of beverage wine is becoming increasingly fierce

Beer is a kind of beverage alcohol. Young people think that beer is not of high quality and only older people drink it. They pursue fashion and like to drink cocktails, wine, rice wine, etc. These look very fashionable and give them a lot of face, so the beer market is gradually being eroded by these beverages, and sales have fallen again and again.

Hello fellow readers, thank you for reading the food articles I shared, and sharing my experience with you. What I want to share with you today is:

5. More and more people pay attention to health

Beer has a nickname, called "liquid bread", and its calories are relatively high. Drinking a bottle of beer will consume 160 kcal of calories. Many heavy drinkers , you can drink several bottles or even dozens of bottles at a time, which will consume thousands of calories.

If you are not doing heavy physical work, you cannot consume so many calories. If you drink this often, you will become fatter and fatter. You will first have a beer belly, and other parts of your body will gradually become fatter. Gaining weight is very harmful to your health, so instead of drinking beer, it is better to drink healthy drinks such as milk and yogurt.

Hello fellow readers, thank you for reading the food articles I shared, and sharing my experience with you. What I want to share with you today is:

The price increase of beer has chilled the drinking public, but as their living standards have improved, they don’t care about the few dollars. The most important reason is that people are more concerned about their health and do not want to affect their health by drinking beer.

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