The shiitake mushrooms are too fragrant to fry in this way. The taste is fresh and fresh, without a little meat, it is nutritious and delicious.

2021/02/2803:27:03 food 453

Shiitake mushrooms are known as “mountain treasures” and are one of the most popular fungi on our table. It has a smooth and delicious taste, and is rich in amino acids, calcium, zinc and other trace amounts required by the human body. Elements, so shiitake mushrooms have been hailed as the "Queen of Mushrooms".

The shiitake mushrooms are too fragrant to fry in this way. The taste is fresh and fresh, without a little meat, it is nutritious and delicious. - DayDayNews

There are many ways to cook shiitake mushrooms. Whether it is a stew or a dish, you only need to put a few shiitake mushrooms, the taste of this dish will be very delicious, thanks to the amino acids of the shiitake mushrooms. This is a natural "MSG", not only nutritious, but also delicious. Today Shu Chen shared a recipe for scrambled eggs with mushrooms, which is also my first attempt. Is it delicious? You will know after trying.

The shiitake mushrooms are too fragrant to fry in this way. The taste is fresh and fresh, without a little meat, it is nutritious and delicious. - DayDayNews

【Scrambled eggs with mushrooms】

Ingredients: mushrooms, fungus, eggs, tomatoes, green peppers

Accessories: green onions, garlic

_ seasoning: soy sauce, white sugar, oyster sauce p3p


The shiitake mushrooms are too fragrant to fry in this way. The taste is fresh and fresh, without a little meat, it is nutritious and delicious. - DayDayNews

1. Clean the mushrooms, remove the roots and cut into thin slices, soak the fungus in advance, and tear the larger ones into small ones. The roots of the fungus are easy to have impurities and need to be cleaned. .

The shiitake mushrooms are too fragrant to fry in this way. The taste is fresh and fresh, without a little meat, it is nutritious and delicious. - DayDayNews

2. One tomato, remove the stem and cut into small pieces, one green pepper, remove the stem and seeds and cut into green pepper shreds, put two eggs in the bowl, stir thoroughly with chopsticks, and then Prepare some chopped green onion and garlic slices for later use.

The shiitake mushrooms are too fragrant to fry in this way. The taste is fresh and fresh, without a little meat, it is nutritious and delicious. - DayDayNews

3. Boil a pot of boiling water in the pot, add shiitake mushrooms and fungus to blanch water for 1 minute, which can remove impurities and maintain the consistency of raw and cooked, which is convenient for subsequent cooking. fish out.

The shiitake mushrooms are too fragrant to fry in this way. The taste is fresh and fresh, without a little meat, it is nutritious and delicious. - DayDayNews

4. Add a little vegetable oil in a separate pot,Pour the oil into the egg liquid. When the egg is set, it will be scrambled and scrambled into pieces before serving.

The shiitake mushrooms are too fragrant to fry in this way. The taste is fresh and fresh, without a little meat, it is nutritious and delicious. - DayDayNews

5. Use the oil in the bottom of the pot to add the onion and garlic until fragrant, then add the tomatoes, stir-fry the tomatoes until they are soft, and the juice will come out.

The shiitake mushrooms are too fragrant to fry in this way. The taste is fresh and fresh, without a little meat, it is nutritious and delicious. - DayDayNews

6. Add the fungus and mushrooms, stir-fry for about 30 seconds, then add 3 grams of oyster sauce and 3 grams of light soy sauce, divide the seasoning and stir-fry, so that the mushrooms absorb the seasoning.

The shiitake mushrooms are too fragrant to fry in this way. The taste is fresh and fresh, without a little meat, it is nutritious and delicious. - DayDayNews

7. Then add shredded green pepper and egg, stir-fry again for 30 seconds to break the shredded green pepper, add 1 g of white sugar to freshen up, 2 g of salt to taste, and stir the seasoning again It can be out of the pan after being evenly distributed.

The shiitake mushrooms are too fragrant to fry in this way. The taste is fresh and fresh, without a little meat, it is nutritious and delicious. - DayDayNews

Fresh and tender shiitake mushrooms, plus tender eggs, these ingredients are combined together, both nutritious and delicious. If you are interested, you can try it. The taste is really good. I hope you will like it.


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