A man "gets used to being poor" will probably have these few performances, I hope you don’t

2020/12/0420:36:06 emotion 2285

A man should look like a man. When he is alone, he strives to be excellent, and after he gets married, he strives to make money to support his family. A good man must be a responsible person and the pillar of the family.

Whether a man is poor depends on whether he has money on the one hand and whether he is enterprising. Poorness is a state of life that can be changed. When a man tries to tear off the label of "poor", his life will change drastically.

A man "gets used to being poor" will probably have these few performances, I hope you haven't. How to see a man clearly requires not only listening to his words, but also observing his actions and paying attention to some "critical moments."

A man


When supporting parents, I care about with my parents and like to look through old accounts.

Men should be magnanimous and should not have small stomachs, especially when dealing with family members, all family members should be regarded as benefactors. Parents, brothers and sisters, and themselves are "breaking the bones and connecting the tendons." Even if there are grievances, they can't care about it, because these relatives are the people who really want you to pass the better.

Very poor men, when supporting their parents, think that they should not be nice to their parents.

If brothers and sisters are discussing the matters of supporting their parents, he will say: "In the past, my parents were not good to me. I didn’t study much and spent the least money. Also, I didn’t get my parents’ property. Should bear the main responsibility of supporting parents."

If brothers and sisters are not in harmony and quarrel, he will tell who his parents bought new clothes and other things, thinking that he has always been the most disadvantaged person. .

Men care about with their parents, thinking that their poverty is because their parents are unworthy and have not left a large amount of fortune. He turned these "disorderly reasons" into reasons for not being filial to his parents, and he made sense. When


is in love, "no rabbit or eagle", if the woman does not agree, he will not pay.

When a man is in love, he should invite women to dinner and friends to have supper. When in a relationship, a man is very stingy and will definitely leave a bad impression on others, and the probability of a successful relationship is very low. Many men suddenly increase their expenses when they are in love.

A poor man who has no money in his pocket and no way to make money. When he is in love, he will be very "stingy". He is worried that his money will be spent before he is in love and he has no chance to get it back. . If the love fails, he is very annoyed, thinking that the woman is a big liar and wants to cheat the "food expenses". If a woman agrees to marry him, he will consider inviting the woman to dinner, and will take the initiative to visit her relatives and friends.

In fact, a very poor and stingy man has little chance of success in love. As he grows older, he will most likely become a "leftover man."

A man


When I was looking for a job, I thought I was a great horse.

The poorer the man, the more arrogant and arrogant he is. He thinks he is a great man and shouldn't do small things or low-paying jobs.

My cousin Li Fu graduated from university last year. He thinks he is a graduate of a prestigious school. If he takes the civil service exam, it is a waste of talent. He went to apply for a large company in Shenzhen, and went to five or six companies in a row, but was not hired. After returning from Shenzhen, he had no intention of looking for a job and became an old man at home. Li Fu's uncle drove a taxi in the county seat and often called Li Fu to take his place.

Li Fu said: "Uncle, is it appropriate for you to let me be a top student to drive a taxi? If my classmates see me, wouldn't they laugh at me?" Men who are accustomed to being poor treat themselves as high-ranking people and look down upon others. He has a high job search standard, and he overestimated his abilities. When


pays for a party, I always find excuses to leave, or deliberately "slow down".

Before the party, a very poor man will find out who is paying the bill. If it is an AA party, he will not go. When he is in the party, he likes to flatter himself and paint his ideals as a beautiful blueprint. His eyes were staring at those good dishes, wishing to eat them all. When it came time to pay, he deliberately made excuses to go to the bathroom, go out on the phone, goPick someone up. After

waited for others to pay the bill, he came and said, "You are also true. If you told me to pay the bill, you won't give me a chance." Then, he tried to pack away the leftovers and keep them. Continue to eat next meal.

The man who likes to go to parties and never pays the bill is actually a kind of "taking advantage" thinking that this can save a lot of living expenses. In fact, men who like to eat and drink will become poorer and poorer. He regards gatherings as an opportunity to expand their network. As everyone knows, gatherings for food and drink are a waste of time.

A man


When relatives and friends get along, they always pretend to be poor, complaining and coveting petty gains.

A man, if he makes some money, but his heart is very poor. He often calls poor. In front of relatives and friends, he likes to say: "Hey, I failed to invest recently; hey, I want to buy a house, but I don’t have any money."

He always sighed and wore very old clothes and smoked. Poor quality smoke. He did this because he was afraid that his relatives and friends would ask him to borrow money, or that others would let him treat him to dinner.

Poor men, when getting along with relatives and friends, try to take advantage of them. For example, he went to a relative's house to borrow a car and drove for several days without refueling or washing the car; he put on his friend's clothes as his own. He deliberately asked relatives and friends to borrow money, and then he refused to pay it back.


When encountering development opportunities, "be afraid of wolves before and be afraid of tigers" and would rather miss the opportunity.

A man who is really "used to being poor" is poor in heart and does not want to make progress. On the one hand, he complained that he did not have the opportunity to make a fortune, while he missed the opportunity to make a fortune. He often said: "At the beginning, if I worked hard in a certain industry, I am definitely a millionaire now." He has been talking about the past, thinking that he had many regrets in the past, and he has not been willing to face reality. If

has a chance to turn over, he doubts his ability and is always afraid of failure.

As the saying goes: "You can't miss the opportunity, and the time never comes." After he missed the opportunity, he added another "reason" for complaining.

For example, his cooking skills are very good. If he opens a restaurant, he will definitely make a fortune, but he would rather work in a factory than start his own business because he is afraid of losing his job and dare not challenge himself.

A man who has to enter the rapids and bravely will have a future. It doesn't matter whether you succeed or fail. As long as you get more frustrated and brave, your life will go smoother and smoother.

As the saying goes: "If you are poor, you will think about changes, and you will become accommodating." Man, you have hands and feet. As long as you work, how can you stay poor? The more sweat you pay, the more you gain.

Author: commoner coarse food.

pay attention to my words and walk into your heart.

The source network of the pictures in the article.

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