How many have you experienced during these five stages of love?

2020/11/2803:56:03 emotion 574

Introduction: When you fall in love, you also need to follow a certain process. Many people still don’t know that there are five stages in love, let alone what these five stages represent. Next, I will talk about the problems represented by these five stages in love. The first stage of

How many have you experienced during these five stages of love? - DayDayNews

: the relationship time is within one month (screening period). This stage of

is usually just a process of getting to know each other and adapting to each other. In this process, the two people's hobbies and styles of dealing with others will be shown to each other, and the two sides will make a comparison to judge whether the two people are suitable for social interaction.

In this month, girls will look at the performance of boys, such as men’s ability to handle things and crisis public relations, whether men are motivated and so on.

If the relationship between two people exceeds one month, then congratulations, you successfully passed the screening period! Otherwise, you are eliminated. Because girls nowadays are very realistic, if they look down on you, they won't waste too much time on you, after all, youth is limited.

Of course, those who do not want to fall in love but go to fall in love, will show their various strengths and talents vividly to each other, and break up if they lie to them.

How many have you experienced during these five stages of love? - DayDayNews

The second stage: dating between one month and three months (transition period)

Many people think that since they have been with each other for a month, they should be safe. wrong! Passing the screening period is just the beginning.

The other party has been dating you for a month, and it feels like you are just a person you can socialize with. What if you pretended it before? At this time, you will find a particularly interesting phenomenon. How good you were in the previous month, during this period the other party will still ask you to continue to be good, and even ask you to do better. If you were hydrated before, in the days of this month, let alone hydrated, even oil is gone. The other party will see you thoroughly, and will throw you clean.

How many have you experienced during these five stages of love? - DayDayNews

The third stage: three months to six months of dating (honeymoon period)

This time period is the stage that boys dream of. Girls at this stage will start to become gentle, considerate, understanding, and affectionate. Couples at this stage will have one behavior, that is, crazy show of affection! The two people stick together every day, sprinkling dog food on the people around them. Couples at this stage are sweet.

How many have you experienced during these five stages of love? - DayDayNews

The fourth stage: the relationship time is six months to one year (long-term)

is the time to hit the mandarin ducks. The couples of this period have passed the honeymoon period. The passion of the two people has gradually receded, and they have begun to return to the essence of life. The trivial things in life, such as firewood, rice, oil, salt, etc., will come in contact with each other, allowing two people to deeply understand the hardships of life. At this time, the two people quarreled more and more frequently. The girl wants the boy and takes the responsibility that the boy should bear, but the boy is still immersed in the honeymoon period and continues to love. At this time, the two people will have obvious differences in concepts, and there will be more and more contradictions, and it is natural to break up.

How many have you experienced during these five stages of love? - DayDayNews

The fifth stage: the relationship time is more than one year (preparing to get married)

two people go through the understanding of the screening period, mutual recognition during the transition period, and the sweetness of the honeymoon period. Then after a long-term relationship, he finally stepped into the threshold of marriage. Next, the two people considered the issue of marriage.

Both parents have to agree to this marriage. If the girl’s parents think that the boy’s family situation is not good, or the boy can’t get the gift money, the girl’s parents will definitely not agree to their daughter’s marriage. Then the couple will also It's hard to go on. Before marriage, the boy needs to prepare a house and a car. These two things have become a big mountain for many people to get married, and the boy can't breathe. If the boy can't get it out, and the girl's parents are afraid that their daughter will suffer after marrying, they can only use forceful means to separate the couple.

How many have you experienced during these five stages of love? - DayDayNews

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