Qiu Yingying graduated from college. She was born in a rural area. She didn't find a boyfriend in college because there was no one who made her heart beat. She is pretty and pretty, but her IQ is not very high, so she has always been introverted and withdrawn. Even after she came

2024/07/0216:59:32 emotion 1873

Qiu Yingying is a college graduate. She was born in a rural area. She did not find a boyfriend in college because there was no one who made her heart beat. She is pretty and pretty, but her IQ is not very high, so she has always been introverted and withdrawn. Even after she came out of society, she has been living a lonely life. She studies alone, works alone, listens to music alone, eats alone, and sleeps alone. In short, no matter what she does, she is alone.

The jobs she found after she came out of the society all paid three to four thousand yuan, and there was not even a job that paid five thousand yuan. There were five to six thousand workers, but they were too hard and embarrassing, and she looked down on them, so she was very troubled.

Because she stayed in a small company, she felt very depressed and had no friends, so she stayed there for half a year and then went home.

After she returned home, she has been living a peaceful life. She is pretty but has no boyfriend. She can be regarded as a strange flower in the motherland.

Her mother urged her to find a boyfriend every day. If she couldn't find a boyfriend now, it would be even harder to find one in the future, so she couldn't stand her mother's nagging and dragged her suitcase out again.

She searched for many jobs in the society. Finally, when she passed by a bulletin board, she saw a recruitment advertisement. The job advertisement was for a makeup artist and required a college degree, preferably a bachelor's degree.

As an undergraduate, she felt that her academic qualifications would definitely make her qualified, and the salary was 6,000, which was quite attractive, so she decided to go.

After she went to the funeral home, the staff at the funeral home asked her if she had done it before. She said that she had no experience, so the staff personally guided her.

After learning for a week, she started to do it alone, sorting out the appearance of the deceased every day, sometimes a few, sometimes a dozen.

She said she was very scared at first. Sometimes she had to work until late at night and stay alone in her room at night. There was a rustling wind outside and bursts of human voices coming from inside. During that time, she often heard hallucinations. , as if the voice of the old man lying in front of her was speaking to her. There were also hallucinations, and sometimes the coffin boards rattled. When she looked back, she saw the old man smiling. She was startled and broke into a cold sweat. But when I looked carefully, I realized that there was no one there.

Qiu Yingying graduated from college. She was born in a rural area. She didn't find a boyfriend in college because there was no one who made her heart beat. She is pretty and pretty, but her IQ is not very high, so she has always been introverted and withdrawn. Even after she came - DayDayNews

She never dared to watch ghost movies alone. When she was studying, she watched ghost movies with her best friends and found them so exciting. However, after they parted ways in college, she lost all her friends.

She stayed in the funeral parlor every day, feeling uneasy and terrified for a whole month.

She often wiped the old man's fingers, and she didn't dare to look at the cold skin on her hands at first.

But she worked hard for life, money, and survival, so after a month, she got used to it and did better and better.

A relative in her family also passed away. That was her grandmother, who died two months after she went to the funeral home.

At that time, she thought she was bold enough, but one thing made her uneasy, that is, the discord between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Her mother and grandmother were not harmonious, and they quarreled all day long. Her mother was very bad to her grandmother before she was alive, and often disagreed with her. I give her meat to eat, but I don’t give her meat when there are peanuts, which causes her to often dig through the trash can. More importantly, her mother also instigated her to ignore her grandma, so every time her grandma asked her for help, she refused to help. The same was true once when she was cutting her toenails. Her grandma asked her to help her cut her nails. But she refused.

So when she was cleaning up her grandma's body, she was in agony. She was very afraid that her grandma would cause trouble for her. It was even more difficult during the vigil. She was also very frightened and did not dare to look at her grandma's body.

Later, when other people’s grandparents died, her courage became much greater at this time. She dared to go anywhere, and she also dared to be alone with the dead old people.

Qiu Yingying graduated from college. She was born in a rural area. She didn't find a boyfriend in college because there was no one who made her heart beat. She is pretty and pretty, but her IQ is not very high, so she has always been introverted and withdrawn. Even after she came - DayDayNews

Later, she worked as an official in a funeral parlor and became a manager. She has become calm and calm. Faced with countless corpses every day, she can talk and laugh happily. Even if the dead come back to life at night, she is not afraid, and even has Once, she played video taking pictures in front of the dead people in the funeral parlor. Once during a break, she actually watched a ghost movie next to the dead people. This was so bold that even men couldn't keep up with her.

Therefore, people’s courage needs to be trained. A person usually becomes timid when he feels that he is in danger. When a person stays in a familiar place for a long time, he will not be afraid even if it is dangerous. This is just like animals. reason.

I have seen a video before of a man using a fake tiger to scare a dog. A dog was scared by a tiger dozens of times. Every time, it panicked, ran away in confusion, and even yelled. But then the dog even started to play with it. He picked up the tiger, played with it, and patted the tiger's head with his palms. This is because it knows that the tiger is fake, and dogs also have the ability to think. When it knows that the tiger next to it is not real, but just a fake thing, the sense of threat and fear disappears.

This is exactly the case for Qiu Yingying of the funeral parlor. She has now found a boyfriend, who also works in the funeral parlor. The two of them get along very well, and they work as administrators in the funeral parlor together. If ghosts exist, ghosts will no longer exist.

Qiu Yingying graduated from college. She was born in a rural area. She didn't find a boyfriend in college because there was no one who made her heart beat. She is pretty and pretty, but her IQ is not very high, so she has always been introverted and withdrawn. Even after she came - DayDayNews

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