The cruel mother-in-law sued her son and sent him to jail, but she wanted her daughter-in-law to provide for her in old age. That day Grandma Li went to the TV station reporter for help because she was alone and had no one to take care of her.

2024/07/0112:28:32 emotion 1881

The cruel mother-in-law sued her son to jail, but she wanted her daughter-in-law to provide for her in old age. The daughter-in-law replied angrily: Absolutely impossible!

That day, Grandma Li found a reporter from the TV station for help because she was alone and had no one to take care of her. Now that she is getting older, she wants her daughter-in-law to help her take care of herself in old age. But her daughter-in-law rejected her request, so she hoped that reporters could help her.

When seeing an elderly person asking for help, the TV station took it very seriously. So a mediator was specially dispatched to help Grandma Li mediate the matter.

At that time, the mediator first found the daughter-in-law, Sister Liu, and directly asked her why she refused to support her mother-in-law. As soon as she mentioned this matter, Sister Liu became very angry. She said that things were not what her mother-in-law said. It was her mother-in-law who was so vicious that they were scared.

The cruel mother-in-law sued her son and sent him to jail, but she wanted her daughter-in-law to provide for her in old age. That day Grandma Li went to the TV station reporter for help because she was alone and had no one to take care of her. - DayDayNews

Not only that, I was almost driven crazy by this vicious woman. In my whole life, I have never seen such a cruel mother-in-law. It is said that a tiger cannot eat its venom, but she did not even spare her own son!

It turns out that Sister Liu’s husband is named Zhang Xin, and he also has a younger brother named Zhang Jun. My mother-in-law has been partial to her younger brother Zhang Jun since she was a child, which has caused frequent conflicts between the two families.

But my mother-in-law said that she has never favored anyone and is very fair to everyone. My wife went to live in the younger son's home, so I should go to your home to support the elderly. This way, it is very fair for each person to support one.

After hearing this, the mediator also felt that there was nothing wrong with this. As a child, it is obviously very fair for one person to support an elderly person.

The cruel mother-in-law sued her son and sent him to jail, but she wanted her daughter-in-law to provide for her in old age. That day Grandma Li went to the TV station reporter for help because she was alone and had no one to take care of her. - DayDayNews

But at this time, Sister Liu couldn't bear it anymore. She cursed: What's fair? Where is your fairness? You two have been divorced a long time ago, so you separated. It's not that you have to support one as a family, it's just that your youngest son doesn't want to support you.

The cruel mother-in-law sued her son and sent him to jail, but she wanted her daughter-in-law to provide for her in old age. That day Grandma Li went to the TV station reporter for help because she was alone and had no one to take care of her. - DayDayNews

Moreover, Sister Liu also told reporters that at the time of the divorce, all the houses in the family were in the name of her father-in-law, and there was no real estate in the name of her mother-in-law. As a result, in the end, the second child inherited the property from the father-in-law, and we were left to inherit the property from the mother-in-law. As a result, we received nothing at that time, and all this was done intentionally by my mother-in-law.

The cruel mother-in-law sued her son and sent him to jail, but she wanted her daughter-in-law to provide for her in old age. That day Grandma Li went to the TV station reporter for help because she was alone and had no one to take care of her. - DayDayNews

Moreover, before the two got divorced, they also treated their own family very excessively. At that time, the two had just gotten married and were very poor. After the father-in-law and mother-in-law saw it, they contracted an orchard for them. Seeing that the two of them didn't even have money to buy the fruit seedlings, the father-in-law and mother-in-law gave away all the money for the fruit seedlings. He also told them to work hard, and when the fruit is ripe, all the money from selling it will be yours.

But after the couple worked hard for several years, the fruit was finally ripe enough to be sold. At this time, my father-in-law and mother-in-law said: We contracted the orchard with our money, and we bought the fruit seedlings. Don’t worry about the fruit sellers.

The cruel mother-in-law sued her son and sent him to jail, but she wanted her daughter-in-law to provide for her in old age. That day Grandma Li went to the TV station reporter for help because she was alone and had no one to take care of her. - DayDayNews

When they saw their father-in-law and mother-in-law doing this, they were furious. But the other party was their own parents, so there was nothing they could do.

is not only that but even more irritating. Three years ago, the couple saw that food prices were rising, so they collected a lot of food outside and put it in their mother-in-law's yard. Then they plan to wait for food prices to rise before selling them to make a profit.

Unexpectedly, the price of food suddenly dropped. In order to prevent themselves from suffering serious losses, the two planned to sell the food. But at this time, my mother-in-law came over and planned to buy the grains. Not only that, she was also willing to make an IOU of five thousand yuan.

The cruel mother-in-law sued her son and sent him to jail, but she wanted her daughter-in-law to provide for her in old age. That day Grandma Li went to the TV station reporter for help because she was alone and had no one to take care of her. - DayDayNews

But the couple felt that the IOU could feed them? So they rejected the mother-in-law's request and sold all the grain. But I didn't expect my mother-in-law to act rogue and lie to others that the food was hers. He also blamed the couple for selling their own grain without permission and taking the money from selling the grain for themselves.

The cruel mother-in-law sued her son and sent him to jail, but she wanted her daughter-in-law to provide for her in old age. That day Grandma Li went to the TV station reporter for help because she was alone and had no one to take care of her. - DayDayNews

The couple was really angry now, so they broke off the relationship with her directly, and they went to work elsewhere. But it didn't take long for the mother-in-law to find them. Then he earnestly advised them to go home. Not only that, her mother-in-law also said that as long as they are willing to go home, she will give them half of the crops in the field.

The cruel mother-in-law sued her son and sent him to jail, but she wanted her daughter-in-law to provide for her in old age. That day Grandma Li went to the TV station reporter for help because she was alone and had no one to take care of her. - DayDayNews

Seeing that her mother-in-law was like this, the couple followed her back home. But the husband never expected that his mother-in-law would actually sue him. It turns out that the corn in my mother-in-law's field was just ripe at that time, and she said she would get half of it. So the husband called relatives to help harvest corn from the fields.

didn't expect that when he was halfway through receiving it, the police suddenly came. The police then told them that you were destroying other people's crops. Before any explanation, they were all arrested and taken to the police station.

The cruel mother-in-law sued her son and sent him to jail, but she wanted her daughter-in-law to provide for her in old age. That day Grandma Li went to the TV station reporter for help because she was alone and had no one to take care of her. - DayDayNews

At that time, the daughter-in-law happened to go home to get bags of corn, so she escaped the disaster. When she returned to the cornfield, she learned from others that her husband had been arrested by the police.

Seeing her husband being arrested, Sister Liu was so frightened that she quickly ran to the police station to learn about the situation. She never expected that it would be her mother-in-law who reported her husband. The reason turned out to be that the husband secretly collected grain from his mother-in-law, and her mother-in-law accused him of stealing.

The mother-in-law's behavior confused both the couple. Didn't you give us this cropland as promised in the first place? Moreover, many relatives were asked to testify, otherwise the relatives would not come to help harvest corn.

But my mother-in-law didn't care. She insisted that the crops in the field belonged to her and were harvested privately by her sons and relatives. Not only that, the mother-in-law was unwilling to forgive and directly took her husband and relatives to court. Although the court found the husband and his relatives not guilty, they were imprisoned alive for nine months before they were tried. After they came out, everyone had theft charges on their files.

The cruel mother-in-law sued her son and sent him to jail, but she wanted her daughter-in-law to provide for her in old age. That day Grandma Li went to the TV station reporter for help because she was alone and had no one to take care of her. - DayDayNews

The daughter-in-law lived a life of fear every day during the nine months her husband was imprisoned. In order to help her husband come out as soon as possible, she often begged her mother-in-law, but her mother-in-law still refused to help her husband come out.

The cruel mother-in-law sued her son and sent him to jail, but she wanted her daughter-in-law to provide for her in old age. That day Grandma Li went to the TV station reporter for help because she was alone and had no one to take care of her. - DayDayNews

It was precisely because of this incident that the relatives felt that there was something wrong with the mother-in-law. She not only harmed her own son, but also her relatives. After that, relatives also kept a distance from my mother-in-law and stopped communicating with her.

After his husband came out, he swore on the spot to sever ties with his mother-in-law and would never see her again until his death.

So now that my mother-in-law is getting old and her mobility begins to become a little inconvenient, she begins to fear that no one will provide for her in the future. But her younger son didn't even want to see her, let alone support her. That's why she turned to her daughter-in-law and asked her to help her take care of herself in old age. After

learned all this, the mediator said: After hearing this, I think you really shouldn't support her. But then again, doesn’t the country still have laws? The law stipulates that you must support the elderly regardless of any reason. Whatever grievances you have, just put them behind you first. We should first take on the responsibility of supporting the elderly.

The cruel mother-in-law sued her son and sent him to jail, but she wanted her daughter-in-law to provide for her in old age. That day Grandma Li went to the TV station reporter for help because she was alone and had no one to take care of her. - DayDayNews

Faced with the mediator’s earnest persuasion, the daughter-in-law was also moved. Finally, she said that she would go back and have a good discussion with her husband and try her best to solve the issue of support for her mother-in-law. Editor's opinion of

: Everyone will grow old one day. Why do we raise children? The reason is that when I get old, I have someone who can support me and help me take care of myself in old age. As for my mother-in-law's behavior, if I were a son, I would not support her. But the mediator is right. Even if you have great grievances and hatred, you should respect and abide by the law. We should first put hatred and resentment behind us and take on the responsibility of supporting the elderly.

Do you agree with what the mediator said?

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