It is now a consensus that it is difficult for young rural men to get married. The difficulties lie in three aspects: high betrothal gifts, few girls, and narrow social circle. Firstly, the sky-high betrothal gifts discourage young men, and secondly, girls have gone to big cities

2024/06/3022:01:33 emotion 1414

Nowadays, it is a consensus that it is difficult for young rural men to get married. The difficulties lie in three aspects: high betrothal gifts, few girls, and narrow social circle.

It is now a consensus that it is difficult for young rural men to get married. The difficulties lie in three aspects: high betrothal gifts, few girls, and narrow social circle. Firstly, the sky-high betrothal gifts discourage young men, and secondly, girls have gone to big cities - DayDayNews

First of all, the sky-high price of betrothal gifts has hindered young men. Secondly, girls have gone to big cities. Another major problem is that young men have less opportunities to contact girls.

The younger brother of a distant relative in his hometown is called Chen Jie. Due to family difficulties, Chen Jie went out to work in the fifth grade of elementary school. Originally, he was not old enough and worked for a private car wash shop. The monthly salary was 1,500 yuan, and the boss provided food and accommodation.

Later, when he was 20 years old, he entered a factory and became an assembly line worker. With a monthly salary of 4,000 yuan, he worked frugally for several years, and finally saved some money. The family asked a matchmaker from a neighboring village to introduce a girl who was the same age as him. When it came to the bride price, the girl's parents asked for 500,000 yuan, and they didn't even get a cent. It cannot be less. The reason is that the woman’s son has a girlfriend, and the other party wants a gift of 500,000 yuan. This 500,000 yuan is for the son.

It is now a consensus that it is difficult for young rural men to get married. The difficulties lie in three aspects: high betrothal gifts, few girls, and narrow social circle. Firstly, the sky-high betrothal gifts discourage young men, and secondly, girls have gone to big cities - DayDayNews

After hearing this, Chen Jie’s parents fell into deep thought. Will I be given the 500,000 yuan? Give? The family only has 200,000 yuan, which Chen Jie saved from his teeth while working. Not giving? The son may become a bachelor in this life.

Chen Jie's parents had trouble sleeping and eating because of the bride price, and finally decided to lend money to the bride. Chen Jie's father begged his grandfather and grandma to borrow 150,000 yuan. Later, he had no choice but to borrow a loan shark to get 500,000 yuan.

Now, Chen Jie is married, but due to debt problems, he quarreled with his wife. After his wife went out to work out of anger, she even changed her mobile phone number.


Chen Jie said to his relatives: If I knew this would be the outcome, I would never get married. The woman asked to buy a car before the wedding, but the man really couldn't afford the money. At that time, the woman promised that she could get a replacement marriage certificate afterwards. It was just a banquet. From a legal perspective, Chen Jie and his wife are not officially married yet. What if the wife is out of town and takes her ID card and household registration book to register a marriage with someone else?

It is now a consensus that it is difficult for young rural men to get married. The difficulties lie in three aspects: high betrothal gifts, few girls, and narrow social circle. Firstly, the sky-high betrothal gifts discourage young men, and secondly, girls have gone to big cities - DayDayNews

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