Xiuyu in "Happiness Comes to Ten Thousand Households" is a motivated girl. Although she is cared for and treated favorably while working at Wanjia Group, she wants to use her own strength to become a better self and insists on taking the accountant certificate exam for ten years.

2024/06/2912:33:32 emotion 1032

Xiuyu in

Xiuyu in " Happiness to Wanjia " is a motivated girl. Although she is cared for and treated in various ways while working in Wanjia Group, she wants to use her own strength to become a better self and persists in taking the exam for ten years. Accountant certificate.

Because her registration failed again and again, she asked her second brother Wang Qingzhi, who worked as a secretary to the mayor in the city, to help find out why she could not register. Unexpectedly, revealed the "scandal" hidden in Wanjiazhuang University ten years ago.

When there was a lot of scolding on the Internet directed at Wan Chuan's family, they said that their family lacked virtue and ruined the life of this beautiful lady in the world. When Chuan Jia was beaten by Wan Shan Tang, he said something that made us melon-eating people have to reflect on who should we resent in the end about Xiu Yu?

all say: Diseases enter through the mouth, and disasters come out of the mouth. Wan Chuanjia and Wan Shantang cried out about how lost their sister was back then. When it came to Wang Youde and his wife prayed that Xiuyu would not be admitted. After passing the exam, they had no money to send their daughter to college. This made Wan Chuanjia feel sorry for her sister. After thinking about it, I found someone to spend 20,000 yuan to replace Wang Xiuyu in college.

Xiuyu in

As the old saying goes: The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the intention. Wang Youde and his wife have been cautious in the village all their lives, maintaining their popularity in Wanjiazhuang with humility. They do not want to harm their daughter for the rest of her life because of their overly partial thoughts.

When I saw Xiuyu carrying a kitchen knife and going to find Wan Chuanjia to fight for her life, I shed tears. Every girl who looks forward to studying has a college dream , and hopes to realize the change in her life through her college dream.

I remember that when my parents did not allow me to take the high school entrance examination and forced me to graduate from junior high school and go to the technical school of this system, I had the thought of dying in my heart. Back then, because our family was poor, our parents thought that my brother was a boy in the family who would go to high school and take college entrance exams. He would be promising in the future, and he would be able to honor our family and make our family live a good life. I think that as a girl, it is enough for me to study some books and have a job. I can go to high school or get into any university.

may have the same fate as Xiuyu. When I saw this, I burst into tears. Then I saw Wang Youde squatting on the ground, scolding himself for being a coward and beating himself. I felt that all parents in the world of Is the same heart as . My parents have long regretted not agreeing to my study, but I have been complaining about this matter for half my life.

Xiuyu in

If it weren’t for what Wang Youde and his wife said back then, I don’t think Wan Chuanjia would have dared to do this. After all, Xiuyu has always been a relatively outstanding student in school; and after a failure, why did Wan Chuanjia arrange a job for Xiuyu in the group office and give her a higher salary than in the city? There is Wan Chuanjia’s calculation here in , Wang Youde and his wife also have a mentality of being blinded by money.

Having parents who favor sons over daughters in the family is a tragedy for their children, and is also the source of the parents’ own tragic later years.

Wang Youde, who is a worm outside but a busy man at home, is the boss of the family and talks about everything with money; but his mother-in-law is the kind of hypocritical "Smiling Tiger", while comforting Happiness not to sue because of the marriage troubles. Wan Chuanjia told his son that he should be wary of his wife having extraneous intentions.

The daughter-in-law, with a heavy belly, ran back and forth to fight for the 400,000 yuan land compensation for the Wang family. Just because her second son wanted to settle down and buy a house in the city, she did not discuss it with her daughter-in-law, so she paid 350,000 yuan on her own initiative, and kept the rest in her own hands. inside. But I told outsiders, Our Wang family is headed by a woman, and I have long given the keys to the headship to Happiness.

He Xingfu gave up his development in the city for Wang Qinglai's love for the land. After returning to Wanjiazhuang to start an inn business, when it was just starting to get better, his mother-in-law told his eldest son Wang Qing to ask Xingfu to withdraw hundreds of thousands from the inn. Used to help the second son get married.

At this time, Wang Qinglai, who had experienced the hardships of urban life for several years, had already awakened and rejected his parents. He also said, "Am I not helping enough?" and immediately shut up his parents.

Xiuyu in

As Xiuyu was replaced in college, although Wang Youde and his wife hated Wan Shantang and his son, they still thought of letting Xiuyu keep this matter private, just get a sum of money first, and use this money to give For the second son Wang Qingzhi’s wedding.

Wang Qingzhi, who was working as a secretary to the mayor in the city at the time, also persuaded Xiuyu to just die, after all, ten years had passed. Xiuyu was in despair. The second brother who had studied for so many years might as well be Wang Qinglai, who had been in the city for a few years. He supported Xiuyu in seeking justice.

I think Xiuyu immediately said what her parents and Wang Qingzhi really benefited from this kind of thing : "If you buy me like them, all of you can benefit. If your parents can get money, you can be prosperous." "

The Wang family's mother kept telling Wang Qinglai not to tell Xingfu about Xiuyu, because at that time Xingfu went out because of the incident at the inn. Her mother-in-law said that Xingfu would accept death and she would definitely not agree if she knew it. Forget it, will ruin their ability to collect money privately.

I don’t know how the next plot will play out. I hope Happiness can help Xiuyu seek justice. Is a girl’s ten years of youth and dreams bought out with hundreds of thousands of dollars?

Xiuyu in

all say: The conflicts between the siblings all come from the parents behind the scenes who can’t figure out what’s going on.

Seeing that Wang Youde and his wife are too partial and favor boys over girls, I really feel sad for Wang Qingzhi and Wang Xiuyu. Born to the same parents, how can there be such a huge gap?

I used to watch Su Mingyu 's mother in " is pretty good " treat her like that. I felt like would such a mother exist in real life? Now look at how Mr. and Mrs. Wang Youde squeezed their daughter. The eldest son asked his daughter to pay 30,000 yuan when he got married. He also said that he would have no money when his second son got married, and asked his daughter to continue taking money. She also said that she knew where her daughter hid the money.

As a woman, I also came from a daughter. I really feel sorry for Xiuyu. She dedicated herself for her two brothers. In the following plot, please don’t stage another human tragedy. Let Xiuyu’s compensation money be used for Wang Qingzhi’s wedding. That way It's really disappointing.

The Wang couple were cowardly, timid, and easily said such things, allowing Wan Chuanmei's brother Wan Chuanjia to take advantage of her, who was suffering from not being admitted to college. Xiuyu's ten years of youth were so strange in the end, I think it was I blame my parents for being patriarchal and partial, as well as being loud-mouthed in the family. It seems that complaining can make dreams come true. However, others have taken advantage of them and delayed their daughter's life. No amount of money can change her life.

Author: Huagui Zenxin

Pay attention to my words and enter your soul. You have stories, I have tea, and we can chat for the rest of our lives together.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.

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