After retiring, I found that there were some women around me who lived peacefully and calmly. On weekdays, they did housework, drank tea, read books, and watched TV dramas. When the season was good, I would invite a few friends to have a show and talk about it. She travels on the

2024/07/0218:03:33 emotion 1353

After retiring, I found that there were some women around me who lived peacefully and calmly. On weekdays, they did housework, drank tea, read books, and watched TV dramas. When the season was good, I would invite a few friends to have a show and talk about it. She travels on the - DayDayNews

After retiring, I found that there were some women around me who lived a quiet and peaceful life. On weekdays, they did housework, drank tea, read books, and watched TV dramas. When the season was good, I would invite a few friends to have a show. She travels as often as she likes, and goes for beauty treatments and fitness from time to time. Her husband around her still loves her as much as before. Time and wind seemed to treat them particularly favorably, leaving very few traces on their faces.

But there are also some women who live a miserable life after retirement. They not only have to take care of their husbands who are not very good to them, but also want to take care of their children. In their hearts, they also look forward to being able to go out and provide for themselves in their later years. Make some money. Although they are not old, their faces are already full of weather.

For us retired women, The savings in the first half of life determine the living conditions in the second half of life. Rich retired women and retired women without money lead two completely different lives.

After retiring, I found that there were some women around me who lived peacefully and calmly. On weekdays, they did housework, drank tea, read books, and watched TV dramas. When the season was good, I would invite a few friends to have a show and talk about it. She travels on the - DayDayNews

After retirement, rich women are poetic. The years are quiet and far away, and they enjoy life.

In life, more and more people believe that only with money can they have everything. They should be serious about making money from a young age, instead of thinking that talking about money is tacky. . After all, we all live in the secular world. Sometimes, money is not only an improvement in status, but also a reflection of a person's self-worth.

When working, everyone makes money from each other, and their monthly wages are similar, so the gap between everyone will not be felt. However, after decades of hard work, everyone has different experiences, different ways of managing money and different ways of making money. After retirement, I suddenly discovered that the gap between them is really not the smallest bit.

Some people will say that the older generation is rich and will leave a lot of inheritance to their children when they die; others say that it is because they are lucky and can make money through financial management and investment. himself relies on his dead salary to Where to make a fortune?

After retiring, I found that there were some women around me who lived peacefully and calmly. On weekdays, they did housework, drank tea, read books, and watched TV dramas. When the season was good, I would invite a few friends to have a show and talk about it. She travels on the - DayDayNews

In fact, everyone has similar opportunities in the first half of their lives. If you fail to seize the best opportunities in your life and miss your own development, you can only rely on God for the rest of your life.

For a wealthy woman after retirement, I think she has worked hard for her own life, and she has also worked hard and actively for a good life for herself. is chasing " happiness to thousands of families ". Every time I see happiness working hard for my own life and studying, I will think of one of my colleagues.

At the beginning, everyone thought that she was a dull and quiet person who didn't speak up when something happened. She always kept to herself and seldom communicated with others. Colleagues around her thought she was just an ordinary operator, and many people even laughed at her behind her back for being unsociable, thinking that such a woman was too ordinary.

However, just when she was about to retire, everyone discovered that she had bought a house and a shop in the city a long time ago. Although her son was still studying for a Ph.D., she had bought a house for her son many years earlier. , will leave our small place and live in the city as soon as he retires.

After retiring, I found that there were some women around me who lived peacefully and calmly. On weekdays, they did housework, drank tea, read books, and watched TV dramas. When the season was good, I would invite a few friends to have a show and talk about it. She travels on the - DayDayNews

When I hear other colleagues talking about her, everyone looks very envious now, thinking that "people should not be judged by their appearance". A truly capable and powerful woman, will never make a fuss in the crowd, but will silently watch you. Wherever you go, do what you like, improve yourself, and achieve yourself.

In fact, if a woman wants to live the rest of her life well after retirement, she must have money in her pocket, light in her eyes, and love in her heart. She must be a woman who actively works hard to do good, and will neither be beaten down by life nor Go with the flow.

A wealthy retired woman will not worry about the rest of her life, nor will she be entangled in the future relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, nor will she worry about her own retirement. After all, people have already prepared "broken silver", and just need to Just enjoy life quietly.

Some people say that most of those women with a good mentality do not worry about money, so they look like they are peaceful in their years.

After retiring, I found that there were some women around me who lived peacefully and calmly. On weekdays, they did housework, drank tea, read books, and watched TV dramas. When the season was good, I would invite a few friends to have a show and talk about it. She travels on the - DayDayNews

After retirement, women with no money will spend the rest of their lives worrying about being busy, running around.

It is said that poor and humble couples are miserable. It is difficult for women without money to feel happiness in their married life.In life, those women who have no money and no love will accelerate aging if they cannot feel love in marriage, and if they do not have enough money for maintenance, they will look older and older, and may even look older than their peers. The anger inside gradually disappeared.

After retirement, if a woman has no money in her pocket and a small pension, she will think of working another job, not only for herself but also for her children. Especially those who are questioned by their children "Why are other families richer than ours, and we are in the same company, where did your money go? How can I marry a wife and have grandchildren if I can't even come up with the down payment?"

Maybe , all parents will think that their children are unfilial when they hear such words, and young people will also think that this child is too ignorant. Just imagine, we all grew up in the same yard, and our parents worked in the same unit. Why are some parents able to buy a house and a car for their children more than 20 years later, while their own parents Can't even come up with the down payment? Does this kid really not think so?

After retiring, I found that there were some women around me who lived peacefully and calmly. On weekdays, they did housework, drank tea, read books, and watched TV dramas. When the season was good, I would invite a few friends to have a show and talk about it. She travels on the - DayDayNews

There is an old couple in their 70s in our community. They have retired for many years. Now they still get up early to clean the house every day to help their son and raise their grandchildren. When I was exercising in the morning, I saw this aunt with gauze hanging on one arm and cleaning with the other hand. I felt very sad in my heart.

In a casual chat, my aunt told me her pain. She has a pair of twin daughters. The daughter is married, and the son's family has a pair of twin grandsons. The combined salary of the aunt, son and daughter-in-law is less than 5,000 yuan, which is not enough at all. In order to help her son, Aunt said that she has been cleaning for others since she retired at the age of 50. In order to make more money, she often takes on the work of several people by herself.

There is a saying in Chicken Soup for the Soul that tells women: No matter what age a woman reaches, she can live her true self, and don’t care about her age.

After years of experience, you will slowly find that this sentence is only suitable for women who have money in their pockets and do not work hard for life, and those women who have no money in their pockets and do not have much ability, them must not only help She has to do her best to take care of her husband and be responsible for his daily life. She is like a free paid nanny. She also has to figure out how to earn more money for the family. is really too tiring.

After retiring, I found that there were some women around me who lived peacefully and calmly. On weekdays, they did housework, drank tea, read books, and watched TV dramas. When the season was good, I would invite a few friends to have a show and talk about it. She travels on the - DayDayNews


Money is not a panacea, but it is impossible to have no money. As the saying goes, money can make ghosts go around, but a penny can make heroes difficult. Therefore, we should work hard to earn more money when we are young. Don't worry about money when we are older, leading to a difficult and aggrieved life.

Rousseau once said: The money in our hands is a tool to maintain freedom. If you want to live a more relaxed and satisfying life after retirement, start preparing from a young age. Work hard, work hard, improve yourself more, participate less in boring things, and make yourself more capable, so that you can enjoy the rest of your life.

Author: Huagui Zenxin

Pay attention to my words and enter your soul. You have stories, I have tea, and we can chat for the rest of our lives together.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.

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