After retirement, the elderly will have various ways of living, some living a comfortable and exciting life, and some living a boring and painful life.

2024/07/0216:57:32 emotion 1805

After retirement, the elderly will have various ways of living, some of which are comfortable and wonderful, and some of which are dull and painful. Indeed, how to spend this life is really important, especially in old age. Many people have a lot of regrets. When they think about it, they often feel that their previous life was not exciting enough. At this time, most of the elderly will participate in some activities that can not only exercise. It is an activity that can make you feel happy, and square dancing and ballroom dancing are one of the entertainment activities.

I believe that in various places across the country and even the world, you can see men and women dancing and swinging their waists in ballroom dancing, having fun to the rhythm of the music.

Ballroom dancing is indeed a kind of exercise that is used to pleasure and relax the body and mind. It is just like a woman going to the gym or practicing yoga. She can have a good figure and not feel tired. Instead, she feels that her body is very happy. But everything has its benefits. It has its disadvantages, and ballroom dancing also has its disadvantages, and the disadvantages are not small. An aunt Zhou said: "For me, ballroom dancing has great benefits, but even greater harm. Ballroom dancing really does a lot of harm to people. My family has been deeply affected by it. I suggest that everyone stop dancing."

Why did Aunt Zhou say such a bad-emotional thing? Letā€™s look down together.

58-year-old Aunt Zhou

My surname is Zhou. I used to work in a company, so I have a workplace. I am very satisfied because my status is higher than that of ordinary women.

I donā€™t live in a rural area, but I have a county household registration. My family is considered well-off in the county, so I am quite contented in my life.

My relationship with my husband is neither very good nor very bad. It is considered normal. It is quite rare in China to survive to our age without getting divorced. So even though marriage doesn't make me happy, I still want to thank God.

I just didnā€™t expect that my husband and I had been bumping into each other without any problems, but in the end we were ruined by a ballroom dance, and my husband filed for divorce from me.

After retirement, the elderly will have various ways of living, some living a comfortable and exciting life, and some living a boring and painful life. - DayDayNews

I retired at the age of 55. I had not danced ballroom at that time. My mother was seriously ill at that time, and I had to give up all my time to take care of my mother.

In order to take care of my mother, I have lost a lot of weight, and there are no entertainment projects. I have no time to party with my best friends, and no time to travel with my husband.

I have been taking care of my mother for more than a year. In this year, I have hardly had a good night's sleep. Because my mother is really old, in her eighties, she is so close to heaven, so I have to stay close to her. He takes good care of his mother, caring for her and being considerate. It took me an hour to feed my mother every time, and then I slept with her because she had limited legs and feet, so I had to help her go to the toilet in the middle of the night.

Later, my mother passed away, and my physical and mental condition worsened. My best friend told me to go to square dancing with her to relax. She said square dancing was very popular.

My best friend has a close relationship with me. She is not a bad woman. I went to square dance with my best friend very simply.

I remember the first time I danced square dance, I was moved by the music and the enthusiasm of the people, and I fell in love with square dancing ever since.

I only danced square dance for three months, and I found that my physical condition was getting better and better, and I was eating more deliciously. Combining work and rest will indeed make your body healthier.

I was infected by the atmosphere of the square dance. I, who was originally a serious person, suddenly became very enthusiastic and had a very good relationship with everyone.

At this time, the captain asked us to learn ballroom dancing. Those who are willing to learn can learn it. Then my best friend taught me to learn ballroom dancing. I was already caught up in dancing and couldn't extricate myself.

I have always been a motivated woman, but I was also afraid of being looked down upon by others, so I made rapid progress in my studies. My best friends and teammates all praised me for my dancing skills.

My best friend is a woman with a husband, but she dances ballroom dancing with a strange man. This makes me a little puzzled. When I asked my best friend, she said it was okay. The era of men and women not being intimate has long passed. No, we are just teammates, just friends, nothing more.

After retirement, the elderly will have various ways of living, some living a comfortable and exciting life, and some living a boring and painful life. - DayDayNews

At this time, a man walked up to me and stretched out a hand to me. He had a friendly smile on his face. He looked very gentlemanly and his voice was very gentle. He said: "Hello, I can dance with you. Ballroom dancing? "

His name is Lao Jiang. He is a gentleman-looking man. At least at the beginning, he gave me the impression of a gentle and elegant man. He is 5 years older than me.

Although I felt it was awkward, all the men and women in the audience were dancing. I felt that I would feel bad if I didn't dance, so I helped this man.

When he was dancing, he complimented me on my slim figure, asked me if I had been to the gym, and complimented me on my appearance, saying that I was good-looking, and then he also said that I had an elegant temperament, a young appearance, etc. In short, I was praised by him. Very blushing.

When I was dancing ballroom with him, I stepped on him a few times because I was a little nervous and embarrassed. He actually praised me for learning how to dance quickly and well. My vanity was greatly satisfied by his compliment.

So, the first impression he gave me was good. He was very humorous, often made me laugh, and he was good at praising others. So the second time I danced with him, he praised me again and said that I was born to dance. She is a rare dancer.

After that, he bought me a bottle of drink. I was already amused by him. His language was also very humorous. His dress did look like an upper-class gentleman. I actually let down my guard against him.

In the first month, Lao Jiang really followed the rules. Even if he danced ballroom dancing with me, he would not intertwin his fingers like other couples, and would only touch lightly.

What he discussed with me the most was how to dance this ballroom dance well with me, so I didnā€™t think he had any bad intentions towards me.

However, after more than a month, his behavior made me feel more and more awkward and strange. He hinted at me and said how rich he was, that he had money, a house and a car, and that his son was the boss of a company. I am a retired corporate executive with a pension of 6,000 yuan.

Although I have the innocence of a girl, I am not innocent. I know that he may have a crush on me and have evil thoughts towards me. So I started to stay away from him with excuses, and often changed the topic when I spoke. I donā€™t understand either. Iā€™ve already told you that I have a family, but he still clings to me.

I donā€™t know if Lao Jiang can understand what I mean, but he seems not to understand. He takes the initiative to approach me every time and extends a friendly hand to me. I couldn't get angry with him in front of him, so I danced with him anyway.

Actually, what I wanted to resist was that Lao Jiang seemed very friendly and had no ill intentions toward me at all, so I danced with him.

At this time, his stupid hand reached over. When I wanted to break away from his hand while dancing, he suddenly told me some very sensational words, saying that he had been divorced for a long time and wanted to find a beautiful woman to spend his time with. rest of life.

I told him that since I have a husband, it was impossible for me to be with him. Who knew that he suddenly put his arms around my waist, looked at me affectionately and said, "I really want to be with you, will you be with me? I know that your relationship with your husband is not that good. , otherwise you wouldnā€™t dance with me.ā€

I let go of his hand and said, ā€œCan you please respect yourself? What happens to my husband is none of your business. At least Iā€™m not divorced now. "What you did makes me think there is something wrong with your moral character."

The conversation and chatting between me and Lao Jiang was not loud in the surrounding noise, but it still attracted the attention of others, and then more and more people watched. to us.

After retirement, the elderly will have various ways of living, some living a comfortable and exciting life, and some living a boring and painful life. - DayDayNews

Seeing other people's eyes, I left in a hurry. I thought I would no longer be able to dance ballroom in the near future, but who knew that this matter would reach my husband's ears a few days later.

My husband asked me why I treated him like this, whether I was cheating on him, and how long I had been having an extramarital affair. Believe it or not, he slapped me indiscriminately and said he wanted to divorce me.

I knelt down and apologized to my husband. He didnā€™t know why he insisted on divorcing me. I promised him again and again that I would never dance ballroom dancing with another man again. If I did it again, I would divorce him immediately. Considering the children, I was convinced.

Although my husband has forgiven me, our relationship has become numb.

Later, my best friend and I went to another environment, a place without Lao Jiang at all, but I didnā€™t expect that Lao Jiang would actually spread rumors that I had affairs with many men, and also deceived his feelings, saying that I was a bad woman. .

The women around me pointed at me, and even my best friend asked me if this was true.

I can't explain it to my best friend, and I can't stand the dirty crowd at the square dance. Everyone is wronging me. I never went to ballroom dancing again, and I didnā€™t even dare to leave the house. The world of ballroom dancing is so chaotic now, and itā€™s really scary for others to seek revenge if they fail to achieve their goals.

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