I'm from Henan, and I just graduated and worked as a financial officer in a company. By chance, we met and started a military romance spanning more than 1,600 kilometers. In the next few days, he took me to eat a lot of delicious food and took me to visit the famous buildings nex

2024/07/0112:37:33 emotion 1690

I'm from Henan, and I just graduated and worked as a financial officer in a company. By chance, we met and started a military romance spanning more than 1,600 kilometers. In the next few days, he took me to eat a lot of delicious food and took me to visit the famous buildings nex - DayDayNews

I'm from Henan, and I just graduated and worked as a financial officer in a company. By chance, we met and started a military romance spanning more than 1,600 kilometers. In the next few days, he took me to eat a lot of delicious food and took me to visit the famous buildings nex - DayDayNews


He is from Inner Mongolia and serves in the Air Force; I am from Henan and I have just graduated and am working in finance in a company. By chance, we met and started a military love affair spanning more than 1,600 kilometers in .

In September 2021, he added my WeChat account. Within a month, we got to know each other. On October 1, we met for the first time.

Now we haven’t seen each other for 6 months , and that face that is full of thoughts has gradually moved away from me.

still remembers the day we first met. I got up early and packed myself up. Although I had been riding in the car all day, I didn’t feel tired. I kept fantasizing about the scene where we would embrace each other when we arrived at the station.

He prepared a bouquet of flowers for me, put on the flower collar bracelet he woven for me, . At that moment, I was extremely proud and proud. He took me to buy a ring and promised me that he would marry me.

I'm from Henan, and I just graduated and worked as a financial officer in a company. By chance, we met and started a military romance spanning more than 1,600 kilometers. In the next few days, he took me to eat a lot of delicious food and took me to visit the famous buildings nex - DayDayNews

In the next few days, he took me to eat a lot of delicious food and took me to visit the famous buildings next to the station. We watched Shiba Inu through the glass door outside the store. It was really cute, so The idea came to my mind that we want to raise a Shiba Inu, and we have already chosen a name, called Eleven.

The vacation ended soon, and he sent me on the high-speed train home. will never forget the way the two of us looked back three times in one step. The train was about to leave, and he saluted me. I saw tears in his eyes. Later, he told me that he had not left the station for a long time.

I'm from Henan, and I just graduated and worked as a financial officer in a company. By chance, we met and started a military romance spanning more than 1,600 kilometers. In the next few days, he took me to eat a lot of delicious food and took me to visit the famous buildings nex - DayDayNews

Because of the epidemic, got together for the second time and I went to him. It was New Year's Day in 2022, and we made an appointment to meet at the airport in his hometown.

briefly video-checked with my mother that he was safe, and then went home with him to meet his parents and grandma . I was really nervous. I forgot all the words I had prepared in advance. I kept busy working on my food and was quite afraid of his family. Not satisfied with me.

In the past few days, we went to eat a lot of delicious food. He took me to take the photo we had planned for a long time. The moment I saw him put on the military uniform, I was really fascinated.

But in the next few months, it seemed that we could never go back to the past. It seemed that everything had changed. We began to have estrangements and quarrels. We chatted less and less. We didn’t like to reply to messages, and we were unwilling to talk to each other. The daily life he shared, coupled with the more and more tears I shed ... Finally, he gave up. When I saw the sentence "I hope you can find a good family", I burst into tears instantly.

cried for a few days but still couldn't let go. Later, I started to give him various hints to come to me, but there was still no news from him. Finally, I couldn't help but send him a message.

I'm from Henan, and I just graduated and worked as a financial officer in a company. By chance, we met and started a military romance spanning more than 1,600 kilometers. In the next few days, he took me to eat a lot of delicious food and took me to visit the famous buildings nex - DayDayNews

But he replied to me with those cold words. I knew that he was replying to me in my own way.

I am waiting for the wind to blow, and I am also waiting for him to come back. But will he come back?

Author: Miss Z

Source: Post No. 1

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