Don't be greedy for things that are not yours. Once you are greedy, your mind will become confused. There is no free lunch in the world, don't try to get wealth that you don't deserve. Only when people spend the money they earn can they be confident, feel at ease, and sleep peace

2024/06/2921:13:33 emotion 1770

Don't be greedy for things that are not yours. Once you are greedy, your mind will become confused. There is no free lunch in the world, don't try to get wealth that you don't deserve. Only when people spend the money they earn can they be confident, feel at ease, and sleep peace - DayDayNews

is not your own, so don’t be greedy. Once you are greedy, your mind will become confused. There is no free lunch in the world, don't try to get wealth that you don't deserve. Only when people spend the money they earn can they be confident, feel at ease, and sleep peacefully at night.

When looking for a partner, you must find someone who loves each other. Only when people who love each other get married can they be happy. Marriage must be based on love. Of course, love alone is not enough. Other conditions must also be considered, but don't have any improper thoughts.

According to the old tradition, when getting married, the man must buy a wedding house and the woman must buy a dowry. Marriage has requirements for both men and women. But now some girls often only talk about getting it, but are not willing to talk about paying for it. It seems that others asked them to marry, and they look aloof.

In fact, marriage is a two-way choice. When you choose others, others are also choosing you. You have made high demands, but are you worth it? When you ask others, what do you provide for others? You have needs, and the other party also has needs. Both parties must match.

Don't be greedy for things that are not yours. Once you are greedy, your mind will become confused. There is no free lunch in the world, don't try to get wealth that you don't deserve. Only when people spend the money they earn can they be confident, feel at ease, and sleep peace - DayDayNews

The girl wants her boyfriend to buy a house for her parents

Qiao Ya is quite beautiful. Just because of her beauty, she has a sense of superiority when it comes to finding a partner. In fact, Qiao Ya is only a little more beautiful, but her conditions are not good in other aspects. She graduated from a vocational high school and came from a poor family. Her parents did not have formal jobs and were always doing odd jobs here and there.

Ever since Qiao Ya was born, her parents have stopped working hard. They feel that the baby is a girl anyway, and the girl will marry into someone else's family sooner or later. The family does not need to buy a house, so they don't have to work hard or save money.

While other parents were struggling, Qiao Ya's parents lived a very relaxed life. They did their work when they were happy, but stopped when they were unhappy. The money earned by two people can be spent as much as they earn. People who never know how to save money think that saving money is useless.

Therefore, the economic conditions of Qiao Ya’s family are not good. The neighbors around them have all built small western-style buildings. Some people have gone to the city to buy houses, but their family still lives in a low bungalow. This bungalow still belonged to Qiao Ya back then. Grandpa and grandma covered it in their hands!

After graduating from vocational high school, Qiao Ya and her classmates went to work in the city, and met her boyfriend while working. My boyfriend’s family has good conditions, both parents have formal jobs, and my boyfriend’s salary is quite high.

Don't be greedy for things that are not yours. Once you are greedy, your mind will become confused. There is no free lunch in the world, don't try to get wealth that you don't deserve. Only when people spend the money they earn can they be confident, feel at ease, and sleep peace - DayDayNews

After Qiao Ya and her boyfriend had been in love for more than a year, her boyfriend's parents urged them to get married, so her boyfriend proposed to Qiao Ya, and Qiao Ya agreed. Next, the parents of both parties sat together to discuss the marriage. The man's family originally wanted to hold the wedding as normal, but the woman's family asked for a gift of 200,000 yuan.

It’s not that the boyfriend’s family doesn’t have the 200,000, but he thinks it’s inappropriate for the woman’s family to make such a high request. The husband's family is also an ordinary ordinary family, not a big boss' family. Besides, they are sincerely marrying their daughter-in-law, not buying her daughter-in-law.

After haggling for a long time, Qiao Ya's family agreed to reduce the bride price by 50,000 yuan and only take 150,000 yuan. After the marriage was discussed, the two parties began preparations. The wedding house has been purchased a long time ago, and now all it needs to do is decorate it. Regarding the decoration style, her boyfriend kept asking Qiao Ya for her opinion.

After the new house was decorated, my boyfriend thought everything was fine and he was just waiting for the wedding. But Qiao Ya suddenly asked her boyfriend to buy a house for her parents in the community where the wedding house was located, so that she could take care of her parents. This caught the boyfriend's family off guard. They thought that since they had already bought the wedding house, there would be no house issues.

Qiao Ya said that her parents were the only daughter. After she got married, her parents were the only two people left in the family. Her parents lived in the country, and she was worried about it, so she wanted to bring her parents to live in the city. But her parents didn't want to live with them for fear of affecting their young couple, so she wanted her boyfriend's family to buy a house for her parents.

Don't be greedy for things that are not yours. Once you are greedy, your mind will become confused. There is no free lunch in the world, don't try to get wealth that you don't deserve. Only when people spend the money they earn can they be confident, feel at ease, and sleep peace - DayDayNews

My boyfriend’s family can’t accept such a thing, what’s going on? At this time, a friend of my boyfriend's family was in a hurry to sell a second-hand house. The friend asked her boyfriend if he wanted to buy it. If he wanted to buy it, it could be 100,000 cheaper than the market price.

My boyfriend was interested, so he discussed with his parents whether to buy it. My parents thought it could be 100,000 yuan cheaper, which was indeed a good deal.The mother also said that the in-laws only have one daughter, and they will definitely have to rely on her daughter and son-in-law when they get old, so sooner or later they will have to be brought to live in the city.

So, her boyfriend agreed to Qiao Ya’s request and really bought a house for her parents-in-law. Because it belonged to a friend's house, and the friend's family was eager to use the money after selling the house, my boyfriend immediately went to go through the transfer procedures with his friend.

After buying the house, her boyfriend took Qiao Ya and her parents-in-law to the house. Qiao Ya and her parents-in-law were very happy. After looking at the house, Qiao Ya asked to apply for the real estate certificate, and her boyfriend said that it had already been done. Qiao Ya was surprised. Her parents didn't come forward. How come the real estate certificate had already been issued?

My boyfriend said that he didn’t need his parents-in-law to come forward and he would do it alone. As her boyfriend spoke, he took out the real estate certificate from his bag. Only then did Qiao Ya realize that her boyfriend's name was written on the real estate certificate, and she immediately became furious.

Don't be greedy for things that are not yours. Once you are greedy, your mind will become confused. There is no free lunch in the world, don't try to get wealth that you don't deserve. Only when people spend the money they earn can they be confident, feel at ease, and sleep peace - DayDayNews

The boyfriend then realized that it turned out that Qiao Ya wanted to write the names of her parents-in-law on the real estate certificate, which was unacceptable to her boyfriend in any case. Qiao Ya had a big quarrel with her boyfriend. She felt that her boyfriend had lied to her. Her boyfriend felt that Qiao Ya's family's demands were too much. It was good enough that her parents-in-law had a house to live in. Don't ask for property rights.

The parents-in-law were also very angry, saying that the son-in-law had deceived them by claiming that the house was bought for them, but in the end it was registered in his own name. The two parties had a heated argument, and Qiao Ya proposed to re-transfer the property, but her boyfriend refused and proposed to break off the engagement. After

's boyfriend's parents found out about this, they supported their son very much. They felt that Qiao Ya's family was greedy and marrying such a family would lead to endless troubles in the future. Qiao Ya was quite stubborn at the beginning. She would break off the engagement if she said so. It's not like she couldn't get married.

But after breaking off the engagement, Qiao Ya immediately regretted it because she was very satisfied with her boyfriend. She felt that after breaking up with her boyfriend, it would be difficult to find such a good marriage partner, so she wanted to get back together with her boyfriend, but her boyfriend still refused.

Later, my boyfriend got married to a blind date, and they lived quite happily after their marriage. However, Qiao Ya has never found the right person, because she always fails to achieve high standards or because others look down on her, so she has always been single.

Don't be greedy for things that are not yours. Once you are greedy, your mind will become confused. There is no free lunch in the world, don't try to get wealth that you don't deserve. Only when people spend the money they earn can they be confident, feel at ease, and sleep peace - DayDayNews

When getting married, neither party can make excessive demands.

When getting married, it is normal to make a few demands on the other party, but the demands should not be too excessive. Qiao Ya's parents don't work hard themselves, but they want to change the quality of life by marrying their daughter. This guiding ideology itself has problems. The upper beam was not straight and the lower beam was crooked. Her parents' ideas affected Qiao Ya, and Qiao Ya fell into trouble.

When Qiao Ya's family asked for a gift of 200,000 yuan, her boyfriend's family was actually dissatisfied, but they had not yet thought of breaking off the engagement, and they were still working hard.

According to the old tradition, when getting married, the man must give the woman a betrothal gift, but the woman must also provide a corresponding dowry. Based on the conditions of Qiao Ya's family, it is obviously impossible to provide a corresponding dowry, so her boyfriend's parents do not want to pay 200,000. To put it bluntly, the man actually felt that Qiao Ya was not worth 200,000, so they had to bargain.

The boyfriend’s family was already dissatisfied, and Qiao Ya actually asked her boyfriend’s family to buy a house for her parents. If a friend's house hadn't happened to be for sale, her boyfriend's family would definitely not have bought a house for Qiao Ya's parents. After buying the house, Qiao Ya still had to worry about the real estate certificate, and her boyfriend's family couldn't bear it.

Therefore, you must not be greedy. The Qiao Ya family was too greedy and ended up ruining their marriage. Qiao Ya may have forgotten that her boyfriend is the same as her and has the right to choose. When Qiao Ya did not meet his requirements for mate selection, of course he had to break up. Marriage was a two-way choice. The author of

: a creator in the emotional field, focusing on various issues in the emotional field, welcome to pay attention. Life is warm because of affection and love. Let us grow in love and spend every day in true love.

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