Upgrade your thinking and avoid detours. Hello, I am Leeson. Today we are going to talk about how independent thinking growth is the biggest difference. How many people today are thinking about how to make themselves stronger and how to make themselves more effective? Money, how

2024/06/2301:00:33 emotion 1942

Upgrade your thinking and avoid detours. Hello, I am Leeson. Today we are going to talk about how independent thinking growth is the biggest difference. How many people today are thinking about how to make themselves stronger and how to make themselves more effective? Money, how  - DayDayNews

Upgrade your thinking and avoid detours. Hello, I am Leeson. Today we are going to talk about how independent thinking growth is the biggest dividing line. How many people today are thinking about how to make themselves stronger and how to make themselves better? If you have money, how can you become more independent in your thinking and opinions?

Because on the road of introspection and summary for a long time in the past, I have never been my true self. It was not until I started my own business that I began to grow my own thinking, including paying a huge price in becoming my own thinking. , I gained something later. In fact, it was just a little insight. But, in today’s society, is insight useful?

Perception has value only when it is turned into money, and only when it is turned into thoughts.

So you see why many people say that nowadays.

Any capable person, an outstanding person, can become very rich in the shortest time as long as he takes away all his wealth. Why?

Because he has different thinking, do you agree?

Because in one's own thinking, there are huge changes and huge gains, it is because of the changes in results, otherwise all thinking is a process and has no value.

Because sometimes I seem to be very close to what I want to look like. Sometimes I feel that what I want is right in front of me. Sometimes I feel that I am so far away from my true self. .

Later I felt that this was my kind of thinking, a kind of growth thinking, a kind of thinking close to my true self.

In fact, there are many things in this world that can teach others how to get rich easily and make money quickly. Is it effective?

may be valid, or both may be correct. However, the scenarios used by others and the scenarios you use will definitely be different. Time and space are different, and the environments are different. Of course, the people are also different. Most people As for people, using the same thinking, the same methods, and the same formulas in today’s big society that is out of place, how is it possible to get a better marriage than others, right? I don’t know if you have ever thought about it. , any method that can be obtained in batches is to cultivate low-level money-making ability for yourself, but it may not be effective for you. The most effective thing is your own independent thinking. Where does independent thinking come from?

The answer comes from disapproval of others. What I mean by disapproval is that in some situations where opinions need to be expressed, it is not about personal attacks or ideological confrontation, but about expressing one's own independent thoughts and forming A unique style of its own.

Some people say that descending to earth comes from suffering, which is actually true, but sometimes I experience suffering, which does not necessarily teach us true growth.

For example, some people failed to start a business for the first time, but are these entrepreneurial experiences really useful in the next time they start a business? I have used

, but it may not be useful, because various conditions have changed, people have changed, the world has changed, including your cashier at the front desk.

So when can we find our true self?

When will we start to gradually achieve success? Otherwise, we are still living in a spiritual world with billions of dollars at a time, or in an experiential world. What is experience?

is something that has been forgotten by the world. This thought is independent. What kind of thinking is eternal? When I say this, some people may think that I am exaggerating my thinking.

is sensational, okay, let’s talk about it in detail, but what we talk about is not to prove what kind of results and what kind of thinking, because the proof itself is worthless, just like you and Your classmates all graduated from the same school and entered the same company, but after many years, their results are completely different. Do you believe it?

There are many like this around me, including many of my classmates. Why?

Think about it, the more things that most people follow, the less likely they are to succeed for you, because the first thoughts are all copies, and the cognitions are all copies, so your colleagues and your friends are not smarter than you. How much, and with this kind of thinking, you are not much better than others, because everyone follows the same things and has the same ideas, so any senior designer, any super senior consultant, any awesome person Master, his thinking is different from ordinary people, shouldn't he think about it again?

As we grow together, let's output together. The output I'm talking about is also a kind of thing. Following my thinking, there can be a jump, a collision of ideas, and output of some of your ideas. Find independent thinking, which can be expressed in any reality. This is the beginning of the establishment of independent thinking. Only at this time can you gradually move up. Moreover, it is not easy to be assimilated. How to get rich, how to make money, how to build your own Thinking, in fact, these are independent thoughts that have been continuously evolved under a homogeneous situation, rather than the effect of mass copying. Just like no one can teach you to make money, no one can teach you to think independently, it is the same truth. , these are the beginning of an enlightenment situation, and today you are willing to make one of yours.

share it with me. You are welcome to leave a message and comment. On the way to growth, your thinking is not alone. Let’s talk tomorrow. Bye.

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