Everyone feels pain in life to one degree or another. It's just that in life, some people are used to complaining and often complain that fate doesn't give them much; some people heal silently and become stronger.

2024/05/2707:06:33 emotion 1940

Everyone feels pain in life to one degree or another. It's just that in life, some people are used to complaining and often complain that fate doesn't give them much; some people heal silently and become stronger. - DayDayNews

"It is precisely because I am alive that I have the opportunity to feel pain."

No one can live a carefree life. Everyone feels pain in life to one degree or another.

Just in life, some people are used to complaining and often complain that fate does not give them much; some people heal silently and become stronger.

The stronger a person is, the more he learns not to complain.

After all, in the adult world, no one suffers. Instead of rushing to complain, stay calm and hurry up.

1. When you meet someone, there is no need to say more

We often say that we will spit it out quickly.

It seems that things that are difficult to solve and often make you unhappy can be understood by others, as long as you complain about others and relax for a while.

As "Star of the Deep Sea" said:

"In fact, there are no relatives in the world. If the needle doesn't prick people, they don't know how painful it is.

Unfortunately, your pain will usually not be felt by others. Feeling pain or itching.

In fact, when you open the scar, you will only hurt yourself forever; spitting out a bitter stone is just a relief.

In "The Romantic Journey of Wife 3", Tang said that his husband because She was criticized for getting married.

She said that when she and her husband decided to get married, he was still hesitant and then she got angry and spent 260 yuan to buy a wedding dress.

In the show, Tang talked about his feud ten years ago, She couldn't help but shed tears.

Later, she published six articles on Weibo to explain and talk about her pain over the years.

In order to spit it out, Tang Lian sent her a red envelope of 60,000 yuan. Fans, thank you all for your understanding and support.

However, these words and actions have become the subject of more user inquiries. Some people say that she attracts people's attention, some say that she spends money to buy milk powder, and some say that she does too much. .

Tang may try to make everyone understand and respect this ancient history, but in fact, it is more questioned and misunderstood.

In fact, the more you want, the more feelings you have. The more pain you have, the more feelings you have to speak out, the more pain you have.

Often your words will not change other people's understanding, but will only surprise you, so why should everyone complain and show bruises everywhere?

Zhou wrote a song in the "Dean's News", saying that it's not that the coach hates the river.

It's not that the river is too curved, but that you don't know how to row.

God will not do good things to anyone, nor will he do it to anyone. Anyone who does good things. You often think life is difficult because you are not strong enough.

Life becomes better when you don't complain. But Lin said: "Always think about one or two, not eight or nine." "

If you encounter dissatisfaction, you will be disappointed and complain; when you encounter disappointment, you will lose hope and complain. This kind of negativity will only destroy your will to survive.

Life becomes better, usually without complaining Or complain.

A woman named Selma accompanied her husband to the desert military base.

The desert was hot and harsh, and Selma did not understand the local language.

Selma wrote to him. When she called her parents, she couldn't help complaining. However, her parents answered her letter with three lines:

"There are two people staring at the camera window, one sees the earth and the other sees the stars." "

Thelma then listened to her parents' advice and stopped complaining. Instead, she suggested changing herself, learning the local language, making friends with the people around her, learning the plants in the desert, and appreciating the scenery in the desert.

That's it, Selma escaped depression . Two years later, she wrote about her life in a book called "The Castle of Happiness"

Pain often makes you successful

If you feel sorry for yourself, your life will be better. Life will only get worse; if you change your mentality and move forward bravely, you will face a stronger self.

As writer Liu said:

"Instead of complaining about yourself in the dark, it is better to walk with a lantern.""

In the CCTV documentary "Another Me in the World", Max's dependent mother abandoned him when he was 13 years old, and he began to live alone.

Max never complained. He loved dancing and life.

Talk Recalling his tragic experience, Max said that he would no longer complain about his mother's abandonment. For him, the more important thing is not to stay still, but to move forward bravely.

Max said: "Although he is not happy now. He was almost happy. "

Sometimes life is full of hardships, and learning to be complacent is a required course for adults. Only by working hard to get rid of the dirt can you restore your life.

3. Organize yourself

There is a sentence in the movie "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest":

"You always complain about this place, but you don't have the courage to leave here. "

Many people complain about their miserable situation because they do not have the courage to face their lives and change their lives.

People who really feel weak and painful often find that they are powerless.

When a person stops defending himself, he Just stop defending yourself, and instead work hard to make yourself stronger and live a better life. Life will definitely bring him more fun.

Cartoonist Lu Mingshan talked about his high school days in the documentary "Bloom".

When she was in her second year of high school, she was isolated by a female student. Even the female students in the dormitory did not have lunch with her. This isolation made her life close to collapse.

When she recalled. During this experience, she said with tears that the school was hell.

However, there was little mention of the land, let alone complaints. At that time, she chose painting and Provis.

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