In the past two years, I have discovered a phenomenon: many people have good cards, but in the end they play badly. Some people get into bad habits and become decadent, others choose to take the wrong approach, and in the end they lose everything due to too much leverage. Everyon

2024/05/2617:27:33 emotion 1084

I have discovered a phenomenon in the past two years: many people have good cards, but in the end they play badly. Some people get into bad habits and become decadent, others choose to go eccentric, and in the end leverages too much and loses everything.

Everyone will take detours sometimes, and I often encounter these big and small pits. I was just wondering if these detours we have taken have anything in common? In other words, some people have great success all year round, but in the end it is all in vain. So I discovered a truth, that is, the richer you are, the easier it is to make detours, making it harder to make money.

Why the more money you make, the harder it is to make money

Because the more money you make, the greater the temptation. As I made more money and did more things, the more temptations I faced and the easier it was for me to go wrong.

Many people have similar feelings about investing in 2020 like me. After buying heavy stocks, as long as you don't sell them, you will basically make very good profits. Making money with your butt is better than making money with your brain.

For a while, I was obsessed with investing in various fields that I felt I was familiar with. My daily status was: the first thing I did when I got up in the morning was to look at the gold market, and then I looked at shoes, tea, Moutai, coins, star cards Then I looked at A shares and Hong Kong stocks. The final result was that I exchanged 10,000 U.S. dollars of Bitcoin for hundreds of pairs of coconut white zebras. In the process of changing back and forth,

failed to outperform the market. I still have more than a thousand barrels of Wuyishan at home... I won’t talk about it, but it’s all tears. "

I'm thinking about the reason. It seems that I have capital, but the money I earned through luck will eventually be lost to my ability.

Shoes are okay, but why did I start to collect a bunch of rags at the end of the year? As a result, I still have a pile of rags at home. The warehouse has shoes, a warehouse of Wuyishan, and even more than 100,000 player cards. I regard all the goods as my treasures and can't bear to sell them.

In the past two years, I have discovered a phenomenon: many people have good cards, but in the end they play badly. Some people get into bad habits and become decadent, others choose to take the wrong approach, and in the end they lose everything due to too much leverage. Everyon - DayDayNews

I wonder why this is happening. Is there something wrong with my brain? Later I discovered that I couldn’t resist the temptation of . Among the rags I just mentioned, why did I collect so many coins for the Year of the Ox? Yes, the original price of the colorful mouse is 2200, but now it is sold for more than 5000, and the package with the same price is sold for less than 3000.

I think the original price of the 2950 colorful cow commemorative coin is the latest technology, awesome. The meaning is very good, but because of the experience of the mouse, the bull's opened at 8000, and then I started to open a position at 8000, and waited until it reached 4000+.

Do you see the key information here: I know everything. The information is as above, but at that time I didn't understand all the transaction processes of gold and silver coins, but I heard others said it was good, and then I bought it. Who said that is the monkey seller . Did I lose money? No. Because I later reasonably controlled costs and increased the price, I made a small profit, but I lost a lot of attention in this regard, which should not have appeared in my life. I wasted a lot of time with the rags at work.

The same is true for investing, starting a business, or doing side jobs that everyone pays more attention to, because we face too many temptations, and the higher your rank, the more temptations you face Big.

The most basic temptation is the temptation of material desires.

This kind of temptation is what Maslow said. Take food as an example. I gained five or six pounds after traveling to Guangzhou for half a year. The things here are very good. It’s delicious. I can’t help but want to have a late-night snack and drink with my friends at night. The night markets in Guangzhou also welcome me.

The temptation of materialism is also: wasting precious time in a hurry for small profits, or being trapped in it. The trap of blind climbing. I think these are just elementary temptations. The elementary ones are just the inability to combine knowledge and action, while the more advanced temptations are in your knowledge blind spots.

The second level of temptation is the temptation at the cognitive level.

As my resources grow, the biggest question is not what I can do, but what I want to do.Why did I feel this way this year?

I took a detour last year and started making , Douyin, and , making short videos. Finally, after going around in circles, I came back to do community work. Because after I have accumulated more resources, I can actually do too much. Even now, people often come to me and say that you can make millions a year by doing such and such a project with your resources. I heard it before This will make your heart move. But now my idea is more firm. must do one thing well before doing other things.

Starting a business is like this, and doing side business is the same. We have seen many high-quality side projects that are suitable for everyone. For example, many people made their first pot of gold from the Zhihu good things that emerged this year. But more people give up after not getting any income from this project.

Many times, people participate in a project with full confidence. After encountering some difficulties that they cannot solve, they see that other projects can make money, so they run to other projects.

But there is a problem of survivor bias . What you see must be some positive things. In any project, more than 80% of the people are cannon fodder. Frequent switching of various sideline roles not only misses the opportunity cost, but also wastes the most precious time.

The third level of temptation is the temptation of values.

Of course, I have not encountered this problem at my current level. Why do I have this idea? Have you ever heard of an allusion that A boy who slays a dragon eventually becomes an evil dragon? I already have the right to speak in some aspects, and doing whatever I want may be the ultimate test of .

Next I will talk about how to resist temptation

As you continue to improve your abilities and achieve career success, the temptations you face will become greater and greater, but after all, the more you can resist temptation, the more money you will make. .

In the past two years, I have discovered a phenomenon: many people have good cards, but in the end they play badly. Some people get into bad habits and become decadent, others choose to take the wrong approach, and in the end they lose everything due to too much leverage. Everyon - DayDayNews

So, how do we resist temptation from both the internal and external aspects?

We must continue to cultivate ourselves internally, and we must not put pressure on ourselves externally, or constantly add conditions to ourselves externally. Internal mind cultivation means strengthening self-control. From childhood to adulthood, when we study and work, we have been doing some anti-human things.

We resist temptation by constantly putting forward stricter requirements on ourselves, relying on education, and the words and deeds of people around us. Rely on values ​​from the heart to resist some temptations.

External supervision also helps us resist temptation. After all, everyone's self-control is limited. We need to adjust and achieve self-discipline through external supervision. If we rely on consciousness to do everything, we are essentially using human nature to resist the evil of human nature, and there will be no chance of winning.

So, if we want to improve ourselves whether in this life or at work, we need to constantly add external factors.

Making money is a practice, I will accompany you to defeat monsters and upgrade.

In the past two years, I have discovered a phenomenon: many people have good cards, but in the end they play badly. Some people get into bad habits and become decadent, others choose to take the wrong approach, and in the end they lose everything due to too much leverage. Everyon - DayDayNews

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