Interpretation of emotional topics will take you into more positive emotional worlds! I am your emotional reliever, but you must know how to let yourself go! Article | Original by Feng Ding Ye Bo · Plagiarism must be investigated After experiencing betrayal, do you have to end yo

2024/05/2609:50:33 emotion 1986

interpretation of emotional topics will take you into more positive emotional worlds! I am your emotional reliever, but you must know how to let yourself go!

Interpretation of emotional topics will take you into more positive emotional worlds! I am your emotional reliever, but you must know how to let yourself go! Article | Original by Feng Ding Ye Bo · Plagiarism must be investigated After experiencing betrayal, do you have to end yo - DayDayNews

article | Feng Ding Ye Mo

original · Plagiarism must be investigated

After experiencing betrayal, do you have to end the relationship with the betrayer?

From a single rational point of view, the relationship should be ended! However, fundamentally speaking, it still depends on how the original wife makes her decision.

Financial independence and mental independence are the decisive factors in whether the first wife can truly end the marriage relationship. Secondly, in the heart of the original wife, can she work soberly on her own life management?

If the original wife has experienced betrayal and puts the focus of life on revenge against the betrayer and neglects the management of personal life, then external forces cannot change it!

Because, if we all understand the truth, what can others do if a person insists on going against himself?

Interpretation of emotional topics will take you into more positive emotional worlds! I am your emotional reliever, but you must know how to let yourself go! Article | Original by Feng Ding Ye Bo · Plagiarism must be investigated After experiencing betrayal, do you have to end yo - DayDayNews

Some original wives, when faced with betrayal, not only forget how to love themselves, but also exist in the relationship as the original spouse, claiming:

I just can't fulfill you!

In fact, once the betrayal relationship between the betrayer and the third party is established, it is not a matter of whether the original wife is fulfilled or not. Anyway, the relationship between the betrayer and the third party is there to get what they need. How can there be any fulfillment?

What's more, not all third parties are eager to be recognized by society and be in a high position!

Therefore, you will find that the original wife's "unfulfillment" is nothing more than a self-written and self-acted self-consumption.

Maybe, some first wives will be very puzzled:

Why, I checked myself and it’s not that bad, but I was still betrayed?

Interpretation of emotional topics will take you into more positive emotional worlds! I am your emotional reliever, but you must know how to let yourself go! Article | Original by Feng Ding Ye Bo · Plagiarism must be investigated After experiencing betrayal, do you have to end yo - DayDayNews

In fact, the betrayer betrays his original wife for the following two reasons:

① selfish nature and the initial desires of human nature are at work;

② meets a high-ranking third party.

In real life, not every betrayer never returns.

In a sense, some betrayers are really just playing for fun, and will eventually come back when they have had enough. Some betrayers want to divorce, but the first spouse does not agree.

There is another kind of betrayer, that is, someone who meets a high-ranking third party. It would be better not to have a husband-wife relationship recognized by society, but to stay together with a third party for a long time. When

encounters such a third party, even if the original wife tries her best, she still "can't win"!

Here, I would like to give some intuitive suggestions to the original spouse who is unwilling to let go - the characteristics of a high-ranking "third party" are very obvious! It is best for the original wife to stop the loss in time:

Interpretation of emotional topics will take you into more positive emotional worlds! I am your emotional reliever, but you must know how to let yourself go! Article | Original by Feng Ding Ye Bo · Plagiarism must be investigated After experiencing betrayal, do you have to end yo - DayDayNews

First: It can give the betrayer more "confidence" than the original wife

Some betrayers think that the original wife is "economical and suitable" when faced with daily necessities. However, when it comes to interpersonal relationships, he begins to fantasize about how great it would be if his first wife could "save face" for him?

What does the "face" that betrayers care about include? It is nothing more than the following points:

① appearance and figure;

② eloquence.

Why do some middle-aged women always care so much about their bodies? In addition to her own love for beauty, she is also subconsciously worried that her man will be deceived by the "fox".

In the Thai drama "Wife 2018", after the career elite Nana dedicated herself to being a full-time housewife for love, she experienced betrayal and once said this:

Women, never stop being beautiful and capable! What

said is, don't turn yourself into a yellow-faced woman and lose your ability to survive for a relationship or a man.

Interpretation of emotional topics will take you into more positive emotional worlds! I am your emotional reliever, but you must know how to let yourself go! Article | Original by Feng Ding Ye Bo · Plagiarism must be investigated After experiencing betrayal, do you have to end yo - DayDayNews

When a woman is bloated, has a gray face, and her speech and behavior have deviated from society, she is likely to be replaced by a third party who can save face for men.

It is a man's nature to like the new and dislike the old, and the love of beauty is a direct expression of men's initial desire for human nature.

In the dictionary of men, there is almost no absolute loyalty, it just depends on the opportunity and whether it is suitable.

When a woman with a beautiful appearance, a hot figure, and an eloquent tongue appears in front of a man, there is almost zero chance that she will remain pregnant!

Although men know these behaviors of playing with fire and self-immolation better than anyone else, they would rather embrace such a third party with a mentality that will not cause harm.

Because such a third party will make him more confident.

Interpretation of emotional topics will take you into more positive emotional worlds! I am your emotional reliever, but you must know how to let yourself go! Article | Original by Feng Ding Ye Bo · Plagiarism must be investigated After experiencing betrayal, do you have to end yo - DayDayNews

Second: She can be more suitable to be a "telling flower" than her original wife

In real life, when feelings fade away from the gorgeous coat of romance and fall into the firewood, rice, oil and salt, the information fed back to people is not a reassuring pyrotechnic, but a sense of peace. Ground chicken feathers are full of problems.

After two people have lived together for a long time, the first wife will be "casual" in communicating with the other half because of familiarity and "not treating themselves as outsiders".

However, the first wife who often does not regard herself as an "outsider" is more likely to become an object of boredom for men in a "casual" form of communication.

You must know that even in an intimate relationship, you must always keep "management" in mind.

In this changing world of love, marriage and love relationships can better reflect the reality that "flowers last forever".

Interpretation of emotional topics will take you into more positive emotional worlds! I am your emotional reliever, but you must know how to let yourself go! Article | Original by Feng Ding Ye Bo · Plagiarism must be investigated After experiencing betrayal, do you have to end yo - DayDayNews

If the original wife were more forceful and domineering, the betrayal of the betrayer would naturally "be carried out in advance".

Moreover, betrayers will find countless reasons and excuses for themselves with peace of mind based on the lack of emotional satisfaction in the relationship.

If someone asks the betrayer whether he will feel guilty, I will tell you: No!

Because some flaws and incentives of the original wife allow the betrayer to "let himself go". Tell me, how could he feel guilty?

Especially when you meet a gentle, considerate, non-powerful third party who knows how to show weakness, do you think the betrayer will fall?

Heroes are saddened by beauty, and the gentle place of beauty is the hero's tomb. Compared with the strong first wife in the marriage relationship, who wouldn't love the little rabbit outside?

Interpretation of emotional topics will take you into more positive emotional worlds! I am your emotional reliever, but you must know how to let yourself go! Article | Original by Feng Ding Ye Bo · Plagiarism must be investigated After experiencing betrayal, do you have to end yo - DayDayNews

Third: It can provide men with realistic "help"

When faced with emotional choices, we all know that some people are extremely realistic.

Once some people fall in love with someone, they will never look back even if that person has nothing. As long as you think that the relationship between each other is good, no matter how hard or tired you are, you will never leave.

But some people are different. When these people choose a marriage partner, they must weigh two pros and cons: one is spiritual help, and the other is material help!

When making the final decision about marriage and love, real people will pay more attention to the helper who combines the two points.

Yes, in the hearts of real people, love or not is not as important as running one's own life.

However, when outside the marriage relationship, there is a third party who is more helpful to one than the original wife, the real betrayer will once again highlight the reality and cling to the third party and never let go.

Interpretation of emotional topics will take you into more positive emotional worlds! I am your emotional reliever, but you must know how to let yourself go! Article | Original by Feng Ding Ye Bo · Plagiarism must be investigated After experiencing betrayal, do you have to end yo - DayDayNews

A betrayer like this will force his first wife to divorce when the time is right.

And these third parties who can actually help the betrayer must also have the two-way ability to understand the language and help. This just completely compares to the original wife.

Tell me, how will the betrayer choose?

Selfishness and greed are human nature. Although we cannot see such ugliness, we must admit it and accept it. When human nature is too ugly, we have no choice but to stop losses in time.

In the face of betrayal, some first wives may become hysterical or take a position recognized by society and engage in so-called acts of revenge, which are actually the worst decisions.

Interpretation of emotional topics will take you into more positive emotional worlds! I am your emotional reliever, but you must know how to let yourself go! Article | Original by Feng Ding Ye Bo · Plagiarism must be investigated After experiencing betrayal, do you have to end yo - DayDayNews

When the betrayer meets the above three high-level third parties, no matter what the original partner does, he will definitely lose!

can be said that from the moment he was betrayed again. As long as the first wife neglects to manage herself, she is destined to be a loser.

Just want to advise people who betray their original spouse:

The reason why betrayal is not recognized is not only that it breaks the rules of the marriage relationship, but also destroys one's own good feng shui.

Never do something you regret just because of temporary benefits or short-term happiness.

Interpretation of emotional topics will take you into more positive emotional worlds! I am your emotional reliever, but you must know how to let yourself go! Article | Original by Feng Ding Ye Bo · Plagiarism must be investigated After experiencing betrayal, do you have to end yo - DayDayNews

Betrayal is an act that harms others and yourself from beginning to end! If you don’t believe me, look at it, how many people who betray their feelings get good results?

How can a third party who can get involved in other people's emotional relationships maliciously sabotage it if everything is going well?

Therefore, betrayers, you should look back in time. The people you have let down in this life are the ones worth waiting for for the rest of your life.

Don’t use the unfortunate relationship as an excuse. If you were good at managing it, how could your marriage be so miserable?

If you really feel unhappy, you can choose to end the relationship instead of betrayal.

Therefore, committing betrayal under the banner of an unfortunate marriage and love relationship is just a shameless poor performance!

Interpretation of emotional topics will take you into more positive emotional worlds! I am your emotional reliever, but you must know how to let yourself go! Article | Original by Feng Ding Ye Bo · Plagiarism must be investigated After experiencing betrayal, do you have to end yo - DayDayNews


Love is the purgatory of human beings in this world. Be it love or friendship, only when you meet the right person at the right time can you achieve success!

Topic discussion: When you face betrayal, how can your first wife say goodbye to the pain completely? If you feel uncomfortable saying it to others, leave it in the comment area below!

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