According to traditional customs, because it is "water thrown away by a married daughter", the man's parents must pay a certain amount of bride price to the woman's parents before their son gets married. As a reward for the woman's parents raising their daughter, this money is of

2024/05/2403:32:32 emotion 1921

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Since ancient times, marriage between a man and a woman has not only been the destination of love between young men and women, but also related to two families.

According to traditional customs, since it is "water thrown away by a married daughter", the male parents must pay a certain amount of bride price to the female parents before their son gets married. As a reward for the female parents raising their daughter, this money is often used for Elderly care of the woman’s parents.

However, with the development of the times and the improvement of women's social status, girls will assume the responsibility of providing for their parents even if they get married and have children. Therefore, "betrothal gifts" have become an old custom in the eyes of modern people, especially today. As bride price affects love between young people, calls for its ban become louder and louder.

According to traditional customs, because it is

However, in real life, even though many people's ideas have changed, many girls' parents still insist on requiring the man to pay a bride price before marriage.

Ms. Zhang and her husband have a daughter, and both parties will receive pensions after retirement. Since they are an only-child family, it stands to reason that Ms. Zhang and her husband should not care about the issue of bride price when it comes to their daughter’s marriage, but in reality, she insists on it. She asked her daughter's boyfriend to pay her a gift of 100,000 yuan before the marriage.

’s daughter’s boyfriend’s family financial conditions are average. His parents have three children in total, so it is still difficult to come up with 100,000 yuan at a time.

According to traditional customs, because it is

The daughter had a very unhappy relationship with her parents over the bride price, and the boyfriend’s family had been avoiding it. Ms. Zhang believed that the other party did not really want to marry her daughter. After experiencing all kinds of twists and turns and conflicts, the relationship between her daughter and her boyfriend lasted 5 years. The feelings finally lost to reality.

Faced with her daughter’s complaints, Ms. Zhang expressed that she had no regrets at all. She admitted that she did not want the 100,000 yuan for retirement, but wanted to use it to see the man’s attitude. As a result, she was very disappointed by the other’s parents’ avoidance. She also believed that once her daughter got married, she would suffer a lot because of financial problems.

In fact, although we all believe that bride price is an old custom that hinders the emotional development of young people, from the perspective of the girl's parents, it does have a reason for existence.

According to traditional customs, because it is

Why do more and more girls’ parents support asking for bride price?

1. The divorce rate is rising, and young people’s marriages are becoming more and more unstable.

Unlike in the past, with more and more open ideas, young people’s marriages are becoming more and more unstable. Many couples are directly because of A trivial matter can lead to divorce.

For parents of girls, many people feel sorry for their daughters being harmed in marriage, so many parents will ask for a bride price from the man before the marriage and deposit the money in the bank to help their daughters face the problems that may happen at any time. Marital changes.

According to traditional customs, because it is

2. Women may lose their jobs due to childbirth, and parents strive for financial security for their daughters.

We have to admit that after women get married and have children, many people choose to become stay-at-home mothers in order to create better conditions for their children. In this way, women You will give up your job temporarily and lose your source of income.

It’s okay if the husband’s family is reasonable, but if you meet an unreliable husband, then the life of a stay-at-home mother will be very hard. It is precisely because of realizing this that many parents will use betrothal gifts to secure financial security for their daughters. .

They will temporarily keep the money for their daughter, and then use it to help their daughter tide over the difficulties when they need help.

According to traditional customs, because it is

3. Use betrothal gifts to test the man’s attitude

There are also some parents whose family conditions are good, and they do not need to use betrothal gifts to secure financial security for their daughters. But if the daughter's partner is not a good match for her own family, some parents will test the man's attitude by asking for a bride price from his family.

If the man’s family will go out of their way to prepare the bride price for their son’s marriage, it means that the man’s family attaches great importance to this marriage. On the contrary, if the other party has always adopted an avoidant attitude towards the bride price, then the woman’s parents will also He would not trust his daughter in the hands of the other party.

This kind of test usually occurs when the family conditions of both parties are not equal.

According to traditional customs, because it is

The topic of this issue is

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